{GayT^Basic^ally^iatrvi^ent^ick^ In commendable protest news, the gay rights groups GLAAD and .> Queer Nation have both declared their formal protest over the new motion picture, “Basic Instinct.” The furor arises over the fact that ^ the character played by actress Sharon Stone, a psycho-nut author with an affinity for sharp objects, is ± also a bi-sexual. Both groups ex j pressed outrage at Stone’s on-screen depiction, and vowed that many of their members would wait outside ^ theaters where the film was play ing and give away the film’s end-' ing. L If, at the least, it keeps people ] from shelling out $6.50 to see a mediocre shock flick, then power to the people. According to Pulse! magazine, 4AD, the British-based independ ent record label responsible for ^ fathering such alternative acts as the Pixies and the Cocteau Twins, was picked up in a multi-million t dollar bid by Warner Brothers rec I wmm ords of America. Strong supporters of the indie cause are mourning the passing of a legend. Longtime Cleveland art-rock ers Pere Ubu arc unofficially call ing it quits, so says MuchMusic. —V-\-\-\ Lisa PytHk/DN According to reports, lead singer/ songwriter Dave Thomas has grown weary with touring in support of a band that fewer and fewer fans are flocking to see. Their last album “Worlds in Col lision” was denied promotion by its record company, and thp band V-V-\-V-V" then had to solicit funds over the phone from family and friends to I afford an appearance on “Late Night >• with David Letterman.” First Husker Du, then the Re placements, now Pere Ubu; will l anybody salvage these guys and y buy a couple of albums? And, on a final Cleveland note, .> for you vigilant fans out there, Spinal Tap’s 13th album “Break Like The Wind” contains an updated ver- ^ sion of their hidden gem “Christ- y mas with the Devil.” The last and only time that Tap played the tune live was eight years ago on Satur day Night Live. Guitarist Nigel Tufnel told Details magazine, “Some segments of society might want to promote y that tune is satanist. It’s not true. We’re just saying, look, Christmas is a universal lime of cheer—even L down there.” Buy the album and eat it up. — compiled by Paul Winner * h \ X X \— ^ ^dybugs” $S p.r.f 5 *5 2 nvilionjt r^^e Cutting Ed&e Y J6 £4 5 million.r FSi&ei-^-l 4 ■•TheLawnm°*,er L ] « *£"»•*«?*.;V-V I ^-Beauty ^ *e Beast ■• " $t.8tni#ton . ! 1 . n -American Me' Poetic lyrics prevail on dance album “Hormonally Yours” Shakespeare’s Sister EMI Records Shakespeare’s Sister’s new LP “Hormonally Yours” is another ex ample of the talents of Siobhan Fahey and Marcella Detroit — songwriting team extraordinaire. Their first LP came out in 1989, but the duo said “Hormonally Yours” was where they “really get off the ground.” Fahey is from London,and Detroit is from Detroit. The sounds derived from the music scenes in each of their Shit Hook Continued from Page 9 call out the songs,” he said. “It was weird.” Shoemaker said he didn’t want to look too far into the future, but he said he hoped the band eventually would respective areas arc blended to form a bluesy-pop feel. The title of the album represents the type of woman they want to repre sent. They say that most albums only cover one aspect of a woman’s per sonality: vamp, bitch or angel. On “Hormonally Yours,” they haven’t compromised their idea of the com plexity of women. The best cut on the LP is “I Don’t Care.” This song is dance music at its best. Fahey sings lead vocals in a low bluesy way that is reminiscent of Annie Lennox from Eurythmics. The lyrics in “I Don’t Care” are well-written and original: “I’ve got nine lives and I land on my fect/1 don’t care I just don’t care.” be performing original work. When asked if the new band would follow in the Hiccups’ footsteps by putting out an LP, Shoemaker didn’t rule it out, but he said that for now, the possibility was too speculative. Before the band membcrsconsidcr going into a studio, he said, they first need to pul together enough original material and see how successful they Detroit backs up the songs with a high gospel sounds. She also plays great guitar and harmonica on “Emotional Thing,” one of the many songs that rivals “I Don’t Care.” The last cut on the LP is “Hello (Tum Your Radio On).” The lyrics in this song are as good as the lyrics in the rest: “We’re bingo numbers and our names are obsolete/Why do I feel bitter when I should be feeling sweet?” The lyrics arc considerably good compared to those in some other forms of dance music. For the most part, this is a dance album — and a good one. Although there is a keyboard-based sound, it never overtakes the album. The sound is more R&B and soul based and the keyboards only add to arc in the eyes of the public. Those who have seen the Hiccups perform may be surprised to hear Boyc play the saxophone on some tunes, Shoemaker said. But, he said, that’s not the only thing Shit Hook is doing differently. While Boye is playing saxophone. Shoemaker takes over playing bass guitar. And instead of having a front the background feel. Fahey and Detroit arc talented musicians. Their voices sound cat like, and they purr almost as much as they sing. The whole album has an original and independent sound. The lyrics have a recurring theme of breaking away to become more than average. The women in the songs are always leaving a bad situation to feel belter about themselves, with the possible exception of “Stay,” a ballad with Clive Barker overtones. The independent sound of “Hormonally Yours” is definitely worth listening to. — Laura Ray man who does all the singing, all the members will lend a vocal hand. The band’s repertoire includes a lot of “crazy stuff,” Shoemaker said, but those wanting to hear Hiccups tunes will be treated only to “Whis tlebait,” which isn’t a Burton origi nal. The show starts 9 p.m. The cover charge is $2. Newvid Continued from Page 9 All of this is told through the eyes of the family’s adolescent son Buddy, (Lukas Haas of “Witness”) who is smitten with Rose. Ladd and Dem were nomi nated for Best Supporting Ac tress and Best Actress respec tively. (Available now.) Also worth mention: “Para dise” is a moving drama star ring Don Johnson and Melanie Griffith as a married couple in the middle of marital difficulty. Elijah Wood is great as the young boy who comes to stay with them and helps them rediscover each other. “Stepping Out” didn’t play in Lincoln, but it looks like a great way to spend a rainy night. Stars Oscar winner Liza Minclli (1972’s Cabaret) as Mavis T ufner, an cx-Broad way dancer who spends a few hours a week leaching lap dancing and self respect to some needy adults. $3.00 per day tor 15 word* on Individual student and student organization ads. rLOO per day tor 15 words on non-student ads. 15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted tree of charge. DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m. weekday before publica tion. I for some peace & quiet I and outrageously delicious coffee 3 Bicycles For Sale .. ..—'=r.. . ■■■= Lincoln Police Department Notice of nl» of unclaimed bicycle* and mdoeAeneous property April 11.10 am . Lincoln land Touting. 410 W. P Street. No checka accepted 4 Books For Sale .. —1 Cruise Line Entry level, onboard/lendtlde poettlons available, year round or summer, (>13)229-5478 SCHOLARSHIPS AVAILABLE regardless of grades or In com*. 200.000tourcea rspresentingSIObfllton. AHyou have to do It apply. 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