The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 28, 1992, Page 11, Image 11
Don’t forget... The Daily Nebraskan's last publication date for this semester is Monday, May 4. Be sure to place your classified ads by 2:00 p.m. Friday, May 1. THERE WILL BE NO OTHER ISSUES PUBLISHED DURING FINALS WEEKI REMEMBER Absolutely NO finals may be given during Dead Week Finals can ONLY be moved to another time DURING FINALS WEEK with unanimous consent of the class. Stop by the ASUN office with questions or complaints. Ross Perot Students For Perot Wednesday, 7:00pm City Union SIGMA TAU DELTA International English Honorary. Theta Omega chapter intormation/enroHment meeting will be held Tuesday, April 28 at 3:30 p.m. in Andrews 115. Present members and new applicants welcome. Application forms avail able NOW at Andrews 353. SKYDIVE! Jump out of a perfectly good airplanel Crete Skydiving Center, Tnc. 488-7084. Thanks very much to Charles, Eric, Margaret. Mary, Dan bryan, Chris, Kate, Jason, Jen. Brenda. Julie, Val, James, and anyone else I forgot. Couldn't have done Comstock without you. Doug UPC - “Best of the Rest” For those of of you who helped with the CBS - “Col lege Tour” Thanks a lot!! Your help was greatly appreciated!! UPC & CBS ‘For those of you who missed your $$$. you may pick it up at the CAP Office - Student Union flm. 200. Anytime of the weekl WANTED ideas and suggestions for programs and services which could be provided through an educational center which will seek to provide understanding on the changing roles of women and men in our society. Questionnaires are available in the following locations: 200 Nebraska Union. 300 Nebraska East Unon, Greek Affairs. Women's Resource Center. ASUN. Student Af fairs. Multicultural Affairs, Culture Center, Women's Studies Department, Home Economics Department. U/u.eine We’ve Got Buns Hon! Plus hot juicy meat to put between them. All members and math students are invited to attend the PI MU EPSILON PICNIC Wednesday. April 29 as 5:30pm in Holmes Lake Park - Free Foodl 115 Meetings Block & Bridle Club Meeting Thursday. April 30, 1992. 7:00pm—initiate meeting. 7 30pm—regular business meeting. East Campus Union. 0(1 cer elections will be held. CORNCOBS Meeting 7pm in Unon. Dues and ticket money due TONIGHT' it you cant attend, call Greg at 477-2189. Gay/Lesbian Student Association Weekly meeting Thursday 8:00pm. Room 342 Nebraska Union. 472-56*4. _ Hey AIESEC! Bring a Inend dayl General meeting today in Union at 4 00 p.m. It's the last general meeting of the year, so be there. NU Meds Elections for next year Our meeting is postponed until Tuesday, April 28. at 6 30pm m the Union. Hope to see you there. _ Parents and Friends of Lesbi ans and Gays Next meeting 4/28/92. 7:00pm, Unitarian Church, 6300 'A' Street Small group sharing followed by a program presented by the Under 21 Group. Confidentiality Policy More inlormation: 435-4668 UNION BOARD Meeting today at 5:00pm in the City Union Anyone interested m space allocation is welcome 120 Greek Affairs Cindy (AOII) Congratulations on helping us earn the AGS Happy Face Award. Your hard work as PR Chair is recognized I ATTENTION GREEKS fiiiu,ifll£?55reekr.YearS(?,k needs dedicated people to p08','ons: Copy Editor, Layout Editor, Photogra Edi:or',Adverting Sales Editor, Advertising Layout Editor. Applications available in Greek Aft airs. Due Tues day, April 30. Cammy (XO): Thank you for linding my back-packl _____Karla H. A TQ Congratulations to all our graduating Seniors. Good Luck. The Men of ATO Congratulations on your internship at Channel 7 this summer. All your hard work has paid off! Your Phi Beta Chi Sisters Congratulations to Dan Bash and Lisa Collins (AXO) on their pinning. The Men of Sig Ep Congratulations to Dave Merritt (SMALL) on his victory at Fight Night. The Men of Sig Ep Congratulations and best of luck to the Senior Men of Sigma Phi Epsilon. We appreciate all you have given to Nebraska Alpha. The Men of Sig Ep Congratulations to Amy Franzen, Kristen Kokanson, and Liz Beffa for making the UNL Dance Squadl Way to go! Love, Your AXO Sisters Congratulations Jenni H. for making UNL Dance Squad. We re so proudl Love, your AOII Sisters 140 Personals Gary: Wrong #, 4-1-92, vote, 36, randy, teddy. 25, Burati, purple. 4-B-92, internship, drowsy concavity. Call Debra Jay & Sandra Here's to good friends, good music, A good food! Let’s do it again sometime. Andrea A Jodi Jenn, Congratulations on making dance squad. I knew you could do it. I'm looking forward to watching you next year. Love. Monte U A DDV DIDTUHAV rUDIOTII We have had some great times this year.... next year will be even better. Love. The PuddleJumpers El Guapo— Gracias para !a piftata! Also, thanks for the t-shirt, the Bill and especially the late night visitsll! I'm so glad that...WHAM . BAM...ALACA2AM. wonderful you came by! THE END _ MESSIAH Miss Stephannie Congratulations for a fine "twirling' performance on Sunday. You'll make halftime's more exciting. Steve Brian B. from Cook. 1 know who you are because I make it my business to know, and I know a lot more. I'm |ust sorry we didn't get the chance to discuss it. Maybe Later - Kim Chad. Why did the Bear cross the road? The Bored Out Chicken Peach: I knew you wouldn't disappoint mel Bob, 435-1040. leave message. 145 Lost & Found FOUND: Numerous calculators, books, notebooks, coats A some jewelry. Claim in Room 227 Hamilton Hall Spring jacket found. Call to identity 472-3684. Wedding band found Monday afternoon. Claim at DN. 148 Wanted Arizona or Bust Heading west’ Need to rent truck space or share cost of rental truck. Call Wendy a!477-5824 or 477-4167. TsOChildCar^eedet^^ Child care needed for one older child on Saturdays. 7:30 a m 4 30 p.m. Leave message at 489 8948 Childcare needed for 2 children ages 5 and 2 in my home starling May 11. 12-18 hours/week. S4/hour. 483-4033 Full-time live in nanny position tor 2 happy boys ages 4 1/ 2 and 2. m San Fransisco area, regular hours. Non smoking own car preferred. Are you Cheerful? Love children? Call and lets tak. (415) 328-8132 THI FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON |o i J t Concepts of h»ll Part-time babysitter needed, my home, weekdays. 3 yr. old A Infant. Phone Mary 423-5579. Summer childcare neederffor 2 yr old, my home. Need own transportation A references. 421-31/0 160 Help Wanted ‘HIRING NOW! Up to $7.25/hr GUARANTEED* Neodata, one of the country's top telemarketing firms, is now hiringl $6.S0-$7.25/hr. guaranteed. Realistic earn ing potential of $8/hr. Flexole scheduling to fit your iifestylel Part-time A full-time evening hours available. Paid, professional training. Convenient location 2 blocks from campus. Contests, prizes, fun, friendly faces. A great summer job! Call today for an interview: 476-8315. ask for Dianne Irwin. (EOE) 4 A CLEANER ENVIRONMENT Is the goal of the Coalition for the Environment's EARTH TEAM; Call 476-0444 between 12-2pm M-F for interview. Hours 3-10:30pm M-F. $300+/week A+ Nannies Needed. JOBS JOBS JOBS Philly— Great family. 2 kids. Pool. Days free for classes. Calif— 25+ top jobs. We've been in the homes. Check them outl Omaha— 4 fab spots. All much travel, private quarters, morel Sorry, no summer positions. ARCHER DAWSON AGENCY _ (402)554-0504 or 453-7666. Are You interested in a Ca reer? Nations leading rental company needs self-motivated, high energy people to join our management team. We have expansion plans across the country creating posi tions that allow tor rapid advancement. We're planning a trip to your campus on May 6 and 7, if you would like to set up an appointment, please call 1-B00-736-8786 and ask for Roxanne. Attention students: the Nebraska Center for Continuing Education, 33 A Holdrege, is looking for part-time cater ing personnel. Flexble hours, no experience needed, ^oply Monday-Friday 8:30am-3:30pm Catering Sales CHILD CARE NEEDED I'm looking for a responsible individual to assist in the care of my children Monday-Fridays. You will need your own, reliable transportation. Someone interested in chil dren 114 12 yrs. old would be preferred. We live in a comfortable St Lincoln home. Lots of flexibility 4 a summer health clubswimming pool membership. Call days: 475-8407 or evenings 489-4997. Classified Advertising The Daily Nebraskan has openings for the 1992-93 school year as a part-time Classified Ad Receptionist. Responsibilities include: Tak ing Classified ads over the phone, directing calls to staff members, and performing other miscellaneous office tasks. Must be able to type 50wpm, have good communication skills, \ and a pleasant phone voice To Apply: pick up an application at the Daily Nebraskan 34 Nt Union. Applications are due Tuesday, April 28, 3:00pm. Factory Workers Immediate Openings Now hiring for long term assignments on an shifts. Must be 18 or oner. EOE. Apply at MSP Resources. Suite436 Greentree Court, 210 Gateway North. Foods Service Distributor Has excellent part-time opportunity to work in our ware house. Must be in good physical condition, be able to lift lOOIbs. and work in a cold environment. M-W-TH (2 10:30pm) or M 4 Th (2-10:30pm). Apply to Lincoln Poul try, 20th 4 M, Lincoln. NE Framing carpenters full or part-time. 466-2976. Full and part-time food service and marina. Apply in person or for more information call Branched Oak Ma rina. Raymond. 783-3311. Need a summer job? Give us a try. Long and short-term assignments tor experienced office workers. Today's Temporary 464-2700 _ Need job to help pay for your education? Want to meet some neat people? Apply to do live-in attendant care. Positions available for mature, reliable individuals to work as personal care aids. Includes salary, room and utilities baid. Valuable experience for human service major. For information call Audrey or Dick 471-4400, Region V Services. Sears Part-time AutoCenter greeters. Flexible hours, EOE. Apply at Gateway Sears. Personnel Department. Seeking part-time assistance in the preparation of tech nical reports. Great opportunity for research experience. Excellent writing skills required: background in computer science, mathematics, or engineering preferred. Famili arity with a computer texl editor would be advantageous Flexible work schedule. 10-15 hrs/week. Wages based on qualifications and experience. Submit resume to Box 10, in care of Daily Nebraskan, Nebraska Union 34,1400 R Street, by May 6. Staying for the summer? Need extra cash? We offer flexible scheduling, casual environment, and a hiring bonus. Apply in person: International Telcom 3410 0 St. 474-1256 Truck driver needed for custom harvesting crew. Excel lent driving record required. 234-2267. University of Nebraska Foundation Taking applications for summer phonathon positions. Flours will be 6- 10pm Monday thru Thursday. Call for an appointment between 8-5pm at 472-2151. Warehouse help needed. Full time summer employment starting May 11. Apply between 9:30-3:00 at 5700 Corn husker Ffwy. Duffy's Fireworks. WATS Marketing is currently seeking enthusiastic and sales-oriented indi viduals to perform telephone sales. Qualified candidates should nnssAss AvrAllAnl rnmmunirjatinn skills Pan-time evening and weekend hours available Mon dajr-Friday, 5:00pm-10:00pm. Saturday 9:00am Apply at our Employment Otlice 8.30am-6:00pm Monday-Friday WATS Marketing. 6100 O St (S.W. corner of Gateway Shopping Center). EOEM F V H . Grandmothers Restaurant Wanted daytime and evening part time waitery A day time bartendermg. Apply in person. College Students/$9.25 to start #1 Branch of International Corp. is filling positions Work in Lincoln or back home during the summer. Interview now. train after finals. Internships and scholarships avail able. Call 488-6017._ “Aartis Era, Aarti* En I fW Ta )*m HsrlT New & Unique T-Shirt Design $14 95 Check or MO To: Nieces Dept AB1. Suite 101-122 _PO Box 6969, Lincoln. NE 68506_ HELPmr H you are looking for a summer job with great daytime hours, look no further. We have the following positions available: Food prep, waitery, hostess, cashier, or deliv ery. Apply today at Jan Drake s Garden Cafe, 131 S. 13th between 8:30-11 :00or 1:15-4:00pm. Get A Jump On The Rest Of The Class The Lincoln Journal Star is recruiting an individual to fill the position of District Manager. Candidates should be mature individuals with good communication skills, who are people oriented, and can motivate youth as weUs as interact with parents and customers. This part-time posi tion is ideal for the college student who is looking for a challenging opportunity and personal growth. Qualifica tion include: being available by 2:30pm weekdays. 9:00am Saturdays and some Sundays. Must be avail able to work approximately 30hrs, week, have own ve hicle and insurance and possess a valid driver's license. Benefits include: good hourly wage, bonus plan, mileage expenses, and vacation/holiday pay. Apply in person at the Lincoln Journal Star Personnel Office. 926 P. St., Lincoln. 68508 by Wednesday, April 29th. EOE/AA It’s the Pits Lincoln's Number One barbecue restaurant is switching to table service and needs waiters and waitresses. Also needed kitchen help and delivery drivers. Flexible sched uling to suit the busy student. Apply Monday thru Friday anytime at 4947 Holdrege. Light maintenance person needed for apartment com plex. Flex foie schedule, experience preferred. 474-7275. WE RE RESEARCHING LAB TECHNICIANS If you're 6Cienoe minded and have *aken a minimum of two years classroom micro-biology. Kelly Temporary Services would like to tak to you about laboratory oppor tunities inside one of Lincoln's top companies. You must have an interest in research and analysis, and possess the ability to follow detailed instructions. Previ ous lab experience is required. Work for the nations largest and most successful tempo rary help company. Interested individual can learn more by calling: Kelly Temporary Services, Inc. 483-4094 An equal opportunity em ployer, M/F/H/V Not an Agency - Never a Fee 164 Summer Jobs CAMP COUNSELORS Male/Female. OUTSTANDING SLIM DOWN CAMPS: Tennis. Dance. Slimnastcs. WSI. Athletics. Nutmion,Dietetics Age 20*. Seven Weeks. CAMP CAMELOT ON COLLEGE CAMPUSES AT Mas sachusetts. Pennsylvania, California. Contact: Midhele Friedman. 947 Hewlett Drive. North Woodmere. NY. 11581. 1-800-421-4321. Don's Auto Electric & Automotive Services 2300 "Q" w w 474-2089 "Fast service from experienced technicians "Close to campus "Shuttle service available Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Wattereon I TMlNK VIE A mo VWMS HEED A HEW TWAT? POUCH IN TH\S HOUSE FROM NOW ON, WHENEVER. XOVJ TELL ME TWtNGS, I PONT WANT TO WEAR AN'* REASONS, EXPLANATIONS, SUBTLETT OR CONTEXT. / ' i * 5? ? * l j . I So WVJCU FOR THAT POLICE. \ f Jl ACROSS 1 Glossy fabric 6 Baden-Baden and Ems 10 One-tenth of MDX 13 Unisonally 14 Kind of angel 15 Snow vehicle 16 Scary tale 18 Duck or color 19 Greet snappily 20 Observe 21 Gaelic 22 Sill 24 Frolic 26 Hold back 29 Hosiery shades 30 Buchwald or Carney 31 Tom Brokaw s employer 32 Mend 35 Walk through puddles 38 Inquiring interjections 40 Shalom, in Hawaii 41 Pillar topped by a bust 42 Thou, commonly 44 Cartoonist Chast 45 Scream ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE m1eIl1pBs1hI°1°BIt1aIc1k1s1 A L E eMBh a T SMS P 0 U t1 D I slcpiu nHsIBa P ii R E ■ aTdIdIsMi ls|l[a|n|d|s |E|U|C|L| l|DMMwtAjlTT|MM fll 47 Any single species constituting a genus 50 Dimmish 51 Old womanish 52 Blossom, in Barcelona 53 Matched collection 55 Connects 59 Wings, to Cato 60 New Orleans wellspring of iazz 62 Rendered fat 63 Sewing case 64 Occupied 65 In addition 66 Tool for scraping 67 Double tide DOWN 1 Droops 2 E African group 3 Awl or adz 4 Affront 5 One who makes semes 6 Posed 7 Like some tissue of a higher plant • Land measure • Most bashful 10 High-window section of a structure 11 Rent 12 Run in neutral 15 Of breastbones 17 Auto type 23 Taunt; jeer 25 One of radio s Goldbergs 26 Impulsive 27 Writer Gardner 2S Panel helpful to a film director 33 Kind of sticks 34 Atmospheric phenomenon 36 Bedaubed 37 Stop 39 In the near futui 43 A source of strength 49-Antilles 49 Actress De Havilland 49 Strange activity, with “off" 50 -a-Dale 52 FDR dog 54 Singer James e 55 Lambaste 57 Pianist von Alpenheim 59--do-well 91 Tear