CHRIS HALLIGAN Greek system ripe for change Ican never forget the first day I stepped on to this fabulous campus, bearing witness to the breath-taking array of fraternities and sororities. I knew then that my destiny awaited within this glorious system and, relin quishing my self-control to the ac tives of my chosen fraternity, pro ceeded to go on a most interesting, colorful ride in self-righteous broth erhood that would change my life forever. Without a doubt, UNL’s greck system is one of the strongest in the country. Its powerful stronghold on UNL’s student government and basic student culture has paved the way for future generations of both greck and non-grcck students. Somewhere out there, in the depths of the Midwestern fields of life, is a person, innocent that he may be, waiting to be “enlightened” by col lege. But more influential than that will be his fraternity, which will teach him the social graces and leadership skills that will guarantee him success in all that he docs. 50 as i say too-aoo-ioo to my greck system forever, and know that there will never again be a time when I can make an impaclon itas an active member, I have decided to take this opportunity to communicate some things I see that need to be changed in our system. These changes would help our friend from Bumblcfarm, Nebraska, and allow him more fundamental growth as a greck. For the past four years, I have been paying A LOT of money to live in my fraternity. As a pledge, I had to clean my own house. As an active, I have had the responsibility of hiring staff, planning a budget for our various needs and playing policeman when the brothers got out of hand. However, although we run our own homes, we still fall under the campus policies and codes of conduct. University officials do not pay for our food. They do not pay for our cleaning. They don’t donate to reno vating our homes. However, they do .feel they have jurisdiction over the way we live our lives. This university must realize that the grccks do very well on our own. We prove ourselves time and lime again through our generous philan thropy projects and leadership abili There are also the little things that must Slay, such as. drink ing beer and inter fraternitv brawling. Of course, what would be the, greek system without these ingredients?_ ucs. we ao noi need 10 dc nany-sat. 11 we warned lo be, we would have lived in the dorms. We need lo do whal Ihc University of Washington greek system did many moons ago — secede from university policy. Hitting much closer to home, I have found that over the past four years, our beloved Intcrfratemity Council office has been, to put it mildly, asserting itself in ways many do not describe as fair. To put it less mildly, the greek system has been run by an IFC dicta torship that has handed down some baseless decisions and punishments from that small office in the Union. I say it’s time lo clean house. I say it’s lime lo get some people in there who see the greek system not as a tool for manipulation, but as a potential force for good that needs to be guided in the right direction. Like the United Slates government, our greek system has been infiltrated by inconsistent leadership and stag nant policies far too long. Of course, we cannot forget about the illustrious community of secret subrosa members who reside within our greek homes. These guys also definitely need to go. In attempting lo legilimwe the greek system, these buffoons accomplish nothing more than lo make it look like it is being run by a pack of illiter ate lackeys, claiming that they are the chosen few obligated to “tell it like it is.” It is one thing to be a member of the Skull and Crossboncs subrosa at Yale and quite another to be one at UNL. These guys think they will be a bunch of future George Bushes, when, in fact, they will be lucky to be members of the Million Dollar Club at Century 21 realty. I can sec it now: Ten years down the road, when the subrosas have their reunion, we will see a bunch of guys running around with their gold poly ester coats on with buttons that say, “I’m a TNE’er too!” On a much more serious note, our grcck system needs to sec more mi nority recruitment. The days of grcck Euroccntrism arc dying, and it would be in the best interest of the greeks to start bringing in some different cul tures. I have been told that the IFC presi dent, Mak Azadi, is striving to acti vate a new minority recruitment pro gram, but we can only hope that his work will carry over into the terms following his. Isolationism equals ignorance, and we don ’ t want to encourage our friend from Bumblefarm to remain as racist and ignorant as he already is. There are also the little things that must stop, such as drinking beer and interfratemity brawling. Of course, what would be the greck system with out these ingredients? They arc truly the character-building essentials. Sororities, of course, need not worry about these problems, at least in their houses. This is the area where the beer-fly epidemic must be addressed. It is true. The greck system and I arc parting ways. I needed to voice my views just one more lime, if not for my brothers and sisters, then for our future brother and friend from Bumblefarm, Nebraska. The greck system empowers its people, and if we clean house just a little bit, there’s no reason why UNL’s greck system couldn’t be the best in the nation. Note to Rush Chairmen of UNL: Yes, you may use this column as a rush tool. Halligan is a junior Knglish major and a Daily Nebraskan columnist. -LETTER tth°e EDITOR Constitutional amendment no solution On May 12 you will be asked to vote on Constitutional Amendment 1. Per Gov. Nelson’s legal depart ment, you would need 29 years of education to fully understand what it says. In simple terms, if you vote yes, you will give our state senators power that they have never had before — to tax personal property however they please at the time, as long as the tax was “reasonable.” Whose definition of “reasonable” do we use? The Constitutional amendment was worded so that Gov. Nelson’s tax law LB 1063, which he was quoted as saying “slinks,” would be constitutional. LB 1063 increased the overall tax on agriculture $8 million with virtu ally NO relief to the average home owner’s real estate taxes. The railroads started out paying $10 million, then $5.5 million under LB 1063 and then their tax was re duced another million in a true last minute deal after they threatened a , lawsuit. A “yes” vote on Constilu tional Amendment 1 will let the Legislature change all of this again next year, however it pleases. The Nebraska Legislature is trend ing from conservative rural control to liberal urban control. Do we want to give a simple majority of senators — 25 — the power to do what they please? Maybe next year they will sec fit to tax agriculture an additional $20 million or $30 million or so. You will soon be “bombarded” with a huge advertising campaign sponsored by 25 large interest groups. They will tell you that you must vote “yes” for Constitutional Amendment 1. These ads, paid for mainly by big businesses, will tell you to vote “yes ’ so the big guys can be taxed instead of the little guy. Utilities, pipelines and telephone companies will simply pass on taxes to the little guy in the form of higher bills. Many businesses will pay less under the depreciated-asset basis than they would under the ac tual value we had before. No wonder big business is spending $250,000 to try to get you to vote yes. Gov. Nelson is trying to blackmail us into voting yes by saying the only other option is to tax all personal property and inventory. THERE ARE OTHER OPTIONS. Gov. Nelson is playing poker (with a big bluff) say ing there would be NO special ses sion to fix the tax mess correctly if Nebraskans said no to the constitu tional amendment. In reality, the citi zens and business people of Nebraska would demand and get a special ses sion. Will your vole be swayed by the $250,000 advertising campaign and Gov. Nelson’s “blackmail”? Will you vote to give our slate senators new taxing powers? Vote NO to blackmail! Vote NO on Constitutional Amendment 1! Larry Dinkcl John Dinkcl Norfolk --EDITORIAL POLICY-— r.„rr . j:* ■ i .j - .a rr ■_ _- • —:M Tk/» r\Ailt> Kl^krocLon'c naiklachnrc juii■ umunaiA ii/piu>uii uiu win* cial policy of the Spring 1992 Daily Nebraskan. Policy is set by the Daily Nebraskan Editorial Board. Its mem bers arc: Jana Pedersen, editor; Alan Phelps, opinion page editor; Kara Wells, managing editor; Roger Price, wire editor; Wendy Navralil, copy desk chief; Brian Shcllito, cartoon i5i, jvhuiij i u/.pauitR, aviliui im porter. Editorials do not necessarily re flect the views of the university, its employees, the students or the NU Board of Regents. Editorial columns represent the opinion of the author. arc ihc regents, who established the UNL Publications Board to super vise the daily production of the pa per. According to policy set by the re gents, responsibility for the editorial content of the newspaper lies solely in the hands of its students. -LETTER POLICY inc Daily iNCDraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor from all readers and interested others. Letters will be selected for publi canon on uic uasia ui iiaiiijr, ungr nality, timeliness and space avail able. The Daily Nebraskan retains the right to edit or reject all material 5UUIIIIUCU. Submit material to the Daily Ne braskan, 34 Nebraska Union, 1400 R St., Lincoln, Neb. 68588-0448. I Monte's Hairstyling 464-7664 Call for appt. -Styles for Men & Women -Perms/Highlighting/Color -Paul Mitchell Products Monte Michelsen 17 yrs of Hair Care Experience 10 Sessions for $1 9-95 I ! , , Lincoln's Newest ! 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