The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, June 25, 1992, Summer, Page 8, Image 8

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    State tries to open center
OMAHA (AP) — State officials
planning a visitor center at Chimney
Rock in western Nebraska will try to
work out a potential problem with a
landowner in the area, a spokesman
said Tuesday.
Gordon Howard, who owns land
where the proposed $474,000 center
would be built, apparently is upset
about plans to pump water to the
visitor center location, said state His
torical Society spokesman Bob Selzer.
Howard has posted no-trespassing
signs on property that he owns near
Chimney Rock.
The society originally selected a
site for the center southeast of the Or
egon Trail landmark, which is located
near Bayard in the Panhandle. Bayarc
is about 20 miles eastof Scottsbluff.
Tests showed that water at the
preferred visitor center site was noi
adequate, and the society then se
lected an alternate site. Howard owns
both locations, and had agreed to give
the society any five acres it picked foi
the visitor center, Selzer said.
At a June 5 society board meetinj
in Red Cloud, engineers said the firs
site southeast of the rock could b<
used if water was pumped to the site
The cost of pumping would remaii
within the budget for the project, Seize
said. •;
Board members then switched thei
preference back to the original site.
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‘Grand Canyon’ comes to Lincoln
Martin and Glover star in hit now available at video stores
By Gerry Bettz
Staff Reporter
This week’s only big release is the
dramatic “Grand Canyon” (rated R),
bringing with it a cavalcade of talent
including Danny Glover (the “Lethal
Weapon” trilogy), Steve Martin
(“HousesitieO, Kevin Kline ("A Fish
Called Wanda”) and Mary Louise
Parker (“Longtime Companion”).
‘Grand Canyon”is not only agood
movie, but it is also a movie that
makes you think while it progresses.
It also displays one of Martin’s
best supportive performances. Check
it out.
Tnoyjp _
Also tentatively slated for release
this week (i.e. call before you drive
out) is an early release of die block
buster thriller rThe Hand That Rocks
The Cradle,” (rated R) starring Re
becca DeMomay and Ernie Hudson.
“The Hand That Rocks the Cradle”
features a truly chilling performance
from DeMomay. Her performance, as
well as Hudson’s touching portrayal
of a mentally-handicapped handyman,
make the movie well worth watching.
The movie is a rollercoaster ride from
beginning to end, but is definitely not
for the timid or weak-hearted.
Another tentative release for the
week are episodes of the short-lived
television series “The Flash,” based
on the popular DC Comics faster
than-light character.
Continued from Page 7
For you movie trivia buffs out
there, the Penguin’s father is none
other than Paul “Pee-Wee Herman”
Reubens, and one of the Penguin’s
publicists is played by Jan Hooks
from Saturday Night Live.
The music for the movie, provided
by Danny Effman, helps deepen the
dark and dismal atmosphere. It is very
powerful and works beautifully.
The only drawback to the movie is
that its content may be just a bit too
dark and mature for the youngsters of
the movie-going crowd. The movie is
somewhat violent and many of the
humorous comments of the movie
have some not-so-sublle sexual refer
“Batman Returns” is definitely
worth seeing, but see it before the kids
do, just in case. However, for those
who want to wait for the movie to hit
the discount theaters, get comfy;
“Batman Returns” pulled in approxi
mately $45.7 million on opening
weekend, shattering the previous
record holder by over $5 million.
And what was the original record
holder? ... Burton’s first “Batman”
with $40.6 million, of course.
Four plays to highlight Brownville's calendar during summer
The Brownville Village The
atre, the oldest summer repertory
theater in Nebraska, will open its
26th season with four plays.
The theater will open on J une 27
with “Love by the Bolt,” a French
farce by George Feydeau that fol
lows a doctor as he rents an apart
ment for a flirtation with one of his
married patients.
“Crimes of the Heart,” which
opens on June 28, is a comedy by
Beth Henley about three sisters who
gather at their grandfather’s house
For remembrances after he’s taken
to the hospital.
Opening on July 10, “Blithe
Spirit,” a farce by Noel Coward, is
the story of an author who, while
doing research for his new book,
invites an intense but happy me
dium into his home, who acciden
tally materializes the author’s first
“The Great Big Doorstep," a
comedy by Frances Goodrich and
Albert Hackett, follows a Cajun
family as they rescue an aristo
cratic “great by doorstep” that is
floating down the Mississippi
River, and install it at their shack.
The family then searches for a
dream house that will match their
new treasure. The comedy opens
July 24.
American Impressionism featured with lecture at Sheldon
Ulrich W. Hiesinger, award
winning independent scholar and
author, will present a lecture titled
“Impressionism in America: The
Ten,” in the Sheldon Gallery audi
torium at 7 p.m. on Wednesday.
The speech will be the Final
lecture in a series presented by
noted scholars of American art in
conjunction with the current exhi
bition at the Sheldon Gallery —
“Capturing the Light: American
Impressionism ”
Philadelphia artist to present Humanity to Nebraska Union
Philadelphia artist Lily Yeh will
present a slide presentation and
video tape on “The Village of Art
and Humanity,” in the Nebraska
r ■
Union on July 1.
The presentation, which will
begin at 7 p.m., features a north
Philadelphia village that began wi th
one sculpture and developed a
whole neighborhood organization
of artistic opportunities.