The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, July 02, 1992, Summer, Image 1
Nebra^kaN Search continues for new vice chancellor for research at UNL By Steffen ie Fries Staff Reporter Nearly two years after it began, the search for vice chancellor for research at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln continues. The search almost came to a close a few weeks ago when Anthony Hines accepted the position, but two hours after his acceptance, he changed his mind, said Herb Howe, associate to the chancellor. Howe said that because of the amount of work done by the first search committee, a new committee will be formed this fall tocontinuc the search. “This is not unusual; a search will need to be re-opened for one reason or another,” Howe said. He said however that the term of acceptance would not usually be that short. Howe said that the acceptance and subsequent decline by Hines tended to spoil the remaining pool of quali fied applicants. “Up until the end, everybody be lieves they’re all equally qualified,” Howe said. The make-up of the new commit tee has not yet been determined, Howe said, because many people are not around during the summer. He said that in terms of looking at a candidate’s qualifications, several factors would be considered. As the vice chancellor for research, the candidate would need experience in administration as well as experi ence in patents and technology trans fer. He or she should have a distin guished research record of their own and should have nationwide contacts, Howe said. He said that the position also would entail a lot of contact with federal agencies and other sources of fund ing. Therefore, the person would need to be experienced with grants. The cost of the initial search to talled around $5,000, Howe said, and the second search should cost about the same. Howe said that the biggest factor of the cost is bringing candidates to UNL for interviews. The position may be filled by next spring, Howe said. Byrne named as athletic director By Sam S. Kepfield Staff Reporter NL Chancellor Graham Spanier announced Friday that Bill Byme, athletic director at the University of Oregon, will replace Bob Dcvancy as athletic director at the University of Ncbraska-Lincoln in January. Spanier said Byme is a top-notch manager and fund-raiser with an out standing record at Oregon and in the Pacific-lOconfcrence. Byme has been AD at Oregon since 1984, While there, Byme served as both chair of the PAC-10 Executive Com mittee and chair of the PAC-10 Bud gelCommittee. He was named the lop national fund-raiser by the National Athletic Fund-raisers Association in 1985, and has also raised more than $20 million for new facilities at Or egon, including an athletic center. Byme said he plans to keep the Nebraska athletic program moving ahead in its current direction. Al though he previously only visited the campus once, during a football game in 1985, Byme said he’s been im pressed by what he’s seen of the cam pus during his stay this week. “This institution offers great op portunities for success,” Byrne said. “The facilities here — the Devaney Center, Memorial Stadium, the in door practice field — are superior to Oregon. There’s no comparison with what I had to work with when I came to Oregon in 1984.” In addition, he said, UNL has a knowledgeable staff, with dedicated coaches. As for the displeasure from booster groups when UNL Assistant Athletic Director Al Papik was not chosen, By me said the controversy shows a keen interest in the program. “It shows people are concerned about the program, and want to keep winning Big Eight championships," Byrne said. Byrne will travel to meet with booster clubs, escorted by the outgo ing AD Devaney, to soothe feelings. “Every time there’s a change, you have to go out and re-establish cred ibility,” Byrne said. He said he plans to meet with boosters, and communicate his goals and leam of theirs for the athletic program. “Not everyone ’sgoingtolovemc,” Byme said, “but I’ll get the lion’s share of patrons.” As for issues of reorganization of the department, gender equity in Ne braska sports and possible cutbacks, Byrne said it was too early to tell what will happen. He said he would begin to study such issues when he arrives on cam pus November 1 to start orienting himself withNcbraska. Spanicr said he wanted to defuse criticism of the choice. He said that despite the controversy surrounding the search, he was pleased with the support shown by the coaches, ath letic department staff and the NU Board of Regents. Spanier dismissed rumors of an ‘Oregon connection’ by noting that he and Byrne had met only twice while serving at two different univer sities in the stale. Reactions from athletic department staff were positive. Bob Devaney said he was confi dent that Nebraska athletics would continue on the same road. He said Byrne is an ‘‘upbeat and a very per-* sonablc man.” Nebraska Basketball Coach Danny See BYRNE on 3 Reaching new heights UNL sophomore Tetsuya Mineo successfully catches a frisbee thrown by a friend Monday afternoon on cam pus. 1 Independence Day celebrations to blast ott in Lincoln By Andrea Kaser Staff Repot ter I memIMaMM—""" cspilc laws banning any cx i ■ ploding fireworks within city JLr limits, Lincolnitescan still feel the exhilaration of bombs bursting in air this Independence Day at a num ber of professional fireworks displays across the city. The most popular display happens at Holmes Lake, 70th and Normal Boulevard, where the Lincoln Sowers Club, the Lincoln Jaycees, and the city itself have spent $22,000 for roughly a 3600-shot show pul together by international firm, Zambcllf s. City Events Coordinator Carole Eddins said that in previous years, attendance at the park for the holiday has been estimated at 40,000. In the past, the celebration at Hoi mes has lasted one day, w ilh games and sports throughout the day and the display ending die celebration in the evening. However, because this year is the state ’ s 125th anniversary, the celebra tion will last three days, beginning Friday and ending Sunday. The events include softball, sand volleyball, a fun run, a car show and even pie-eating and beard-judging contests, among others. For more in formation, call the the Lincoln Jay cees. The Holmes celebration also may be the best opportunity to see some chaulauquas.oid-fashioncd tent meet ings that were once common in the Great Plains. These will last from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m on Saturday and 9 a.m. to noon on Sunday. The fireworks display at Holmes will begin at 10 p.m. on Saturday and last for about 21 minutes. But, be forewarned that the traffic, both auto mobile and pedestrian, will be very See FOURTH on 3