The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 31, 1991, Page 3, Image 3

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    —— in .i_
Robin Trimarchi/DN
Continued from Page 1
He said he started to mix
cognitive learning with a hands-on
approach where students demon
strated what he was teaching.
Because the students applied
what they learned, the concepts
made sense, Dodge said. Lessons
that are internalized are retained, he
“So when the song is over, the
melody lingers on.”
He continues to use applied
methods in his Agricultural Educa
tion class. Students are required to
invest time in another person on a
weekly basis and keep a reaction
journal on what they experience, he
said. The students can choose to
work with people of all ages
through more than 20 Lincoln
community service organizations.
The class and guidebook,
“Priceless People,” compiled by
Dodge, are direct products of the
research done at the Nebraska
Human Resources Institute, where
he has been the director for 25
Dodge’s leadership skills were
recognized last semester when he
received three awards for his
contributions to the university.
He received the University of
Nebraska Foundation Trustees
Award as a university-wide distin
guished faculty member; the CBA
Stuart Leadership Award for
Excellence and the EB Knight
Award, given by the National
Association of College Teachers of
Agriculture for the most outstand
ing 1990-91 journal research article.
A year ago, Dodge’s positive
teaching techniques were put to the
test when he broke his back in a car
Dodge was back at the university
the next day.
“It beats being home nof doing
anything. Students energize me,” he
Continued from Page 1
Satanism also attracts followers,
Rittenhouse said, because it makes
people feel powerful.
Power, he said, is as addictive as
drugs. When power is gained through
illicit means, such as Satanism, it is
even more addictive.
People are drawn into Satanism by
many means, including the drug cul
ture, satanically-oriented heavy metal
music and the occult, he said.
While involvement with any of
these practices doesn’t necessarily lead
to Satanism, Rittenhouse said, people
involved with them are more likely to
become satanists.Rittenhouse said
there is a definite overlap between
drug activity and Satanism. Satani
cally oriented heavy metal music is
also influential in attracting young
people to Satanism because they idol
ize rock stars, he said.
Items and practices associated with
the occult such as new-age religion,
crystals, and Ouija boards also serve
as gateways to Satanism, he said.
Rittenhouse said the solution to
Satanism lies wjth God.
said. “There was no way I was
going to drop my students.”
Dodge said he wanted to see his
students through to the semester’s
end. Wearing a back brace, he
continued to teach and began
physical therapy. Between classes
he would go home and sleep.
“I had a strong commitment to
my students,” he said. “That
semester was filled with therapy
and pain pills, but I toughed it out.”
Dodge took the spring semester
off but returned this fall to teaching,
his “first love.”
The accident has made Dodge
appreciate what he has and the
fragility of life, he said. The most
important thing he learned, he said,
was to “let people know how
important they arc because tomor
row you may not be here.”
Dodge said he hopes to be re
membered by his students as a
teacher who was “fair, honest, .
reliable and as a person who really
Continued from Page 1
Jilek, agreed.
Jilek said he opposed the Aca
demic Senate bill because by trying
to “hold a gun to the Department of
Defense’s head,” the bill also held
students hostage.
“And I oppose the use, and the
abuse of students and student pro
grams over an issue in which these
students have their hands tied,” he
Jilek challenged the Academic
Senate to stop hiding behind students
and student programs.
“If the faculty senate put their jobs
and reputations on the line over this
issue, then I would know that they are
serious,” he said. “But by using ROTC
as a scapegoat, they have shown that
they are serious only at the expense of
students and student programs.”
Lobbying the Nebraska Legisla
ture and letter-writing campaigns
sponsored by AS UN are options Jilek
said should be considered to handle
the discrimination on a national level.
“I have faith that with hard work
and the advancement of society, the
policy will change,” he said.
Continued from Page 1
He expressed optimism that rela- Athletic Director Bob Dcvancy
lions between the NCAA and univer- ^8recd that open hearings should be
sities could be improved. handled with discretion.
I m not for hiding anything, he
“I think that (better relations) is said, “but I just don’t think you want
the future,” he said. to make a circus out of it.”
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