The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 26, 1992, Page 8, Image 8

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    NU vs. Oklahoma St. Wed. Feb. 26, 7:08 p.m. at Gallagher-lba Arena,
Stillwater, Okla
F 44 Bruce
F 21 Cart Hayes 6-9 Sr. 11.6 5.4
C 34 Derrick Chandler 6-10 Jr. 12.4 8.2
G 12 Jamar Johnson 5*11 So. 11.4 3.6
_ G 52 Eric Piatkowski 6-6 So. 14.7 6.6
F 35 Byron Houston 6-7 Sr. 20.3 9.0
or 42 Randy Oavis 6*9 Jr. 7.9 3.6
C 50 Bryant Reeves 7-0 Fr. 7.8 4.8
G 20 Sean Sutton 6-1 Sr. 11.4 2.8
G 05 Corey Williams 6-2 Sr. 10.9 3.6
G 14 Darwyn Alexander 6-0 Sr. 10.0 2.4
Brian ShellitcyON
Continued from Page 7
with 45.
“His forte is shooting the basket
ball, and he’s showing the courage,
determination and maturity that sen
iors usually have,” Nee said. “He’s
doing everything from picking up
towels to hitting three-pointers, and
he’s doing whatever it takes to win.”
As for those who have criticized
the Huskers, Nee said Nebraska’s
recent success should open the eyes
of doubters to how far his program
has come.
“We’ve played for 98 years and
are now on the verge of making his
tory of two straight NCAAs,” Nee
said. “We lost four or five players off
of last year’s program — now we’re
right back at the same level we were
“We’re playing in the toughest
conference in the country and we go
12-1 in non-conference, so how can
you criticize us?”
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Harassment case settled
BOSTON (AP) — A sportswriter
who alleged a New England Patriots
player exposed himself in the locker
room and taunted her while team
mates encouraged him has settled her
sexual harassment lawsuit for a re
ported $250,000-plus.
The settlement, announced Mon
day, came about a week before Lisa
Olson’s lawsuit against members of
the football team was to go to trial.
Terms were not disclosed, but The
Boston Globe said it learned from an
unidentified source that the Patriots
agreed to pay her about $500,000.
The Boston Herald, where Olson
worked at the time of the incident,
quoted sources as saying the sum
ranged from at least $250,000 to more
than $700,000.
Olson had alleged that while inter
viewing a player in 1990,athlcteZeke
Mowatt exposed his genitals and made
sexual remarks while egged on by
two teammates. The incident stirred
debate over women writers in the
locker room.
Olson said she will use the money
to establish a journalism scholarship
at her alma mater, Northern Arizona
Continued from Page 7
“Other than that, there’s just not
much I can say about them,” Neu
mann said.
Winning the dual is not as impor-,
tant to Neumann as improvement, as
his wrestlers work on their individual
“We look at this dual as one last
tune-up for the Big Eight Tourna
ment (March 7, in Norman, Okla.),”
Neumann said. “Toward the end of
the season, each lime he’s on the mat,
a guy tries to improve some part of his
wrestling. That’s the most important
thing we have to do out there.”
Neumann said that while many
coaches were happy just to finish the
season, he was anticipating good things
in the next three weeks, at the Big
Eight and NCAA tournaments.
The NCAA Tournament will be
March 18-20 at the Myriad in Okla
homa City.
Neumann said the morale of the
team was good heading into the final
stretch of the season.
“Our guys have a realistic attitude
about what they need to do and what
they can accomplish in the next few
weeks,” Neumann said. “There isn’t
anybody we’re going to fool at the
Big Eights.*’
Continued from Page 7
“They went down to Oklahoma
and played tough,” Sanders said. “They
improved a lot during the games.”
Junior Josh Bullock is designated
“ ii i ii ii ■ I—V
to start on me mound tor Meoraska,
Sanders said. After Bullock, Sanders
said he planned to split the time among
several pitchers.
The Huskers are scheduled to host
Western Illinois for a doubleheader
Saturday and a single game Sunday.
Nebraska then travels to Wichita State
on Tuesday.
Men’s Basketball
1. Sigma Alpha Epsilon (6-0)
2. Penetrators (7-0)
3. Harper 3 (6-0)
4. ABC (5-0)
5. Delia Tau Delta A-1 (4-0) _
6. The Machine (4-1)
7. Beta Theta Pi A-l (5-1)
8. Alpha Tau Omega A-2 (5-1)
9. Jungle Brothers (5-1)
10. Misfits (6-1)
Women’s Basketball
1. TFD (5-0)
2. The Bla/.e (5-0)
3. HSS Bad Girls (4-1)
4. Snots (4-1)
5. Hot Shots (4-1)
6. Alpha Omicron Pi (4-1)
7. Your Loss (4-1)
8. Delta Gamma (3-2)
9. Sandoz 6 (3-2)
10. Delta Delta Della (4-2)
Co-Rec Volleyball
1. Kappa Sigma/Delta Gamma 1
2. Blacktops (3-0)
3. Stowaways (2-0)
4. Unstoppable (3-0)
5. Slammers (3-0)
6. Ace Makers (3-0)
7. Phi Gamma Delta/Alpha Chi
Omega (3-0)
8. Theta Xi/Alpha Omicron Pi (3
9. Py thons (3-0)
10. Sigma Phi Epsilon/Kappa Al
pha Theta (2-1)
From the Office of Campus
Last Wednesday's Results
Bea/ers 47, Thundering Herd 40;
Bruins 52, Wailing Banshees 28, BC
Boys 61, Blow Up Dolls 41, Greyhounds
51, Geams Jammers 29, Jungle Broth
ers 63,7 Keg Rats 50, Midnight Blue 65,
Kumstems 61; Team X 72, Nebraska
Tech 33, Strange Brew 68, Run & Gun
58. Fat & Out of Shape 56, B!acktops52,
69ers 69, The Sluts 46; Misfits 67,
Gunnm Gauchos 57; IDGARA 40, The
Law 38; Delta Gamma B 44, Burr 2 East
33; Losers 62, Alpha Xi Delta 33, Blaze
57. Love Hall 18
Indoor Soccer
Tnangle 1, Kappa Sigma 0; Alpha
Tau Omega C1 1, Phi Gamma Delta 0;
Beta Theta Pi 2, Sigma Phi Epsilon 1;
Delta Gamma wbf over Alpha Delta Pi;
W La Topa 3, Galera 1; Piper 2 9, Cos
mos 1; China 4, BMR 1; J Stryker 5, The
Blaze 0
Thursday's Results
Penetrators 78, The Magnificent 7
64, Kings of the Arctic 47, Bus Drivers
42; St Andrew's Slicers 54, Crazed
Dogs 47, Delta Tau Delta B2 57, Sigma
Alpha Epsilon B1 56 Beta Theta Pi 61,
Delta Upsilon B2 43, Lambda Chi Alpha
54, Phi Gamma Delta B2 39, Brown
House 53, Sober Stormers 42; Sigma
Phi Epsilon B2 56, Phi Kappa Psi 39;
Theta Chi 73, Alpha Gamma Sigma B1
60, Alpha Gamma Sigma B2 72, Delta
Tau Delta B1 53; Delta Upsilon B1 68,
Ag Men 55. Harper 3 64, Cattier 3 43;
Burr II Brewers 60, Cather 7 43
Unstoppable 2, Acacia/Alpha Delta
Pi 0. Phi Gamma Delta/Alpha Chi
Omega 2, It's Superstars 0; Help
Wanted 2, Gamma Phi Beta 0, Havin
Fun 2, NWA 0; Net Violators 2, FCA 2 0;
Stephens Leepers 2, Mr Happy 1; Beta
Sigma Psi wbf over FCA 2, Spikers 2,
Alpha Tau Omega/Pi Phi I 0; Scniongs
2, Farmhouse B2 1; Co-Wrecks 2. Abel
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