The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 18, 1992, Page 2, Image 2

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    l^J"pTA7C DlCXPQt Associated Press
llC VV ^ M-J lcLC ^ L Edited by Roger Price
Clinton wins primaries easily
Arkansas governor
and Bush almost
clinch nominations
CHICAGO — Gov. Bill Clinton
won victories in the Illinois and Michi
gan primaries Tuesday night, cement
ing his dominance of the Democratic
presidential race.
President Bush piled twin land
slides atop the faltering challenge of
Patrick Buchanan.
Clinton’s sweep over Paul Tson
gas and Jerry Brown was a major
stride toward clinching the Demo
cratic nomination to challenge Bush
for the White House on Nov. 3.
The Arkansas governor emerged
Tuesday with about 44 percent of the
delegate majority needed for the
“It’s almost a done deal,” said
Democratic chairman John Marinoof
New York, which holds its primary
on April 7.
Bush said his Republican renomi
nalion was “virtually assured by his
runaways in Michigan and in Illinois.
The protest vote clearly was lading,
and Buchanan with it. He had cen
tered his challenge in Michigan but
had to settle for 26 percent of the
vote. In Illinois, partial returns gave
him only 21 percent.
Aides said Buchanan would scale
back his campaign and avoid efforts
that could harm Bush’s chances for
reclection — but the candidate him
self was conceding nothing. 'We’re
going to keep on rolling," he told
supporters. “They say Mr. Bush is a
prodigal son and he’s on his way
home. I say it’s too soon
Clinton won easily in both indus
trial states, 51 percent to 26 percent
for Tsongas in Illinois, 46 to 28 for
Brown, who ran second in Michigan.
Those showings overrode the critics
who had called him a Southern re
gional candidate.
“The test of electability is elec
tions,” said the Arkansas governor,
adding that he’d passed it.
In Illinois, Democratic Sen. Alan
Dixon was upset in his bid for third
term renominalion, losing to Carol
Moseley Braun, the Cook County
recorder of deeds. She will face Re
publican Richard Williamson, a sub
urban Chicago attorney, in Novem
Dixon urged his supporters to work
for Braun, who would be the first
black woman and the first black
Democrat ever elected to the Senate.
Outspoken Rep. Gus Savage of
Chicago also was unseated, beaten by
Mel Reynolds, his three-time chal
lenger, wounded in a drivc-by shoot
ing late in the campaign. Both winner
and loser arc black Democrats.
Rep. Charles Hayes, first House
member caught up in the chcck-bounc
ing scandal, was in a race loo close tc
Both Tsongas and Brown offered
Clinton their congratulations, a polite
touch in an increasingly bitter cam
paign. Both had vowed in advance
that no matter the result, they will
continue their battles to overtake
At a Chicago victory rally, Clinton
sounded an anti-Washington theme,
telling supporters that the people who
voted for him, voted for change. “They
have voted to go beyond the politics
of both parties in Washington, ' he
57% reporting -
Delegates Votes %
Clinton 107 422,868 51%
Tsongas 46 213,465 26%
Brown 11 122,498 15%
Uncommitted 0 39,019 5%
Other 0 31,035 4%
72% reporting
Bush75 467,520 76%
Buchanan 0 139,728 23%
Horton 0 7,482 1%
76% reporting
Delegates Votes %
Clinton74_ 216,583 48%
Brown _ 35 122,129 27%
Tsongas _22 79,891 18%
Uncommitted 0 21,277 5%
Other 0 9,056 2%
76% reporting
Bush 72 244,563 67%
Buchanan 0 92,882 25%
Uncommitted 0 18,764 5%
Duke 0 9,491 3%
May not add to 100 due to rounding
Bomb destroys
Israeli embassy
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina—
A suspected terrorist bomb de
stroyed the Israeli Embassy and
ripped through a school and other
buildings Tuesday. At least 10
people were killed, including some
children, and more than 105 people
were injured.
About 30 people were reported
trapped under rubble, including
some embassy personnel, said Nili
Chaminsky, daughter of Israeli
Ambassador Itzhak Shcli. She did
not know how many stafl members
were missing. Shefi was not in the
building at the time of the blast.
Rescue crews using spot lights
worked through the night to clear
the tangle of concrete, metal and
President Carlos Menem said
at least 10 people were killed and
blamed the attack on terrorists,
although he did not offer evidence
or elaborate. An Israeli official in
Jerusalem said a car bomb was
Mayor Carlos Grosso said at
least 106 were injured, “but it’s
believed there are more.” The in
jured included students from a
nearby primary school, radio sta
tions reported.
Bush snubs Israeli loans
WASHINGTON — President Bush
on Tuesday rejected a congressional
compromise on loan guarantees to
Israel, effectively denying Israel the
financial backing it needs to resettle
Soviet immigrants, key lawmakers
Bush told the lawmakers he would
veto their proposal if it reached his
desk, while offering an alternative
linked to a hall in settlement con
struction on the West Bank and Gaza.
Israel has said it will not suspend
construe lion, even if it means looking
elsewhere for financial backing.
“I’m frankly very, very disap
pointed,” Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt.,
said after meeting with Bush to dis
cuss the proposed deal. “This lan
guagc is run accepuioic to me presi
Israel had requested S10 billion in
loan guarantees over five years to
help resettle some 4(K),(K)0 refugees
from the former Soviet Union and
Bush met with lawmakers alter
saying that Israel settlements in dis
puted territories violated Washing
ton's “longstanding policy that feels
that settlements are counterproduc
tive to peace.”
“We have close, historic relations
with Israel and they will always be
that way. But we have a difference
now, it appears, in terms of these
settlements,’' Bush said. “The door is
open,” he said, but “U.S. policy must
be accommodated.”
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Most South Atricans vote
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa — South
African whites, bitterly divided over sharing
power w ith blacks, turned out in huge numbers
Tuesday for a referendum on ending centuries
of racial domination.
—Most analysts forecast a victory for Presi
dent F.W. de Klerk and his reforms, but exit
polling was banned and the final results were
not expected until Wednesday evening.
De Klerk, who has abolished major apart
heid laws, needs a victory to push ahead w ith
his last and most important reform: a new
constitution extending full political rights to
the 30 million black majority.
The president, smiling and looking confi
dent, said he was optimistic. “I’m full of enthu
siasm,” he said after voting in Pretoria.
Election officials reported a surge of voters
shortly before polls were due to close at 9 p.m.,
and voting was extended at some stations.
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Several stations nearly ran out of ballots, anil
many reported at least SO percent turnout.
“Never in 40 years have I seen people vote
like this,” said Zach dc Beer, leader of the
Democratic Parly, which supports the referen
If the referendum fails, de Klerk has prom
ised to resign, clearing the way for a whites
only general election. Pro-apartheid parties
would be favored to win an election if dc Klerk
is defeated.
The heavy turnout w as expected to favor de
Klerk, since voter apathy in the past has been
attributed mainly to English-spcakcrs who tend
to be more liberal than Afrikaans-speaking
Liberal whites, who have traditionally op
posed the government, provided dc Klerk with
a key block of votes.
Reports signal end
of recent recession
WASHINGTON — New home construc
tion surged unexpectedly in February and in
dustrial production rebounded from a four
month stall, the government said Tuesday in
reports hailed as unambiguous evidence of an
economic recovery.
"The long recession is over," said econo
mist Lawrence A. Hunter of the U.S. Chamber
of Commerce. The reports "signal a clear turn
ing point for the economy,” which started its
decline in July 1990.
Meanwhile, the Labor Department said
consumer prices rose a moderate 0.3 percent in
February, pulled up by higher food and cloth
ing costs. And the Commerce Department said
the broadest measure of the nation’s trade
deficit narrowed to S8.62 billion in 1991, the
smallest in nine years.
Housing starts increased a surprisingly vig
orous 9.6 percent to 1.3 million units, the
highest level since March 1990. Every region
of the country registered gains, with the largest
posted in the Midwest.
The Commerce Department said it was the
biggest increase in a year and followed a healthy
6.4 percent gain in January. Most economists
had expected only a slight rise — or a decline.