The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 28, 1992, Page 12, Image 12

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    Classified 472-2588
Earn $5.45 per hour as an Inbound Sales Reservationist
with the Marriott Worldwide Reservation Center, Training
class starts May 11th, with hours ol 8:00am to 4:30pm.
After training, your schedule will be flexible between the
hours of 2:00pm and 2:30am. We will work around a
college schedulel Limited Spacel APPLY NOW AT:
1818 No. 90th Street, Omaha Ne. 68114
Looking for 5 students to work with me in my business
this summer. Selected students can expect to earn S500
a week average + travel and get grade experience. Must
be ambitious. Call 421-9446. _
Nation Wide summer work program currently interview
ing for summer positions. S475/week and great experi
ence for all majors. Interviewing today at 3:0o and 5:00 in
Hamilton Hall Room 102.
Work with the #1 detasseling company in the Midwest —
Oetting's Detasseling. bonuses, incentive pay. weekly
paychecks, leadership opportunities, top wagesl Local
crews. Great job for students (age 14+). Call f-800-333
8275. _
Swimming Instructors needed for American Red Cross
Summer swim Program. For more information call 471
170 Roommates
C oeuruum apartment win rvu, jctumwimi ▼
Available now. 483-7960 of 477-2064.
Clean, non-smoking roommate to share 2 bedroom
apartment. $110 ♦ 1/3 utilities. Available June 1st. 466
7710 leave message. __
Female Non-smoker roommate needed starting May 1.
Nice neighborhood near capital. $187.50/month. 435
Female psychology graduate student needs roommate
for summer. $147.50 futilities. 477-0913.
Female roommate, non-smoker to share 3 bedroom
apartment. $150 f 1/3 utilities/month. Call 476-1159.
Female roommate non-smoking to share two bedroom
apartment $120 plus utilities. Summer andor Fall 477
Female roommate needed for summer. 931 G Street
S174/monttVfjyiililies. furnished. Call 435-2618.
111] For final exams...
M][m Buy single lectures
or full subscriptions
Located in
Nebraska Bookstore
#* 13th & “Q"
Jon's Notes hours
9:00-5:00 M-F
Call 476-8006
I1 — - -/
Female roommate needed tor summer 4241 Holdrege. j
$179.50 Call Kanda mornings or evenings 466-1593.
Female to share newly remodeled home with one other. ]
$150/month. 474-1092. _ _ ‘
M/F needed ASAP to share 2 bedroom close to campus. ■
477-2064. _
Must Have: 2 M/F roommates for summer. $150 + 1/4 ,
utilities/month. Mike or Cassey 489-5067. *
Non-smoking female to share three bedroom house in (
East Campus area. No pets. $150/month, share utilities. |
Available June 1. Reference required. 466-6449._ I
Roommate needed, nice duplex south of Highway 2, a
cheap, 4 bedroom, laundry, low utilities. Call 421-8110. ■
Roommate needed, $ 150/month+1/3 utilities, 476-0462.
Seeking non-smoking, friendly, responsible female to
share beautiful new three bedroom apartment for sum
mer. $188/month +1/3 utilities, 477-4709, for Karen or
Salle. '
173 Housing Wanted
Looking for an affordable furnished single-room apart
ment near East Campus, beginning August 1. Call Sanjib
180 Houses For Kent i
1428 N. 14th, four bedroom, air conditioning,
S500+deposit After 6pm, 474-1303.
2112 Vine, wait to campus, very nice 4 bedroom, 1 1/2
bath, parking, S650. 475-1579. 488-0061
2301 Vine, very nice 4 bedroom, 1 1/2 baths, parking,
near campus. Available May 20th. S650. 475-1579.
2331 U, large 6 bedroom, campus close, available June
1, 1 year lease. S800/month.
1016 F, large 4 bedroom, campus close, available May
15, only $5§0 Call Phoenix Properties Management Inc.
2948 Starr, 4 bedrooms/2 baths. S595
3210 S, 4 bedrooms/2 baths. S575
No pets Laundry hook-upS 437-6328
4 bedroom, 2 bathroom, w/d. close to UNL, lawn mowed,
water 6 garbage paid. 477-1646.
Increased Fees!!! ^
New - $10 Bonus on first donation.
$ Return - $10 Bonus after two $
$ months lapse. $
^ So... New & Returnm Donors J
^ receive $25 for the first donation. ^ <
$ All donors receive $15 for each $
donation. Sec For Yourself - YOU
$ University Plasma Center ^
$ 1442 "O" St., 475-1358 $
j Two hours free parking at any Park A Shop1 ^
[free WASH o
-**1 l.r* t 1 Coupo* V»t
I Sa"» *pp»y
N ■MMiaiMlEi
„ D
V Offer good
April 1992 ■vffKflWMI
Going Away Present!
For all students & faculty
Everything in the store
on SALE!!!
cgia nt Janus
FUJI ycftOTa
Including: Bikes, Clothing, Tires,
■ Computers, Shoes, Outdoor Wear...
jtllli,. footwear adidas
Sale ends May 3,1992 I
1427 S. 13th 435-2322 Open 7 days a week |
1 r"
Available May 1. Between campuses. Nice two bedroom.
1375+utilities. Call 483-0401.
Reserve your 3,4,5 or 6 bedroom home for summer and/
>r fall now and relax I All close to UNL. 423-1535. Hurry!
'hey're almost gone.
185 Duplexes For Rent
)UIET, CONVENIENT 3 bedroom, 2 bath, low utilities,
lishwasher, nice carpet, dean, C/A, parking. Close to
10th campuses, available 5-15, will go fast. $450. 483
. ... '
190 Apartments For Rent
Live hassle-free while you get your degree!" Full arr
itiesl Reserve today I Amberwood Apartments 423
*** FALL LEASE ***
640 South 20 / 475/7262
Sign up for a fan lease, before you head home for the
lummer. Both one ($309 up) and two ($359 up) bedroom
ivailable. Parking Laundry.
640 South 20 / 475-7262
splish, splash in our pool. Two bedrooms, some with
lalcomes, $359 and up. Mega-sized one bedroom $319
tnd up. Laundry facilities, one parking stall.
Spacious one and two bedroom
One and two baths
Ceramic tile, entries, kitchens and baths
Washer/dryer hook-ups
Built-in microwaves
Luxurious carpeiing
Balconies and patios
Several handicapped units available
Cherry Hill Realty, 489-4857
7ou don't see apartments like this! New carpet, ceramic
ile in dining, kitchen ft bath floors, breakfast bars, private
ratios, ceiling fans, variety of colors ft floor plans for only
5340, most utilities paid.
For more information call:
f bedroom. 1149 New Hampshire, wait to UNL. new
jppliances, available 6-1. S250 + deposit, 476-8131
1411 N 9th, 1 bedroom, available mid-May. very nice,
new building. C/A. microwave, and pool weightroom.
lfficiency/1 bedroom, furnished, near Capitol, clean,
luiet. non smoker, no pets, low utilities, $220 +deposit.
Newer 1, 2, & 3 bedroom
Pine Tree Apartments, 231 Adame,
Embassy Park Apartments, 5609 S. 31 at,
515 W. Saunders
J325-S565. Security building, no pets Call for May ft
August vacancies. 483-6057. 483-1130.
Put a Splash in Your Life
at Willowhaven Apartments
Dne and two bedroom apartments available, swimming
>ool with large sundeck. minutes to UNL campus
Rent an apartment and
get a free summer fun basket.
Call 476-6200 NOW
SOUTH WOOD 1 and 2 bedroom, and town homes avail
able Save up to $360 on rent 27th ft Hwy. 2.423-2902
Spacious 2 bedroom. 2 bath, dishwasher, and storage
space Near East Campus Available June 1st, 3272
Starr «5. Call 464-4695 ft leave message
Statehouse Suites
1824 M
One bedroom 8295
Efficiencies from $225
438-3132 No pets.
Sublet 1 bedroom apt. thru July 31st. Pool. Walt to
school 438 3579
Let us make
you an offer
to buy your
13th & Q Street
Apartment information. One and two bedrooms and town
homes. 5 complexes to choose from.FMA Realty. 467
6996._ _
Available May 15. very large,
Central air, off-street parking, S405. 3230 S. 468 0555
Available mid-May. 2 Bedroom, 2510 E.. CA. IW park
ing. $300 per month during summer. 423-3482 after 5.
Big 2 BR. Walk to campus, summer lease or longer.
$365+electric. 435-2523 __
Century Management Co.
Summer Specials
Lots of apertmente available
Call ua for listings 476-2500. _
Claremont Park Apts
Now leasing for fall. 4 blocks from campus. 5 blocks from
downtown. New 1,2, and 3 bedroom apartments. Laun
dry facilities. Pool/weightroom. Garages.
Call now 474-PARK.
Claremont Park Apts.
Open House-Pool Picnic
Saturday, May 16, l^m to 3pm. Come see what we
have to offer. 9th and Claremont _
Close to Campus
Available mid-May, 1 6 2 bedroom. Carpet, a/cjaundry,
parking, all electric. FREE CABLE, no pets. $320/5395+
521 N 25th, 474-3155.
1900 Knox. 435-7770. _
Affordable furnished efficiencies. Laundry and parking
available. S210-S275. 435-6690. 475-3111.
May or August Leases
East Campus. 36th and Huntington, newer two bed
rooms, fireplace, central air, appliances. laundry, park
mg, no pets, 489-9916.
Near Campus, near new
2 bedroom Summer rent, $325mo
1 Br from $280
No pete 438-1970
2301 A Street. 1 bedroom, S289, 475-7262.
240 S. 26th. Newer one bedroom. Built-in microwave.
Very nice. Leave message, 483-2357
2403 Lynn, one bedroom, close to campus, $295 ♦de
posit and utilities, 421-7977, after 4pm,
244 S. 26th. Efficiency apartment. Utilities paid. $195/
month. Leave message, 483-2357._ __
615 New Hampshire and 621 New Hampshire, nice
seven bedroom apartment, three bathrooms, 423-0389.
640 South 20, 1 bedroom, swimming pool, $265, 475
816 G St., 2 bedroom, summer or year lease, $385 ♦
electric. 477-9934.
Superior Place Apartments
1501 Superior
Huge^ne and two bedroom apartmenta • vails We
191 Summer Housing
3450 Huntington, nice 2 bedroom, wait to East Campus.
$375/month obo Leave message 467-6193.
Short term lease available. 2312 R, efficiency, $230 rent,
$200 deposit. Available immediately. 432-2288
Summer Housing at Chi Phi. Laundry available, free air,
phone, utilities and cable. Male and Female accomoda
tions. Call Kelly 436-6042 or Dave 436-6055
2 Bedroom
Close to Campus
1 Year Old
Modern Color Schemes
Border Paper
Private Balconies
Mini A Vertical Blinds
Ceramic Floors
All for $435 ♦ electricity
' I
---- -
22 Adoption
Abundance of love and warmth from • very anxious
couple wishing to have newborn welcomed into ihe«
happy home. All Expenses paid. Please cal Usa and
Tom anytime, V8QO-354-2218 confidential
A warm, carmg couple who knows adoption is your lovmfl
alternative, offers love and security tor youmeetoorn.
Medicsldegal paid ccll
Sharon and Jos
Close couple, lull time mom and professional dad. long
to give vour baby a Metirrw of love and a happy, secure
home. We promise an excellent education, wonderful
a and friends, and a world lull of music, books, and
limes outdoors. Lsgakmedical expenses paid
i call Natal* and Paul collect at <212)721 -5864
-■ »n WMH.r-—--------* ... .. ‘
Adoption: We can give your baby a loving family and
be;«v* m open adoption Please caff collect Tom and
Lorraine 301-887-9528.__
Adoption: A loving couple wishes to share unlimited love
and security with your newborn. Financially secure In
come, commuted to being best parents posable. Medi
oaVto^jnegerises paid Css NancyrGeorge collect
A tamdy with love, cousins, and friends, warmth
and laughter seeking newborn to add * an
already happy envronment. Please Call <212)
722-9030. •' *
Single and Pregnant?
You donT have logo it alone we re here to help
No toss and confidential counseling Statewide since
Hebreeks Children's
4600 Valtey Roach SurteTS^a. 483 7879
UU* as* a karmu knuinn rYM tashA Meant* *n mi if h tn
adopt a newborn. Liletimeof love and happiness to give,
legal and medical expenses paid. Please call U2 and
Thomas anytime at t-600-377-1362
23 Alterations & Sewing
Alterations 6 Designs Professional alterations of Ml
kinds including tapering jeans. 7l*‘P" Street. 435-2101.
Custom Drees Making
Affordable investment dofhlng. quality construction,
individualized lit. limitless design and size option*. Bri
dal-Formal wear also available.
27 Bicycle Service
Blue's BfcetFtnees. Six blocks from campus. New and
used bikes Excellent repairs lor all makes. 427 S. 13th.
29 Bridal Services
■ , xs-.Tffigl. ■
34 Computer Service
Computer Rentals starting*!876i month. CONNECTING
.18 Gift Ideas
JUST ROSES - StMIxwM SS.eA■ down. 30310 SWddt
435-1118. Tuxedo Delivery
42 Health
Family Dermatology
Elliot L Ruslod, Mb. SpecWfcred treatment ol skin
end scalp disorders. ComptemeMa7 m^jioatton* for
acne patients. Evenlno ami Saturday hows. Convenient
location. 31450 51 03 7806
44 Insurance
For All Yew Insurance Needs. Jim Wallace 474-5077.
American Family Insurance-Renter*. Auto. Home.
46 Instruction/Tutoring
English or ESC. Master* degree end tutormc exper
enca. $10 tor weekly 11,'4-hour session. 475 2*3
Zsger Studio 489-2430
50 Legal Services
Immigration Problems?
Call Joseph WHson-Attorney, (402)333-6503 or
61 Music Exchange
BACKTRACK RECORDS 3933 8.4«h 499-3817. Buy
ng seiiin^n»cord*, tepee, and compact discs Great
63 Pregnancy
Pregnant and feeling alone?
We provide tree proleesonal counseling to help you
explore your testings end options. Fun ranga d preg
nancy and adoption services. Call Jwkah Family Serv
ice. 1-330-20af
PREGNANT? WRTHRKJHT ,t a confidential hoping
hand. Fraa pregnancy teat, please call us for appoint
mam. *63-2609.
76 Travel
Heading lor EUROPE this summer? Jet there anytime tor
StM Item the East Coast, $229 from the Midwest (whan
available). (Reported In Let's Got and NY Timas.)
AIRHiTCH f 212-664-2000.
80 Typing & Resumes
AN protects welcome. Efficient and teat word processing
SpeBcneck and tome editing Call Cathy. 4(13 7009
AN typee ot word processing. Laser priming. $1.25
double spaced page. Cal Dana. 467-5737
Campus pickup 6 delivery. Word processing, from small
papers to dissertations Call Hotly 466-9651.
Editing, word processing, desk top, resumes, laps Iran
scriptton. laser printing 467-5906
Fast AeHtoem^ papers A other
utHVlwtd ^