The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 20, 1991, Page 12, Image 12
Classified 472-2588 A Christmas Special! Resumegift certificates. Callthe professionals—Costello & Associates at 483-7611.__ All types of word processing $1 per double-space page, resumes $10-$15. Quality results for less. 486-4353. Fast & efficient word processing—class papers & other assignments. Call Mary 483-4010, Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 10 years experience, proven results. 464-0775. Resumes Professionally typeset and laser printed. $15 plus tax. Daily Nebraskan,basement of Nebraska Union. 105 Career Events Union Pacific Mock Interview Workshop Sat., November 23,1991, NE Union-Regency Room Continental Breakfast at 8:30am Sign-up in CBA 237 to attend and Participate in an interview. Oueetions? Chrie 436-8482 or Liaa 436-6141. 110 Announcements 3 tans-$6, Just arrived—new bulbs. The best tanningl SaHaira 464-8787._ Backpacking in Mexico December 27-January 11. Spend two weeks exploring areas of Copper Canyon in Northwest Mexico. Entry deadline Wednesday, November 20, 7 p.m. For more information contact Outdoor Adventures at 472-4777. Coming to the Pla-Mor Ballroom Thursday. November 21 the Rumbles. 9:00-12:30, doors open at 8:30,6600 West O St__ _ Lazio’s Now serving Rauch Weizen The only known smoked wheat beer in the lower 48 states. 710 P. __ LSAT Test-takers. Classes forming now for February test. Thinking about the MCAT7 Now's the time to start preparing. Call the Kaplan Educational Center at 475-7010 for details. NATIVE AMERICAN SPECIAL EVENTS PRESENT: THANKSGIVING: THE UNTOLD STORY Linda Coombs and Romans Peters Culture Center. 333 N 14 St. Thursday, November 21.1991 7:00pm Reception to folio* NEED A TYPEWRITER? There's one available for student use FREE In the Student Info. Center _116 Nebr. Union No Experience Necessary! The Insuring Tomorrow Committee has extended its deadline for a PR Chair. The main qualification is an interest in the design and implementation of a publicity campaign. Applications are available In the CAP offices and are due November 20. ODYSSEY Our second program is this Thursday. Noverrber 21 from 6-7:30pm at the Union. Please call the CAP office only if you cannot attend Hope to see all you mentors and proteges therel Recquetball Club: Club meeting Thurs. Nov. 21 st, 6:00pm at Campus Rec. T.V. Lounge. Anyone Welcomel SCHRAMM CRAMMII T-shirts are ini Stop by Rm. 826 to daim. Extras are $9._ _ SKYDIVE! Jump out o* a perfectly good airplane. Call Crete Skydiv Ing Center, 488-7084,__ Spring Break Cancun or Padre Save cash, sign up before December 15. Call Craig at 423-3784. UNION BOARD BOOTH STUDENT UNION INFORMATION BOOTH TODAY 2-4 PM MAIN LOBBY VOICE YOUR CONCERNS, QUESTIONS UNL NORML/HEMP This week's meeting has been cancelled. Regular meet ings resume December 5,6 p.m. at student union. 115 Meetings Ad Club Meeting Thursday at 6:00,201 Avery ATTENTION INNOCENTS "The Falcon has landed..." Meet at the McDonalds by 10th and Cornhusker, Thurs. Nov. 21st between 945 and 10:00 p.m.- the the fun beginsl Devilishly Yours, A & B Block & Bridle Meeting Thursday, Nov. 21st at 730pm at East Campus Union. Pictures. Elections & Initiation. Marketing Club Elections Thursday, November 21,6pm City Union. NU MEDS Will meet at 7:30 Wednesday night in the City Union. There will be a speaker on fartily practice. See you there. Pre-Pharmacy Club meeting Wednesday November 20. 6pm in the City Union. Dr. Warren Narducci will discuss academic pharmacy. STUOCNT FOUNDATION Dress to impress. Formal portrait at the Lied, 5 00, Thurs day. _ TCAB Thursday, November 21 530pm Henzik 120 Greek Affairs = ZN High fives to the newly elected exec, officers! Make us proud by buying on the already-strong foundations PS. Thanks to the former officers who did a great job for our house. Ag Men Fall Rush. Any major if interested. 436-6328. Becky K. (DDD), Congratulations on your engagement. __Love, Your Sisters Congratulations to the University Livestock Judging Tearn on Kansas City and Louisville. AGR members Larry H.. Roger G. and Kelly B. The Men of Apha Gamma Rho Congratulations to the 1992 Kappa Delta Executive Council: Pres.- Deb O.; V.P. Membership- Darcy D.; V.P. Standards- Debbie W.; V.P. Pledge Ea.- Mary E.; V.P. Public Relations- Julie T.; Sect.- Tonya H.; Treas.- Lori W.; Asst Treas.- Nicole G.; Panhellenic- Andrea F. Congratulations to Jeff G. and Ann on your engagement and to Matt Wilshusen for receiving his American FFA degree. The Men of Beta Sigma Psi For a good time pick up a Greek Week committee chair application at the Greek Affairs office. They're due De cember 4. GREEK GAMES November 23,1991 Saturday, 12-4:00pm SUPPORT US! Kappa Kappa Gamma. / You ladies across the street helped make Barn Party 91 a blastl We enjoyed your company. Sigma Nu Keri R„ Congratulations on your engagement to Lori. The Men of Alpha Gamma Rho Patti L. (KD). Congratulations on receiving the S.B.J. (Society of Professional Journalists) Scholarship! We are so proud of youl Love, Your KD Sisters Scott O.. Congratulations on your engagement to Kim D. The Men of Alpha Gamma Rho The men of Acacia would like to thank everyone who attended Melodrama 91, our sponsors, and especially the women of Phi Mu for helping make this year's show such a success. Special appreciation goes to Todd, Chris, Troy, Matt, Jed and Jim. Hope to see everyone next fall at Melodrama '92 - Acacia and ??? Todd (TKE) Congratulations on your Co-op with Texas Instruments. Good luck in Dallas. The men of TKE 130 Student Government UN-L STUDENT GOVERNMENT Wednesday, Nov. 20 6:30 p.m. City Campus Union INFORMATION AND AGENDA AVAILABLE 115 NEBRASKA UNION 140 Personals ' Stretch (Babe). Thanks tor the apology. Yes. you are a good country swinger. (But don't let it go to your head, ya hickl) Sis (Chick) _P.8. Reedy to go to Florida whenever you are. Aaron and Jeff, Is this proper etiquette?! In spite of the cheap ties and near-death experience on "O' we found even GAM BLERS can be CHIVALROUSI Saturday was detmately and "ace to keep"l Thanksl Matt. Dave. Jeff. Hobble. Do you know who you andyour sex partners will be sleeping with tor the next FORTY years? Quit drawing lines between you and other groups. Classmate Turkey Who needs a free personal71 love you very much! I hope we re together forever. -Buzz Kim in Ecology. You've been weanng your hair down recently... Ooohhh BABY l Some Lab Guys Ker Beattie: It's the last of your teen years, hope you can drink 19 beersl Happy Birthday Punkyl __ HAh Kara (ABEL 10). very much would like to go out. Candlelight and dinner? — - Secret A. Please RSVP Good-looking male seeks young, sexy, leather-dad gut ter slut who enjoys Alice Cooper to explore master/slave relationships RVP and leave pictures at DN desk •Master” RESERVATIONS AVAILABLE NOW! DAYTONA BEACH 5 ana 7 NIGHTS SOUTH PADRE ISLAND 5 AND 7 NIGHTS STEAMBOAT 2, 5 AND 7 NIGHTS PANAMA CITY BEACH 7 NIGHTS FORT LAUDERDALE 7 NIGHTS HILTON HEAD ISLAND 5 AND 7 NIGHTS MUSTANG ISLAND / PORT ARANSAS 5 AND 7 NIGHTS 11th Annual Celebration! TOIL FREE INFORMATION t 1.800-321-5911 To that old guy who gets goofy when tired, wants a frog for Christmas,lias a really cute Dutt (we'reevenl), shouldn't drive in rain, and likes children of 18: It's worth the blushingl s g To the man in Media History (9:30), I have envied your hair from afar. I'd love to share a cream rinse with you some morning. Please, please, please for the love of God please respond via! Why*give all our money to the DN? How about dinner instead? Questions about me? Call, 474-7487. INk B.K. Here's to Abel 825 and our new Gen «7B. Bud Light and charrpagne. Weekends in Wisner with #10 and #2, donl forget the horseback ridlngl The mornings after with M4B. Who's the life of the party? Sex talks- what do they really like? Laughter and tear. Road trips and pit stops. I'm stressed I n Wisdom teeth and tonsils. And to us- bestester of frlendsl Happy 20thll ^ ^ Small Town Boy, Here's to Melodrama, the talks, hot chocolate and lots of swingingl Remember don't think and drive. Country Girt Shane, _ Here's to pizza by candlelight and hunting (?) at night. Hope to make your birthday as special as the last two we've spent together. Love. Grumpy Bear P.S. Where's Waldo?_ Interested: Your qualities are very appealing to me. Set up time and meeting place. SE Dearest Karla. Nothing can stand in our way now. Not Jon, not your coach, or even your 13% goal. Love, Your Gym Rat Will. You and Doug were the two best-looking guys in "B" Town last weekend. I'm waiting for you to get ahold of me. Kim P.S. Remember. I'm Greg’s cousin. Jason G GIVE UP ON HER 11 want a chance. RVP. Love, The Interested Spectator Renee. Happy 21st B-Day. Love ya lots, Chris Pearl of the Forest - pick a winner for tonight and kill creeping fogeyism Jen S. Have a happy 21st. I bet you cant wait for the four things to happen tonight. Your Significant Other To my dear husbands Steve and Stuart. You're the best husbands IV* ever had. Thanks tor a great year. Happy Annlversaryl Your loving wife, Lisa 145 Lost & Found LOST: Brown paper portfolio. Call Leal ye, 474-6353. 150 Child Care Needed ' Nannies Earn good money. Visit interesting places. Call Templeton Nanny Agency. 402-477-8W7. 160 Help Wanted $6.50/hr. GUARANTEED! Need to start making more monay right now? Neodata is looking for mature, dependable students to tUI several part-time telephone sales rspresantativs positions. Evening hours available. Neodata otters flexible sched uling. paid training, a lun work environment and great commissions that allow you to earn up to $9/hr Qualified applicants nsed only possess clear speaking voice and aprofessional attitude. Call today for an Interview. 476 8315. Ask for Donna Ingram. (EOE) Assembly workers needed Immadiata openings for assembly workers and MIG welders, al shifts. Long-term assignments available. Must be 18 or older. EOF Apply at MSP Resources, Inc., Suite 436, Greentree Court. 210 Gateway North Breadeaux Pizza is now taking applications for pan-time instore 6 delivery driver combined Make up to $5-1 (V hour. Call 464-7472 after 4pm. _ „ Classified Advertising The Dally Nebraskan has anopenmg for a part-time Classified Ad Receptionist. Thurs. 11:00am-2 30pm and Frl. 2:30pm-4:30pm. Responsibilities include taking clas sified ads over the phone, and directing calls to staff members Must be able to type 50wpm and have a pleasant phone voice. Apply at the Daily Nebraskan 34 Nebraskan Union. Evening telemarketers needed. Earn up to $1,000 before Christmas. Call 466-3802 Marketing Sales Entry level position with the market leader. Looking lor sell motivated sales person. Salary plus commission plus benefits. Send resume to: Attn: Kammie, PO Box 80238, Lincoln NE 68501._ University of Nebraska Foundation Is taking applications lor phonathon positions Hours will be 8-10 p.m. Monday Thursday. Call lor an appointment between 8 and 5.472-2151. *Starlite Ballroom 314 miles West of Wahoo, NE Top Country Band "Double Shot” Friday, Nov. 22,8:30- 12:30 FREE Country Dance Lessons 7:00 - 8:30 Thanksgiving Dance "Haywood Wakefield” Wed. Nov, 27, 8:00- 12:00 Mothers helper, Monday, Thursday, Friday afternoons. Must drive, non-smoker. 423-0578 or leave message at 423-0661.__ Nanny Opportunities *San Francisco - 1 girl - $180/wk‘ *So. California - newborn - $165/wk ‘Connecticut - infant - $200/wk* ‘Chicago - 1 girl - $160/wk* ‘Virginia - 2 children - $225/wk* Many positions available. 1 year commitment necessary. Call 1 -800-937-NANI Need extra money? International Telcom, Inc. offers flexible schedules, competitive wages, a pleasant work ing environment and an excellent opportunity for ad vancement in the growing field of outbound telemarketing. Full ana part time positions available. Hours available Monday-Friday, 9am-9pm, Saturdays 9am-4pm. Set your own hours - Saturdays not manda tory. If interested call 474-1256 or apply in person at International Telcom, Inc. 3410 O Street. Rec Therapy Asst. Looking for rewarding work wnh people? Part-time posi tion in residential treatment facility. Must be at least 25. High school diploma. Education/experience in activity therapy preferred. Some evenings, weekends, holidays. Ideal for college students or people interested in activity therapy. Deadline for application November 25. Submit letter of application/resume to Lincoln Lancaster Drug Projects.TlO J St. Lincoln. NE 68508. RUNZA RESTAURANT 13TH AND E ST. We have full time, part-time, day and evening positions available. You can receive: —A competitive salary —Opportunities for advancement —50% meal discounts —Flexible schedules —A positive working environment. Stop by and apply today. _ The Dragon Palace in East Park Is now accepting applications for pan time and Christmas time cashiers. Please apply this week in person. Flexible hours available. WATS Marketing Is currently seeking enthusiastic and sales-oriehted individuals to perform telephone sales. Qualified candidates should possess excellent commu nication skills. Part-time evening and weekend hours available. Mon day-Frlday. 5:00pm-1000pm. Saturday 900am-500pm. Apply at our Employment Office 8:30am-6:00pm Monday-Friday WATS Marketing. 6100 O St (S.W. comer of Gateway Shopping Center), _EOE M/F/V/H YMCA Youth Sports is hiring youth basketball officials. Good pay, training provided. Call 475 9622. YMCA Youth Sports needs volunteer youth basketball coaches. If interested apply at the Downtown YMCA. 1039 P. St. 170 Roommates Non-smoking female to share 3 bedroom house in East Campus area. No pets, rent $150/month, share utilities. Available December 1. 466-6449. Roommate needed to share three bedroom house at 10th and South St.. $147 per month + utilities. Call 476-0743. Roommate(s) wanted for spacious bottom half of house. Pets OK. Call 438 5518._ Seeking non-smoking, serious student (male or female) for large 3 bedroom house. $1656 1/3 utilities, near 29th 6 Randolph. Cats OKI 477-5294 or 474-4874^ To share 2 bedroom w/tireplace. Near campus. $185/ month *1/2 utilities. 477-6487. 180 Houses For Rent 1201 Charleston, six bedroom, three bath, air, appli ances, garage. $650. no pets. 488-6738. 1428 N. 14th, real nice four bedroom, very near campus, parking, $500,475-1579, 488-0061. __ _ 1541 Whittier, very nice, five bedroom, two baths, two kitchens, parking, near campus. $650 475-1579. 488 0061.___ 3 bedroom house on acreage. 15 minutes from campus. Appliances Available now through 5-31-92. $500+de posit. 489 5697. - Three bedroom house at 28 6 Vine St. Close to both campuses. $325/month. 489-4849. ask for Chris 185 Duplexes For Rent Close to campus Brand new three or tour bedroom. 2 bath, duplex Washer/dryer hookups and appliances. $600 1623 Whittier. 475-2323. evenings. 190 Apartments For Rent 2 bedroom, close to UNL, 2nd floor of older house, $320. CHERRY HILL MANAGEMENT _ 469-4857 _ 2900 N. 1st, three bedroom, $550, security building, balcony, microwave 821 A St., two bedroom, $385, no pets 483-6057,483 1130 _ __ 42Q0 Huntington. North, East carrpus. 2 bedroom. Fire place. Parking. Laundry. Available between semesters. Call 466 9149 __ 508 S. 25th 2 bedroom, nice, off-street parking, available December t Leave message. 483-2357 640 S. 20th, two bedroom, balcony, $394 475 7?62 Apartment information One and two bedrooms and town homes. 5 complexes to choose from.FMA Realty. 467 6996.__ Claremont Apartments 3 bedrooms, new. 9th and Claremont. 5 blocks from campus, microwave, dishwasher, swimming pool. Call 438 5384 or 474-Park.__ Cozy Up to a nice warm life at Willowhaven Apartments. Energy efficient two bedroom apartments now available. Fire place or wood stove, dish washer, professionally man aged. $379 to $389 a month. Call 476-6200 now. Large 1 Bedroom New grey carpet, close to UNL, definitely a must see. priced right at $325. all utilities paid. CHERRY HILL MANAGEMENT _ 489-4857 __ Quiet, large one bedroom SUNNY apartment near 27th & J. $225, WO UTILITIES! 474-4874leave message. Sublet from Dec 31-May 31. 3 bedroom apartment. 1st 8 Adams. No deposit. Call 474-3607. Mixed-Up, Fixed-Up, Major Margaritas! All day Wednesday Gateway Downtown 64th &0 132 S. 13th 467-5110 477-5122 Reservations Accepted i ---— -L-.-—— .—— " ^--— ~~~ ~