They show all the signs of having HIV. There aren't any you can see. You can't tell from outward apperarancc who is infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. Know how to determine your risk. Call your State or local AIDS hotline, or the National AIDS Hotline at 1-800-342 AIDS. Call 1-800-243-7889 (TTY) for deaf access. HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. __ U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES ( ^ ( I jL Public Hoollh Some. Contort (or Dioooto Conbd ’ PRESENTS A ? COOKIES J Mrs. Fields Cookies Are Now Baking Fresh Daily At ‘TCBV” *Only at the 211 N. 14th location rBUY ANY FROZEN YOGURT MENU ITEM~| (EXCEPT KIDDIE CUP) AND RECEIVE | A MRS. FIELDS COOKIE FREE j I Offer expires 12-15-91 i Please present this coupon before ordering One or- 99 ^ J f f I der per coupon per customer per visit. Not good in I 1 H ' combination with any other promotional offer Cus- ■ ■ I tomer must pay any sales tax due Offer good only The Cokm/TV^ BeSitoqurl® I 1 at participating "TCBV" stores Cash value: 1/100 * • L^ent, • ____2\ DNoTth 14 th I Jim’s Journal _ j™ Today RutVs X to * Vre«Ot-f«ist b°tfet J+ *+ * , 1 rest****** tMT c*w-e*t fffcci*!* j Tfc«y frvi4$, f**e*V*$ - +U;*3 y#'* couW tto** of to e*t. (Utk r COmUW* *\l +kt f*rev\t fkt*}S tk«y k^. NAKED JIM Jim’s Journal _ p—■ ~~ ■ ' Jo4,wl of ctr«^* $jt r