The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, February 04, 1992, Image 1

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Massengale submits deficit budget request
By Jeremy Fitzpatrick
Senior Reporter
NU President Martin Massen
gale Monday subm itted a $ 1.9
million emergency spending
request to the Nebraska Legislature
for UNL, and asked permission to
spend $520,000
already funded by
the Legislature.
testified at a hear
ing on the Univer
sity of Nebraska’s
deficit budget
requests before the Legislature’s
Appropriations Committee.
The Legislature budgets money
on a biannual, or two-year basis. The
majority of the budget is allocated in
the first year of the Session, with
emergency funding approved in the
second year.
Massengalc asked the committee
to approve $1.5 million for asbestos
removal and water-damage repair to
Burnett Hall and $419,000 to build a
hazardous waste treatment facility for
the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
He also requested permission to
spend a $520,000 surplus. The sur
plus, gained from a lower-than-ex
pcctcd bid for the CBA addition, would
be used to buy equipment for the
building and fund asbestos removal
in Burnett Hall.
The College of Businesses Ad
ministration currently lists $1,675,720
million in equipment needs for the
addition, with $1,083,719 of that
classified as “first priority” needs.
“I would like to suggest to this
committee that there are severe unmet
needs (in CBA),” he said.
Masscngale said his other two
requests for additional money — to
fund a hazardous waste facility for
UNL and asbestos removal and wa
ter-damage repair to Burnett Hall —
were immediate concerns that needed
to be addressed.
Funding for the hazardous waste
facility is needed, Massengale said,
because UNL was fined $40,000 by
See BUDGET on 6
Burnett Hall -
$1.5 million for asbestos
removal and water
damage repairs.
Hazardous Waste Treatment Facility
$419,000 for construction.
College of Business Administrat
$520,000 for asbestos
removal, plumbing and new
moveable classroom equipment.
Jim Thurber, a Lincoln construction worker, works on the theater being built on Q Street.
Thurber said he was constructing the framework and hanging the dry wall on the nine
screen theater, which will open in April.
Awards to put accent
on classroom education
Recognition, money
to laud professors
for quality teaching
By Cindy Kimbrough
Senior Reporter
Two uni versity wide awards are
in the works as part of a new
program to reward excellence
in teaching at the University of Ne
Excellence in teaching awards for
faculty and individual academic de
partments were introduced as part of
NU President Martin Masscngalc’s
“Slate of the University” speech Jan.
18 at the NU Board of Regents meet
“I think it’s crucial to elevate the
importance of the teaching compo
nent to its rightful place,” Masscn
gale said in his speech.
Lee Jones, NU provost and execu
tive vice president, said the leaching
awards would be presented to two
professors who had shown excellence
and innovation in the classroom
through means such as new courses,
syllabuses or books.
• In addition, Jones said, a depart
mental award would be presented to
an academic department that demon
strated a strong and innovative teach
ing ethic.
' J.B. Milliken, executive assistant
to the NU president, said that in the
past, Outstanding Research and Crea
tivity Activity awards were given to
recognize excellence in research or
creative works done in the university
system, but outside the classroom.
The ORCA awards are the highest
awards now given at the university.
See AWARD on 6
Applications screened
for administrative jobs
By Kristine Long
Staff Reporter —
Committees have begun screen
ing applications in the search
for three administrative posi
tions at the University of Nebraska
The deadline for applications for
vice chancellor of academic affairs
and vice chancellor of research was
Saturday, but nominations still are
Applications for the assistant to
the chancellor and director of affixina
live action and diversity position arc
due Feb. 15.
Jean Aigner, chairman of the search
committee for the vice chancellor of
academic affairs, said about 40 appli
cations were received for the posi
The search committee began re
viewing the applications for the aca
demic affairs position last week and
had preliminary discussions last Fri
day, Aigner said.
The person who fills the position
See SEARCH on 6
Bill calls for sexual orientation protection
By Cindy Kimbrough
Senior Reporter
bill calling for equal treatment accord
ing to sexual orientation — the first of
its kind in Nebraska — was recently
introduced to the Nebraska Legislature.
Sen. Timothy Hall of Omaha introduced
LB 1270, a bill that calls for the adoption of the
Nebraska Civil Rights Act of 1992.
The act would expand existing state law and
enhance the protection of
Nebraskans against any
discrimination that in
fringes on a person’s clue H|||RH
process or equal opportu- MHyi|n
The act provides pro
lection against discrimination based on age,
disability, family status, gender, marital status,
national origin, race, religion and, for the first
lime, sexual orientation.
Hall said he introduced the bill after being
approached by a group of citizens, including
some of his constituents, who said the issue
must be introduced.
The act mirrors the Federal Civil Rights Act
of 1991 and the Americans with Disabilities
Act passed late last year, Hall said.
Paul Moore, a volunteer at the Gay/Lcsbian
Student Association at the University of Nc
braska-Lincoln, said that introducing this bill
was a strong step in the right direction.
It follows a similar move occurring across
the nation, Moore said. Last year, two states
passed similar bills, bringing the total to four
states with such legislation.
The California Legislature recently passed
a bill including equal protection according to
sexual orientation, Moore said. But the gover
nor vetoed the bill.
Moore said he thought the Nebraska bill had
a “slim chance” of passing this session.
“Nebraska is prclty conservative,” he said.
“It would be amazing if it would go through.”
But, Moore said, introducing the bill would
bring the issue of equal rights according to
sexual orientation out into the open for discus
sion and help educate Nebraskans.
Hall agreed that the bill’s chances of pass
ing this session might be remote.
“It will clearly be a controversial issue,” he
said. “People who don’t understand it or flat
out don’t like it. .. will oppose it.”
Although the bill was controversial, Moore
said, it is still sound.
The bill is all-encompassing, he said. It
includes sexism and ageism, as well as sexual
And the fact that the bill provides equal
rights for all makes it powerful, he said.
chiatrist ex
perts testi
fied that Jef
frey Dahmer
had uncontrol
lable urges to kill
and have sex with the
dead bodies. Page 2
From Whitney Hous
ton’s baby to Spinal Tap’s
comeback, these tidbits
and more can be found in
“Vibes." Page 10
Wire 2
Opinion 4
Sports 7
A&E 9
Classifieds 11