lSJPWQ r)l (XPCt Associated Press ■*> ^ w w I ^ JL V» J |r Edited by Roger Price Noriega found guilty, faces up to 120 years 4 MIAMI — Manuel Noriega, the dictator who defied a superpower, was convicted of eight of 10 drug and racketeering charges Thursday, two years after the long arm of America I plucked him from Panama in a bloody invasion. The ousted Pana manian leader’s conviction in cluded the key counts of racket eering and racketeering conspiracy. The eight counts carry a possible maximum sentence of 120 years. Sentencing was set for July 10. “We did one heck of a job. We’re proud of what we did,” said Assistant U.S. Attorney Michael Sullivan. U.S. Attorney James McAdams said as soon as Noriega is sentenced, he will be taken to Tampa for a trial on marijuana smuggling charges. If convicted in that case, he could be sentenced to 35 years in prison. The defense said it would appeal the verdict. President Bush called the convic tion “a major victory against the drug lords.” “I hope it sends a lesson to drug lords here and around the world they will pay a price if they continue to poison the lives of our kids in this country or anywhere else,” Bush said at a Washington meeting with Nica raguan President Violetta Chamorro. Defense attorney Frank Rubmo was bitter, and said the appeal would be based on issues including Noriega’s prisoner-of-war status and the inva sion. “The United States government in its self-appointed role as world po liceman ... saw fit to invade a foreign country and seize its leader,” he said. “This, in our opinion, is the mod em day version of the Crusades, that the United Stales will now trample across the entire world, imposing its will upon so-called independent, sovereign nations. Unless the foreign governments arc willing to kneel once a day and face Washington and give grace to George Bush, they, too, may be in the same posture as General Noriega.” Noriega was acquitted of cocaine distribution and conspiracy to import cocaine. There was no visible reaction from Noriega or the jurors as the verdicts were read. Summary of 10 felony charges against the ousted Panamanian leader Manuel Noriega. Racketeering conspiracy • Helped Medellin cartel set up operations in Panama • Hid its leaders after assassination of Columbia's justice minister • Took $4 million bribe to authorize Panamanian cocaine lab • Laundered drug profits and supported cocaine importation to the U.S. I l GUILTY I l Racketeering • Actual charges incorporated in count 1 Conspiracy • To import cocaine into the U.S. between Oct. 1981 and Jan. 1984 Distribution of Cocaine • 400 Kilograms in January of 1984 Manufacture of cocaine for U.S. distribution • Aided Medellin cartel in obtaining chemicals to manufacture cocaine in Colombian drug lab between September 1983 and March 1984 Conspiracy to manufacture cocaine • In Darien, Panama drug lab in 1984 Conspiracy to import cocaine • Aboard the yacht Krill between November 1985 and March 1986 Causing travel in furtherance of conspiracy • Aiding in the flight of two drug pilots during criminal activities AP Conservatives lead in British election LONDON — Prime Minister John Major, who waged a come from-behind campaign to extend 13 years of Conservative Party government, appeared headed for a slight majority in the House of Commons following Thursday’s elections. With results in hand from 362 seats out of the 651 contested, the British Broadcasting Corp. projected that Major’s party would win a total of 328 scats, two more than a • majority. Projections by Independent Television News gave the Conser vatives 329 seats, Labor 270 and Liberal Democrats 24. “We were written off at the weekend, but we didn’t sink into “defeatism,” said Home Secretary Kenneth Baker, a former Conser vative Party chairman. “The battle is not yet over,” insisted Labor Party leader Neil Kinnock. The BBC projected that the Conservatives would win 43 per cent of the popular vote, matching their share in three landslide victo ries under Margaret Thatcher. “This is very, very bad news for Labor,” said BBC analyst Peter Kellner. “It is also rotten news for the pollsters ... they blew it.” The combined verdict of the last opinion polls this week showed Labor about a point ahead, though the difference was well within the margin of error. The projections moved steadily toward the Conservatives after the polls closed as Labor failed to win in several battleground districts. If no party wins a majority, Major would have the first chance to line up enough support from other par ties to govern. If he failed, Kin nock would have a try. The rejuvenated Labor Party campaigned hard on the theme that the Tories have held power too long. But what hurt the Conserva tives most was an enduring reces sion that has pushed the unemploy ment rate to 9.4 percent. The other big issues were taxa tion and the state-run National Health Service. Officials reported a steady voter turnout in bright sunshine that bathed most of the nation. Usually about 75 percent of the 43.6 million vot ers in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland cast ballots. Speculation that the Conserva tives would win boosted share prices on the London Slock Exchange. The Financial Timcs-Stock Ex change l(X)-share index rose 43.2 points to close at 2,436.4. Foreign firms pay little tax WASHINGTON — Forcign-owncd businesses operating in the United States may be illegally dodging in come taxes worth up to $30 billion a year, and many pay no lax at all on billions of dollars of sales, a House panel was told Thursday. The Internal Revenue Service acknowledged there is a compliance problem among many foreign com panies, but Commissioner Shirley D. Peterson said there is not nearly enough information available to estimate the loss. She suggested the maximum loss would be about $3 billion a year. Seventeen foreign companies that distribute cars in this country paid the United Stales an average S4 in tax for each $1 ,(XX) of sales over several years, according to an investigation by the staff of the House Ways and Means oversight subcommittee. One com pany sold $3.4 billion worth of cars over two years and paid zero tax. The panel checked a sample of lax returns filed by foreign-based elec tronics companies oik! found that 40 percent paid no U.S. income tax. One company with S6.6 billion of U.S. sales paid no lax. In a subsequent year, the same company had sales of $2.8 billion and paid SI56. “In our society, a teacher or fac tory worker can pay more in federal income tax than a major multina tional corporation with billions in annual U.S. sales,” said Rep. J.J. Pickle, D-Texas, chairman of the subcom mittee. “This is what is happening today and it is terribly unfair anti wrong.” “We have got to stop chasing our tails around the block and tell these people... this is outright tax evasion and we are not going to take it any more,” said Rep. Paul Kanjorski, D Pa. He is sponsoring a bill to impose a new minimum tax on foreign com panies. Fed lowers interest rate to help economy recover WASHINGTON — The Fed eral Reserve on Thursday unex pectedly lowered a key interest rate in a move apparently aimed at calming jittery financial markets and buying re covery insur ance for the U.S. economy. The Fed added reserves to the nation’s money supply shortly before noon in a fashion that economists said clearly sig nalled a cut in its target for the federal funds rate, the interest that banks charge each other. Most economists said they be lieved the Fed had cut the funds rate by a quarter-point, from 4 percent to 3.75 percent. It marked the 16th time the Fed has lowered the funds rate since it stood at 8 percent when the recession began in July 1990. The move came shortly after the Labor Department reported that wholesale prices edged up only 0.2 percent in March, indicating that inflationary pressures remain in check. The Fed’s move Thursday was taken against a backdrop of these economic developments: •The 0.2 percent gain in the Labor Department’s Producer Price Index, which measures inflation pressures before they reach con sumers, matched the small Febru ary increase and left wholesale prices rising at an annual rate this year of just 0.7 percent. •The number of Americans fil ing firsl-iimcclaims for unemploy ment benefits dropped by 24,000 for the last week in March. The improvement left the four-week moving average for . claims at 441,750, its lowest since last No vember. Police suspect arson in Residence Hall fires From Staff Reports Students were evacuated from Harper Residence Hall Thursday night after the University of Nebraska Lincoln Police Department received reports of two trash-can fires, a police officer said. Sgt. Bill Manning said the fires in Harper caused minimal damage and were being classified as arson. Students were evacuated from the hall at about 8:16 p.m., he said. Five fires also were reported Wednesday and early Thursday morn ing on the ninth and 10th floors of Cather Residence Hall. Lt. Mylo Bushing said the fires in Cather also were being classified as arson. The first fire, Bushing said, was in I a restroom trash can on the ninth floor and was discovered by a resident showering at about 6 p.m. Wednes day. At about the same time, ninth floor residents found a paper taped to the wall of the lobby on fire, he said. Smoke in the hallway led them to a third fire in a study room trash can, Bushing said. At 12:19 a.m. Thursday, UNL police received another report that restroom trash cans on the ninth and 1 Oth floors were on fire. Several individuals re ported hearing firecrackers go off prior to these fires, Bushing said. “We have no suspects as of now," he said. Residents extinguished all fires, and no damage was reported except to trash cans and paper towel dispens ers in the restrooms, he said. 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