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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 22, 1991)
Dance troupe to perform at Lied From Staff Reports The Joeseph Holmes Chicago Dance Theatre, a modem dance troupe, will perform tonight and Saturday at the Lied Center for Performing Arts. ent^^ment The Holmes Theatre, a multi racial, 13-member group, is widely regarded as one of the top dance companies in the world. The The atre has been nominated four times for the National Association for Campus Activities Performing Artist of the Year. Tickets for the per formance are available at the Lied Box Office, 12th and R streets. Tickets are $16, $12 and $10, half-price for UNL students. 2 Appliances For Sale Black 4' refrigerator, used only 2 semesters in dorm. S280ot». 476-1508._ 3 Bicycles For Sale 90 Giant ATX 770 mountain bke. 20" frame, deore DX components. Excellent condition. $325 obo. 420-1431. 4 Books For Sale A NOVEL IDEA - used books, low prices. 126,4 16th. 475 TOME. 5 Clothing For Sale Leather jackets Genuine black leather motorcycle jackets, sizes 38-54, $139 Call 474-1716. 6 Computers For Sale Slete system. 386SX-20, $950, 386-25, $1,295; (-20. $1,495; 486-33, $1,695. Call 488 6880. Toshba T1000 Laptop Computer. Four months old. Call Jett, 435-2024. 10 Misc. For Sale CELLULAR PHONES Hand holds from $249 Bag-phona* from $99 In-car $49 (402)560-1160 For Sale: HP 28S Calculator; books included $150 obo. Call 475-3927 altar 6.00pm _ IBMSelectric2typewriter A-1 condition.$130.788-2248, evenings. 18 Stereos/TVs For Sale CAR STEREO Four Crunch 8'subs, $200. Red Rocker amp, 150X2, $600 new. will do $360 obo. 489-4904—leave number. 19 Ticket Exchange 2 NU vs. OU student tickets lor sale. Not together. Best oiler. Cali 464-2969. _ For Sale: 2 Nebraska/Oklahoma football tickets. Best oiler 435-6596.__ For Sale: 1 NU vs. OU ticket 50 yard Ime, 14 row* up Best oiler takes Call 436-7701.__ _ Needed: 4 validated and 1 non-vakdated NU-OK tickets together Wi» pay top dollar lor good tickets. Leave Message 466-2799. Pair ol OU tickets for sale. Make best oiler by Monday 11/ 25. Call 438-3302. Pair QA OU tickets lor sale. Best offer. 475-9301, early * |nomlng or late evening. THI FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON Firebugs Continued from Page 10 clue that anything else is going on. Yet, there is an underlying story in “The Firebugs.” If one knows a little bit about the original context of the play and its author, order begins to form out of chaos. Frisch was German. This play was written after World War II. In the German context, it becomes a more obvious statement about the Nazis and their seemingly impossible rise to power. Biederman represents the German people in the 1920s and 1930s. The “firebugs” or arsdnists are the Nazis whom he accommodates. Frisch is commenting on the in credible ease with which the Nazis rose to power, and the lack of resis tance offered by the common Ger man . From Frisch’s point of view, the Nazis must have been as blatant atx)ut the atrocities they wanted to commit as the arsonists of the play are. - ——— —■— 20 Vehicles For Sale '83 Mustang convertible, automatic, air, cassette, cruise, power locks. 93,000 miles, great shape. $4,250. 476 9667. 110 Announcements 3 tans-$6. Just arrived—new bulbs. The best tanningl SaHaira 464-8787 Any UNL woman with junior status is eligible to apply tor Glamour's Top 10 college women competition, winner will receive a cash prize, all-expenses-paid trip to New York City and national recognition. Pick up applications at both CAP Offices, Culture Center and WRC. For more information call472-2454. Apply now. the deadline is Jan. 15.1992. You'll be glad you did I Fall 1991 FOOD FOR THOUGHT Friday, Nov. 22 East Campus union 1130 AM Brown Bag Lunch 12:00 Noon Program •RIGHTS a RESPONSIBILITIES OF ACADEMIC ADM INIS TRA TORS IN THE LEARNING PROCESS' Dean Donald Edwards College ot Technical Agriculture and Natural Resources and Response Panel UNL FACULTY, STAFF & STUDENTS WELCOME _ KEINE FLUSSPFERDEN aberein Sweiss, and lotsol English Subtitles. Tong Tana, an ecological disaster I Urn, Sunday only at the Sneldon An GaHery. 3,5,7, and 9pm, have a PC dayl Lazio’s Now senring Rauch Waizati. The only known smoked wheat beer in the lower 49 states, 710 P. Spring Break Cancun or Padre Save cash, sign up before December 15. Call Craig at 423-3784. THE DOCTOR is coming. Look out East Union. He's worse than the dog. 120 Greek Affairs IAE LH Sis Meeting at house. 11-22-91 6fl0pm-Run wilh it. ■■tATiIrr I “Well, according to the dictionary, I'm just a large, flightless bird from East Africa.... But believe me, Doris — once you get to know me, you’ll see I’m much, much more than that." ' >* Biederman comments at one point, “If I report them, I ’ 11 make enemies of them.” He desperately hopes he can avert disaster by making concession after concession, but in the end, they send his house up in flames. An interesting aspect of the play is the use of a Greek-style chorus of firefighters (Ann Niergarth and Dylan McCullough) to help tell the story. They serve different functions in the play. Most of the time they narrate and foreshadow, and occasionally they act as Biederman’s conscience. In the end, the chorus tells the audience, “The fire killed many, but changed nothing.” Though many people would ques tion the idea that World War II changed nothing, Frisch’s is an interesting point to consider. Many of these confusing moments could have been avoided if notes had been included in the program to clue people in. Understanding “The Fire bugs” without a little help is too much to expect of an audience, and that is the only real fault of the production. Congratulations to Lee T. on being elected to National FFA President! -The Men ot FarmHouse Congratulations to all newly elected officers of Pi Beta Phi. Good Luck I _ Love. Your Pi Phi Sisters Congratulations to the newly elected Exec. Members of Pi Beta Phi: President. Teresa R.; V.P. Morale, Terri O.; V.P. Social, Amber B.; V.P. Mental. Marianne H.; Secre tary, Jenny K.; T reasure. Maria W.; Panhellenic, Heidi H.; Rush Chair, Karla G.; Social Chair, Kay G.; Membership, Christa B.; House Manager, Bakkom, Good Luck! _ Your Pi Phi Sisters GinaH. (KD), Good Luck in the Miss Nebraska pageant this weekend. You'll do great! Love, Your KO Sisters. GREEK GAMES November 23,1991 Saturday, 12-4:00pm SUPPORT US! Heidi Sieck. (PI Phi), We are very proud of you and your new postiton as Vice President of Panhellenic. Good Luck I Love. Your Pi Phi Sisters Lucy (Theta), See you at the Bash on Saturday. , Chuck (Sigma Chi) Charlie Brown Bash ‘91 Phi Beta Chi loves our associates! We re behind you 100%l The Actives AXA The Men of Lambda Chi Alpha would Ike to congratulate Justin Van Mullen on becoming our new High Alpha. Recital Continued from Page 9 the course to develop his musical skills. “I’ve always been interested in trying composition,” Miller said. “I’m a vocal performance major now, but I’m not sure what my minor will be in graduate school. I wanted to give everything a chance. I also study composition because it is a lot of fun.” Miller has written three pieces to accompany sonnets by William Shakespeare. The sonnets, which are about vanity and the aging process, were inspired by personal experiences, he said. “Like everyone else, I’m afraid of growing old,” he said. “So when I checked out a book of sonnets, the ones on aging were meaningful to „ _ »♦ me. Miller said Shakespeare’s verse also was an inspiration for his music. “Sonnets are a certain form with three quatrains and a couplet. Each quatrain has its own point its trying to get across, and I modeled the songs’ style after that.” The songs are piano and vocal compositions and include both tonal (which uses an eight-note scale) and atonal (12-note scale) sections. Miller gives Snyder credit for helping him write in an atonal piece. “This is my first piece, and I had a tendency to stick with tonal ideas and ribt venture into the atonal world,” Miller said. “I started writing every thing as tonic and dominant progres sions. Snyder steered me away from that.” The Student Composers Recital will be held Sunday at 3 p.m. in Westbrook Recital Hall, 10th and R , , streets. Admission is free. ' Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson PSST../SV)S\EJ 'HUM'S -_^ \1<1 ? ^_ WAIT A MINUTE . THAT CAN'T BE RIGHT... "-If---^ I. I * ' WAT'S WHAT SMt\ V SA\0 3 + ^ VJAS j ACROSS 1 Actress Prentiss 6 Hemingway s sobriquet 10 G-men 14 Hair styles 15 Novelist Kingsley 16 Soviet stream 17 Sitcom'add-on 19 Supreme Court number 20 Gaelic 21 Speed 22 Want 23 Things with springs 24 Route 26 Enchantress 30 Slippery one 32 Metal beam 35 Negatively charged atoms 37 Ambassador or envoy 40 Letters to stars 42 Twixt 12 and 20 43 Surrounded 45 Surpassing Comb form 46 Suffix with inchoative verbs 47 Period 49 Willow 50 Soviet div 52 Press ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE i ' “ ^ ‘ '| I ILIE I Y~ AUSE M|E |S |S 54 Tear 57 Golfer Palmer 59 In the center 63 Jewish month 64 Card-game phrase 66 “La Boheme ’ heroine 67 First victim 68 Dance of Bohemian origin 69 Kind of mother or son 70 Word on a towel 71 Appease DOWN 1 Wan 2 Way off 3 Wild ox 4 Theater section 5 Wood for skis 6 "I Love a 1931 song 7 Gathered 8 Early inhabitant of Britain 9 Awry 10 These often get tickled 11 City in the Keystone State 12 Hamlet, e g 13 Snow vehicle 18"-Best of Carson" 23 Former name of Varanasi, India V 25 Wing part 26 Bistro 27 Silly 26 Collar woes? 29 "Peanuts, e g 31 Kindled 33 Strad competitor 34 E Indian cereal grass 36 Caesar from Yonkers 38 Vim 39 Haw before 1959 41 Novelist Harper 44 A A candidate 48 Gazelles of Arabia 51 Rani's spouse 53 Finished, to Keats 54 Bellwethers 55 Redact 55 Appoint 58 Gown 59 G I truant 60 Factory 61 Actress-writer Chase 62 June 6, 1944 65 Baden-Baden is one