The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 19, 1992, Image 1
■ ■ ■ . _ _ i‘ *' Tk J -( U3lly | 42/28 - |V I S\ MS' -#-% . I KhJB M V m Ia ■ ■ night, partly ^■1 B ■ W ■ H ■ ■ partly sunny and warmer with ■I. ^ VjL^AMLVyX%|4JL I._ a high around 50. _| A student walks past Love Library on a snowy Wednesday afternoon. Regents structuring plan to improve racial diversity By Sean Green Senior Reporter The NU Board of Regents is designing a plan to improve racial diversity and cli mate on its four campuses, a regent said Wednesday. The Regents’ Commit tee on Minority Affairs, which met Tuesday in Lin coln, said diversity might be increased by establish ing more financial incen tives to students, staff and faculty, said Regent Nancy O’Brien of Water loo. “1 think all of the regents are committed to improving diversity and the climate for all minorities on the campus,” O’Brien said. Financial incentives may include giving departments that have their faculty positions filled funds to hire an additional minority fac Lilly member, she said. While the lough budget year may hinder the effort to provide incentives, O’Brien said, the Nebraska Legislature may be willing to chip in some funding. “It may be foolish, but I’m kind of assuming — the Legislature may be willing to help us in crease diversity,” she said. “Legislators have been fairly receptive to a diversity of curricu lum bill, and they may support our measures, too.” O’Brien said the time frame for implement ing the plan was one of the missing pieces. But she said the committee hoped to lay the ground work by summer break and make a recommen dation to the regents by the end of summer. The committee set goals Tuesday for further defining the diversity plan, O’Brien said, but the specific action the plan will propose still is uncertain. See REGENTS on 3 Victims start support group for other harassed women By Michelle McGowan Staff Reporter Two women who testified at a legislative hearing on sexual harassment in January have started a sexual harassment survi vors group. Lanelle Kant and Tanna Kinnamcn, both victims of sexual harassment, said they de cided a support group was necessary in the recovery process for sexual harassment vic tims. “People often think they’re the only ones,” Kant said. “There’s a lot of shame and guilt. We wanted to offer a confidential support group and resources to help them get over this thing.” Kant said her interest in a support group was a personal one. Several years ago, while living in small Nebraska town, she was sexually har assed by her therapist, she said. The survivor group offers support to those who have experienced or are experiencing sexual harassment in their lives. “We arc there to share our experiences and to offer comfort,” Kant said. “This group is not only for women — it’s for everyone, male or female, involved with sexual harassment or See HARASS on 3 Spring Break travel not ebbing, agents say Consultant says airfares on rise By Alan Phelps Senior Editor The recession does not appear to have broken many University of Nebraska-Lincoln students’ plans to get away for Spring Break. While one travel agent said she had seen a decline in Spring Break bookings this year, two other agents said students were not letting the bad economic times tie them down. Karen McGinn, a travel consultant at Contact Travel, 4001 S. 48th St., said that although the recession had driven up airline ticket prices, it had not dampened Spring Break business. “It’s noi slopping people from traveling,” she said. McGinn said many airlines ran the same specials every Spring Break, which made prices to popular Spring Break destinations fairly stable. However, McGinn said she had noticed more students were choosing to go skiing this year instead of flying to warmer areas. Jon Van Bloom of Via Van Bloom Tour and Travel Service, 237 S. 70lh St., said the recession had not stopped students from leaving town for Spring Break. Air fares have not gone up much, Van Bloom said. ‘‘I don’t think it has hurt in this area that much,” he said. “We’re ahead of last year on people going on Spring See SPRING BREAK on 3 1 Mandela cautiously optimistic after — South Africans vote in favor of reform. Page 2 Diversions looks at cowboys. Page 5 Nebraska faces Connecticut tonight in Husker’s third* ever NCAA tournev appearance. Page 13 ... INDEX Wire 2 Opinion 4 Diversions 5 Sports 13 Classifieds 14 Teaching methods class to be required UNL course to train teaching assistants By Sarah Scalet Staff Reporter The implementation of a methodology class, offered for the first time at UNL next fall, is a breakthrough for the modem languages and literatures department, an offi cial said. Andre Kapanga, an assistant professor of French and linguistics at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, said the course would be required for all incoming teaching assistants and college seniors interested in teaching at the college level. Kapanga, who wrote and submitted the proposal for the class, “Seminar in Applied Linguistics and Methodology,” said the class would leach students how to use the principles of linguistics in the classroom. Kapanga will teach the class. The class is important because some teach ing assistants have no teaching experience when they are given a class, he said. “They come here, and we just say, ‘Teach,’” he said. And by the time teaching assistants begin to learn different teaching methods, he said, the semester is over. When students reach higher-level courses taught by professors, Kapanga said, they arc •* not always proficient, partially because some teaching assistants for lower-level courses did not understand teaching principles. “If the teacher understood the principles of methodology, the principles of language ac quisition and the principles of language learn ing, that would definitely help improve his or her performance in the classroom,” Kapanga said. Harriet Turner, chairwoman of the Depart ment of Modem Languages and Literatures, said some leaching assistants had requested the course. See METHODOLOGY on 3 * ' *