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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 25, 1992)
I CLASSIFIED INDEX FOR SALK 2 Appliances 3 Bicycles a Books 5 Clothing 7 Jewelry 6 Computers 8 Furniture 9 Garage Sales 10 Wise For Sale 12 Musical Instruments '3 Office Furniture 14 Pets 15 Photo Equipment '6 Sporting Goods 18 Stereos/TVs I 19 Ticket Exchange 20 Vehicles SERVICES 22 Adoption 23 Alterations & Sewing 25 Automotive 27 Bicycle Service 29 Bndal 30 Catering 32 Cleaning,Laundry 33 CleaningfHousehold! 34 Conputer Service 36 Entertainment 38 Gift Ideas 40 Hairstyling 42 Health 6 “ knees 44 Insurance I 46 Instructlon/Tutoring 48 Job Placement 50 Legal 60 Misc Services 62 Photography 63 Pregnancy 64 Priming A Copying 68 Recycling 72 Rentals 74 Tanning 75 Tattooing 76 Travel 80 Typing A Resumes NOTICES 100 Rides 105 Career Evemts 110 Announcements 115 Meetings 120 Greek Affairs 130 Student Government 140 Personals 145 Lost A Found 148 Wanted 149 Fundraising JOBS 150 Child Care Needed 160 Help Wanted 162 Work Study Jobs 164 Summer Jobs 166 internships HOUSING 170 Roommates 173 Housing Wanted 175 Rooms For Rent 180 Houses For Rent 185 Duplex For Ftent 190 Apartments For Rent 191 Summer Housing 192 Mobile Homes For Rent 194 Homes For Sale 196 Vacation Rentals $3 00 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $4 00 per day for 15 words on non-student ads. $.15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge DEADLINE: Noon Wednesdays The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age. disability, marital status or national origin. The Daky Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. The advertisers agree to assume liability for all contents of aM ads printed, as weft as any claim vising therefrom made against the Daily Nebras kan. Writing an effective ad_ Be descriptive. The more information you pro vide the readers, the better your responses will be. Begin the ad with the item for sate or offered Include the price of the items for sale. Highlight the ad with larger type, boldface, art or a box. Run the ad for at least two days Make sure the ad reaches the Monday-Wedneaday-Friday stu dents and the Tuesday-Thursday students 4 Books For Sale_ A Novel Idea ha* moved: 118 N. 14th. 475-TOME. Hardcover and »oh. ail areas 10 Misc. For Sale =assaasassBss=s Latest edition E IT book 835; desk, right handed go« dub* 850 each. 421-8070 days___ Moving: Must sell sola (brown) 8125. Area rug (6x9) ported lor dorm room 850. Call 466-1120. 20 Vehicles For Sale CHEAP! FBI/U.S. SEIZED 88 MERCEDES..8200 86 VW..860 87 MERCEDE8_8100 _ 86 MUSTANG..860 Choose from thousands starting 826.24 Hour Recording Reused Detatts801-379-2929TCopy*tghtsNEilKJCR For sals: Suzuki QT380,3400 miles. 8 speed, last, very good condition. 8276 Ota. 474-0764. 22 Adoption Adopt Lovtno ooupte can oiler love and security lor your new born. Expense* paid. Csd 800-742-5686 BUY IT. SELL IT. FIND IT. Adoption Professional baby nurse and loving husband wish to Share their love with a newborn. We promise a lifetime in a happy and secure family. Call Tim and Priscille anytime. 1-800-985-5647. Legal. Confidential. ADOPTION: Give your baby a GIFT OF LOVE. Home made bread, gardening, bicycling, and of course, much love await your child in beautiful country setting Stable, professional home. Expenses paid. Call anytime 800 642-2870. Childless couple wish to adopt nevrtjorn. Therewill be lots of love and a comfortable life for your baby. Expenses paid. Call Rosemarie and Gary. 1-800-525-4758. Financially secure, infertile couple seeks baby to share loving Midwestern home. 1-800-484-1017, "after beep"; 2398. Single and Pregnant? You dont have to go it alone—we re here to help. No fees and confidential counseling. Statewide since 1893 Nebraska Children's Home Society 4600 Valley Road. Suite 304.483-7879 23 Alterations & Sewing Bridal dresses and flowers. Pelt and Plus sizes wel comed. Lyn and lee's. 466-1961. 63 Pregnancy FREE PREGNANCY TESTING Confidential counseling available Call for an appointment LINCOLN CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER 941 O Street. Suite B-1 _ 475-2S01 PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy test, please call us for appoint ment. 483-2609 80 Typing & Resumes All types of word processing. Laser printing. S1.2S double-spaced page. Cal Dana. 467-5737 Ail typing needs filled at Computer Type and Services 467-2666 4230 Progressive Aye Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 10 years experience, proven results. 464-0775. Professionally typeset and laser printed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. <15 plus tax. 0My NtbfaeAen.beeement of Nebraska Union. 148Wantedl " Wanted: A drummer and a singer for a hard-core alterna tive band. 436-6963 or 477-0062. 150 Child Care Needed Looking for a fun and reaponatola coltopa person or tun time day-care for two boy* ages 7 and 10. MustHketo swim. Musi have reliable transportation. Call Barb 477 0672.471-5269 work. !60Hel^Wante^^^__ Clerk* needed late afternoons and night*. Apply in person. Mike s O Street Drive-In. 22nd and 0. Factory Workers Immediate Openings iskiw hirtno for Iona term assignments on all shifts. Must EOfc Apply at MSP Resources. Sul. 436 Graontreo Court, 210 Gateway North apply In person at Over the Rainbow. 3101 C Street, international Fine Art Expositions company seeking* uonai travel included Please tax resume to: International Fine Art Expoalion* Fax: 310-62C&26. RESIDENT COUNSELOR Doane Colege. a private Literal Arte Inetltutlon located 25 rrmeewuftweefot Lincoln. Is Interested In contracting for additional Social. Behavioral, and Support Counsel mg. Individual wff be available W rtarnopnand occs •lonak scheduled evening adMUaa. SdwduMla «•**»• wU be reeponsble for a Female Residence Hall « Its Director and lor campus-wide Counseling supportReek dence Hall. Teaching, or Counseling experience* pre ferred. Bachelors Degree requiredL the Couneetor posi tion * ■ live-in menrtoer of the Residence Lie eliff. Position wll begin on August 15th. Contract Is for 10 months with a competitive salary, completely furnished, one-bedroom apartment, and meals. Interested mdlvidu sis may send Resumes or Proposal* to Resident Coun selor position, ofo Student LMeDOANE COLLEGE, Crete, NE 68333. Position willbe filled when suitable individual Is found. EOAAAE Room and board in exchange lor help with housework lor professional single mother Mature female nonsmoker with wholesome values. Private bedroom, bath. Call Jane. 423-6042 Staying for the eummer? Need extra caeh? We offer flexible scheduling, casual environment, and a hiring bonus Apply in person International Telcom 3410 0 St. 474-1256 162 Work Study Jobs ART GALLERY SECURITY GUARD/ASSISTANT, WORK-STUDY ONLY, some afternoons and weekends Call Martha Kennedy. Great Plains Art Collection. 205 Love Library, 472-6220. 180 Houses For Rent Near Campus 3202 S Tour bedroom, two baths, central air. parking, no pets $375 595 437 6328 Three very nice lour bedroom houses Near campus Available 8-1. Two baths, basement, parking 2424 W. $675,901 N 23rd. $600, 1427 N 21st. $600; 475 1579 190 Apartments For Rent !!!Fall Leases!!! Now considering applications lor tall leases Rent as ol July 15. Dom wait, call today! Cherry Hill Really. 489 4857 1941 J Street, large two-bedroom, lots ot unique charac teristics, wood floors, good environment, heat and cable paid, security building, washer/dryer, close to UNL. $340 477-4705 leave message Partially furnished basement apartment tour blocks north ol c ity campus V90plus security deposit Call475 7871 alter 5 p m PRICES SLASHED!! S915 ? Uedrooms. $?90 one bedroom Prices good through 8/15/9? Pool, laundry 640 3 20 015 —475-7262 Put a Splash in Your Life at Willowhaven Apartments One and two bedroom apartments available, swimming pool with large sundeck. minutes to UNL campus Rent an apartment and get a free summer fun basket. Call 476-6200 NOW Statehouse Suites 1*24 M One bedroom $295 Efficiencies from $225 438-3132 No pets. ■_ I Century Management Company Summer leases starling at S199/month. Close to campus 476 2500 CLAREMONT PARK APARTMENTS Brand new luxury apartments going last! Only a few three bedrooms left for summer and faH Great location. Only five blocks from campus. Swimming pool, weight room, laundry facility and garages Open house every Saturday from 10 am to 2 pm. Caul nowl 474-PARK Graduate students: Large one bedroom apartment. All electric. Almond appliances. Neutral carpet. S325.488 4893._ Graduate Students: 1,000square toot two bedroom apart ment. Al electric. Almond appliances Balcony Neutral carpet 8425.488-4893 ___ _ Near Campus One and two bedrooms. 438-1976 ^ ^ ^ ^ 3 ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 3 Increased Fees!!! $ New - $10 Bonus on first donation. $ Return - $10 Bonus after two 5 $ months lapse. $ So... New & Returnm Donors ^ 5 receive $25 for the first donation. ^ $ All donors receive $15 for each $ donation. See For Yourself - YOU «t EARN MORE AT ABI! . $ University Plasma Center ^ $ 1442 "O" SI* 475-1358 $ ^ Two komrs frti *1 »W) Part 4 Skcp1 $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $3 164 Summer Jobs SUPER SUMMER JOB: Work with the #1 detasseling company in the Midwest — Oetting s Detasseling. bonuses, incentive pay, weekly paychecks, leadership opportunities, top wagesi Local crews. Great job for students (age 14*). Call f-800-333 8275. 170 Roommates Female non-smoking roommate wanted to share 3-bed room apartment in South Lincoln. Starting August 1. One year lease. Call 474-6239._ Needed: male roommate. 6 bedroom house; 4 blocks to campus. $162.50 ♦ utilities and deposit. Call 475-5963. Want Graduate Student to share 2-bedroom apartment 38th and Hddrege, 1 block from East Campus Library. John: 472-8711 ;464-2115<Home). electronic publishing word processing graphic design • resumes • school papers • • invitations • programs • flyers • • newsletters • posters • __ — reasonable prices — WtM *5 off with this ad! 483-5859 • 4264 A’ caff for appointment Available days, evenings & weekends Superior Place Apartments 1501 Superior Hug* on* and two bedroom apartment* available. Call about our eummar epeclal*. 478-3287 Two bedroom, newly remodeled. Available July 1st. 508 S. 25th. $350. Leave meat age. 483-2357. 1 Session.$3 10 Sessions...$22 20 Sessions...$38 Mon-Thurs....9-8 Fri.9-6 Sat.9-4 i (Next to Ken's Kegs) 466-8044 i Special student summer rates w/ student I J>. Ms* about FREE tans Crossword | Edited by Eugene T. Maleska ACROSS 1 Shove’s cousin 5 Amplifier of electromagnetic waves 10 Comic 13 What "video" means 14 Wear away 15 Kind of culture 17 DOORKEEPERS 20 A weekday was named for this god 21 Regard highly 22 Brass hat's gofer 25 Wyo neighbor 27 Looks for 28 Ancient Greek assembly sites 30 Like some beavers 32 Hayworth or Moreno 33 Slate 35 Presidential monogram 38 DOORKEEPER 40 DOORKEEPER 42 Bx transports 43 Mechanism in a watch 45 Stadium area 46 Nurse, at times 47 Come forth 49 Up and about 52 Presidential monogram 54 Vanderbilt and Lowell 55 Departs 57 "And all-is a tall ship Masefield 59 DOORKEEPERS 65 Luge 66 Prevent 67 Solemn vow 68 Opposite of NNW 69 Diamond points 70 Salver DOWN 1 Flick 2 G.I.'s retreat 3 Religious sch. 4 Fashions ever-changing line 5 Network 6 Fiery felony 7 Evening gatherings 8 Tokyo, once 9 ACoty 10 Table attendant 11 Consent 12 Plato was one 16 Beliefs 18 Graceful tree 19 Declare firmly ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 22 "I Enjoy Being -1958 song 23 Minute amounts 24 Colorless 2« Bernsteins waver 28 A Johnson 29 Sea eagles 31 Heroic deed 34 Sea mammal 36 Cheese factory 36 Lees 37 Australian lake 39 Worships 41 Newsy tidbit 44 Furs for royalty 46 Continental (great watershed) 48 Fabricate 49 Site of the Brenner Pass so Symbols of office 51 Biblical weeds 53 Mother-of-pearl so Strikebreaker 50 Presides, as a judge 60 Eggs for Cato 61 Baloney! 62 Needlefish 63 Greek vowel 64 Bashful