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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 11, 1992)
46 Instruction/Tutoring Math Tutoring _ I am a high school math teacher who will tutor classes from 85C to 106. Time, price and place negotiable. Call 474-9066. 63 Pregnancy FREE PREGNANCY TESTING Confidential counseling available. Call for an appointment LINCOLN CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER 941 O Street. Suite B-1 _475-2601_ PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy test, please call us for appoint ment. 483-2606. 80 Typing & Resumes All types of word processing. Laser printing. $1.25 double-spaced page. Call Dana. 467-5737 All typing needs filled at Computer Type and Services 467-2666 4230 Progressive Ave. Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 10 years experience, proven results. 464-0775. Resumes Professionally typeset and laser printed on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. $15 plus tax OaMy NsbreeAen,basement of Nebraska Union. 110 Announcements ■ i '==^=^= Intramural deadline for co-rec sand volleybal and men'* and women's three-on three outdoor basketball is June 11. Don't delayl Turn in entries at 55 Campus Recreation Center or 34 East Campus Activities Building. Team Managers Last day to pick up intramural torteit fees to Friday. June 19.1992 Forfeit fees can be picked up at 55 Campus Rea eat on Center_ The Commission on the Status of Women a seeking City Campus Faculty appleants to serve on a 3-year term beginning Fall. 1992. Send a letter of Interest and a vita io&r. Mary Beck. A224 AnS (0906) by July t, 1992 Y.U.R. A dynamic new movement expressly tor and by 21-35 year oid single-minded individuaa forming the premiere Y.U.R. group in Lincoln. Y.U.R. band also in the works. Potentially national club. Call Y.U.R. NOWt: 483-5890. ISO Child Care Needed Responsible student to care lor Infant and two-year-otd in our home several hours/week. Must have car. Flex foie schedule. Excellent pay. 421-7670. Young lather needs hep with two kids, age* 5 and 8. Free room and board in nice area of Lincoln in exchange lor minimal help Monday Friday Call 476-2137 after 6 p.m. 160 Help Wanted Barrymore’s la hiring kitchen and walary positions Apply at 124 N. 13th (alley) Factory Workers Immediate Openings Now hiring lor long term assignments on all shifts Must be 18 or order EOt. Apply at MSP Resource*. Suke 436 Qreenlree Court. 210 Gateway North June part time Christmas tree shaping —Physical Labor —7 to 12 a.m— 6500/hour —Apply June 15th —H mile south of Eagle. NE —JACOBMEIEhS. Need extra money? Light cleaning help needed 6-8 hour* per week. Call 475-67t8 or 476-3810. Ask tor Cindy . NSAP need* poster rap. Four hours per week. Great pay. No seWing. Call Phil 1-800-238-0690. Part-time hours, mostly mornings, working In grocery stores with sales reps, merchandising. Approximately 15 20 hours/week. Monday Frtday day* vary. S6.2Vhour. Leave message tor Larry at 498-6975. Part-time positions available: Secretary/Sales. Apply in person: Rlxstine Trophy Company, 2711 O Street. _ Room and board In exchange for he*> with housework for professional single mother. Mature female nonsmoker with wholesome values. Private bedroom, bath. Call Jane, 423-6042. Staying for the summer? Need extra cash? We otter flexible scheduling, casual environment, and a hiring bonus. Apply In person: International Telcom 3410 0 St. 474-1256 170 Roommates Female roommate wanted to share very nice two bed room apartment through August. South Lincoln location. $160/month plus utilities, deposit. Call 421-9358 Female roommate needed lor nice two-bedroom apart ment Now. Call Nmg, 467-1094 or leave message. Sum mer or long-term. 180 Houses For Rent Near Campus 3202 S. Four bedroom, two baths, central air. parking, no pets. $375-595. 437-6328 Only one left III Three bedroom near Antelope Park. A/C, washer, dryer, dishwasher. $556. 423-1535. Three very nice four bedroom houses. Near campus. Available 8-1. Two baths, basement, parking. 2424 W. $675:901 N. 23rd, $600; 1427 N. 21st, $600; 475-1579. 190 Apartments For Rent Bright, sunny, on* bedroom furnished apartment. $290 includes all utilities, air conditioned. Available now. 638 N. 25th, cal first. 435-3317.472-6926. Century Management Company Summsr leases starting at $199/month. Closa to campus. 476-2500._ Graduate students: Large one bedroom apartment. Alt electric. Almond appliances. Neutral carpet. $325.488 4993. Graduate Students: 1.000squara loot two bedroom apart merit. Al electric. Almond appliances. Balcony. Neutral carpet. $425. 499-4993._ Near Campus One and two bedrooms. 439-1970. Partially tumlahsd basement apartment tour blocks north at city campus. $290plus security dapost. Call 475-7871 mar 5 p.m. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ New & Return Donors ^ $ You Earn More At ABI $ $ New • $5 Bonus on first donation, $ £ Return • $5 Bonus after two £ months lapse. 3 Second donation In the same > $ calendar week always receives $20. £ . Two hours free parking at any Park . * & Shop. “ $ University Plasma Center $ £ Associated Bioscience, § * 1442 "O" St., 475-1358 ^ £ £ ^ (fi tft gfh (ft (fi tft tft dt (ft gfs gfv iB kB iB iB iB iB iB iB «B «B «B iB «B ^ «jy vB iB ^-1 Sales and Marketing Opportunity with the nation*s leader in college marketing and media services Excellent Financial Rewards Learn management skills and marketing strategies while implementing on-campus promotions. Flexible hours. Great beginnings for a career in the business world start with a position with American Passage Media Corp. during the 1992-93 school year. Marketing and communication mayors are encouraged to apply. , For more information call 1-800-359-6676 or visit the Student Employment and Internship Center, 345 Nebraska Union. PRICES SLASHED!! $315—2 Bedrooms;*290 —one bedroom. Prices good Put a Splash in Your Life at Wlllowhaven Apartments One and two bedroom apartments available, swimming pool with large sundeck, minutes to UNL campus. Rent an apartment and get a free summer fun basket. Call 476-6200 NOW Statehouse Suites 1*24 M One bedroom $2*5 Efficiencies from $225 43*3132 No pet*. Superior Place Apartments 1501 Superior Hug* one and two bedroom apartments available. Call about our summer specials. 47*32*7 Two bedroom, newly remodeled Available July 1st. 506 S. 25th. $350. Leave message, 463-2357. r a Footloose & Fancy 1219 "P" Street 476-6119 Birkenstock Headquarters Bhfci!iii<ock| •Colors, sizes & styles for everyone •Repair service available \$erving The MUiwesl for 17yearsy EE POOL! Sunday - Wednesday 6p.m.-Close Must be 21 to play Monday Tuesday ALL Pitchers All Day $2.95 Burgers & Brews $1.50 Imports $2.95 Burger & Fries $1.00 Draws • Do you want to work for a world renowned company and be on the cut ting edge of what America is thinking? •Do you establish immediate warmth and ra pport over the phone with a variety of people? • Do you want to be paid more than others because you accomplish more? •Do you take pride in being recognized as a top achiever in a fast-paced envi ronment? •Are you disciplined and determined? Do you always see projects through to completion? •Do you build positive friendships with team members? Do you pitch in when needed? If so, call now to interview for the best part time job you'll ever have! GALLUP OFFERS •a truly FLEXIBLE schedule. Set your own hours, any work combination of | nights 5-11 and/or weekends 10-5. You may work 15-40 hours per week, •pay for performance. Gallup interviews average $5-7 per hour, our best make $13 •great team of people •interesting, stimulating work •exclusive, professional work environment at 68th & O and downtown location. Call for an Interview 489-8700 Ask for Mandy Withers or Becky O'Brien Monday-Friday 8am-5pm The Gallup Organization, Inc. I Crossword Edited by Eugene T. Maleska ACROSS 1 'The Doctor’s Dilemma" playwright 5 Defraud 9 Dressed for the choir’s performance 14 Vaulter’s need 15 Dies 16 -Gay, famec plane 17 Fencing item 18 Conceited 19 Account entry 20 “The Show," best TV comedy series 1962-65 23 Born Fr 24 -Abner 25 Start of a Dickens title 27 “Don't-spilt milk" 31 At low speed 34 “You There" 35 Admit 37 Western resort lake 38 Gives a silent OK 40 Lost a lap 42 Captures 43 Snooped 45 Plus 47 Stat for Hojo 48 Tail locales 50 Like Tallulah's voice ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE BlAlNiQBHlAlRlplsBFl°lllr O B I eBBs h a r pBBeIl s a SEC H|E[T A R I E|s]w]e E K 52 Vote into office 54 Laver or Serling 55 Entire 57 “The Show," best TV comedy series: 1955-57 63 Mont city 65 Tiny speck 66"-Rhythm" 67 Crazy as 68 Stravinsky 69 On one's rocker? 70 In proper harmony 71 Ninny 72 Holland export DOWN 1 Hurried 2 Ariz. Pueblo 3 Writer Waugh 4 Every seventh day 5 Mussels, clams, etc. 6 Persia, now 7 "The best schemes..." 8 Nairobi is here 9 Gave out poker cards again 10 A person 11"The Show," best TV comedy series 1961 12 Nobelist Wiesel 13 Go out with 21 Early stringed instrument 22 Jewelers . measures Abtor. 26 Bank transaction 27 Sing 8 la Bing 26 "The Show," best TV comedy series: 1951 29 Sundance Kid s girl 30 Perch 32 Theater vestibule 33 “-Can," Sammy Davis Jr. book 34 Grandma Moses 30 Snack 30 Broker s order 41 Rump 44 Pool area 46 Implement 49 J.H.S., eg. 51 Counsel 53 Shy 55 Blind as 56 Humdinger 58 Trademark, for short 59 “Whoa!" 60 Mild oath 61 Barrett or Jaffe 62 Flower support 64 Low digit