The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 20, 1991, Page 11, Image 11
Classified 472-2588 FOR SALE 2 Appliances 3 Bicycles 4 Books 5 Clothing 7 Jewelry 6 Computers S Furniture 9 Garage Sales 10 Misc. For Sale 12 Musical Instruments 13 Office Furniture 14 Pets 15 Photo Equipment 16 Sporting Goods 18 Stereos/TVs 19 Ticket Exchange 20 Vehicles SERVICES 22 Adoption 23 Alterations & Sewing 25 Automotive 27 Bicycle Service 29 Bridal 30 Catering 32 Cleaning/Laundry 33 Cleaning/Households 34 Computer Service 36 Entertainment 38 Gift Ideas 40 Hairstylina 42 Health & Fitness 44 Insurance 46 Instruction/Tutoring 48 Job Placement 50 Legal 60 Misc. Services 62 Photography 63 Pregnancy 64 Printing & Copying 68 Recycling 72 Rentals 74 Tanning 76 Tattooing 76 Travel 80 Typing & Resumes NOTICES 100 Rides 105 Career Evemts 110 Announcements 115 Meetings 120 Greek Affairs 130 Student Government 140 Personals 145 Lost & Found 148 Wanted 149 Fundraising JOBS 150 Child Care Needed 160 Help Wanted 162 Work Study Jobs 164 Summer Jobs 166 Internships HOUSING 170 Roommates 173 Housing_Wanted 175 Rooms For Rent 180 Houses For Rem 185 Duplex For Rent 190 Apartments For Rent 191 Summer Housing 192 Mobile Homes For Rent 194 Homes For Sale 198 Vacation Rentals $3.00 per day tor 15 words on individual student and student organization ads $4 00 per day tor 15 words on non-student ads $ 15 each additional word $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m. weekday before publica tion. The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status or national origin. —-- —— The Daily Nebraskan reserves the righttoedit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper. Theadvertisers agree to assume liability for all contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim ansrng therefrom made against the Daily Nebras kan, Writing an effective ad Be descriptive. The more information you pro vide the readers, the better your responses willbe. Begin the ad with the item for sale or offered Include the price of the items for sale Highlight the ad with larger type, boldface art or a box. Run the ad for at least two days. Make sure the ad reaches the Monday-Wednesday-Friday stu dents and the Tuesday-Thursday students. 3 Bicycles For Sale ATX 770 mountain bike. 20" Irame, deore DX components. Excellent condition. $325 obo. 420-1431. 4 Books For Sale ~ TOME ELIDEA ’USSd b00ks'low Pfices- J.26V416th. 475 5 Clothing For Sale Leather jackets Genuine black leather motorcycle jackets, sizes 38-54, $139. Call474-1716. 6 Computers For Sale Complete system. 386SX-20. $950; 386-25. $1,295; 486SX-20, $1,495; 486-33. $1,695. Call 488-6880. Toshiba T1 COO Laptop Computer. Four months old. Call Jeff, 435-2024. 8 Furniture For Sale Queen size water bed, waveless matiress, big head board. $100 obo. 476-3739, leave message. 10 Misc. For Sale 1950 s chrome and yellow dinette set. Original condition. 30" x 40”, B- leaf. $150. 421-2076. . I CELLULAR PHONES Hand hold* from $249 Bag-phone* from $99 In-car $49 (402)560-1160 12 Musical Instruments Washburn acoustic guitar with case, excellent condition. Make offer. 476-0824. 14 Pets A-melanic, friendly corn snake and accessories. $50, leave message. 474-9572. FREE kitten, grey, lovable, litter trained, call 477-5277, leave message. 18 Stereos/TVs For Sale CAR STEREO Four Crunch 8"subs, $200. Red Rocker amp, 150X2. $600 new, will do $350 obo. 489-4904—leave number. 19 Ticket Exchange Female roundtrip plane ticket Lincoln-Seattle. Departing Nov. 26th, returning Dec. 1st. Call 826-2955. For Sale: Oklahoma student ticket. Must sell! $40 firm. 438-5209, leave message. Need two NU/OU tickets, prefer together. 474-6796. One OU ticket, $50 obo. Call 474-6628 and ask for Todd. 20 Vehicles For Sale '83 Mustang convertible, automatic, air, cassette, cruise, power locks. 93,000 miles, great shape. $4,250. 476 9667. _____ 1982 Audi 4000, 69.000 miles. $1900. 472-1782, 477 4587. Eric. 22 Adoption A baby is all that is missing in our lives. We hope to share our love, happiness and dreams with a newborn. Ex penses paid. Call Susan and Robert at 1-800-972-4225 A loving, educated couple wishes to share their life and love with newborn who will be cherished and given the best things in life. Give yourself, your baby and us a happier future. Expenses paid. Call Sue and Jay. 1 -800 442-2078. Adopt: We wish to share our lives with a precious new born. A young married couple offers a lifetime of love, happiness, and security. Expenses paid Call Ellen and Steve collect 516-568-9108. Single and Pregnant? You don't have to go it alone—we're here to help. No fees and confidential counseling. Statewide since 1893. Nebraska Children's Home Society 4600 Valley Road. Suite 304, 483-7879 We can help one another. Our home will provide lots of TLC and security for your newborn. Legal and confiden tial. Dorothy. John, 800-779-1163. 38 Gift Ideas 5940 Huntington Ave. Christmas Boutique, November 23,10am-7pm. Unique jewetrey, Art Deco/Art Nouveau, dried flower arrangements, wreaths, hand-drawn all-oc caslon and Christmas cards, hundreds of barrettes, dressed up teddy bears and ornaments. 63 Pregnancy —— waam PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy test, please call us for appoint ment, 483-2609. 75 Tattooing Body Electric Tattoos. Sterile conditions, casual atmo sphere. Many designs —custom work. By appointment only. 486-3141 Check it out • new location Loweet pricee, beet quality God of Thunder Tattoos 648 South St. Lincoln's newest and most innovative studio. Pick from thousands of designs, bring your own, or have one-of-a kind custom designs created just for you. Comfortable atmosphere, hospital sterile, all work guaranteed, no appointment necessary, 477-9578. 80 Typing & Resumes Word processing/laser printer. On cartpus Pick up/deliv ery. $1.00 double spaced page. 467-5737. ■ - ■ ! 10 Minute ! FF Lube, Oil & Filter! Plus a 14 point maintenance check I Save on our already low price of $23.95 ■ (tiq qc with coupon Void with any other ofler. on most cars Expires 12-25-91 j Our Price is a little less, and the We treat service is a whole lot more. NU students ! F ri9h" i ■ * , ^ V-riL Cxchange ; I * Also, Open 1 | Sundays 10-4 33rd & O 477-1590 I ............ Night 75C DRAWS EVERY V & WELLS WEDNESDAY 950 CALLS I i UNDERGROUND ] Dance to your favorite 70's Hits Be the Star You Are! KARAOKE WED thru SAT 13th &Q Lower Level _ 475-8007 ._ BIG RED POOL ROOM 18 pool tables VIDEO GAMES & MORE Coors Light Night 750 Draws Thursday Night! Big Thing Prizes & Giveaways THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON p«>- Tic good! We cor*f*>f"\ /a pr.roe source of ‘fter jhtormat/to, ar^ ) ( -foolish eaffolirys'do not suspect J Why we see news anchorpersons only from the waist up. Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson IT'S'"WE »\2 OMERTyRE' "-—7-" I KIND* UKE. nr INTERESTING PERCUSSION SECTION i I TWKEMJE tNDM.m«R*N CMWONfe JW\S IN CRONttP (SNORT UAU.S?? tjr^\ gee, i mm -ft , CUSSCM H\fc\t S <S) MS BORING' e\ >-.-■*• ACROSS 1 U S soprano Gluck 5 A Spaniard's home is his 9 Kimono sash 12 Brag • 14 Rara 15 Change 16 In trouble 18 Of the ear 19 Golfer's cheapest purchase 20 Strap 21 Regional animal and plant life 22 Up and (active) 23 Ego 24 Circa 27 Warehouse 31 Unaspirated consonant 32 Boy singer of the 30's 33 ATai language 34 Pugilist 37 Estate manager 39 Berliner s “Alas1" 40 The Girl Behind Me,” Colonial song 42 -tea 43 More hot and humid 45 Human beings, eg 47 Drones 48 Poem by Cynewulf 50 Lithuanians, e g 52 E r a , r b i, etc 53 So. in Glasgow 56 Thrill for the Met set 57 Extemporane ously 59 Carry on 60 -Centre, Minn 61 Negotiate 62 Cuttlefish exudation 63 Spindle 64 Hockey great's family DOWN 1 Border on 2 -de Vega 3 One of a pair 4 Tough, elastic wood 5 "Gigi" star 6 Nemesis 7 Victory, to Hans 8 Request 9 Inappropriate 10 Englishman, for short 11 Quechuan 13 Wyo s Range 15 Sheer fabric 17 Reproved 21 He wrote “Games People Play" 22 MacDonald Eddy specialty 23 Galley word 24 Aubades 25 Respond to a stimulus 26 Out of order 28 Raven s haven 29 Propelled a gig 30 Lincoln's in-laws 32 Jane Fonda's Oscar-winning role: 1971 35 Citrus fruits 36 Ancient site of Olympia 38 Dry the dishes 41 Peevish 44 Aged: Lat abbr 45 One of the • March girls 46 Map part 49 Jewish potato pancake 50 Italian seaport 51 Irish isle 52 Tunisian seaport 53 Plaintiff 54 Distantly 55 Newts 57 Spanish she-bear 58 -Magnon ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE m p-===pp :^=p== P---B11 ::np™ - ““■■ei ■m mm 1120 £