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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1992)
Classified 472-2588 CLASSIFIED INDEX § FOR SALE 2 Appliances 3 Bicycles 4 Books 5 Clothing 7 Jewelry 6 Computers 8 Furniture 9 Garage Sales 10 Misc. For Sale 12 Musical Instruments 13 Otlice Furniture 14 Pets 15 Photo Equipment t6 Sporting Goods 18 Stereos/TVs 19 Ticket Exchange 20 Vehicles SKRVK’KS 22 Adoption 23 Alterations & Sewing 25 Automotive 27 Bicycle Service 29 Bridal 30 Catering 32 Cleaning/Laundry 33 Cleanmg/Households 34 Computer Service 36 Entertainment 38 Gift Ideas 40 Hairstyling 42 Health & Fitness 44 Insurance 46 Instruction/Tutoring 48 Job Placement 50 Legal 60 Misc. Services 62 Photography 63 Pregnancy 64 Printing & Copying 68 Recycling 72 Rentals 74 Tanning 76 Tattooing 76 Travel 80 Typing & Resumes NOTICKS 100 Rides 105 Career Evemts 110 Announcements 115 Meetings 120 Greek Affairs 130 Student Government 140 Personals 145 Lost & Found 148 Wanted 149 Fundraising JOBS 150 Child Care Needed 160 Help Wanted 162 Work Study Jobs 164 Summer Jobs 166 Internships HOISINC, 170 Roommates 173 Housing Wanted 175 Rooms For Rent 180 Houses For Rent 185 Duplex For Rent 190 Apartments For Rent 191 Summer Housing 192 Mobile Homes For Rent 194 Homes For Sale 198 Vacation Rentals $3 00 per day tor 15 words on individual student and student organization ads $4 00 per day tor 15 words on non-student ads $ 15 each additional word. $ 75 billing charge Personal ads must be prepaid Found ads may be submitted free of charge DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m. weekday before publica tion. The Daily Nebraskan will not pnnt any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex. sexual orientation, race, religion, age. disability, marital status or national origin 3 Bicycles For Sale Cignal 18 spd. Mountain Bka. bought in Sept for $300 Best reasonable offer. 435-1096. 6 Computers For Sale IBM PC/XT 64OK. VGA. 20 Meg HD. 5 1/4' 4 3 1/2" d rives. DOS 3.20, $650 436 8171. 8 Furniture For Sale Tan couch, ike new $50 obo Super single wateibed. all new parts, $75 obo Dark oak dresser. $30 obo 421 7338. 12 Musical Instruments Gibson Mill Guitar. S900 rocker has » all F int $400 takes • case, 100 watt 9 tube amp and 2 effects Moving sale. 436-0481. 19 Ticket Exchange For Sale: Four tickets to both Lancer hockey playoff games Apnl 18 19 $6 pet ticket. Call Dave at 47$ 3002 or Jim at 435-7948 Linooln to LAX via Denver 1 one-way ticket leaving May 9 $130 obo Call 435 2719 Lincoln to San Diego, round trip, leave April 18th return April 22nd. $150. call 472 6660 or 421 7278 Omaha to Milwaukee via Denver. 1 one-way ticket leav mg April 19 $140 obo Call 477-4328 Two Van Halen tickets. $25 each. 475-9983. r 20 Vehicles For Sale 88 Honda CRX HF, low mileage 22K, A/C, Stereo, acces sories, $6000. Call 438-2139 leave message. CHEAP! FBI/U.S. SEIZED 89 MERCEDES.$200 86 VW.$50 87 MERCEDES.$100 65 MUSTANG.$50 Choose trom thousands starting S25. 24 Hour Recordinq Reveals Details 801-379-2929 Copyright #NE11KJC 22 Adoption ADOPTION A warm, caring couple who knows adoption is your lovinq alternative, offers love and security for yournewborri Medical, legal paid. Piease call Sharon and Joe 1-800-728-6731 Adoption. You want good parents, and a secure home for your baby We long for a baby to love, let s help each Expenses paid. Call Judy and Roger 1 800-742 1134. Adoption: We can give your baby a loving family and believe in open adoption. Please call collect Tom and Lorraine 301-987 9528 Adoption: A loving couple wishes to share unlimited love and security with your newborn. Financially secure in come. committed to being best parents possible Medi cal/legal expenses paid! Call Nancy/George collect (914) 896-9503. Single and Pregnant? You donl have to go it alone—we re here to help. No fees and confidential counseling. Statewide since 1893. Nebraska Children s Monic Society 4600 Valley Road. Suite 304 483 7879 We are a happy loving couple who wants so much to adopt a newborn, lifetime of love and happiness to give legal and medical expenses paid Please call Liz and Thomas anytime at 1-800 37711362. 46 Instruction/Tutoring PRIVATE GUITAR INSTRUCTION/RENTAL Zager Studio 489-2430 63 Pregnancy PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy test, please call us for appoint ment. 483-2609 76 T ravel Heading for EUROPE this summer ? Jet there anytime tor $169 from the East Coast. S229 from the Midwest (when available). (Reported in Let's Go I and NY Times.) AIRHITCH r 212-864-2000. SUMMER TOURS TO EUROPE. AUSTRALIA AND THE GREEK ISLANDS 15-19days All expenses paid includ ing meals $1395 - $1798. Call Contiki Tours 1-800 950 1037 ext #2. 80 Typing & Resumes All projects welcome. Efficient and fast word processing Spellcheck and some editing. Call Cathy. 483-7089 All types of word processing Laser printing $1.25 double spaced page. Call Dana 467 5737 Editing, word processing, desk top. resumes, tape Iran scnption, laser pnnting. 467-5906. Fast 6 efficient word processing—class papers & other assignments Call Mary 483-4010. Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 10 years experience, proven results. 464-0775. Resumes Professonally typeset and laser printed. $15 plus lax. Daily Nebraskan.basement of Nebraska Union Thesis. Dissertation binding. $14 single. $12.50 each tor multiple order. Choice of cover color CopyCenter. Nebraska Bookstore 476 0111 Word Processing Services Call 466 8382 ---1 THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON U IP /' / //) II "Oh, my word, Helen! You play, too? ... And here I always thought you were Just a songbird. 100 Rides Wanted: a rider to Miami, Florida or any place on the way. 1/2 gas. Leaving May 8. Call 477-8676. 110 Announcements Introducing the New Judith Driss Resource Center. No office hours, no staff, no volunteers...but were here to serve youl ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT fisheries Earn $5,000+/month. Free Transportation! Room & Boardi Over 8.000 openings. Male or Female. For employment program call 1-206-545-4155 ext 1676 CORNSTOCK is Friday April 24th, featuring ROGER McGUINN formerly of the Byrds, and THE MILLIONS plus two more local acts Anyone interested in helping, come to Major Concerts meetings. Wednesdays 4:30pm, Union; or sign up at CAP office. 200 NE Union. Call 472-2454 for more info. Pre-Pharmacy Club tour of the College of Pharmacy. Monday, April 20. 3pm. Includes dinner, tour and over view of admissions process and other student services information. Call Dr Boohar at 472-2306 or Dr. Jon Wagner at COP. 1-559-4334 with any questions. QUIZ BOWL Friday, April 24. 3:30pm Open to all UNL students 4 people per team. Come to 118 Neihardt lor an entry form before April 20. Sponsored by the Honors Program. Questions7 Call Mke Lewis. 474-2066 SINGLE MOTHERS Support group meetings for UNL students with children, Wednesdays, 12:30-1:30 Student Union, room posted SKYDIVE! Jump out of a perfectly good airplane' Crete Skydiving Center, Tnc 488-7084 Student Foundation Last meeting Thursday 5:00 at the Union. Hallmark Presentation Jack Mayer, Divsional Vice President. Thursday. April 16, 6pm. Nebraska Union. Sponsored by Marketing Club. Delta Sigma Pi. SAB and PBA Health Care Career Fair Are you interested in medicine, dentetry. radiology, physical therapy, or any other health lield7 Then see tne UNMC and Creighton Heallh Advisers in Manter Hall. Wednesday. April 15, 9a m. - 3p m., 472-1464 for infor mation. Paikmg west, reserved faculty parking available north of Dennys. $210/240 per year. 488-5154. evenings. FIND TAX ASSISTANCE TONIGHT 6-8 PM CITY UNION FREE Sneak Preview: of Joy 7:30pm Thursday. r 16 at Lincoln Theater. Passes available at City and East Cap Offices GRADUATE ASSISTANTSHIPS Campus Activities and Programs is looking tor graduate assistants for the 1992-93 year to work with students in their extra-curricular programming and activities We are ooking for peooie who enjoy lots of contact with other students and have experience in student organizations or activity programming. If you are interested and would like more information, stop by 200 Nebraska Union or 300 Nebraska East Union and pick up a brochure and application. HABITAT FOR HUMANITY 5K WALKATHON. SATURDAY. APRIL 25, 1 P.M. Beginning at the Nebraska Center. 33rd A Holdrege To raise awareness of the need for decent housing and to generate funds for constructing Lincoln houses. Call 435-3697 to get a pledge packet A register to walk WANT TO HELP MAKE NEXT YEAR S HOMECOMING GREAT?!? Application deadline has been extended for the Home coming Steering Committee positions Due date is Wednesday. April 15 in 200 Nebraska Union Applica tions available in ASUN. Greek Affairs, RHA, 200 Ne braska Union and 300 Nebraska East Union. Come on, help make a changel Peace & Prejudice don’t mix! Find out why. BahA'f Association Fireside Tafc. Thur., 4/ 16/92, 7pm, Culture Center 14th A R. 115 Meetings AD CLUB Everyone welcome lo Barbeque at Holmes Lake.' Wed nesday. April 15th at 5:30pm. Alpha Zeta Members turn in banquet tickets to Rosalee at 204B F illey Hall by Friday. April 17th. Block & Bridle Club Meeting Thursday. Aphl 16th. 7p.m.—initiate meeting. 7:30p.m. regular business meeting. East Campus Union C8A Advisory Board meeting TODAY. 5:30pm. union. FINANCE CLUB Pizza Parly, TODAY. 6pm at Downtown Valentino's. Hallmark Presentation Jack Mayer. Divisional Vice President. Thursday. April 16. 6pm, Nebraska Union. Sponsored by Marketing Club, Delta Sigma Pi. SAB and PBA. Lesbian/Bisexual/Gay Student Association It'e Bring a friend Nightff We want the to be our largest meeting of the year We'll be discussing L/B/G issues in the work place. April 16th 8 00pm, Room 340 Neb. Union. Gay/Lesbian Student Association Weekly meeting Thursday 800pm. Room 342 Nebraska Union. 472-5644. MULTIMEDIA User’s Group Charter meeting TODAY, 4:30pm, Brace Auditorium. APPLE will demonstrate its Multimedia Computers Omicron Delta Epsilon final meeting and officer elec tions. Wednesday April 15 at 4:00 in CBA. Rodeo Club Meeting 7:30pm Wednesday, ECU. Entertainment following. Be there! 120 Greek Affairs AHA Congratulations to Jen W. for her scholarship, Kristi K Sharee f . Kristin B . Susan R . Heather W . & Wendy S for their OUTSTANDING AWARDS. We re so proud of youl AGS Thanks for the great dinner exchange We enjoyed your singing abilities! Love. The Ladies of Phi Mu Andrea Smisek (Gamma Phi). Congratulations on receiving the Madeline Girard Schol arship. We knew you could do it! Love. Your Sisters Beta Sigma Psi/Pi Beta Phi. Thanks tor a great Greek Week Triad It was fun and we had a lot of support from all of our houses We hope to be paired up with you on other things in the future Sigma Nu Congrat ulations to Janelle Marcotte on your engagement to Mike Gress. We wish you continued happiness The Women of Gamma Phi Beta Congratulations to the following outstanding Phi Mu's Nancy Imig for Receiving the Gamma Gamma Award and Renee Watkins for being sister of the month' _____ Love, your sisters Conoratulatons to the following AXiD's: Jen W . Michelle M . ft Tif M . on getting 2nd place in the pudding plow. Way to eat it up girlsi Love, your sisters Congratulations to Amy A. on her Gamma Gamma Award and Kristin T. for being the top Scholar of the Journalism College Love, your AOII sisters CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WINNERS OF THE 1ST ANNUAL AXO ROCK N BOWL: 1st • Pat Cknes. Jeff Moran. Eric Jurgens. Bretl Young 2nd: Sheila Haddan. Shan Haddan. Mark Rinehart. Garlh Lienemann 5^aymire°hn Hofn' ^orn ^ort,te' Brad Beckman. Rusty Thank to all the bowlers and sponsors who het»d to make our new philanthropy a success! Congratulations to Wendy R. (AOII) and Jason R (Lamda Chi) on their fake pinning You can Baseball for us anytime. The Women of AOII Delta Delta Delta extends many congratulations to the following members Michele O for her future study abroad. Theresa V. for Greekshop schola*. Becky B for Phi Beta Kappa and Chancellor's scholar. Jennifer A tor her NHRI award DU soccer team. Great job in winning the intramural outdoor tournament Good luck in the indoor tournament also The Men of Delta Upsilon Calvin and HobbeS by Bill Watterson 10V)R DIDNT CARE MVJCW A0OV3T THE LUNAR. SANCTION OF MOUR NELL, MM HOROSCOPE SAID 'MANY yJEM POLICIES NILL BE IMPLEMENTED* NOT ALL Of THEM. BESIDES, IT SAMS TO EXPECT A TURNABOUT IN MM FAMOR. MOM NIU- RELENT NEXT TIME FOR SURE . \ ^ KA - WAT ARE NO BATHS, TOOR OTHER ST AT VJP LATt, K£T ROUGES PONT GO TO THEH? SCHOOL... THESE ARE THE ONES THAT V4WJL BE \HPIEWENTED. __ MM8E WE Yc'NON NOON, kSTROVOGER WASlQOfc\HG 1 turoogm We WRONG END OF THE TELESCOPE ACROSS 25 Dull finish 1 Rub against 26 ' inhabited 6 Martinique peak 28 ran(Tom 1, fgook 29 Like Milton after BC10 43 12 Oak-tree bounty T , . 31 Two lustra 14 Keep oft site .. _ , 34 It s not the mam 17 Bylaws event ’8 contents of 38 Summon up some kits _„ , 39 Roads scholar 19 Toledo treasure .. n _ . _ 40 Bron/e com of 20 Some artwork Norway 21 Statue base 41 Composer 22 Egg on Bartok 23 Manipulation 42 Took in visually 24 Tend a furnace 43T-Ondon park ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE I I . . 71 f-r '■ 44 Numero 45 All (or one 46 Carrying cargo 47 Poste restante 50 Solve a cryptogram 51 Septets 52 Mooed 53 Men ot ken DOWN 1 Car radiator (roots 2 Talks gibberish 3 Literary snippets 4 Explosive letters 5 A canine 6 Qualified release 7 Polytechnique 3 Cuts off 9 Long lead-in 10 Establishes firmly 11 "The Color ol Money" co-star 13 layers 14 Adjective for Tarqum 15 Like some books 16 Sing, in a way 21 Thespian s milieu ■n—p is u |5~Mr~pr~p" b |l(i it Hr* bt* — L—Jtm 23 26 ~ 27 !PPP Lb5*- ~pPP IP _ UT W40 lIIjp.lllTiIII P-—If— BFi 22 Unit ot 31 Make 39 Greeted magnetism operational 42 Pirnir n|„rp 24 playground item £ <££££* 25 Microwave 33 Pewter or device Potterby of Lined up 27 World's Fair city comics 46 In person 1970 35 Tomboys 48 Environmental 28 Gave up 36 Ranks prefix 30 Portrait 37 Very small 49 Actor Horsley