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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1991)
Classified 472-2588 ' . ' \ ' 9 CLASSIFIED INDEX FOR SALE U PriSiWcoovIno ====™1 1" " 68 Recycling 2 Appliances 72 Rentals 3 Bicycles 74 Tanning 4 Books 76 Tattooing 5 Clothing 76 Travel 7 Jewelry 80 Typing & Resumes 6 Computers - .__ 8 Furniture NOTirFS 9 Garage Sales >UIK LN 10 MiSC. For Sale 100 Rides 12 Musical Instruments 13 0«ice Furniture ffiSSSSSSSs \t SSr 1^G«airs 18 ItSf j^StudentGovemmen, £ ^XChanflfl 145 Losf S^Found 20 vehicles 148 Wanted SERVICES 149 Fundraising 22 Adoption —°BS H {££5* 4 SeWnfl 160 Child Care Needed 27 Btovcle Service 160 Help Wanted 5o nS 162 Work Study Jobs 30 Cafering Surnrnw Jobs 32 Cleaning/Laundry 66 Internships 33 Cleaning/Households "inliCIVr 34 Comouter Service nULSl>t) 36 Entertainment ■' 38 Gift Ideas 170 Roommates 40 Hairstyling 173 Housing Wanted 42 Health & Fitness 175 Rooms For Rent 44 Insurance 180 Houses For Rent 46 Instruction/Tutoring 185 Duplex For Rent 48 Job Placement 190 Apartments For Rent 50 Legal 191 Summer Housing 60 Misc. Services 192 Mobile Homes For Rent 62 Photography 194 Homes For Sale _198 Vacation Rentals $3.00 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $4 00 per day for 15 words on non-student ads. $.15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m. weekday before publica tion. The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status or national ongm. The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. The advertisers agree to assume liability for all contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebras kan. Writing an effective ad Be descriptive. The more information you pro vide the readers, the better your responses will be. Begin the ad with the item for sale or offered. Include the price of the items for sale. Highlight the ad with larger type, boldface, art or a box. 3 Bicycles For Sale 20“ Gary F»her Advance mountain bike. 1990 Model. Four months old. $500 new. Asking $300 obo. 477-5318. Lincoln Police Department notice of sale of unclaimed bicycles and miscellaneous property. Lincolnland Tow ing.410W. P St., December 14. 1991,10pm, no checks accepted. I— 5 Clothing For Sale Leather jackets G®™''9® black leather motorcycle jackets, sizes 38-54, 5139. Call 474-1716. 6 Computers For Sale WANT TO BUY Macintosh Classic or Classic II and Stytewrite printer. 476-2409. 8 Furniture For Sale For sale: Twin bed and box spring. Call 435-4338. .5 carat diamond solitaire, round cut, org $1,200. asking $600 obo. 472-2766, leave message. ffPERAL GOVERNMENT IS HIRING. $16,000 $72,000/Yr. 1-805-564-6500 E xt. GB10384 for immed late response. - Mens ski boots, black Raichle RX7. Used twice size 10V4 11, $100. Call David, 466-3210. Own Your Own Home For $1600 full price. Government agencies now liquidat ing. 1-805-564-6500, ext. HQ 10384 for immediate assis tance. 18 Stereos/TVs For Sale Alpine. Crunch, Sherwood, Kenwood, high performance car stereo equipment. Terry, 477-0864. 19 Ticket Exchange One round-tnp ticket from Kansas City to Orlando $225. Call 478-8696. Open class round-trip ticket. May be used anytime in the next year. Round-trp Boston/Omaha but may be con verted to any fare of equivalent value. $300 obo. Call 435 8437, after 6. 20 Vehicles For Sale '88Ma2daSE-5pickup. 5-speed. AM/FM Power steering and brakes. 50.000 miles. Clean truck. S4450, offers. Baer's Auto Sales. 1647 S. 3rd St. 477-6442 1986 Honda Civic. Three door Hatch, 4-Speed. Air, AM/ FM cassette Clean. $3250 offers. Baer s Automotive Sales. 1647 S. Third. 477-6442 1984 Audi 5000S. Leather. Full power. Gray. 110K. Nice condition. Runs well. $3000 OBO. 486-2933, 22 Adoption Adopt: We wish to share our lives with a precious new born. A young married couple offers a lifetime of love, happiness, and security. Expenses paid Call Ellen and Steve collect 516-568 9108 Single and Pregnant? You dont have to go it alone—we re here to help. No fees and confidential counseling. Statewide since 1893 Nebraska Children's Home Society 4600 Valley Road. Suite 304, 483-7879 - I Season’s Greetings Remember to send your friends and roommates a “Personal” Holiday Greeting. Come down to the Daily Nebraskan (34 Nebraska Union) before December 13 to place your Holiday message. ► THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON I * ""1 The class abruptly stopped practicing. Here was an opportunity to not only employ their skills, but also to save the entire town. - 4 * ____ 63 Pregnancy PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy test, please call us for appoint ment, 483-2609. SSSBSSSSSBSSSB "■'."rT.JVS'JB 75 Tattooing Body Electric Tattoos. Sterile conditions, casual atmo sphere. Many designs —custom work. By appointment only. 486-3141 80 Typing & Resumes A Christmas Special! Resumegift certificates Calltheprofessionals—Costello & Associates at 483-7611. Fast & efficient word processing—class papers & other assignments. Call Mary 483-4010. Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 10 years experience, proven results. 464-0775. Resumes Professionally typeset and laser printed. $15 plus tax. Daily Nebraskan, basement of Nebraska Union. Typing At my home, 15 years experience, have computer and laser printer. For more information call Sherry 435-2465. Word processing/laser printer. On carrpus Pick up/deliv ery. $1.00 double spaced page. 467-5737. 100 Rides Super friendly guy needs a ride to anywhere east ot the Mississippi and between D.C. and Miami. Specifically South Carolina. Will help pay for gas Desperate to leave Dec. 20. Call 436-9564. Att: Kevin. To Florida (Miami) leaving approx. December 19. Will pay ALL gas. Leave message. 474-4228. m. i , .■■T'.-iiff'i'i.Ti'i'i'i'ff-saas 110 Announcements Arts and Crafts Fair One day only. Thursday. December 5.10am-6pm Great variety of crafts. East Campus student union, Great Plains Room. Attention Juniors INNOCENTS SOCIETY now has applications for new membershp. Applications available from the CAP Office (200Clty Union or 300 East Union). theCulture Centfr (333 N. 14) and Vice Chancel lor GriesenS office (124 Admin.) Applications due Janu ary 31. 1992. Attention: “ART CLUB!” First meeting, December 5 at Richards Ha*. 500pm, Room 104. Any Questions contact Ken Maxwell at 474 0504 between 6-9pm. Coming to the Pla-Mor Ballroom Sunday, December 8, country/western Whiskey River Band, 8-12,6600 West O St. Lincoln, NE. Earn $10-15 per lecture taking notes for Jon's Notes. Excellent opportunity for a Junior. Senior, TA or Graduate Student. Note takers needed for the spring semester in the following su"' Astronomy Biology Classics Criminal Justice Economics Geography Geology History Political Science Psychology Apply at Jon's Notes located in Nebraska Bookstore, 1300 O' 476-8006_ Final Notice Deadline is December 10 to receive a refund from the parking office for paid meter violations issued after 6pm from August 17 to September 30. Contact the Parking Office at 1335 N. 17th St. with proper identification and license numberfor evidence that the ticket was paid. FINANCE CLUB Pizza Party 6:00 December 4. Downtown Valentinos. Fitness Instructor Wanted Males and females are encouraged to apply. Applications are available at both 55 Campus Recreation Center and 32 East Campus Activities Building. The deadline is December 13, 1991. For more Information contact Vicki Hlghstreet or Dawn Mertz, 472-3467. Questions on Oead Week Policy? The only examinations that may be given during the last week of classes fDead Week) are: laboratory practical examinations, make-up or repeat examiniations and self paced examinations. <• The introduction of new material and quizzes are both acceptable during Dead Week. Stop in the ASUN office for a copy of the Dead Week Policy orcall 472-2581 SAFE SEX With all the hype on HIV and AIDS now is the time to get the facts! Dr. Tim Timmons from the Lincoln-Lancaster County Health Dept, will be giving all the facts - old and new - on AIDS and HIV. Thursday, December 5 at 8pm in Room 340 Nebraska Union, sponsored by the Gay/ Lesbian Student Association. Spring Break Cancun or Padre Save cash, sign up before December 15. Call Craig at 423-3784. Time is running out I All junior women, if you haven't applied for Glamour's Top 10 College Women Competi tion you won't be eligble to win: a cash prize, national recognition and an all-expense-paid trip to New York City, Applications available at both CAP Offices. Culture Cen ter and WRC. This award is well worth your time and effortl Free Movie, Free Movie Waren Beaty stars in this mHe K\at has not yet hit movie theatres. Come take a peek at the Lincoln Theatre. Thursday, December 5. There will be free stuff given to everyone who attends. Must have a movie pass to get in. Passes available from the CAP office in the City and East Union. ★ Golden Key Officer elections, Thursday 5:30pm _In the Union. Interested in running in the ASUN elections? Parties are forming nowl Sign up in the ASUN office so that you can be contacted. 115 Nebr. Union or call 472-2581 for more info. NEED A TYPEWRITER? There's one available for student use FREE in the Student Info. Center 116 Nebr. Union Outdoor Adventures Caving in Devil's Ice Box near Columbia, Missouri. Leave 5 00pm 12/6 return late 12/7. For more information call Campus Recreation 472-4777. Deadline 12/4. Physiology Students, Take a study break Friday, December 6 (6pm-midmght) and go to East union for Party in the Plains. There will be two movies "Home Alone" and "The 5000 F mgers of D r. T" plus a cartoon short "Gerald McBoing Bomg.'pAlso,come' dian/magician Tom Frank, caricaturist Brain Shellito, and country swinging with Sandy Creek Band. (FREE Coca Cola.) UPC. HSSRA. ASRA and NC TUTORS The student Information Center is compiling a list of tutors for student use. Anyone wishing to be on tne list either to tutor or in need of atutor, fill out an application at theASUN Student Info. Center. 116 Nebr. Union. Wish a friend a.... Merry Fitness... with a Campus Recreation Gift Certificate I Help someone bring in the new year with payment toward a Fitness/ Aerobic class, an Outdoor Adventure Trip, Instructional Class, and morel For more information contact Campus Recreation at 472-3467. 115 Meetings CBA Student Advisory Board Last meeting of the semester today at 5:30 at the Culture Center. Be there, free pizza! Meeting Todayl UPC-Asian American Committee at Cul ture Center, 3rd floor. Calvin and HobbeS by Bill Watterson lOOK.IOkN T HEY, WS SHMXMS V GOOD! ON THE WMI K,__> HERE'S & DQ6 I / 5WNN MORE E\KE SOME ^ BOG-EYED m v l tehtkled twng . 7 ' MOMMM/ ^ A A /\ i k k. ^ ACROSS 31 Plexus 1 Syncopated 33 Noted Indian drumbeats novelist 11 Pass catcher 34 faire Collinsworth 36 Abbr. on an 15 One-sided envelope 16 A Rodgers partner 37 Egypt s 17 Deliverers stone 18 Hungary's Nagy 40 fu,hor GaV and 19 As written Mus am, y 20 Alt « Footless 21 Axilla 43 Thea,er cnas 23 Young Guthrie 45 A'ouette s bill 25 Musical tones 4611 lS'in ld'za 27 “Deirdre" 47 Two jiggers dramatist 51 Dropped a fly 28 Communicates a 53 Goa! la sparks 55 Ding or dong 56 Crude shelter 58 Former Venezuelan mining town 61 He, to Louis 62 Aleutian island 63 Return a P O W to his native land 66 Via's kin 67 Crackles 68 Ltr enclosure 69 Rating DOWN 1 Neutron star 2 "Peer Gynt" temptress 3 Gross 4 Porter relative 5 Venture 6 Romance lang 7 Hold back 8 Herdsmen 9 Gibbon 10 Lionized lion 11 Voice of Grandfather Time? 12 What we watched o'er 13 Irk 14 Texans' toppers 22 Bodies' meeting place in Scotland? 24 Lubed the limo 37 Alcofribas 50 Most foxy 26 Mind Nasier'sreal 52 Harden name cj uann 29 Cereal grass M ••The Mikado." „ 30 Where to build for one „ ^ ... houses 39 Plato was his Regretful Miss, 32 Autocratic rulers PUP‘' 60 Crafts'^ war 41 Author Deighton 60 ^rans 44 Hors d oeuvres companion 35 Last word in 46 N Y time in June 64 Hesitation French toast 4«Tell sounds 36 Fabulist 49 Become uptight 65 Wee, smalt hr ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE mrrnmmm N 0 I S YBBSlElGlOMSI TURN EjUK C uIbMcI |a|l|e|eMe1i1r|eMt1oJ