The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, March 16, 1992, Page 2, Image 2
News Digest Candidat Critical primaries just two days away CHICAGO — Bill Clinton asked churchgoers for votes and prayers Sunday as rivals Paul Tsongas and Jerry Brown mounted intense efforts to blunt the big-state appeal that could cement the Arkansas governor as the overwhelming Democratic front-run ner. With the critical gan primaries two days away and Clinton far ahead in late polls, can didates cam paigned freneti cally and planned a curtain-call debate to be televised in both states. The spirited Democratic jockey ing nearly overshadowed the GOP contests — two more all-but certain wins for President Bush despite an aggressive effort in Michigan by conservative challenger Patrick Buchanan. Tsongas and Brown, well aware a Rust Bell sweep would make Clinton the presumptive nominee, look time to appear on national television pro grams to suggest Democratic voters think again. “You can the everything to every body,” Tsongas said in renewing his criticism that Clinton was putting popularity over prosperity and prom ising programs to help everyone. Tsongas also said anew that he would not be interested in sharing the ticket with Clinton because of economic differences. “You have to stand lor some things,” es span I Illinois Electoral profile: Delegates from state: Democratic: 164 Republican 85 Total delegates in U.S.:_ Democratic 4,284 Republican: 2,209 III. electorate: 1990 population Eligible voters I..— Registered voters _ J 6,031,858 AP Tsongas told NBC-TV’s “Meet the Press” before visiting a black church and marching in a St. Patrick s parade in Chicago. “I think that's the major difference.” Brown, on CBS-TV's “Face the Nation. " said. “He's all over ihe lot. There’s no beef.” The former California governor also visited a black church, where he hoped to cut into Clinton's overwhelm ing support among black voters. His appeals to labor in Michigan have brought him into a virtual tie with Tsongas for second place. lust Belt ELECTIONS \ I Michigan Electoral ^^HT~cakI profile: Delegates from state: Democratic 131 Republican 72 Total delegates in U.S.: Democratic 4,284 1 Republican: 2,209 " Michigan electorate: 1990 population JPRMHMMR|PRH9INPN9VMWni0VMRMIIMIQVRM9QWWWOOWKC$ * Eligible voters Registered voters , HHHHHK; 5,892,001 AP Clinton, meanwhile, made a blit/ of church visits before joining Tson gas in the parade. Clinton visited four churches and stopped at a bagel bak ery in a Jewish Chicago neighborhood.To each predominantly black congregation, Clinton quoted the Bible and scriptures and offered a promise of promoting racial unity. “If we arc all equal in the eyes of God, why arc the opportunities not there for so many?” he said at one stop. “I think we have lost our way.. .. I have seen the miracles of America and they make the failures of our country all the more painful." Bad checks haunt elections WASHINGTON — The political consequences of check-bouncing ai ihc House bank will be pul 10 an early leslTucsday in Illinois, where Demo cratic Rep. Charles Hayes — listed among the lop half-dozen abusers — faces a difficult primary battle. “He’s become a captive of the perks and privileges of Congress,” said Chicago Alderman Bobby Rush, who’s threatening to unseal the five term incumbent in the Democratic primary. Across the political map this elec tion year, challengers see gold in the check-bouncing scandal, and the 296 olfcndingcurrcni House members arc scrambling to control the damage. Hayes fought back, noting that ho 716 bad checks involved no taxpayci funds. “If it had cost ihc government money or the taxpayer money, it would be an issue,” he said. “I covered any overdraft and I owe no money to anyone.” “I think the voters will deal with this harshly,” Rep. Fred Grandy, R Iowa, a member of the House ethics committee, said about the overall scandal. U.N. peacekeepers face challenges Troops try to end war in Cambodia PHNOM PENH, Cambodia - The United Nations officially em barked on its largest ever peacekeep ing operation Sunday, hoping to end two decades ol war that killed countless Cambodians and devas tated their country. Arriving to formally establish the U.N. Transitional Authority in Cambodia, senior U.N. diplomat Yasushi Akashi c o n d e m n c d recent cease fire violations, and said the United Nations would do what it must to defend the peace accord signed by Cambodia's four rival factions. ‘We face a historic challenge,' Akashi said. “UNTAC will be the largest, most complicated, most ambitious and, I am afraid, most expensive operation in the 47-year history of the United Nations.” U.N. officials and soldiers be gan arriving in October alter the Vietnamese-installed government and three rebel factions signed a peace agreement in Paris to end 13 years of civil war. A few thousand are now' here and about 22,000 soldiers, civilian police and other officials eventually are to come. The lightly armed U.N. military force is to disarm most of the 250,000 lighters from all four factions and supervise the rest m s|>eeial can tonments set up around the coun try. The peacekeepers also are to ensure that all V letnamese soldiers arc out of the country. Vietnam says it w ithdrew the last of its trcxips in late 1989, but that has been disputed by some Cambodians. The U.N. operation also will repatriate360,(KK)relugeonow in Thailand, and U.N. officials arc to take over key governmental func tions in the next few weeks to pro vide a neutral climate before U.N. conducted elections m 1993. . ' . 1 Forces try to prevent more fighting between former Yugoslav republics PANCEVO, Yugoslavia — With bluc-beretcd officers standing at sharp attention, the commander of the U.N. peacekeeping forces inau gurated their mission Sunday, tell ing the troops they faced a delicate and difficult task. Also Sunday, Y ugoslavia’s fed eral army turned over guard posts on the border with Greece to au thorities of Macedonia, which proclaimed its independence in January. In ethnically tense Bosnia, the Tanjug news agency reported heavy shooting throughout the night near the military airport of Mosiar re gion. Croatian radio said ethnic Muslims had erected barricades on a main road leading into Mosiar, but there was no word of casual ties. The advance U.N. team was scheduled to Ian out Monday across three main war /ones in Croatia, which dec I oral independence nearly nine months ago. All I4.0(K! L.N. troops were scheduled to arrive by April 25. Some peacekeepers said they had had little time to prepare lor their mission. “We had received a three-day notice before coming here,” said Col. Yuri Levchcnkoof Russia. Levchenko, an Afghanistan w ar veteran, was heading the first L.N. peacekeeping unit from the former Soviet Union. It was to be sta tioned near Vukovar, in eastern Croatia, scene of the bloodiest clashes in the civil war._ Under the U N. peace plan. Croatian forces and the Serb-led federal army will withdraw from contested parts of Croatia. All militias arc to be disarmed, and the regions will conic under U.N. pro tection while a negotiated solution is sought. Second quake hits Turkey, slows relief efforts ERZINC AN, Turkey — A second major earthquake struck eastern Tur key on Sunday, just two days alter a temblor that caused hundreds or even thousands of deaths, state television reported. Panicked residents ran into the streets. The second quake measured 6 on the Richter scale and occurred at 6:17 p.m. the television and semi-official Anaiolia news agency reported. The new shock came as tents and emer gency food aid poured into this city, already reduced to rubble by a Fri day’s earthquake. Sunday’s quake knocked out power in the city and temporarily halted rescue operations, Anatolia reported. The second quake was fell over a broad area extending nearly to the Soviet border in northeastern Turkey and u> Diyarbakir in southeastern Turkey. There were no immediate reports on further damage or injuries. Rescue efforts were proceeding slowly Sunday and officials said they feared many bodies remained buried. The first minute-long quake hit Friday evening, llancning one quar ter of the city of 1 SO.CKX) in eastern Turkey that was rebuilt alter a 1939 earthquake killed 32,(XX) people. Red Cross officials, citing reports from the scene, have said as many as 4,(XX) people might have been killed across eastern Turkey. But only a few hundred bodies had been recovered by Sunday, officials said. St. Pat's reaches Moscow MOSCOW — This is a mul tiple-choice question: name the city where a bagpiper in kills played traditional Irish tunes on Sunday, and green beer flowed at the S ham - rock bar. Answer: Dublin, Killarncy — or Moscow. Moscow Tis. Muscovites got a taste of Ire land on Sunday, two days ahead of the tribute to the 15th century Irish saint, in the city’s first St. Patrick’s Day parade. City officials sealed off a main street leading to the Kremlin to make way for more than 20 floats, marchers and drum majorettes. The parade organized by the Irish Store, a Russian-lrish joint venture, appeared to mystify many city dwellers accustomed to more sedate Sundays. “This is amazing,” said pen sioner Alexander Cherdov. “I just came out to buy bread. 1 never expected a parade.” Moscow’s version of St. Pat rick’s Day lacked only the num bers of celebrants from Irish com munities around the world. For instance, there w as just one kilted bagpiper, Dcs Boland, a bartender from Shannon airport temporarily working in Moscow. Accompanying Boland as his bagpipes blared were six Russians on horseback dressed in the tradi tional Cossack uniform. f Gay activists march with banner in Boston’s St. Patrick’s parade BOSTON — Some spectators lobbed smoke bombs and beer cans at two dozen Irish-American gay activ ists Sunday as they marched, draped in green and armed with a court order, in a St. Patrick's Day parade. Some spectators jeered and others threw things at gay marchers, who wore pink triangles and green carna tions. They responder! by shouting “Happy St. Patrick’s Day.” “It’s a great amount of hale,” said Dave O’Connor, part of the gay con tingent. “I’m Irish, I’m from Ireland, 1 should bloody well be allowed to march.” A judge last week ordered organ i/crs lo admit gays lo die parade through the heavily Irish-Ameriean neighbor hood of South Boston. The Irish-Ameriean Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual Pride Committee agreed to limit marchers to 25, use only one banner and refrain from distributing fliers. Mounted police acted as a buffer between marchers and the crowd of about 6(X),(XX). Motorcycle police cruised alongside and a police van filled with officers followed behind. It was the first lime in the Boston parade's 91-year history that an openly gay group marched under its own banner. 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