The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 21, 1991, Page 14, Image 14
Green Continued from Page 13 myselQ ran onto the playing field to celebrate a game-icing interception, pulling a delay of game penalty against the Huskers. 1984: During the Kansas State game, the Wildcat mascot got bonked in the head with oranges at least twice. Picking on the mascot of the nation’s losingest team is a cry for mental help. 1986: At the Oklahoma loss, a Memorial Stadium security officer was hit in the head by one of the thousands of oranges that hit the field that day. But this orange was frozen, and the security officer has not walked since. At the Sugar Bowl in New Or leans, Louisiana State players told stories after the game of how Husker players talked on every play, used Vaseline on their jerseys to prevent being blocked and tried to pick fights. 1987: After talking trash for three weeks prior to the Oklahoma game, the Huskers again left Memorial Sta dium red-faced with a loss. But not until a disgruntled Ne braska fan threw his Sony Watchman television onto the playing surface in disgust Throughout that season, Husker fans were irked by the confident comments of Oklahoma linebacker Brian Bosworth, but found blurbs from Nebraska’s Broderick Thomas amus ing. Among them: “I don’t know who (so-and-so’s) quarterback is, but I’m going to break his legs. They’re going to take him out on a stretcher.” Pretty nifty. 1988: Nebraska fans booed Gov, Kay Orr during the halftime ceremo nies of the Homecoming game against Oklahoma State. A few weeks later, they once again booed the Huskers as they left the field at halftime trailing Missouri. 1990: Oranges, oranges, oranges And a loss to Colorado. This partial list undoubtedly will get longer this season when Okla homa comes to town for the annual shootout. There were even a few oranges tossed at last week’s Iowa State game. But the only criticism will come from Husker fans who won’t like Sports Illustrated’s coverage of the game. It’s easy for people to forget things when it’s beneficial to do so. Espe cially in Lincoln. Green is a senior news-editorial major, the Daily Nebraskan’s assistant sports editor and a columnist. i .. -. , =—l H-STREET DRIVE H "Nebraska's Largest Package Liquor Store” ^LlJILY 1&99 $13.49 ■•••■■•■■••••■■•••••■•••■■•■aaaMMMMMaiMaaMMMiMiMMMiMaMaaMMMMMMiMMMMaaaaaMaaMMaHaMjMiaaiaaiMaMMMMaaaMiaMaaMMiMMaaaaaMMaMMaM Women’s Volleyball 1. Alpha Omicron Pi-A (5-0) 2. Burr Hall (4-0) 3. Kappa Kappa Gamma-A (4 0) 4. Alpha Chi Omega-B (4-0) 5. Abel 7-A (3-0) 6. Hastings Highflyers (4-0) 7. Sandoz 9-B (2-1) 8. Regulators (3-1) 9. The Netters (3-1) 10. Alpha Delta Pi-B (2-1) From the Office of Campus Recreation i Cooper Continued from Page 13 three weeks ago. The Buffaloes fought off a Nebraska surge when a Husker lined up just a snag off the line and was flagged, negating Nebraska’s first touchdown. Then, when Nebraska attempted to tie the Buffaloes just before halftime, Colorado linebacker Greg Biekert ran back a blocked Husker extra-point and ran past a bundle of Buffalo clips en route to a 12-9 lead. Granted, the block of Nebraska’s PAT should not have occurred. But still, the no-calls were simply a pat on the back that kept Nebraska from outscoring Colorado in the end. • The week before, on Oct. 26, Colorado escaped Manhattan, Kan., after not exactly manhandling the Wildcats (see Nebraska for similar testimony). The Buffaloes escaped by a whisker, thanks to four Wildcat turnovers, winning 10-0. • Perhaps one could have peered into a Buffalo crystal ball and pre dicted all this after the Buffaloes’ opener against Wyoming. The Cow boys, who finished their season 4-6 1, trailed just 16-13 with 3:25 left in the third quarter. The two teams traded scoreless possessions before Colorado lassoed two late touchdowns to create a score somewhat characteristic of defending co-national champions. Speaking of the national champi onship last year, let’s play that for tune in reverse: • Colorado won at least a moral part of the national championship when it beat Notre Dame, 10-9, in the Or ange Bowl. A more deserving, unde feated Georgia Tech team was passed $3.00 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $4.00 per day for 15 words on non-student ads. $.15 each additional word $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m. weekday before publica tion. The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex. sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status or national origin. The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. The advertisers agree to assume liability for all contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebras kan. Writing an effective ad Be deecrtptlve. The more information you pro vide the readers, the better your responses will be. Begin the ed with the item for sale or offered. Include the price of the Items for sale. Highlight the ad with larger type, boldface, art or a box. Run the ad for at least two days Make sure the ad reaches the Monday-Wednesday-Friday stu dents and the Tuesday-Thursday students 3 Bicycles For Sale "90 Gent ATX 770 mountain bite. 20" frame, deore OX components. Excellent condition. $325 obo. 420-1431. 1881 19" Diamond-back mountain bike (Axis), Shimano XT equipment, other accessories. Cal 786 2805. 4 Books For Sale TOMEELIDEA’U**db00k*'IOWPrlC** 126*iem-475 5 Clothing For Sale Leather jackets un!mo,orcyc,# ***•*•' *a“ 38M’ 6 Computers For Sale Complete *y»t*m, 386SX-20, $950, 386-25. $1,295; 486SX10. $1^495; 486-33. $1.695. Call 488-6880. Toahtoa T1000 Laptop Computer. Four month* old. Call J*ff, 435-2024. ^urnitur^o^al^^^== Beautiful quaan tire walerbed $300. Call 466-6162. Qj*?1 •fr*' "*l#f b*d- mattroM. bio head board. $100 obo. 476-3730. leave meuag*. 10 Misc. For Sale giSETMffla3^°**"*** CELLULAR PHONES Hand held* from $249 Bag-phone* from $99 In-car $49 (402)560-1160 12 Musical Instruments up by AP voters for a lucky-not-to have-four-losses Colorado team. Nevertheless, Colorado escaped an Irish pickle when McCartney decided to punt to Raghib “Rocket” Ismail in the last two minutes. Only an unnec essary clip on his runback prevented Ismail and Notre Dame from striking gold in Miami. Sorry, Lou Holtz, but Buffalo bits bite even Irishmen. • Three months earlier, Colorado beat Missouri 33-31. You’ve got this story down. Fifth down. Columbia, Mo., is the Buffs’ lucky town. • The week before, on Sept. 29, 1990, Colorado withstood two Wash ington Husky drives in the fourth quarter to win, 20-14. The Huskies twice drove within Colorado’s 20 yard line before quarterback Mark Brunei! threw two rather uncharac teristic interceptions. Another buffa blow. • Go back another week last year, to Texas_Talk about a hook for the Longhorns, Colorado scored 15 points in the fourth quarter for a29-22come from-behind victory. But all that Buff luck runs out next week. No matter the outcome of Nebraska’s match-up with Oklahoma, their luck will be blown by next Fri day night. Should Nebraska win next Friday afternoon, the Buffaloes miss a third consecutive trip to Miami. Should the Huskers lose, Colorado earns a well-deserved, much-antici pated thrashing by Miami in Miami. Dam the luck. Cooper is a sophomore news-editorial major and the Daily Nebraskan senior re porter. 18 Stereos/TVs For Sale CAR STEREO Four Crunch 8’subs, $200. Red Rocker amp, 150X2, $600 new. will do $350 obo. 489-4904—leave number. 19 Ticket Exchange 2NUvs.OUstudenistogether. South stadium. $50 lor the pair. Call 435-8670 leave message. For Sale: 2 NU vs. OU tickets together $80. Call 436-7903 or 436-7061—Cyndi._ _ For Sale: 1 NU vs. OU ticket, best oiler. Call 477-0192 after 3pm. Needed: 4 validated and 1 non-validated NU-OK tickets together. Will pay top dollar lor good tickets. Leave Message 466-2799. One OU ticket. $50 obo. Call 474-6628 and ask lor Todd. Pair of OU tickets lor sale. Make best offer by Monday 11/ 25. Call 438-3302._ Two NU vs. OK tickets together. Please buy—not expen sive! 436-9234. 20 Vehicles For Sale —1■ — 83 Mustang convertble, automatic, air. cassette, cruise, power locks. 93.000 miles, great shape. $4,250. 476 9667. 22 Adoption A baby « all that it misting in our lives We hope to share our love, happiness and dreamt with a newborn. Ex penaea paid. Call Susan and Robert at 1-800-972-4225 A loving, educated couple wishes to share their life and love with neefcorn who will be cherished and given the best things In Me. Give yourself, your baby and us a haggierkrtur*. Expenses paid. Call Sue and Jay. 1 -800 Adopt: We wish to share our lives with a precious new born. A young married couple offers a lifetime of love, happiness, and security. Expensee paid Call EBen and Stevecoliect 518-568-9108 Single and Pregnant? You don't have to go It alone—we re here to help. No fees and confidential counseling. Statewide since 1893. Nebraska Children's 4600 VaBsy Roa?Suits3&4,463-7879 W# can help one another. 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