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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 18, 1992)
Classified 472-2588 $3.00 per day (or 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $4.00 per day for 15 words on non-student ads. $. 15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submined free of charge. DEADLINE: Noon Wednesdays The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age. disability, marital status or national origin The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper The advertisers agree to assume liability for all contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebras kan. 4 Books For Sale A Novel idea has moved: 118 N. 14th. 475-TOME. Hardcover and soft, all areas 10 Misc. For Sale New Ray-Ben sunglasses, wtl sell at discount Call 438 2378 20 Vehicles For Sale CHEAP! FBI/U.S. SEIZED 89 MERCEDES.$200 86 VW.$50 87 MERCEDES.$100 65 MUSTANG.$50 Choose from thousands starting $25. 24 Hour Recording Reveals Details 801-379-2929 Copyright #NE 11KJCR mmsmssssSsSSSSBSS 22 Adoption Adopt Loving couple can offer love and security for your new bom. Expenses paid . Call 800-742-5586 ADOPTION Help make our dream come true-a baby to make our farnSv grow Our country home, full time mom, devoted dad. hugs, keses and home-baked brownies await your baby Please call US collect. Expenses paid. Robin and Jeff 607 773-1870. Adaption. Happily married couple wit provide your pre cious newborn wth love, family values and financial securty Medical/legal expenses paid Cal Carol and Bll. ton-free at 1 800484-1056 After tone, dial 0671. Financially secure, infertile couple seeks beby to share ovinj) Midwestern home. 1-800484-1017. 'after beep*: Single and Pregnant? You doM have logo n alone we re here to help. No tees and confidential counseling. Statewide since 1893 Nebraska Children's Home Society 4600 VaSey Road. Suite 304.483-7879 DEE informat,on f°r | IvEE STUDENTS WHO NEED SCHOLARSHIP MONEY 1-800-238-0690 ( > Footloose & Fancy 1219 "P" Street 476-6119 Birkenstock Headquarters Blihenili^^ •Colors, sizes & styles for everyone •Repair service available \$erving The MUlwesl for 17years J 23 Alterations & Sewing Bridal drosses and flowers. Pets and Plus sizes wel comed. Lyn and 100*0,486-1961. 46 Instruction/Tutoring Math Tutoring I am a high school math teacher who will tutor classes from B5C to 106. Time, price and piece negotiable. Call 474 9866. =ssss=s^s=ss=: 63 Pregnancy FREE PREGNANCY TESTING Confidential counseling available. Call for an LINCOLNCRtsSpREGNANCY CENTER 941 0 Street. Suite B-1 __475-2501_ PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT « a confidential helping hand ^Free^regnancy test, please cell us for appoint 80 Typing & Resumes All types of word processing. Laser printing. (1.25 double-spaced page Cal Dana. 467-5737 AH typing needs tilled at Computer Type and Services 467-2666 4230 ProgressiveAye. Resumes By Ann Quality resume*, professional tenters. Over 10 years experience, proven results 464-0775. Resumes Wednesda*^ Pnrrt-el °" T «•«»*»* •"<» Daffy Nsbraekan,basement of Nebraeka Union. 110 Announcements Team M anagers: Last day to pick up intramural torleit fees a Friday. June 19.1992 Forfeit fees can be picked up at 55 Campus Rea eat on Center. |$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$| $ $ $ S $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ % $ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ 1 Session....$3 10 Sessions...$22 20 Sessions...$38 Mon-Thurs....9-8 Fri.9-6 Sat......9-4 (Next to Ken's Kegs) 466-8044 Special student summer rates w/ student IJ). *Ask about FREE tans 140 Personals Karts: DM you suffer xword withdrawal while rafting th* '*'**'’ Wo 160 Help V\.titled Clerks needed late afternoons and nights. Apply in person. Mike's O Street Drive-fn, find and O. International Fine Art Expositions company seeking 4 UNL graduates with degrees in Communications, Graphic Design. Journalism, or Internationa] Business. Foreign languages hepful. Excellent opportunity for ag gressve individuals. Must be willing to relocate. Interna tional travel included. Please fax resume to: International Fine Art Expositions Attn: Stacy Fax:310-620-5426. Will be on campus Monday. June 22 for interviews. RESIDENT COUNSELOR Doan* Coleg*, a private Lberai Arts institution located 25 miles southwest of Lincoln, is interested in contracting for additional Social. Behavioral, and Support CounseP mg individual will be available for afternoon and occa sionaVscheduled evening activities Schedule «flexible and perfect for a graduate student who is looking for a direct Student Services experience Selected mdvtdual will be responsble for a Female Residence Flail as its Director and for campus-wide Counseling support. Resi dence Flail. Teaching, or Counseling experiences pre ferred. Bachelors Degree required tne Counselor posi tion is a live-in merrber of the Residence Life staff. Position wil begin on August 15th. Contract is for 10 months with a competitive salary, completely furnished, one-bedroom apartment, and meals Interested mdtvMu als may send Resumes or Proposalfcto Resident Coun selor position, Oo Student Life DOANE COLLEGE. Crete, NE.. 68333. Position will be filled when suitable individual * found. E08AAE Room and board In exchange for h*b with housework for professonal single mother. Mature female nonsmoker with wholesome values. Private bedroom, bath. Call Jane, 423-8042.__ Staying for th* summer? Need extra cash? W* offer flexible scheduling, casual environment, and a hiring bonus. Apply in person: International Telcom 3410 0 St. 474-1256 Summer poster rap Mb for student attending summer semester. 4 hours weekly. Cal Phi 1-800-238-0600. Factory Workers Immediate Openings Now hiring tor longterm assignment* on all shifts. Must be 18 or older. EOfc. Apply at MSP Resources. Suite 436 Greentree Court, 210 Gateway North. 162 Work Study Jobs ART GALLERY SECURITY GUARD/ASSISTANT, WORK-STUDY ONLY, some afternoons and weekends. Call Martha Kennedy, Great Plains Art Collection, 205 Love Library. 472-6520. 164 Summer Jobs SUPER SUMMER JOB: Work with the #1 detasseling company in the Midwest — Oetting's Detasseling. bonuses, incentive pay. weekly paychecks, leadership opportunities, top wages I Local crews. Great fob for students (age 14+). Call 1-800-333 8275. 170 Roommates Female roommate wanted to share very nice two bed room apartment through August. South Lincoln location. S160/month plus utilities. deposit. Call 421 -9358. Male/Female to share clean, modem, spacious house. W/D. fireplace, appliances, private room. yard. 483-1476. ========== 180 Houses For Rent Near Campus 3202 S. Four bedroom, two baths, central air. parking, no pet* $375-595. 437-6328 _ Three very nice four bedroom houses. Near campus Available 8-1. Two baths, basement, parking. 2424 W. $675; 901 N. 23rd. $600; 1427 N. 21st. $600; 475-1579 190 Apartments For Rent 1941 J Street, large two-bedroom, lots d unique chart* tenstcs. wood floors, good environment, heat and cab.e paid, security building, washewdryer. dosetoUNL. S34C 477-4705 leave message. Century Management Company Summer lease* starling at $ 199/month. Close to campus 476-2500.___ CLAREMONT PARK APARTMENTS Brand new luxury apartments going fasti Only a lew three bedrooms left lor summer and far Great location. Only live blocks from campus. Swimming pool, weight room, laundry facility and garages. Open house every Saturday Irom 10 am to 2 pm. Call now! 474-PARK. Graduate students: Large one bedroom apartment. All electric. Almond appliances. Neutral carpet. $325. 488 4893. _ Graduate Students: 1.000 square loot two bedroom apart - ment. All electric. Almond appliances. Balcony. Neutral carpet. $426 488-4893 Near Campus One and two bedrooms. 438-1970._ Partially furnished basement apartment four blocks north of city campus. $290plus security deposit. Call475-7871 after 5 p.m. _ PRICES SLASHED!! $315—2 Bedrooms; $290—one bedroom. Prices good through 8/1&/92. Pool, laundry. 640 & 20 D15 -476-7262 Put a Splash in Your Life at Willowhaven Apartments One and two bedroom apartments available, swimming pool with large sundeck. minutes to UNL campus. Rent an apartment and get a free summer fun basket. Call 476-6200 NOW Statehouse Suites 1024 M One bedroom $295 Efficiencies from $225 _ 436-3132 No pete. Superior Place Apartments 1501 Superior Huge one and two bedroom apartments available. Call about our summer specials. _476-3267_ Two bedroom, newly remodeled. Available July 1st. 508 S. 25th. $350. Leave message. 483-2357. Two bedroomw*h dishwasher, heat paid, three blocks to campus, neat and clean. $365.474-9455. Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska ACROSS 1 Stick it out 5 Handles for swordsmen 10 Potpourri Abbr 14 Operatic show* stopper 15 Cove 16 'My Way" man 17 Rival of Octaviar 19 “How sweet _r 20 Like some ballots or landlords 21 Most modern 23 Grows old 24 Puritano. eg 25 Used talons 28 Hobbies 31 Of the kidneys 32 Lindsey and Sahl 33 East attachment 34 MacDonald's co-star 35 Yawn producers 36 Poet Pound 37 Trifle 38 Gave a party for 39 Implement for Figaro 40 Signed up 42 Sentence curtailment 43 Dairy-case choices 44 Huck or Mickey ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 45 Dr. K. of baseball 47 Chuck-, jazz musician 51 Actress Francis 52 His motto is: "The puck stops here" 54 Jeanne and Agn6s Abbr. 55 French cup 56 Reverse, for one 57 Singer-guitarist Axton 58 Tryon's “The 59 Fast planes DOWN 1 Tibetan priest 2 Bedouin 3 Business-letter greeting 4 Subtract 5 Intimated • Kitty starters 7 Chunk of ice • Decade • Hairdressers, eg 10 Bar order 11 Music for the break 12 Equipment at Chamonix . 13 Choose actors it Cheryl Ladd, once 22 Go-betweens Abbr 24 Was concerned 25 Mediterranean island 25 Lured 27 Sunday evening critic on TV 28 Read closely 29 Flynn or Garner 90 Catch 32 They dance in sunbeams 35 "You-Me," 1952 song 30 Statement on a 1099 form 30 Escape 39 Kind of finder 41 Most venerable 42 “The Homecoming" playwright 44 Untrue 48 Slit 48 -the fray!" 47 Crush 48 Some lyric poems 48 Orderly 80 Blunders 83 Type of cake