The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 24, 1992, Image 1

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    ■jk T | Dcllly | ' . 55/35 1
I i^B^B ^0^ ■ jmm mostly cloudy
I ^B *^^B ■ H breezy with chance of morn
BhB ■ M ■ ■ showers.Tonight, mostly
^B ■ W ■ ^r^B ■ ■ cloudy. Saturday, mostly sunny
—^ JL IV B^
By Sean Green
Senior Reporter
The committee looking for UNL Athletic
Director Bob Dcvancy’s replacement
will meet May 11 to begin screening
candidates, the committee’s chairman said.
Committee members arc in the first of three
stages of the search, said James O’Hanlon,
chairman of the University of Ncbraska-Lin
coln athletic director search committee and
dean of the Teachers College.
O’Hanlon said the committee was working
on a list of criteria to use to narrow down the
number of candidates. Committee members
then will talk to references and conduct inter
views, he said.
-'The committee received about 45 nomina
tions and about 15 applications for the position,
he said.
The 10-member committee hopes to have
the field narrowed down by May to about 24
candidates for serious consideration, he said.
But the committee will not release the names
of the candidates this early in the process,
O’Hanlon said.
“We need to be confidential because most
of these people arc in important positions now,”
he said. “We plan to keep the list confidential
until we gel it narrowed down to a smaller
group of candidates.”
O’Hanlon said the committee encouraged
several women to apply for the position, in
cluding all women in senior administrative
positions in Division I schools.
Michigan Stale at East Lansing and Wash
ington University at Seattle arc the only two
Division I schools with women athletic direc
tors, he said.
Dcvancy, 77, will be stepping down in Janu
ary after 25 years as UNL’s athletic director.
The search committee includes: Don Bryant,
assistant athletic director; Angela Beck, Ne
braska women’s basketball coach; Tony Samuel,
outside linebacker coach; Janet Kruse, student
athlete; Richard Dicnslbicr, chairman of the
Academic Senate Intercollegiate Athletic
Committee; Keith Parker, assistant professor
of sociology; Anne Campbell, formerly of the
Lincoln Commission of Education in Nebraska;
and Don Denning, assistant superintendent of
Omaha Public Schools.
i Michelle Paulman/DN
Sitting the bench
Don Larson (left), director of the Nemaha Natural Resources District; John Samson, an agronomist for the Soil
Conservation Service; and Paul Rohrbaugh of the Nemaha NRD talk during a lunch break at Hollings Gardens,
16th and R streets. Representatives of NRDs, the Department of Agriculture, the National Association of
Conservation Districts, and agriculture and industry groups were meeting at the Wick Alumni Center Thursday
to discuss soil conservation and crop residue management.
Historical Society names director
New leader to settle
into position in July
By Jeremy Fitzpatrick
Senior Reporter___
he Nebraska Stale Historical Society
has named Lawrence Sommer as its new
director, replacing outgoing director
James Hanson.
Sommer, a Minnesota native, is director ol
the Montana Stale Historical Society. He will
start his new job in July.
Sommer said he was looking forward to
coming to Nebraska.
“The Nebraska society is a great organiza
tion with a tremendously qualified staff,” he
Sommer said Montana and Nebraska had
similar historical programs. The attraction of
coming to the Nebraska society was its larger
size and greater resources, he said.
“It was an attractive opportunity that came
along and the chance to work with an organiza
tion that has more resources than we have out
here (in Montana),” he said.
Sommer’s main area of interest is historic
preservation and planning — preserving build
ings and sites. He has been involved in the field
since 1968, when he received his bachelor’s
degree in history from Carlcton College in
North field, Minn. He earned a master’s degree
in history from the University of Minnesota in
Sommer has been working with museums
since 1977, when he became director of the St.
Louis County Historical Society in Duluth,
Minn. In 1981, he was named director of the
Lake Superior Museum of Transportation. He
accepted the position as director of the Mon
tana society in 1989.
As Nebraska’s society director, he said he
would work closely with local museums and
state historical organizations.
“The historical society ought to be serving
the entire state,” he said. “We can provide
assistance and expertise that the staff of a
historical society has that these local groups
don’t have.”
Linkletter leads crusade for positive thinking
Speaker gets high
on life, not drugs
By Jill O’Brien
Staff Reporter_
rusading for positive thinking.
Art Link letter told a crowd of
about 250 Thursday evening at
the Nebraska Union that life could be
an intimidating adventure.
Linkleucr, a television celebrity
and author of the best-seller “Kids
Say the Darnedest Things,” said it
was easy to become a pessimist — a
non-thinker for whom depression
“becomes a ruling factor.”
Americans, he said, have been
nurtured on the belief that they arc the
strongest and the richest.
“We arc optimists whose hopes
arc dashed far too easy,” he said.
He spiced his speech, “Making
Positive Decisions in Life,” with
humorous anecdotes from his career
as an interviewer.
For example, he said, he once asked
a small boy what his parents did for
fun. “Search me; they lock the door,”
the child answered.But Linklctlcr’s
humorous tone turned serious when
r* •
he spoke of his daughter, Diane, and
her death 22 years ago when she leaped
from her apartment building. Diane
was experimenting with the hallu
cinogenic drug, LSD, at the lime of
her death, he said.
Linklcticr said he became a be
reaved parent, outraged by his daugh
ter’s death. His friend, Norman Vin
cent Pcalc, challenged him to go out
and talk to kids about drug abuse as a
memorial to his daughter, he said.
Linklcticr said he decided to talk
to young people about drugs without
mentioning drugs. Instead, he sold
his audiences on positive thinking
and sclf-csiccm.
“Like a g(X)d salesman, I built up
my product,” he said.
Linklctier said his goal was to let
young people know that they could
get high on life without the false
sensation created by drugs.
“I can gel high on life,” he said,
referring to the opiate manufactured
by the brain.
Good feelings that come from doing
a job well and having a career, family
and friends manufacture that drug.
“Success is not a destination,” he
said. “It is a journey as you look back
over your life and love what you did.”
Mudent says crack down unrair
By Shelley Biggs
Staff Reporter
The UNL Police Department has
stepped up ticketing to rein
Jorcc parking guidelines, offi
cials said.
Police have increased ticketing of
vehicles parked on campus without
permits after 4 p.m., and the increase
has spurred some student reaction.
Susan Oxley, a member of the
parking appeals committee, said a
lack of communication existed be
tween the parking office and the stu
dent body concerning the parking
She said there were 111 parking
appeals this month alone.
Mike Cacak, interim parking
administrator and manager of trans
portation services for UNL, said stu
dents were required to have a permit
to park on campus. This policy also
holds for night parking, he said.
Students who wish to park on
campus at night and have not pur
chased a regular parking permit must
purchase a special S20 night permit
that is valid after 4 p.m.
Oxley said the parking office’s
crackdown on ticketing was unfair
because many students did not want
to buy night permits this late in the
school year.
“(The parking office) needs to
enforce from day one,” she said. “Why
See PARKING on 6
University of Michigan students
celebrate the last day of classes
by jogging a mile—in the nude.
Page 3
The Nebraska men’s gymnas
tic team qualifies tor today’s NCAA
Championship after a slow start
last night. Page 7
E B Da, a mixed genre band,
will perform in Lincoln Sunday.
Page 9
Wire 2
Opinion 4
Sports 7
A & E 9
Classifieds 9