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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1991)
\ Counting cards Study to clarify professors' roles It’s tough to ignore the complaints. University of Nebraska-Lincoln students regularly whine about professors being unavailable outside class. Some ' professors spend too little time teaching, students say. But students seem to forget that teaching is just one of the roles UNL faculty members must serve. As Chancellor Graham Spanier is quick to note, both research and teaching are essential for any quality university. Both should have a place at UNL. The Nebraska Legislature is embarking on a study to deter mine how much time UNL faculty members spend teaching and researching. Some within the university have called the study a witch hunt, a knee-jerk response from the Legislature to misunder oknnl nnn 1 INTI nmfpccnr’c travpl But others properly view the study as a teaching tool. The study should give the Legislature and the rest of the state a better picture of what UNL faculty members are up to. “I don’t see this as something that is threatening at all,” said Stan Liberty, interim vice chancellor for academic affairs. “I see it as an opportunity for the university to clarify its image.” That image is particularly suspect now, as mandated budget cuts have turned much of UNL on itself. At this point, the budget process has become so skewed that it will take more than a new magician to fix it. When the study results are made public, it will be interesting to see how evenly the university plays its teaching and research cards. A deck full of researchers would show a lack of commit ment to UNL students, while one full of teachers would show a lack of dedication to furthering education in general. But if the cards fall about evenly, the Legislature should recognize that UNL faculty members are fulfilling their mis sion to teach both students and themselves. Just how much time faculty members devote to the separate areas of teaching, research and service to Nebraskans depends on the university’s individual mission. Since all branches of the NU system will be examined by the legislative study, it also will be interesting to see how each campus reflects its specific mission through the work of its faculty members. If the “workload” fits the mission, UNL students and Nebraska legislators have little to complain about. —J.P. DN’s liberal viewpoints have little regard for facts It doesn t bother me that college newspapers represent left-wing, lib eral views. This is not new news to me. However, it does bother me that the Daily Nebraskan, with little re gard for facts, consistently takes lib eral standpoints just for the sake of being liberal. Case in point; the DN’s support for Sen. Bob Kerrey after his joke about two lesbians (“Pun-ishmcnt,” DN Wednesday) and the denouncement of President George Bush for sug gesting a loweringofcreditcard inter est rates (“Passing the buck,” DN, Tuesday). The intellectual incompetence represented by the Daily Nebraskan editorial staff never fails to give me a good chuckle. However, it was only a couple of days ago that I had to pinch myself when I read that the DN placed sole blame for the recent 100-plus point slock market decline on Bush’s off-thc-cufT remarks at a dinner speech. According to the DN, Bush was way out of line when he suggested that the banks of the United Slates were charging way too much interest on their credit card accounts. If you A A can believe it, the DN took the point of view that the poor banks arc hurt ing so bad that they desperately need this revenue to stay afloat. Nobody doubts that the nation’s banks, such as Citibank, require the billions of dollars in profits that 19 to 21 percent interest rates accumulate. I do doubt, however, that if the idea for a lid on interest rates had been suggested by Kerrey or some other liberal the DN would have been as equally lighten ing fast to dismiss the idea as idiotic. Speaking of Kerrey, I was ama/.cd at how quickly the DN came to his rescue over the lesbian joke thing. In fact, in supporting Kerrey, the DN even managed to find a way to again personally attack Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. By depicting every issue as liberal versus conservative and by taking every political standpoint just for the sake of being liberal, the DN is not being a good college newspaper. Rather, it is losing the trust of its readers. Thomas K. Eads sophomore computer science Anonymous signature snows immaturity in 4unpersonal’ This letter is in response to an ad in the “Unpersonal” section of the Nov. 19th Daily Nebraskan. In this ad, a UNL professor was publicly attacked by a group of disgruntled students, who signed themselves as only “SIGNIFICANT writers.” My question is this: If these writ ers feel they are truly “significant,” why must they not only pay to have their opinions published but also remain anonymous in doing so? In an environment of higher edu cation, disagreements over the qual ity of creative work are best kept on an individual basis. To feel it neces sary to go public with an attack only proves that the attackers are insecure and afraid of mature, articulate dis cussion. Clare Burke freshman English -\ (I HERE IS THE \ a fVl resros (place for-- 1 HftSlL CMH. I SC^HPAU, T wtiwcn. cctfraawfe.i 1K glad “2£* ■£*** MslOtS OF ^of *NKl* DAVID REITER Old cars, old news never die Old cars are hard lo get rid of. They’re certainly hard to get rid of in a physical sense. Gar bage men won ’ t take them and they ’re too big to stash in the basement. About the only thing you can do is move them somewhere else. Sometimes they’re also hard to get rid of in an emotional sense. Almost 10 years ago we bought a 1970 AMX. The AMX was the American Motors “muscle car.” We could not let it go. I called up my cousin, Eldon, and asked if we could store the AMX out on his farm. He kindly said yes. It wasn’t the first lime he had received a reauest of this sort from our family. Eldon even offered to help us move the car. So we towed it out to his farm north of Kearney. There, amidst sev eral trees, sits a blue, two-toned 1953 Studebaker Commander that once belonged to my dad. The Studebaker isn’t in bad shape after almost 30 years of doing noth ing but sinking into the dirt. More than two-thirds of it is still there. A long time ago, Eldon took the rear axle off lo use on a farm trailer. We spent some lime studying this artifact. My brother removed some chrome pieces from the body. In the trunk he found a Corvette ornament. I found a Sunday World-Herald dated Jan. 28, 1962. America’s Cold War with atheis tic communism dominates the news paper. The front page ran a story about a physics professor from Northwestern University who claimed that the uni verse’s dwindling heat reserves prove the existence of God. The front page also covered the race into space. A picture showed John Glenn in his space suit, and there was a story about trouble with a piece of space equipment called “Ranger” that was supposed lo be taking pic tures of the moon. There were disarmament talks with the Soviets, but they weren’t going well. In 1962, the people of Los Alamos, N.M., had developed an elaborate civil defense system. Everyone car ried a card specifying which of 42 different buildings they should go to in the event of a nuclear emergency. The townspeople collected more than $40,000 to stock the shelters with enough food to last its 17,000 -LETTER POLICE The Daily Nebraskan welcomes brief letters to the editor from all readers and interested others. Readers also are welcome to sub mit material as guest opinions. i. I 1^— I In 1262* the people of I*os Alamos. N.M.. had developed an elaborate. civil de fense system, Every one carried a card specifying which of 42 different buildings they should ga to in the event of a nu clear emergency. citizens for eight days or more. The emergency food menu included powdered milk and “special survival biscuits.” The House passed a bill to raise postal rates. Rep. Glenn Cunningham from Nebraska was responsible for an amendment to this bill that barred the mails to “Red propaganda.” In national politics, the Republi cans were the outsiders. On page 12 was a story detailing Republican party strategy for the upcoming 1964 election. The article listed eight different Republican campaign possibilities, including Richard Nixon, who was the 1960 Republican presidential candidate. The story’s third paragraph illus trates the unpredictability of history. It reads: “The Democrats have no problem. Barring mishap, their 1964 team is at hand — the winning com bination of 1960, Kennedy-Johnson.” Politicians were still fighting in the same trenches. President Ken nedy and other Democrats wanted a new government department to deal specifically with the problems of cit ies. But Republicans wanted to reduce the size of the federal government. Republican Sen. John Tower rccom Whether material should run as a let ter or guest opinion, or not to run, is left to the editor’s discretion. Anonymous submissions will not be considered for publication. Let mended a 50 percent reduction in non-defense spending for the follow ing fiscal year. He claimed that cuts in “spending and welfare schemes” would help balance the budget. The growth of crime was alarm ing. A story lamenting the post-World War II explosion in national crime gave special attention to the rise in crime among juveniles. It cited vari ous sociological explanations for this rise: a general breakdown in old-fash ioned family discipline and the rise of divorce and desertion. An accompanying graphic com pared the crime figures for 1946 with the figures for 1960. The numbers rose sharply in all categories of crime with the exception of murder, which showed a significant decrease. Despite the national trend, the police chief said crime was not a problem in Omaha. Murders were down by 27 percent over the previous year, and armed robberies were down by 13 percent. Prestigious universities were re cruiting farm kids. The University of Chicago had what amounted to an affirmative ac tion program designed to counteract discrimination against students from small towns. An admissions official said some entrance examinations discriminated against small-town students: “They may be too culture-laden, favoring the sophisticated student from the sophisticated high school.” The school’s strict admissions requirements were eased for students entering through the program. There wasn’t much sex or vio lence on television, but there was a lot of bowling. At noon on Sunday three different stations offered bowling shows. The advertisement for channel 7’s show reads: “A full hour of bowling excite ment LIVE from the Sky Lanes in Omaha!” An official in Atlanta warned that rollerskating on the newly completed interstate highways was very danger ous. I promised Eldon we wouldn’t leave the AMX on his farm forever. But maybe I should have stuck a newspa per in the trunk just in case. Reiter Is a gnu) uatc student in philosophy and a Daily Nebraskan columnist. tcrs should include the autnor s name, year in school, major and group affiliation, if any. Submit material to the Daily Ne braskan, 34 Nebraska Union, 14(X) R St., Lincoln, Neb. 68588-0448.