Fun without sun Students start tanning early to ward off winter blues By Angie Brunkow Staff Reporter An apple a day may keep the doctor away, but a healthy tan might chase away the blues, a local merchant said. Ann Bauerf, manager of Aloha Tan and Tone, 5555 S. 48th St., said doctors referred a few of her clients to tan in hopes of curing depression caused by winter “cabin fever.” But many students don’t need doctors orders to motivate them to tan. Sometimes the weather is incentive enough, she said. Ken Ore, owner of Catch A Ray, 233 N. 48th St., said business picks up at most salons in mid February and lasts until June. Reasons for this increase in business vary. Many students come in to get an early start on their tans before spring break or vacation, Bauerf said. Three-fourths of business dur ing peak times comes from college students doing just that, Ore said. “People want to get ready for summer and spring and get ridjof the winter blahs,” he said.“~ Students also tan to get ready for parties over the holidays, or weddings that are held in early spring and summer. Angie Kline, a junior family science major at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, said she started tanning in September to prepare for a Christmas formal she was planning to attend. “I didn’t want to look like a ghost," she said. Business during peak months can increase up to 30 percent, r ■ ■ ■" 11,1 ■■■"1 -111 - owners said. Ore said he fills about 140 ap pointments a day compared to the 25 to 30 appointments filled during non-peak months. Bauerf said because of the in crease in business, clients may have to experience a one- to three-week waiting period to get an appointment. Salons often increase their hours to deal with the high volume of business. “As the spring rush hits, we add hours to accommodate people to make it more conven ient,” L e said. Bauerf said clients could avoid scheduling conflicts by buying a package deal that offers several appointments for one price. “When you buy a package you can schedule sessions ahead and be assured of a spot,” Bauerf said. Not only do the packages have scheduling advantages, they are more cost-effective. Ore said that by buying a package, tanners get about a 40 percent discount. Single tanning sessions can run from $3.50 at Aloha Tan and Tone to $5 at Catch A Ray while package deals average $2 to $3 a session. “Most people that tan will do it five to 10 times anyway,” Scott Heitman, partner and manager of the Sun Tannery at 3230 S. 13th St., said. "They might as well buy a package — it’s cheaper.” Overall, tanners will have the best luck if they shop around to find the best salon, Bauerf said. Good things to consider are the types of bulb and the fre quency with which bulbs are Al SchaberVDN Teri Carter, (pictured on the cover) a student and an employee of Aloha Tan and Tone, 5555 S. 48th St, tans three times a week. She said being tan gives her more confidence. changed, she said. Bauerf said some bulbs give a reddish-orange tan instead of the ideal golden-brown one. “We don’t want other people to know if they got their tan at the Bahamas or here,” she said. Bauerf said salons also should advise customers about tanning, depending on their skin type. Overexposure and long-term, excessive tanning can lead to skin cancer, she said. To decrease risks of overexpo ■ --- i sure, tanners should start out in beds with low intensity, he said. Baucrf said tanning in a salon rather than outside is Detter, however, because it is a more controlled environment. ■ .. wtrmfi I I T4f riV ■ 4 W Ilf •Li IB Bf / f 4 v i f f I I / |SH: 1M= fifcgi ~'r"7 "'H nil Hi -IS1 I ‘ m rMBHl UbbII IhbubbhbbbbbiI I_4^ Led Zeppelin J "Led Zeppelin" Cassettes $5.47 CDs $8.47 Cassettes CD's $5.47 $8.47 Janies i Taylor: _ Greatest tmmmt_ riirs (■iMamMtiMgi M^M_ li /" V **—**** r-, Ummmm -JST 5r” t__ =f J_ James Taylor "Greatest Hits" Cassettes $5.47 CD’s $8.47 ^St AC/DC America B52s Bad Company Black Sabbath Blackfoot Laura Branigan The Can Phil Collins Deep Purple Depechc Mode Dio The Doors Eagles Fleetwood Mac Foreigner Grateful Dead Price* effective through 1-27-92 --— INXS The Kinks Led Zeppelin The Ministry Bonnie Raitt Pretenders Sisters of Mercy Rod Stewart James Taylor U2 Van Halen White snake Yes Prince John Coltrane George Benson Michael Franks Beagles HOTEL CALIFORNIA "Hotel California" Cassettes $5.47 FWMJBL1 CD's $8.47 WASTED YOUTH. ONLY YOU CAN PREVENT FOWEST FWES.