Classified 472-2588
=^= .i ,, ,",aam
149 Fundraising
FAST FUNDRAISING PROGRAM. Fraternities, sorori
ties, student dubs. Earn up to $1.000 in one week. Plus
receive a $1,000 bonus yourself. And a FREE WATCH
just for calling 1-800-932-0528 Ext.65.
150 Child Care Needed
Part-time summer companion needed for older school
children. Pleasant working environment, and hours flex
ble. Must have own transportation, previous experience
preferred. Equal opportunity employer. 421-2371 leave
If you're looking for a
great job that will
give you real world
experience while
you're still in school
AND pay you for it...
You've Just Hit
The Daily Nebraskan is
currently accepting appli
cations for Fall Account Ex
This position requires ap
proximately 25 hours per
week. The following char
acteristics will be helpful:
‘Interest in Learning
‘Communication Skills
‘Advertising Background
If you possess any of
these qualities and are
interested in applying your
academic background in
advertising sales, we have
a job for you.
Pay is based on commis
sion with monthly bonuses
also available. Applicants
must be UNL students
carrying at least six credit
Applications are available
in the Daily Nebraskan
office and must be com
pleted and returned by
Thursday, April 9 @ 3 pm.
UNL does not discriminate in its academic,
admissions or employment programs and
abides by all federal regulations pertaining
to same.
Mother of three will baby-sit in her home. 27th and
Hotdrege area, 475-8124.
160 Help Wanted
Applications are available for Arts and Sciences Student
Adviser positions in 1223 Oidfather. Deadline is April 15,
Are you friendly, articulate,
and politically oriented?
We need people who can communicate well and build
relationshps with members of environmental and con
sumer organizations.
Is a supportive, progressive
work environment important
to you?
Work with a talented, diverse, dedicated staff and an
outstanding management team committed to your per
sonal growth and development.
Evenings/$6.25 hourly
Weekends/$7.25 hourly.
Hudson Bay Company is expanding and needs to fill full
and part-time positions. If you are interested in a mean
ingful career with decent pay and benefits, call 12-2pm
only, Monday thru Friday, for an interview 476-1010.
Chi Chi’s
Now hiring aN kitchen positions and prep, pm dsh and pm
cooks Please apply in person at 201 N. 66th, between
2pm and 4pm.
College Students
Expanding local branch is filling part-time positions now
and can be continued In the summer. $9.25 to start with
scholarships and internships available. Call 486-6017.
Congratulations Kerrey Activists-Greal Campaignl Suf
fering from political witndrawl, Call Nebraskans lor Politi
cal Reform. Care about ethics in Government-Death
Penalty-Rural economy-Taxes7 Need canvasers and
field managers. Earn up to $325 weekly. Make a differ
ence! Cal 4754939 1 -3pm
E xperienced bass player with lead vocal A Plus for top 40
country rock band. 466-8214. __
Plan, develop, conduct, and evaluate food and nutrition
programs and 4-H projects, activities and events in Polk
County, NE for the Southeast Research and Extension
Center. Bachelor's with major in home economics or
closely related field, preferably with emphasis in nutrition,
required. Experience with 4-H. youth or volunteer organi
zations preferred. Position minimum annual salary plus
excellent benefits. Submit cover letter of application and
resume postmarked by April 13 to:
Or. Loyd Young
211 Mussehl Hall
Lincoln. Ne 68583 0714
The University is an AA/EOE.
Find a great job!
Come to The Great Job Fairl Wednesday, April 8.9:30am
to 3:30pm Nebraska Union.
Job Hunting?
Call the SEIC Job Line 472-8800 from the Student Em
ployment A Internship Center.
Relieves hangover symp
toms. New Product. It works.
Dealers needed. Part-time
okay. Send $5 for 5 samples
and dealer information.
Davidssons Distributing, Inc.,
Dept. DN, 12 Orchard Lane,
Estherville, IA 51334
11th & Comhusker
J 477-2535 '
J 1/2 Price J
■ checks cashed ■
^ffer good Belmont location onl^j
Mailroom Assistant
Part-time mailroom assistant needed immediately. Posi
tion requires an organized and self-reliant individual
Experience with inventory maintenance, capable of oper
ating and maintaining a variety of office equipment,
familiar with USPS and UPS. able to lift 50+ pounds and
driver's license in good standing. Please send letter ol
application, resume and salary requirements to Market
ing S, NSCA, PO Box 81410, Lincoln. 6850L
Marketing Assistant
Mature, motivated, self-starter with professional appear
ance and positive attitude having phone and office skills.
Telemarketing experience desired. 15-20 hours pei
week. Can develop to full time career. Contact Brenda,
483-7871 for appointment.
YMCA Youth Sports needs volunteer youth soc
cer ooaches. Apply at the Downtown YMCA,
1039 P St.
Nautilus supervisor position at Downtown YMCA. Tues
day-Thursday mornings. Apply at YMCA. 475-9622. -
Nebraska Republican Party seeks quality telemarketers.
Experience a plus but not mandatory. Call Sam Fischer.
Need extra money? International Telcom. Inc. offers
flexible schedules, competitive wages, a pleasant work
ing environment and an exce#ent opportunity for ad
vancement in the growing field of outbound
telemarketing. Full and part time positions available.
Hours available Monday-Frtday. 9am-9pm, Saturdays
9am-4pm. Set your own hours - Saturdays not manda
tory. If interested cal 474-1256 or apply in person at
International Telcom. Inc. 3410 O Street. _
Part-time computer operator
Immediate part-time opening for a corrputer operator to
work 10a.rn.-2p.rn. Responsble for computer mainframe
and peripheral equipment, off-lne printed output and
distribution. Ability to lift 60pounds. MVS and VM expe
rience preferred. Apply at Technical Management. Inc..
421 S. 9th Street, Sule 222.9 a.m.-4 p.m. Equal Oppor
tunity Errployer.
Runza Restaurant
13th &E
We are looking for friendly people with smiling faces to fill
part-time day or evening positions. Join our team 8
receive 1/2 price meals, flexible schedule, competitive
wages, bonus program and a friendly work environment.
Line up that summer job nowl Meaningful, exciting job
working for environmental and consumer legislation. Call
477-8681 to schedule an intenriew. Hours 1:30-10:30, M
F. Pay $30Q/Week. Training/advancements._
Marketing Internships
Participate in marketing project for successful commodi
ties brokerage firm in downtown Lincoln: DEC Futures.
Earn $7-10 an hour. Part-time. May-August. Juniors.
Seniors. Grad Students Apply NOW in Student Employ
ment & Internship Center. 345 NU. _
WATS Marketing
is currently seeking enthusiastic and salee-oriented indi
viduals to perform telephone sales. Qualified candidates
should possess excellent communication skills
Part-time evening and weekend hours available. Mon
day-Friday. 5 .-OOpm-10.00pm. Saturday 9.00arrv500pm.
Apply at our Employment Office
WATS Marketing. 6100 O St (S.W. comer of Gateway
Shopping Center).
YMCA Youth Sports is hiring youth soccer offi
cials. Apply at the downtown YMCA. 1039 P St.
162 Work Study Jobs
Want to work In a stress-free environment? With Study
time? Learn about art? Hanging exhibitions? ART MU
hours/week rest of this semester, weekday afternoons
and weekends. Approximately 14 hours/week all summer
sessions. Call Martha Kennedy. Great Plains An Col lec
tion. 205 Love Library, 472-6220.
164 Summer Jobs
SLIM DOWN CAMPS: Tennis, Dance. Slimnastics. WSI.
Athletics, Nutrition/Dietetics. Age 20+. Seven Weeks.
sachusetts, Pennsylvania, California. Contact: Michele
Friedman, 947 Hewlett Drive, North Wood mere. NY.
11581.1-800-421-4321. ___
CAMP COUNSELORS wanted tor private Michigan boys/
girts summer camps. Teach: swimming, canoeing, sail
ing. waterskiing, gymnastics, riflery, archery, tennis, golf,
sports, computers, camping, crafts, dramatics. OR riding.
Also kitchen, office, maintenance. Salary $1.000 or more
plus R8B. Marc Seeger, 1765 Maple. Norlhtield. IL
60093.708-446-2444. _
Lifeguards, swim Instructors and site supervisors tor large
summer aquatic program. Must have current CPR, first
aid and hteguard certificates to apply. Apply in person
Northeast YMCA, 2601 N. 70th._
Mah-Kee-Nac for Boys/Danbee for Girls. Counselor posi
tions for Program Specialist: AN Team Sports, especially
BasebaN. Basketball. Field Hockey. Softball, Soccer and
Volleyball; 25 Tennis openings; also Archery. Riflery.
Weigms/FNness and Bkmg; other openings Include Per
forming Arts, Fine Arts, Newspaper, Photography. Cook
ing, Sewing, RoNerskating, Rocketry. Ropes, and Camp
Craft; All Waterfront Activities (Swimming. Skiing, Sail
ing. Windsurfing. Canoe/Kayaking).
Inquire; Nah-Kee-Nac (BOYS) 190 Linden Avenue. Glen
Ridge. NJ 07028. CaN 1 -800-753-9118. Danbee (GIRLS)
17 Westminster Drive, MontvNIe. NJ 07045. CaN 1-800
Part-time summer help needed. 20-25 hours/week. Mom
ing or afternoon hours. Apply at United Rentals. 710 N.
Spring Break Over
& Still No Summer Work?
-Gain valuable work experience for all majors. -Travel 6
work wtth 3,000+ other college students from North
America 8 Europe $1800/mo. 421-9645
Summer Recreation Leaders
Lincoln Parks and Recreation Is accepting applications
for Summer Playground positions: Leaders ($4.60/hour)
Assistant Leaders (84 40/hour) Craft Specialists ($4.60/
hour). Morning hours, Monday through Friday. June 1
through July 31. Apply at 2740 A St. 471-7952. EOE/AA.
170 Roommates
1 responsible non-smoking female roommate to share 2
bedroom apartment near 48th 8 O. $175 ♦ 1/2 utilities.
Call Dan or leave message. 489-8503.
Non-smoking female roommate needed to help find apart
ment for early May Please call 438-5166. leave mes
Responsible, non-smoker, male roommate needed im
mediately. $172.50/month ♦ utilities Call 435-7796 after
Roommate needed to share three bedroom duplex near
30th 8 N. $150 plus 1/3 utilNies. 477-2953 __
Roommate wanted to share 3 bedroom house. Prefer
male. $165/mo.+ 1/3 utilities. Available April 1st. 488
15U nouses ror Kent
1138 Charleston, summer only, walk to class, 8 bedroom.
2112 Vine, wait to campus, very nice 4 bedroom. 1 1/2
bath, parking. 8650.47$-1570.488-0061.
700 N. 25th Real nice. Four bedrooms, two full baths
Parking. Near campus. 8676. 475-1570, 488-0061.
836 Y, very nice three bedroom, basement, garage, near
campus. 6525, 475-1S70,486-0061.
Nice houses available mid-May. 3. 4. 5 bedroom. Near
campus. Summer lease or longer. 475-1570,488-0061.
Reserve your 3,4,5 or 6 bedroom home for summer and/
or fall now and relax I All dose to UNL. 423-1535.
185 Duplexes For Rent
i ■ i i — , ———
Two bedroom tour btocks from dty campus, utilfties paid,
available now. 6375.475-6600
190 Apartments For Rent
640 South 20/47577262
Sign up tor a M lease, before you head home for the
summer. Botft one (6300 up) and two (6350 up) bedroom
avaSable Parking/Laundry.
640 South 20 / 475-7262
Spirth, splash In our pool Two bedrooms, some with
balconies. 6350 and up. Maga-slzed one bedroom 6300
and up. laundry fadStles. one parking stall
master Good thru
19 copies on quality April 17th,
risumt paper lgg2
3 blank sheds __
5 envelopes Maw than erei months* a Bookstore.
and a copy off
your rdsumt
on a diskette
--- 13th & Q Street
You don't see apartments like thisl New carpet, ceramic
tile in dining, kitchen & bath floors, breakfast bars, private
patios, ceiling fans, variety of colors & floor plans for only
$300-$340, most utilities paid.
For more information call:
Sunny 4 spacious 2 BR, 11/2 bath, open staircase, glass
doors, private patio, great N.E. location, most utilities pd.
$450. 464-2697.
640 S. 20th, "Rent Special-, Two bedroom reduced to
$329. Mega-sized one bedroom $309.475-7262
Century Management Co.
Partial listing of our rentals:
1 Bedroom- 1237 C. 6-plex heat paid, $310
t bedroom- 2203 Vine, 3 month lease, $290.
2 Bedroom- 3023 O, Large kitchen, all appliances, $400.
2 Bedroom- 2130 J. St., Fireplace, all appliances. $340
Call 476-2500
Claremont Park Apts
Now leasing for fall. 4 blocks from campus. 5 blocks from
downtown. New 1, 2. 3, and 4 bedroom apartments.
Laundry facilities. Pooi/weightroom. Garages.
Can now 474-PARK.
May or August Leases
East Campus. 36th and Huntington, newer two bed
rooms, fireplace. central air, appliances, laundry, parking,
no pets, 489-9916.
Near Campus, near new
One bedroom from $250 a month, no pets. 438-1970.
Newer 1,2, & 3 bedroom
Pine Tree A pen men to, 231 Adame,
Embeeey Park Apartmente, 5809 S. 31 at,
515 wT Saunders
$32S-$550. Security building, no pets. Call for May 4
August vacancies. 483-6057,483-1130.
Newer Two bedroom central air dishwasher washer/dryer
hookup 640 N 26th, avallatole now 476-1449 _
One bedroom apartment. Stove and refrigerator. All utili
ties paid. $235/month. One person. Come see at 303 S
26th. 423-5968. _
One bedroom, dose to campus, shower, $225, 541 N.
28th, 488-0567
Put a Splash in Your Life
at Willowhaven Apartments
One and two bedroom apartments available, swimming
pool with large sundeck, minutes to UNL campus.
Rent an apartment and
get a free summer fun basket.
Call 476-6200 NOW
1) Been looking for a home not just another apartment?
2) Been looking tor al the apace, quality, comfort A
amenities of a new home?
Northeast Lincoln.
Statehouse Suites
1824 M
One bedroom $295
Efficiencies from $225
438-3132 Mo pets.
1 8 2BRS
Sublease spacious 2 bedroom with balcony, a/c $ off
street parking by East Campus. Cal 467 3360 •
Summer lease 2to 3 person apartment with optional lease
lor next school year. 2 bedroom, large kitchen, fireplace
parking/laundry. 3617 Baldwin, 1388/month Cal Rob
484-8143 after 330pm or leave message.
Summer sublet w/extension possible. Walk to East Cam
pus. Large 2 bedroom, balcony, arc, D W. w/washer/dryer
in building $400month. AvaUbte May 1.466-1594.
Three bedroom duplex, 1020 N 8th, $435/month Call
826-4437 oolect
191 Summer Housing
2 bedroom apartment, fits 3 easly. Balcony, fireplace, a/
c. park, laundry. Campus dose. 467-1952.
Summer Sub-let available May 1, t bedroom apartment
unfurnished, neer East Campus. $200month. 486-6290.
Summer Sublease: Non-smoking male to share 2 bed
room Apartments wth A/C. fireplace, off-street parking.
and furnishings. Wall to East Campus. Call 464-3460.
Tan bedroom summer apartment, appliances, furnished,
dose to East Campus, rent negotiable. Cal 464-8534.
leave message.