The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 04, 1992, Page 3, Image 3

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    Students discuss interracial dating
Lee’s ‘Jungle Fever’
sparks honest talk
about relationships
By Sean Green
Senior Reporter
A film about interracial dating
sparked discussion of the pros and
cons of such relationships Monday
night at the UNL Culture Center.
After a showing of “Jungle Fe
ver,” about 40 UNL students discussed
interracial dating and marriage, in
cluding some students who related
their own experiences.
After one white woman who de
clined to be identified talked about
her relationship with a black man,
another student said, “Your relation
ship is going to be subjected to a lot of
hell in this society.”
“Sometimes I would just like to
hear some positive reinforcement,”
the student said.
The film and discussion marked
the beginning of Black Homecoming
Week activities and the celebration
of Black History Month.
“Jungle Fever,” written, produced
and directed by Spike Lee, centers on
two characters, a married, black man
and a single, white woman.
The two have an affair, but their
relationship is quickly complicated
by the disapproval of their families,
their own altitudes about each other’s
race and the question of infidelity.
The film, set in New York City,
addresses the interracial issue and
other issues often faced by African
Americans, in a straightforward
Students talked about the different
issues brought up by the characters
that related to interracial marriage
and dating.
In one scene, the wife of the man
having an affair talks about her anger
at her husband, both for breaking their
marriage vows and going to a while
During the discussion, some stu
dents said they agreed with the wife’s
point of view. Other students said
they were upset when they saw a
black man dating a white woman,
instead of a black woman.
Black Homecoming Week aclivi-'
ties will continue today with a panel
discussion from 3 to 4:30 p.m. in the
Culture Center.
Travel on officials’ calendars
By Michelle McGowan
Staff Reporter
UNL Chancellor Graham Spanicr
and Michael Mulnix, executive di
rector of public relations, will travel
throughout the spring semester to build
support for the university.
Spanicr said he and Mulnix would
spend two days a week traveling “to
visit and become belter acquainted
with Nebraska, its leaders, and with
what the people we serve arc think
In addition to Nebraska, their trav
els will cover cities such as Denver,
Minneapolis, Milwaukee and Los
Mulnix said he and Spanicr planned
to visit UNL alumni organizations,
chambers of commerce, Rotary clubs
and community colleges.
They will visit community lead
ers, as well as potential donors, he
said, to raise funds for the University
of Ncbraska-Lincoln.
Mulnix said he would talk mainly
to legislators and media representa
tives, while Spanicr would have a
broader focus.
The chancellor will spend most of
his time speaking to different service
clubs and attending some Founders’
Day dinners sponsored by alumni
organizations, Mulnix said.
Although the two will concentrate
on fund raising, their main purpose
“is to establish a rapport with the
people,” Mulnix said.
But before Spanicr and Mulnix
begin their travels, they will meet
with officials on East Campus, the
High School and College Relations
department and other departments to
pinpoint potential donors.
While keeping a vigorous sched
ule on the road, Span ier said he would
continue “to work and focus on issues
such as UNL’s budget, faculty work
load, our commitment to instructional
improvement and to serve Nebraska
through various programs.”
to feature author
Alex Haley, Pulitzer Prize-win
ning author of “Roots” and “The
Autobiography of Malcolm X,” will
be among a host of African-Ameri
cans to participate in a videocon
ference Wednesday on the condi
tion and progress of Black Ameri
Part of the annual ‘‘Beyond the
Dream” program, the videoconfer
ence will be broadcast live via sat
ellite from Black Entertainment
Television in Washington, D.C.
The videoconference will be
shown in the Nebraska Union. The
room will be posted on the union
schedule of events.
Women and aging
subject of course
Women may reflect on the is
sues of their own aging in a six
week session of classes titled,
“Women & Aging: Celebrating
Ourselves,” beginning today from
7 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the Gathering
Place, 1448 E St.
Issues to be explored include
facing the fear of aging, support
networks, role models and well
Cost for the course is $30.
Beginning midnight Saturday
2:55 p.m. — Tail-light broken
and vehicle denied, parking lot
at 17th and Vine streets, $200.
2:57 p.m. — Bicycle damaged,
Hamilton Hall, $50.
4:52 p.m.—Wallctstolen.City
Campus, $35.
6:30 p.m. — Person injured,
Bob Dcvancy Sports Center.
6:45 p.m. — Vehicle damaged,
Pi Kappa Phi Fraternity, 425
University Terrace, $100.
Beginning midnight Sunday
1:35 a.m. — Fraternity fight,
16th and S streets.
3:15 a.m. — Two males trans
ported to Detoxification Cen
ter, 721 K street.
1:35 p.m. — Bicycle tire taken,
Abel Residence Hall bike rack,
• • - r • ;r.
RHA escort program
successfully revamps
By Michelle McGowan
Staff Reporter
The UNL Campus Escort Pro
gram, which got off to a shaky start
more than a year ago, has been
reorganized and is back on its feet,
the new RHA president said.
Mike Lew is said that after being
revamped, the '
program was up
and running.
When the pro
gram began, it
was “never fully
organized, and partially successful
at best,” Lewis said. “One person
was in charge all week, and it is an
awfully big responsibility to take
on by yourself.”
The escort service was created
by Malt McKeever, speaker of the
Residence Hall Association senate
last year.
The new coordinator is Dennis
Hyman, a senior economics and
political science major. Instead of
just one manager, Hyman said, the
rejuvenated program has four
managers and about 40 to 50 es
“We need at least six people a
night, and it runs in two shifts,” he
Escorts range from students
living in the residence halls to so
rority members.
Escorts carry walkie-talkies,
given to them by the UNL Police
Department. Because the program
was created for women, each shift
consists of a dispatcher and two
escorts — either two females or
one male and one female.
“Other escort programs have
found this to be most effective,”
Lewis said, because there are both
men and women escorting the stu
Escorts display badges to iden
tify themselves, and they use other
“core rules” to run a safe escort
program, Lewis said.
Escorts are not allowed to ex
change phone numbers with stu
dents they are escorting, they are
not allowed physical contact with
the student and they are only al
lowed to walk students as far as
their doors.
“By doing this, we are trying to
avoid a potential rapist,” Lewis
Lewis and Hyman both said the
escort program had been success
ful. During the past two weeks,
they said, eleven students have used
the escort service.
“This has become a better or
ganization, all in all,” Lewis said.
“We’ve learned from our mistakes.”
The escort service runs Monday
through Thursday, 8:30 p.m. to 11
p.m. To gel in touch with the serv
ice, call the RHA office.
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