The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, November 05, 1991, Image 1

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    m T | Dftlly -| 7 45/23,,S ^
I I ^^*^k ^^^k ^^"B B Today, then
^^k I B^^B B^ ^B w BX V ^B warmer. Tonight, increasing
^^kfl B B B ^B^k BB .^^^B B B cloudiness. Wednesday, mostly
^B1 B W B B B ^^k B B B cloudy with a 40 percent chance
JL B k^ A mL/A^ML J. k_ cf snow, high 30^35.
BRRC to start round of closed hearings
By Wendy Navratil
Senior Reporter
The Budget Reduction Review Commit
tee will usher in a new phase in the UNL
budget-reduction process today with the
beginning of closed hearings over budget pro
But remnants of business from the first
phase will carry over into the next, a UNL
official said.
John Benson, director of institutional re
Rl irV'CT search and planning, said
DUUUu I that in the next phase, the
BRRC will intermingle
r* public hearings with pri
3 vate deliberations over the
f'J budget reduction proposals.
“We’re going to roll up
our sleeves and begin looking at some of the
proposals (in closed session), he said. “Then
next week there will be some open hearings if
the programs indicate that they want to do
The BRRC completed its first round of
public hearings over budget proposals submit
ted by University of Nebraska-Lincoln vice
We re going to roll up our sleeves and begin looking at some of
the proposals (in closed session). Then, next week there will be
some open hearings if the programs indicate that they want to
do that.
— Benson
director of institutional research and planning
chancellors Thursday. The proposals were
formulated in response to a legislative mandate
that UNL cut its budget by 2 percent this year
and 1 percent next year.
The BRRC decided to offer colleges and
departments that have been targeted for cuts
another chance to be heard after committee
members have examined additional data re
garding the potential effects of the proposed
cuts. The colleges didn’t receive supplemen
tary information, which the vice chancellors
presented in response to a BRRC request, until
late in the first round of hearings.
-1? “
Benson said that he does not yet know how
many more public hearings will be necessary
and that the timeline for completing this phase
is still sketchy.
“It’s a very fluid process,” Benson said.
‘‘My personal goal is to have everything com
pleted by the end of the semester.”
The BRRC will make recommendations for
academic program budget cuts to the Aca
demic Planning Committee and will submit
recommendations for non-academic program
cuts directly to the UNL chancellor.
The APC will consider, and perhaps mod
ify, the BRRC’s academic program recom
mendations and send them to the UNL chancel
lor. It may also submit its own set of recom
mendations for non-academic programs, Ben
son said.
The chancellor then will evaluate both aca
demic and non-academic program recommen
dations and present a budget reduction package
to the NU Board of Regents.
UNL chancellor Graham Spanier said that
based on a letter he received, he does not
expect to consider the committee recommen
dations until December.
“I was Roping to get those earlier,” Spanier
said. “But if they follow the schedule they’re
talking about, it would seem unlikely that I
would be able to make my recommendations to
the regents in December.”
Instead he said he would make his recom
mendations to the regents at their January
“I wouldn’t wantto do itany later than that,”
he said. “I hope that (the budget-reduction
process) will be brought to a resolution as
quickly as possible.”
Both Benson and Spanier said they would
have a better idea of the calendar for the
remainder of the budget-reduction process today.
in limbo
on ruling
Landis unsure
about teaching
as UNL volunteer
By Kathy Steinauer
Staff Reporter
Slate Sen. Dave Landis of Lin
coln said he is unsure how a
recent Nebraska Supreme Court
decision will affect his status as a
volunteer UNL law teacher or as a
state senator.
A recent ruling by the court stated
that Sen. Gerald Conway of Wayne is
violating the separation of powers
clause of the Nebraska Constitution
by working as both an assistant pro
fessor at Wayne State College and as
a state senator. The clause states that
elected officials cannot work in the
legislative and executive branches of
government simultaneously.
— 44
I’ve read the opinion
and I can’t tell on the
face of it how it affects
State senator
- 77
Attorney General Don Stenberg
reportedly is planning to write a letter
to inquire about Landis’ job as a teacher
at the UNL College of Law, Landis
“I’ve read the opinion and I can’t
tell on the face of it how it affects
me,” Landis said. “The opinion talks
about having a contract with the state.
1 have no written agreement; I’ve
never signed anything.”
Landis said he is not involved in
any decision-making bodies within
the law college.
“What the court speaks about in
that decision doesn’t describe what I
happen to do,” he said.
Landis said he is “in the gray area”
because he is not involved in any
faculty meetings or committees and
docs not have any designated hours of
He also said he does not receive
any money for his work and has no
contract with UNL or the University
of Nebraska at Omaha, where he works
in the public administration depart
ment and teaches a class. In return for
volunteer work, he attends seminars
on topics that he teaches.
-- William Lauer/DN
Totally tubular... u
Chris and Joanna Cavanaugh of Lincoln had the slopes to themselves Monday afternoon at Pioneers Park. The Cavanaughs
decided to avoid Sunday's crowd because they were “afraid to run over little kids,” Chris said.
1 "■ ....
Religious groups pester students
Hall official says
residents complain
of annoying calls
By Wendy Mott
Staff Reporter
Some religious organizations are
calling University of Nebraska
Lincoln students persistently
in an attempt to recruit them into their
groups, an official said.
Doug Zatechka, UNL director of
housing, said he has received about
five complaints and has heard of six
others this semester from students in
residence halls.
“The basic complaint is (about)
some group, or groups, who seem
insistent on calling,” Zatechka said.
The incidents occur late at night or
early in the morning, he said.
The complaints were not as nu
merous as last spring, when students
complained about recruitment poli
cies in residence halls by the religious
group Campus Advance, Zaicchka
He said he was nol sure if the
recent calls were from Campus Ad
vance, but added that reported com
plaints made him question the group.
Campus Advance attempted to
become a recognized student organi
zation last spring but was nol success
ful. The group is affiliated with the
Lincoln Christian Church.
The group came under fire last
spring because of the church’s asso
ciation with the Boston Church of
Christ, which was labeled a cult by
the Cull Awareness Network of Chi
cago. This network is a national, non
profit organization dedicated to pro
moting public awareness of the harm
ful effects of mind control.
Aaron Breford, a junior speech
communication major and student
leader of Campus Advance, said the
cull accusation was “ridiculous,” and
said his organization was nol respon
sible for the harassing phone calls.
The Cull Awareness Network “has
brought every major denomination
under fire,” Brcford said.
Members of Campus Advance do
not call students that they do not
know or have not met, he said. He
said that in his three years as a Cam
pus Advance leader, the group has
never practiced “phone soliciting.”
“Contrary to popular belief,” Bre
ford said, “we don’t coerce or force
anyone to join us.”
Breford transferred to UNL last
spring from the University of Colo
rado in Boulder to establish a Campus
Advance organization in Lincoln. The
group, which began with six mem
bers, has grown to 30, he said.
Brcford said he talks to students
about the group, but if they express
disinterest, he does not bother them.
Zatcchka said if students do find
themselves bothered by recruitment
calls, their best option is to say, “Leave
me alone, I’m not interested.”
If the group continues to call, the
student can call the residence hall
staff or UNL police, he said.
Correction: An article in Monday s DN
was unclear in reporting Chancellor
Graham Spanier's intentions for
changes in administrative positions.
Spamer said he wants to change the
title of associate dean of graduate stud
ies to dean of graduate studies and to
make the current vice chancellor for
research and graduate studies the vice
chancellor for research No new admin
istrative position will be added
Peace talks yield mixed feel
ings Page 2
UNL gets agriculture grants
Page 3
Huskers defeat the Ukraine
National Team Page 5
LPooh comes to
Lincoln television
Page 6
-4- -
Wire . 2
Opinion , 4
Sports 5
A&E 6
Classifieds 7