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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 22, 1992)
$3.00 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $4 00 per day for 15 words on non-siudent ads. $ 15 each additional word. $ 75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m. weekday before publica tion. The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status or national ongm. The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper The advertisers agree to assume liability for all contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebras kan. Writing an effective ad Be descriptive. The more information you pro vide the readers, the better your responses will be Begin the ad with the item for sale or offered. Include the price of the items for sale 3 Bicycles For Sale 1 Trek 714, 18 speed Touring Bike, S30h obo. 1 Lotus 4000M. 21 speed Mountain Bike, S400 obo. call Charles at 474 6563. 1990 Specialized Crossroads (Hybred) 21 speed, rack, pump, fenders and pack 477-3446. S2?,<obo GT Mountain Bike, $125 Call after 4pm, 488 5018. TREK 400 Road Bike. 24" Frame. Reynolds 531, Excel lent Condition, S300 OBO. 421-4674 TREK 7000 with Scott Unishock, Avocet 40 Cyclocom puter, 8a' ends, S750 obo. 477-3621 or 1019 QldFather Yakima Bike Rack, anything with raingutters. holds two. must sacrifice, S115 obo. 438-5091. 4 Books For Sale A NOVEL IDEA buy-sell-trade used books of all kinds. 126 N 16,475-TOMfc. Noon - 6pm, Monday - Saturday, 6 Computers For Sale Toshiba 1100* laptop, 640K. two 3'/?1 floppy drives, internal modem, $500. external 5 'V floppy drve, SI00. 489 6754 == „■ JJ. , ■ ■ = 8 Furniture For Sale Table and chairs, $50. Couch, $75. Love seat. $50. Chair, $25 477-4731. 19 Ticket Exchange One way ticket. Omaha to Boston on May 12 $100 obo Call 436 0185 ■ -'^= 20 V chicles For Sale 80 Honda Accord LX, rebuilt engine ac, power stee ring, excellent condition, $1,000. (Sill Jeff. 464 0444. 1987 S10 pick up, 37.000 miles, no ac, 4 cylinder, excellent condition. 1 owner. $3975,476-8131, CHEAP! FBI/U.S. SEIZED 89 MERCEDES $200 86 VW $50 87 MERCEDES $100 65 mustang. sso Choose from thousands starting S25 24 Hour Recording Reveals Details 801 379 2929 Copyright #NE11KJC 22 Adoption — A mother s love awaits your precious newborn Ador ing grandparents, laughter, books, music & a peaceful country home Expenses paid Please call Robin collect (212) 724 0132, Thank You, Adoption: We can give your baby a loving family and beneve in open adoption Please call collect Tom and Lorraine 301 987 9528 Adoption A loving coupte wishes to share unlimited love and security with your newborn Financially secure in come commttied to being best parents possible Medi cal legal expenses paid Call Nancy George colled 1914)896 9503. 'ove and warmth from a very anxious famv HW"hJnl 0chave newborn weicomed Into their T^Py h?me' A1 Expenses paid. Please call Lisa and Tom anytime, 1-800-354-2219 confidential. ADOPTION carjn9. couple who knows adoption is your loving M^Sgal paid. °V6 a"d 8eCUr"y '°r y0umewb0rn Please call Sharon and Joe 1-800-728-6731 Adoption. You want good parents, and a secure home for your baby. We long for a baby to love. Let's help each other. Expenses paid Call Judy and Roger 1-800-742-1134. Adoption: A family with love, cousins, and friends, warmth and laughter seeking newborn to add to an ^ead^happy environment. Please Call (212) Advantages of loving home await your newborn. Happily married couple eager to adopt. Legal/medical expenses paid. Call anytime 1-800-272-3618. Married couple with six year old daughter seeks to adopt inlant, toddler, or pre-schooler. We have room in our hearts and home (complete with big backyard and lov able collie dog!) For your child. Adoption will be done legally Expenses paid. Were Flexible Lets talk Call Ralph and Annette 1-800-892-6564. Single and Pregnant? You don't have to go it alone—we re here to help. No fees and confidentiaJ counseling. Statewide since 1893. Nebraska Children s Home Society 4600 Valley Road, Suite 304. 483-7879 We are a happy loving couple who wants so much to adopt a newborn. Lifetime of love and happiness to give, legal and medical expenses paid. Please call Liz and Thomas anytime at 1-800-377-1362. 27 Bicycle Service PERFECT NAILS FOR YOUR PERFECT DAY! LET BLONDIE S NAIL STUDIO DO THEM FOR YOU ASK ABOUT OUR WEDDING SPECIALS. 489-7777 46 Instruction/Tutoring PRIVATE GUITAR INSTRUCTION RENTAL Zager Studio 489-2430 63 Pregnancy — Ill —■ PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy test, please call us for appoint ment, 483-2609 76 Travel — ■ ===-■■ 1 — Heading for EUROPE this summer’Jet there anytime for S169 from the East Coast. $229 from the Midwest (when available). (Reported In Lets Go! and NY Times.) AIRHITCH r 212 864 2000. 80 Typing & Resumes AH projects welcome. Efficient and fast word processing Spellcheck and some editing. Call Cathy, 483-7089. AH 'ypes of word processing. Laser printing SI.25 double-spaced page. Call Dana 467-5737 Campus pickup 6 delivery Word processing, from small papers to dissertations. Call Holly 466 8651 Editing, word processing, desk top. resumes, tape tran scription, laser printing 467-5906. Fast 4 efficient word processing—class papers 4 other assignments Call Mary 483-4010 Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers Over 10 years experience, proven results 464-0775. Resumes Professionally typeset and laser printed $15 plus tax Daily Nebraskan basement of Nebraska Union. Word Processing Services Call 466 8382 —^————— 110 Announcements G Key Members General Meeting. Wednesday 5:30pm. at the Union Agenda includes Best of America, subsidizing, trp to A*, and new honorary members All those who partici pated in BOA please attend THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON Dang! That dog’s bean up on the sofa again, Hank I Just know it!” Ag Forum: Topic—Nebraska tax legislation. Wednes day, April 22. 7:00pm, East Campus union. Five speak ers will discuss how this legislation will affect Nebraska taxpayers. ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT fisheries Earn S5.000+/month. Free Transportation! Room & Boardl Over 8,000 openings. Male or Female. For employment program call 1-206-545-4155 ext. 1676 __ Attention Ladies! Male entertainer for your stagette, birth day or any other type of parly, Garrett Promotions. Mes sage: 435-2879, Ext. 779. ATTENTION FRESHMEN: Do you have the no cash blues? If so, skid Bugs Bunny this Saturday, April 25. and take the Pi Mu Epsilon Freshmen Math Exam. No entry fee. 1st place - $100, 2nd place - S50. Exam will be held in Burnette 320 from 10-11am. Dolores Huerta First Vice President of the United Farm Workers of Amer ica, AFL-CIO Will Speak On: "The Empowerment of the Farm Worker and La Familia” When: Thursday. April 23rd at 8:00pm Where: Centennial Room - Nebraska Union Costs: $1.00 - nonstudents. FREE - students (with I D.) Sponsored By: UPC - Talks and Topics FREE Frontier Trust Mercy Rule PAW DdU LIVCIb Chickasaw-Mudd-Puppies Earth Day Concert 22nd , it Plaza 3:30pm FREE UPC Concert & Disco and Ecology Now Rainsite - Union Ballroom (5pm) GO PEROT 1-800-685-7777 IT'S EARTH DAYl "Renewables are Ready" presentation tonight, 7:00pm, with Verne Thraen. Omaha alternative energy enthusiast He will have models tor display. Nebraska Union, room posted. Don't forget to join us at Broyhill Plaza for the third annual Earth Day Fair. Infor mation booths by local environmental and social justice groups; Rain Forest show by the Seward High Flag Corp at 3pm and bands sponsored by UPC Concerts and Dance. COME CELEBRATE EARTH DAYl MAY DAY! MAY DAY! Be sure to send your sweetheart, friend, or WHOEVER a May Day bag full of goodies. Sponsored by Pi Beta Phi— all proceeds go toward the Arrowmont Foundation. The cos! is S1 and they're on sale from 9-4 in the City Union April 21 & 22. (Will be delivered to any City or East Campus greek house or dorm.) Questions on Dead Week Policy? * The only examinations that may be given during the last week of classes (Dead Week) are: laboratory practical examinations, make-up or repeat examinations and self paced examinations. The introduction of new material and quizzes are both acceptable during Dead Week. Stop m the ASUN office tor a copy of the Dead Week Policy or call 472-2581 SKYDIVE! Jump out of a perfectly good airplane! Crete Skydiving Center. Tnc. 488-7084 Students With Children SINGLE MOMS/DADS/COUPLES, Support Group Meet ings Aprit 23rd and 30ttr. 6:30-7:30, Family Resource Center, 5903 Walker Ave., Lincoln. Sponsored by Col lege Parent Network. Call 466-2677 for information and RSVP FREE CHILDCARE. 115 Meetings Biology Club Meeting Thursday, 7:00pm at Manter in room 118. Speaker is from the ICU at St. E's. Pop and chips afterwards. Gay/Lesbian Student Association Weekly meeting Thursday 8:00pm. Room 342 Nebraska Union. 472-5644. Go Perot! Put Ross Perot on the Ballot Organizational meeting Wednesday, 7:00pm City union - room will be posted Lesbian/Bisexual/Gay Student Association will be hold ing elections April 23 at 8:00pm. Room 342 NE Union. Party to follow. NU Meds Elections for next year Our meeting is postponed until Tuesday, April 28. at 6:30pm in the Union. Hope to see you there. Rodeo Club Elections Meeting, 7:30pm Wednesday, East Campus Union. The Publications Board will meet at 4 p.m., Wednesday, in the Nebraskan Union to discuss Daily Nebraskan policies. All are invited to attend. Wildlife Club meeting: Wednesday, April 22nd, East Campus Union, 7:00pm. 120 Greek Affairs AOPirate April 25, 1992 ami We love our Seniors. You re really going to be missed next year roB Congratulations to the following Gamma Phi's on their office appointments in Mortar Board: Andrea Smikek Masters Week Chair. Shannon Bradley-Selections Chair. Nikki Jackson-Social Chair AXO AGS Hurricane Delta II ...hitting the beach ...instant party 3 days Congrats to Cammy K. (XO) on being selected Coordina tor for SAA. We re so proud of youl _ Love. XO Congratulations to Cammy K. (XO) and Scott W. (FH) on your pinning. We wish you the bestl Love, XO Congratulations to Amy S. (AOII) and Eric I. (Phi Psi) on your pinning. Love, the women of AOII Congratulations to Torri O. (AOII) and Trevor on your engagement. You surprised us all. Love, your AOII sisters Kerri George (Gamma Phi), A very belated Congratulations on being named a Mortar Board Notable. Keep up the great work! _Love, Your Sisters Tom S. Congratulations on your job with Kansas Department of Transportation. Good Luck! Your Triangle brothers ^ ^ iT* iT1 4^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 4f' 4^ 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ .§ I $ $ $ $ $ $ ^ ^ ^ Clarification In the April 20 issue of the Daily Nebraskan, an ad contained the photos of two law students. The ad asked, "May we help you with your legal problems?" The ad was placed without the knowledge of the two indiv iduals. They are not yet members of the Bar Association and are unable to assist in legal problems. The Daily Nebraskan regrets any problems this may Jiave caused.j Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson TAKE IT BACK! YloVE 'EK' I'M NEVER GETHNo MARRIED.1 NEVER.' WHAT .» SHE \S> WGH SUE IS.' | SMOLDER'NG I'VE GOT TO f*SS\ON \S DISCOURAGE A VOOR I ME ROMANCE % I . -;-y-:— . GC6R, CALVIN, CM NO, \TS THE DIRT TRUE I'M COVERING TOUR A LOVE FEATURES IS magnet/ A BIG_^ IMPROVEMENT. -1 ACROSS 1 Dried orchid tubers 6 Loses muscle tone 10 Bra/il-Bolivia boundary river 14 thee not Macbeth 15 Obstacle for ' Curtis Strange 16 Fir or pine board 17 Game in The Sting' 18 Angler s catch in the Atlantic 20 Princess Diana s family 22 Charters 23 Freshwater ducks 24 Spots 25 Congeal 27 Imitation gem 28 G I s overseas address 29 Home of a * biblical witch 31 Sadat 35 Garbure, e g 37 Van Gogh locale 39 Way preceder 40 Feeds the kitty 42 Mitigated 44 Kind of cream 45 Perfume 47 Panoramic scenes ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLI m|a|t|h AT R J_ ST AT HIAlYlS 49 Part of MOMA 51 "Beau 52 " keep the word of promise to— Macbeth 53 Remarkable1 56 Angler's freshwater catch 58 Imitative 59 Preminger or Graham 60 Seraglio rooms 61 Electrical wizard 62 Fabricated 63 Pot ingredient 64 London suburb DOWN 1 Tastes i 2-, a skip and , a |ump ’ 3 Namaycush 4 Smoothed 5 Cambric's relative 6 Antares et al 7 Start of a G B S title 8 It's a gift to some 9 Incantations 10 Juxtaposed 11 Leave off 12 Strong water currents 13 They have a Grand Exalted Ruler 19 Ranch in Ferber's "Giant” 21 A former queen of Italy 24 Curtails 25 Locale of a sala 26 Well versed in 27 Pivotal 30 Reverie 32 Angler s catch in ■ the Great Lakes 33 Ancient chest 34 Regrets 36 Doublet front, in Shakespeare's day 38 Sunder 41 New York strip. eg 43 Demote a petty officer 46 European angler's catch 48 Stalks 49 Many Prefix 50 Chemical salt 51 Plaster-of-paris mixture 52 Ancient Greek com 53 Peter or Nicholas 54 Archipelago unit 55 Scorch 57 Nabokov heroine