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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1992)
Classified 472-2588 * * Aerobic Instructor training course starting March 1. Ca Kris at 423-7171. Attention Ladies I Male entertainer tor your stagette, birth day or any other type ol party. Garrett Promotions. Mes sage: 464-7637, Hey Business Students WHAT’S NDCT?? YOUR FUTURE-Leam howto gain th( competitive edge from leading corporate executives Make sure to apply to the Leadership Seminar sponsors' by Corporate Partners-Union Pacific and Valmont Indus tries. Applications available in CBA 237. Due Monday February 3rd. INNOCENTSSOCIETY is now accepting applications for new membership fron all Juniors. Applications available from the CAP offict (200 City Union or East Union), the Culture Center (333 N 14), and Vice Chancellor Griesen’s office (124 Adminis fat ion) Applications due January 31, 1992. KZUM Program hosts John C. and Mason Y. hos -CORNHUSKERS IN MEXICO" a seven part humorour travel series airing on Calbevision Channel 14 Wenesday nights from 900 to 9:30pm January 29th thrv March 11th. PAPER MONEY FREE Paper Money coupon books Student Info. Center 116 Nebr. Union Video and information sessions Thursday Jan. 30th a 7:30pm Nebraska Union; Monday Feb. 3rd at 7:30prr East Campus Union. We need mathematics and science ma(ors. 115 Meetings ATTENTION TCAB January 30th at 5:30pm Henzlik 107 Dean O’Hanlon will speak BETA ALPHA PSI Orientation meeting, new members welcome! Jan. 30th at 6pm, CBA 117. New members 6pm, Actives 7pm. Biology Club Organizational Meeting Thursday. Jan. 30 in Room 118 Manter. A lot to discuss about the up coming year. New Members Welcome. GOLDEN KEY General Meeting TODAY All members welcome at 6pm In City Union - room posted. Last chance to pick up certificate. NU Meds First meeting of the semester is Wednesday m the union at 630. Room will be posted. Pre-Physical Therapy Club Meeting Thursday January 30 in the UHC conference rooms at 600pm. Dues collected at the meeting. New members welcome. Rodeo Club meeting 730 Wednesday night. East Campus Union. SPJ members—Join your fellow cadets at our business meeting Wednesday. 6:30pm in the Reading Room. 2nd floor. Avery Hail. Unlock the Door to 730 p.m^*Nsbraak* Union room posted UPC-KLPAC Quick Meeting TOOAY In City Unlen at 4:30pm ■ring tH you want tickets 2Sa5S55555525S5555555252E5553E35 120 Greek Affairs " KA0 Hubka. My Democrat Queen, Ploose watch the paper this weak for your special sur prise. Your Democrat Always IN Congratulations to our 19 newly set vat ed members: Eric B Paul M.. Joe W.. Dan F.. Eric W.. Chris B.. Darrin M.. Tony M„ Lyle B . Jason R.. Doug S.. Colin B.. Chad W.. Chad F.. Mafl K . KevP S.. Kevin F.. Troy T.. Mads A . Kyle M , and Rob L.l You've earned HI Your Brothers ol Sigma Nu Congratulations to Lambda Chi/AXO snow sottbal team lor their victory, and to Lambda Chi men's volleyball lor their advancement to the Al University tournament Good luck. _ The Men of Lambda CM Alpha Cengratuletlene to the new Initiates of Triangle: Anthony Brower, Barry Brown. Seth Davis. Todd Dutton. Devs Ernst. John Faison. Chris Fault. Chris Rogers. Jed Shafer. Cory Strong. A Brian Wohlars. I Kappa Sigma would Ike to congratulate it's new initiates: M. Kennedy, C. Work, B. Johnston, M. Kuzma, T. Brennar, J. Schwartz, J. Carpenter, D. Peeks, K. Dumler, A. Turner, B. Zimmer, M. Byberis, J. Brandt. J. Nigro, and J, Wright. Laura. I gotta quit smoking. , Love.Johnny j Scott F. (Theta Xi), Sorry for my weak attempt at humor in my previous ad. I know now that you are the king of practical joking, and cannot be topped. __ _TimF. Sig Ep. i Thanks tor having us over to watch the Super Bowl. We i had funl Love, the AOH's Sigma Nu Little Sisters, Meeting tonight at the house at 8:00pm. Please be therel Sigma Nu welcomes our new candidates. We look for ward to a great 4 years of participation and leadership. Good lucki Sigma Nu Tim Wkwerding, Thanks for all your effort tor activation, you did a great job. From your Traingle Drothers Troy. Dave, and al of the FH actives. Thank you for all of your time and support. the FH New Inkiates 130 Student Government Student Government ★ Appointments A Board Openings ^ Two Student-At-large poskions open Be a part of the board that appoints students to 28 campus wide committees. Appointees will assume their positions upon Installation of the next executives and senators Application available in the ASUN office. 115 Nebraska Union. Deadline is 4:00 p.m. Friday, February 14,1992 UN-L STUDENT GOVERNMENT 6:30 p-m. Tonight EAST CAMPUS UNION ROOM TO BE POSTED INFORMATION AND AGENDA AVAILABLE » 115 NEBRASKA UNION 140 Personals UNLCF, The Kum-Ba-Ya rap shall not be stkled by aggregate and mayonnaise. _____ COBATWASIR Zeus, You've been there through the good times end bad. I'm yours forever. Love. Gladys P.C., Thanks for putting up with all of my BS. I still love you. Chicks ter Newman Center, Redskins win ^aml Washington O.C. is the best. We can talk tool SHEP Lisa, the festive. T'AIME, T'AIME. T'AIME T'AIME 11 have no peur, just T'AIME. ,_Annoying Man Kirrtoo Happy 20th, Early I So whal-l was tree. Your roomie, Sheri Comhusker Kegiers: There's only one way we're going to make the show. Lot's cut through the crap and do it. Dear Miss AN (ADII). Please quit harassing me with the stripper biz. Studboy The Fish (Jhal: Congratulations on quadfying to lake the exam. YouII do greall Lota of love, Loren Trent J„ You're looking in the right place on the wrong day—try again tomorrowi Todd. Whatever you want to do. I'M be there for you. I love you. Kathy Julie. Congratulations, M's the big 21. See ya tonight I Love. Fee-no-me-nol Man Jon, I am aorryl Love, Dina Jen M. (KD). Part time Prteoner, Boy, am I hot A thirsty, hey Koolatdel Do you have a quarter7 Happy Birthday, bdboi Charles U, Furtoy Ana 0. Smlei Have a great dag. Hope classes go wed. ErtcK. Bongo, Hope you get a job so I can have more twinkles. Love, Polish Sausage Rapheal, Love your shelll Since the guards been down, the last couple of weeks have been greatl Lets keep it that way I _ _ Lub Dub To everyone we know: Y'all are big dorks, but we love ya anyway. Barb and Renae Mark, Sutprise. Sweetpeal I love youl I hope this makes you believe met Love, Chris To all the freaks I know, Stay on the groovy train. Peacel Mlchie Dearest Kanna. Hope zero days of life shall be start oountable very soon. Remember HPKF. -Ram Lisa M. S0....D0 we ever gel to dlt again? Call me 11 interested. Shannon B.. Happy Groundhog 's Day a little bit early I Love, Rachel Precious, "One life that Is shared by two." Love, Baby D. Chandler *34. Super MVP performance. 16 pts, 20 boards. A 1 swat. D.C. Swat Team P.S. We want the rimll Jeanna, You make my life worth living. Happy Anniversary a week early. I Love Youl Kerry RR. Words can't descrbe how much love I feel for youl Thanks for everything! Betsy Corey Sometimes there is someone who takes time enough to listen, who cares about us when we lose, and who loves us even when we are wrong. I love you. Heidi Boogerfaoe isaw Drum Eatonton over at the Piggly Wiggly this morning. - Love, Boogerferains Dear Bill Clinton, We had an affair with your wife I Sincerely. The Billionaire Boys' Club Charts* A Le-me-teH-ya-some-thinl Listen to Michaei-h* may be right about you, If you loam to leave my lipstick si one I - - _ N. Dean, I yearn for you in places unseen. I want youl I love youl DAINIS You are the best 11 love you very much! XOXO ___ Laurie Lori W., Ever im a blind man wak a dog? Someone loves you. ___L. Bird Have a Nice Dayl _ from the off ices ol Room 24 Kitty. who needs flowers with a roomie like me? They don't know what they're missing—besides. MRSI We'll "ac knowledge and move on." Kayt, Boomer, etc. Only 53 days until Padrel Start partyin' now-cool? _ _Kruser (K-Rock) All my friends. Wish you a Happy Chinese New Year on February 4th. __i_ Fang Fang Berryman. Happy late B-dayl Let's have another water drinking contest. Remember Around the World? _ Kaletman Ladies. Ex-Nebraska football player seeks date for Friday Night. Small town girl preterred RSVP. OF. I am sony for causing the Inconvenience on the 27th. I wtl try to be more considerate In the future. The Blue Trudt In front of Memorial Stadium CamF Have a great weak A get excited for AOtl Inliation. __ _ Love. Mom Michele L~ '^Just had to use my free personal. Congrats on inltia Coots Light Man Jeff M.. Thanks for all the support the last two weeks 11 Love Youl KC Chris and RenSe, You both mean the world to mel _ . Eureka To my husband: Our lest name starts with the letter K so I'm taking advareage of the tree personal on thie day. I wont be sentimental Hke a typical girl. As Wayne and Garth would say: i think l*m gonna hurt! ___Love, Your wife Juan. What's that address for RQe again? Juet^mgi You're never getting rid of me. I'm here to stayl 1 Love Youl Your Baby 145 Lost & Found FOUND: Calculator found in union. Describe to claim. Call 475-7596, ask for Jason. _ Found: Computer disk in the Union Computer Lab on Tuesday (1/21). Claim at the Dally Nebraskan. FOUND: Keys In parking lot north of Mabel Lee on Tuesday, January 21 around 5pm. Claim at Daily Nebras kan. _ FOUND: near NE bookstore: keys on pink and blue webbed keyring, with teddy bear medallion. Call 472 2565, Doug. Lost: pair of eye glasses in brown case 1/22/92 on East Campus. 464-2479 149 Fundraising—^ Fast Fundraising Program. Fraternities, sororities, stu dent clubs. Earn up to S1000 In one week. Plus receive a $1000 bonus yourself. And a FREE WATCH just for calling 1-600-992-0528, Ext. 65. 160 Help Wanted ‘HIRING NOW $6.50/hr.‘ Neodata, one of the country's top telemarketing firms, Is nowhlringl$6.50/hr. guaranteed. Realistic earning poten tial o» $7-8/hr. Flexible scheduling to ft you lifestylel Part time evening hours available. Paid, professional training. Convenient location 2 blocks from campus. Contests, prizes, fun, friendly faces. Call today for an interview: 476 6315, ask for Dianne Irwin. (EOE) ATTENTION GRADUATE STUDENTS Two graduate assistant positions to work in loan area. Opportunity for academic year and summer employment. Monthly stpend piue tuition waiver. Office of Scholarships and Financial Aid. Inquire at Room 16. Admin. Bldg. 472-2030 Positions now available. Food Service Distributor Has two part-time positions available in our warehouse, 2-1030pm, some Saturdays. Must be in good physical condition, able to lift 100 pounds and able to work in cold conditions. Please apply at Lincoln Poultry 20th and M streets. __ _ Need extra money? international Teicom, Inc. offers flexible schedules, competitive wages, a pleasant work ing environment and an excellent opportunity for ad vancement in the growing field of outbound telemarketing. Full ana part time positions available. Hours available Monday-Fnday. 9am-9pm, Saturdays 9am-4pm. Sat your own hours - Saturdays not manda tory. If interested call 474-1256 or apply in person at International Teicom. Inc. 3410 0 Street. Opportunity to earn and save while stiU in school. Every one eligible. Ca*42V9149or468-0268_ __ Part-time waitery. 1130-130 Thursday and Friday lunch. Apply in person. Ming Palace. 13th and L streets. Piano Entertainer The Den Lounge has an opening for a F riday and Saturday evening piano entertainer. Call the Lincoln Hilton 475 4011, Ext. 1122. Ask for Sandy to schedule an appoint ment. Runza Restaurant 13 i E Ws are looking lor friendly people with smiling laces to fill part-time day or evening positons. Join our winning team and receive: flexible hours, $475/hour for lunch) ime help, 1/2price meals, and afriendly working environment. Stop by and apply TODAY I Science/Pre-Med/Nursing Majors Harris Labe has a part-time position available for an admissions assistant Duties include screening and en rollment of study panic pants Hours are: Noon 6pm Mon-Thurs. Apply at 624 Psach St. Lincoln, 66502 TCBY Now hiring part- tlms hep. Please apply at 2437S. 46th St. 162 Work Study Jobs Naadad: Work study studsnt to work In ths Academic Senate Office. Duties ara ctancaf tasks, typing, filing, recaption 1st, and running srrands. Hours needed are anytime between 9 OOam to 5:00pm. Need to work at least 9 hours a weak. Hourly rals of pay Is $5.00 and must hava work study stgtoHly. Please call Peg Carson at 472 2673. NEE DED Students with work-study vouchers to work on protects to Improve teaching at UNL. Clerical/ typmg skits important. Call Shaiey. Teaching and Learning Censer. 472-3079. Work study needed In the Economice Department. Must be able to type. conpiAar experience helplul but will train. Xeraslng. running errands and soma phone Musi b# dependable and available tor toms morning hours. *5/ hour. 10-16 hours.“weak Contact Carol Nelson. 472 2319. 164 Summer Jobs TENNI8 JOBS-Summer Childrens Camps-Northeast Mot And Wonnn wKh good ttnnte background who con tOTch chltdron to ploy vonnh. Good Satry Room end Board, Travel allowance. Woman Call or Write Camp »P.O Sox 1771, Duxbury. MA 02332 (617)034 Men cal or Wriw: Camp Wlnadu, 5 dan Lens, Mamwoneck, N.Y. 10643 (614)361-6663. SUMMER JOBS Counselors/Suppoft Staff-Childrens Camps/Northeast Top Salary. Room/Board/Laundry, Travel allowance. Must have skill In one of the following activities: Archery. Crafts Baseball, Basketball, Bicycling, Dance, Drama, Drivers Drums, Fencing, Field Hockey, Football, Golf. Guitar Gymnaaitics, Hockey. Horseback Riding-Hunt Seat. Juggling. Karate, Kitchen Supervisors/Workers, Lacrosse" Maintenance. Nature. Nurses. Photography, Piano Rocketry. Rollerblading, Ropes, Sailboarding, Sailing Scuba, Secretary, Soccer, Tennis, Track, Waterski. Weights. Wood. Men Call or Write: Camp Winadu. 5 Glen Lane, Mamaroneck. N.Y. 10543 (914)381-5983. Women Call or Write: Camp Vega. P.O. Box 1771, Duxbury, MA. 02332 (617)934-6536. Waterfront Jobs-WSI Summer Childrens Camps-North east-Men and Women who can teach children to swim, coach swim team, waterski (SlalonVTrick/Barefoot). Sail. Inboard motors, Beautiful pools and lakes. Good Salary. Room and Board, Travel Allowance. Men Call or Write: Camp Winadu, 5 Glen Lane, Mamaroneck, N.Y. 40543 (914)381-5983. Women Call or Write: Camp Vega. P.O. Box 1771, Duxbury. MA 02332. (617)934-6536. 170 Roommates Fun roommate needed by M arch 1 st to share a 4 bedroom house. Walk or bke to campus. *181 plus 1/4 utilities. 477-6178 Looking for responsible person to share house. Male or female. Call 470-2576, leave message. Male, non-smoking roommate needed to share house. *112/month ♦ 1/4 utilities. Call 476-0462. Male/female, 4 bedroom house. 9 A E. *165 plus 1/4 utilities. Needed Immediately. 435-2106. _ Non-smoking female to share 3 bedroom house in East Campus area. No pets. Rent *160/mo., share utilities. Available Feb. 1st. References required. 466-6449 Non-smoking responsible student. Furnished 2-BR, heat and A/C paid, at 13th A F, *162.50+. 435-8437 Responsible female to share large one bedroom, *223/ month, includes phone, cable, all utilities. 423-1535. 1X0 Houses For Rent 1325 North 21 st, very nice, three bedroom, ful basement, appliances, near campus, *525, 475-1579, 488-0061. Close to Campus 1021 N 9th, clean four bedroom, central air, parking, no pets, deposit required, would prefer 4 students. 421 -2474 or 483-2055. Spacious one bedroom apartment dose to UNL, 2940 Star Street. $265 plus utilities. 476-6915 190 Apartments For Rent 2 BEDROOM NEAR CAMPUS, no pets. *3S0/month.Call 477-4121 or 438-1970. _____ 3501 BALDWIN, a 4-plex. nicely decorated, 2-bedrooms, balcony, all appliances, CA, laundry, parking, *425.483 4600 __ 640 S 20 Mega-sized one bedroom with balcony $319. Two bed room $329 and up. 475-7262. Beautiful, newer 3 bedroom, dishwasher. DA. washer/ dryer in kitchen. 2433 D.. $495. 785-MOO attar 6pm. Century Management Co. Partial listing of our rentals: 1 Bedroom-1237 C. 6 pie* $290 2 Bedroom- 2821 A. 6-pie*. $360. 2 bedroom-2917 Q, fireplace. $349 2 Br. ♦ loft, 1618 S. 14th. 1/2 month tree rent, $495. Can 476-2500 Claremont Park 3 bed/2 bath. Pool, laundry. Avalabie ASAP, Real ntce. $675. Cal 436-5362 Close To Campus Newer one bedroom. Carnet, alt. appliances, laundry. AM electric. FREE CABLE. Parking Nopets. $300*. 621 N. 26th. 477-7884, 47441898. Cozy Up to a Nos warm lie at WIHowhaven Apartments Enemy sfflciem one end two bedroom apartments now available (irspiace or wood stove, dishwasher, proteewonaiiy managed $379 to $389 a month. Cel 47MM0 now. NEAR CAMPUS, one bedroom, heat paid, washer/dryer, security bunding, 478-7060 or 789-7285. Newer 2 bedroom AVAILABLE NOW-640 N. 28th. DA, dishwasher, hook-ups. parking, all electric. $380, 475 1448. One bedroom, cloee to campus, heat paid, $195-250. CaM Phoenix Properties Management. 474-5327. PINE TREE APARTMENTS-2 Bedroom, $440; 3 Bed room. $650. 516W. SAUNDERS-2 Bedroom$400. Secu rtty'bu tiding, balcony, all electric, no pets. 483-6067,483 Two bedroom, WALK TO EAST CAMPUS, f(replace, dishwasher, balcony, no pets. $390 ♦utHMes. 487-1861. TWo bedroom wtth fireplace. 3318 Huntington. Large kitchen wtth appliances. Laundry facUklee. Available now. S375/month. $200 dapost 423-5958. 194 Homes For Sale Spadous 1 bedroom condo at Windsor Square. 13th i Q. Security BuMdtog washer/dryer, aN kitchen aplancas, •#o° W — — — — — — — — — — — 9 9 9 9 9 ,_Welcome Back Students FREE DRYING!!! 27th & Starr 21 st & Jst 11th & Cornhusker Not Good With Any Other Offer - i