The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, April 17, 1992, Page 3, Image 3

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From Staff Reports
One hour after an attempted rob
bery at a south Lincoln liquor store,
several police officers cornered and
arrested three suspects at 3 p.m.
Thursday at 11th and O streets.
Police blocked off O Street and
surrounded the suspects’ car at gun
point. Four men were handcuffed and
laid face down on the street.
Timothy Burton, 20, was charged
with attempting to rob County Cork
Liquor, 2702 South St., at 1:39 p.m.
Thursday, and with robbing Sherill’s
Liquor Works, 3400 A St., owned by
Shcrill K. Vanderhcidcn, near mid
night Saturday. The name of the owner
of County Cork Liquor was not avail
Stanley Smith,42, andJohn Knox,
23 were charged wilh accessory to
robbery in connection wilh the County
Cork robbery . The fourth man was
questioned and released.
Police said the men carried what
appeared to be a .45-calibcr handgun,
but actually was a BB pistol.
The three men will be arraigned
Photos by Staci McKee
Top: A Lincoln police officer
holds John Knox, 23, at gun
point on 0 Street Thursday af
ternoon. Knox was charged with
accessory to robbery of County
Cork Liquor.
Bottom: Lincoln police officers
handcuff Timothy Burton, 20,
while another officer arrests a
third suspect. Burton was
charged with one count of rob
bery and one count of attempted
1 Serbs crush
of Muslims
SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina
(AP) — The Serb-led federal army
reportedlycrushed Muslim resistance
in a key town in Bosnia-Herzegovina
on Thursday, even as U.N. envoy
Cyrus Vance sought to negotiate peace
in the strife-tom state.
On his arrival in Sarajevo, Vance
told feuding ethnic groups that peace
“cannot be found at the end of the
barrel” of a gun.
In Helsinki, Finland, the Confer
ence on Security and Cooperation in
Europe accused Serbia and the fed
eral army of inciting violence in Bosnia,
and Germany threatened Serbia with
“serious steps” if it does not halt the
Germany’s Foreign Ministry ex
pressed support for a U.S.-backed
proposal to suspend Serbia’s mem
bership in the security association if
Serbia and the Scrbian^Iominatcd army
do not follow recommendations of
the United Nations, the European Com
munity and the CSCE itself aimed at
ending the violence.
Several hundred people have died
in Bosnia since Muslims and Croats
voted for independence on Feb. 29.
They have clashed with Serbs, who
oppose Bosnia’s statehood.
The battles escalated after the
United Stales and the European
Community recognized Bosnian in
dependence last week, with the fed
eral army increasingly supporting
armed Serb irregulars.
After talks with Vance, Gen. Mi
lutin Kukanjac, commander of fed
eral troops in Bosnia, denied his army
was the aggressor.
Bosnia’s Serb leader, Radovan
Karadzic, described his talks with
Vance in Sarajevo as “very, very
“We found Mr. Vance absolutely
impartial and we agreed that the first
task is to draw a map” on ethnic
_ boundaries, he said.
FDA limits use of implants |
women who want to enlarge their
breasts with silicone gel implants won’t
be able to get them, under a govem
ment policy announced Thursday that
will allow implants for women with
breast cancer.
The Food and Drug Administra
tion’s new policy will allow use of the
implants only through controlled clini
cal studies designed to answer safety
questions, including the health ef
fects of implant leakage and rupture.
“The central aim of FDA’s deci
sion is to significantly limit the use of
silicone gel breast implants while
vigorously pursuing the necessary
research about their safety,” FDA
Commissioner David Kessler told
He said he was “highly conscious”
that some women who have lost a
breast to cancer or traumatic injury or
who have a breast deformity need
implants. “This policy is meant to be
compassionate toward these patients,”
he said.
Kessler cautioned, “No one should
think we’re resuming business as If
usual.” Up
Kessler’s announcement lifts a P
moratorium on use of the implants in |||
effect since Jan. 6. The new policy &
follows the recommendations of a IF
panel of experts that concluded in |l
February the implants should remain g
on the market but under a number of F
restrictions. ■
Dr. Norman Cole, head of the
American Society of Plastic and
Reconstructive Surgeons, welcomed
the FDA’s decision to allow use of the
implants for women with breast can
cer, and deformities. He said the agency I
has taken steps to minimize potential j
impact on iasurance coverage for breast ;
“This is the first sign that science, F
logic and compassion arc being re- ■
turned to the review process for these fi
devices,” he said.
He said that by restricting use of |
the implarits for women who want P
them for cosmetic reasons, “the gov- I
emment has placed itself in the role l
of judging the morality of a woman’s .
reasons for choosing breast implants.” P
Continuance granted j
for NU player’s trial
From Staff Reports
University of Ncbraska-Lincoln
student Lance Gray was granted a
continuance Thursday for his trial in
connection with a fight Feb. 21.
Gray’s attorney, Hal Anderson,
appeared before Judge James L. Fos
ter in District Court 13 and requested
that Gray’s trial be delayed. The trial
was rescheduled for May 20 at 2 p.m.
Gray, 21, of Oswego N.Y., pleaded
innocent March 11 to charges of as
sault and trespassing. Gray and six
other UNL students were issued a
total of 12 citations stemming from a *
fight at a house party between mem- |
bers of the university’s football and £
baseball teams.
Six members of the baseball team
were injured and some were hospital
Police say the fight apparently
started when some baseball players
forced two football players to leave a
house party when they refused to pay
for beer. The two came back later
with other members of the football
team and a fight broke out, police w