Men’s Flag Football 1. Beta Theta Pi-A1 (7-0) 2. C & S Express (7-0) 3. Triangle-A (8-0) 4. Too Old to Care (5-0) 5. Raiders (6-0) 6. Sigma Phi Epsilon A-2 (7-1) 7. Pi Kappa Phi-B (6-0) 8. Harper 3 (7-0) 9. Alpha TauOmega-B-1 (7-0) 10. Law 1 (7-1) Co-Rec Basketball Final Top 10 1. The Machine/Alpha Omi cron Pi (9-0) 2. The Bangers (7-3) 3. Delta Gamma/Delta Tau Delta (7-3) 4. Abel 7 (6-1) 5. Fire (6-1) 6. Guns-N-Roscs (5-1) 7. The Blaze (5-2) 8. Minimum Contacts (4-1) 9. Aztec Mummies (5-2) 10. Drain Bammage (5-2) From the Office of Campus Recreation Stop Smoking. % | American Heart Association NFL should review instant replay It’s almost enough to make some body think that the NFL is rigged or something. Instant replay — a rule profes sional football fans either love or hate — made a strong case against itself in three crucial games Sunday. Blatant blunders in the friendly confines of the replay booth either cost or contributed to key losses for three teams bidding for postseason playoff berths. Take, for example, the cases of three big losers in Sunday’s comedy of errors: Kansas City Chiefs — The Den ver Broncos’ last-place patsy sched ule is bad enough, but the boys in blue and orange got a big break in Sun day’s game against the Chiefs. Late in the third quarter, Denver quarterback John Elway scrambled out of the pocket and found Mark Jackson wide open in the endzone for a touchdown pass to pul the Broncos up 17-13. There was just a small problem: Replays showed Elway to be a yard over the line of scrimmage as he released the pass. The referees ruled touchdown, then asked for a review from the replay official. The Kansas City fans saw the re play on the scoreboard, and waited it for to be overturned. The Chief defense returned to the field, as if to say “This is too obvious. It’s got to be overturned.” The word came down from the booth . . . “Inconclusive. The play stands as called on the field.” A stunned Chief team goes back to the sidelines, and seconds later Den ver comerback Charles Dimry returns an interception for a touchdown to give the Broncos an 11-point lead they would never give up. Dallas Cowboys — In a game against the New York Giants in which Cowboy Coach Jimmy Johnson de scribed the officiating as the “worst ^b^ Adkisson • I’ve ever, ever, ever seen,” one play was especially costly. Near the end of the first half, the Giants were leading 6-3 and had the ball first and goal at the one. Two plays later, the Cowboys had driven the Giants back to the 5 on third down. New York quarterback Jeff Hostetler rolled out, and was stuffed at the Dallas 3. A flag flics and defensive holding is called. Automatic first down from inside the 2-yard line. The Giants score on the next play to take a 13-3 lead. Dallas gets no closer than a touchdown the rest of the way and the Giants win. The two teams now have identical 6-5 records, but it’s likely that only one will make the playoffs. A nice sequence of events, but the catch is this: On that critical third and-fivc play, CBS replays isolated the Dallas defender called for holding and indicated he couldn’t possibly have done it. And the flag came down just as Hostetler was hitting the ground short of the endzone. Instant replay can’t be used after a penalty, which is stupid. That play may have been the turning point in Dallas’ season. Cleveland Browns — This one didn’t exactly kill the 4-7 Browns, but it points out the absurdity of the replay rule. Houston Oiler quarterback War ren Moon had been struggling, and Cleveland’s Bemie Kosar had just zipped his team down the field to put the Browns up 24-21 with less than four minutes remaining in the game. Moon starts his team on a drive, and his first throw is off the mark. A Cleveland defender races toward the sideline, picks the ball out of the air and docs a ballerina-like tapdancc to keep both feet in bounds, as is clearly evidenced by television replays. The rcls on the field, however, say “no catch”, but they aren’t sure... to the replay booth we go. A minute or two later: “Because of inconclusive evidence ... the play stands as ruled on the field. Houston’s ball.” Joe Theismann, who was calling the game for ESPN, went nuts, then watched Houston score in the final seconds of the game to eck out a four point win. “Why have the rule?” Theismann asked before going into a tirade. “That’s ridiculous.” For once, I’m with Joe. Replay is ridiculous, and it’s some thing the NFL would be wise to Fix as quickly as possible. % The biggest problem with instant replay is exactly what happened in the Browns-Oilers game, that escape hatch conveniently known as “incon clusive evidence.” What that term really means is that although the refs were probably wrong on the field, the replay official didn’t have the guts to overturn a call in front of 50,000 or so fans who would boo for a minute and write letters to the sports page when they got home. It’s not as if the spirit of the rule isn’t good — most football fans proba bly would accept the delays the re play booth causes in favor of officiat ing. But holding up a game only to rule in favor of a blown call is a situation bordering on the inane. The solution? Give the replay booth even more power, or abolish it once and for all. Then fans can either adjust to long delays after almost every play or adjust to the old call-’em-likc-yo'i-see-’cm style that got us through a few dec ades and at least 20 Super Bowls. Now, after further review, that’s football. And the evidence for change is conclusive. Adkisson is a junior news-editorial major and a Daily Nebraskan staff reporter. Wrestlers Continued from Page 7 ary, only four of Nebraska’s original starters were wrestling. The rest had suffered a variety of injuries. So far this year, no serious injuries have occurred. If injuries do occur this season, Neumann said, he won’t be as con cerned. “This year, we’re better prepared to handle injuries than we were last year,” he said. “We have so many young guys that we have a lot of depth.” Barring unforeseen problems like injuries, Neumann said, the season has the makings of a successful one. “I’m really excited,”hc said.“This group is generally one of the hardcsl workjmg bunches we’ve had here. They take their training very seriously, and they’re preparing as well as any we’ve had. “They’re ready to gel out there and do their best.” I-SPORTS BRIEFS-, Strieker awarded Big 8 honor again For the second lime in three weeks, Nebraska setter Nikki Strieker has been named the Big Eight volleyball player of the week. The 5-foot-10 sophomore earned the distinction after leading the Comhuskers to a pair of confer ence wins last weekend, securing Nebraska’s 16th straight confer ence title. In the two matches, Strieker had 93 set assists, including a personal high 53 against Oklahoma. She guided the team to a season-high .506 hitting percentage in a win over Missouri. She also contrib uted 11 kills, two service aces, seven blocks, 21 digs and a .526 hitting percentage. Strieker joins teammate Stepha nie Thaler as a two-time recipient this season, along with Comhusker single-time winners Eileen Shan non and Janet Kruse. Baseball recruit signs letter of intent Nebraska baseball coach John Sanders has announced the signing of David Gappa of Kearney to a national letter of intent. Gappa, a 6-fooi-3, 185-pound utility player, hits right and can play first and third base and in the outfield and has also pitched for the Kearney American Legion team. Rec Scoreboard Results Sunday t Flag Football C & S Express 19, Sunderman II 0, Young Guns-K 20, Extractions 13; Warthogs 48, Sharks 12, Schramm 4 12, Harper 6 6; Harper 2 7, Abel 6 0; Harper 3 52, Abel 10 12; Abel 11 47. Abel 2 12; Harper 8 14, Abel 3 6; Harper 9 7. Cather 3 B1 6; Harper 10 27, Abel 5 B1 0; Schramm 2 32, Harper 7 12; Delta Tau Delta B2 40, Beta Theta Pi 0; Acacia 8, Beta Theta Pi B20; Alpha Tau Omega B2 34, Phi Gamma Delta B1 6; Chi Phi B1 20. Delta Tau Delta B3 18; Alpha Omega Pi 20, Kappa Alpha Theta 19, Burr III 14, Able 5 B2 7; Home Boys 19, NU Tennis 18; Warthogs 21, Young Guns-K 20, Kil ler Ducks 47, Pure Athletes 0; Law 112, Standing 8 Count 0; Raiders 22, Dirty Dishes 6; C 4 S Express 18, Reapers 7 Harper 2 31, Abel 9 30, Abel 11 6, Harper 8 0; Harper 10 30, Harper 9 6; Cather 2 20, Schramm 2 18; Tau Kappa Epsilon 13, Delta Tau Delta 12; Law I 18, Killer Ducks 0, The Law 32, OC-35 0. Men's Basketball Sigma Phi Epsilon A2 62, Triangle A1 58, Sigma Alpha Epsilon 78, Beta Sigma Psi 39; Beta Theta Pi A1 79, Sigma Chi 60. Women's Volleyball Atomic Fireballs 2, In Yo Face 0; Smashers 2, Triangle Sisters 0; Kappa Kappa Gamma 2, Alpha Phi 0; Regula tors 2, Slammer Jammers 1; Delta Gamma 2, Chi Omega 1; GDI's 2, The Netters 1, We Dig 4 Play 2, The Blaze 1; Leather Killers 2, The Adams Family 0. Indoor Soccer Farmhouse I 2, Chi Phi I11; Chi Phi I 13, We Be Jammin 3; Sigma Nu 4, Chi Omega/Delta Upsilon 1; Two Snaps Up 3, Kappa Sigma 1. ,_r .. - ' '• - ‘ .1 • • ' • V - ' - '• • ’ ■ ‘ 7*- ' ; s..