The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 31, 1991, Page 11, Image 10
Jim’s Journal by Jim [looked pns+ vns cV\n\r -to noticed Mr. fct*r*«m 1 ck«u<i") o* it. -» ■■ ~ ■ I wk«h ske |*C ske m** n'M+'i' fowtt TV* <^*y**''n i Notki*} OH. y Jim’s Journal by Jim X T•wv j T;\\ *3*1* To <) «*j. ( Tkt'f Mk ill to w<t £ p*SS€^ tk#**» •WV* S *...» ^ -tk« 6*i Tow'j s*Upfed by he J*»<4T] vyov» wK* i»^ r.tflt +Ki*}S -tH** juit y#u?’‘ e y. a J+s. NOTHING LIKE THE JIM Jim’s Journal by Jim ' x 5*VM Tows To<i*S* ^ covwfc b*xK frorw pic^'^3 h\S W\V«I* **r*\ /**- 1 >: t f X K*»w% j vjV«r« JjU wftl '~\ Ur don't v**nv\* Vn©v-#" ke f*id* 'T ttr flipped tKr«MpK *Miil "to *** W* 9«t. 1,.f \ 3 * Q I L_ii ^* * Jim’s Journal by Jim A+ +k« <-°P1 »+•'« fodc*'/ X worked \t+\' v*Wile k« look**} *tkt copw w( rvo+ic^d K«w cx*r\«4 kt* k*»r U* 1 I4e $k*»4fd *** pc^s+wjp K« foonJ o* -tke cof* +** +»U w^e +® ■K'jck +k%"* up.^ A*^ C . J * vTk\> would* t koipp** ** Vv*d ©*♦ of "tkoje Cowo^ 445° 5#' ke $oU.w Jim’s Journal fry Jim i ***&• if pecitoot bu’H**' <\*6 j« IW toi*>l *** *5*4 +• «?* '*• Vc-O X~tkov3ht T'J i© ^ »WM X **«• * v • f r \X -hmedi* * «)o*4. 5*# * t I / y4AS 0V>. • NIKE AIR • REEBOK • ASICS • C/51-1 < O 7Z Q d. 05 Q i < 05 : ALL " c/5 rn £ o § 2 ATHLETIC SHOES ° (Excludes Running & Walking) • Famous Footwear X) I y* H U*J * KW 6810 "P" Street Cl Lincoln, NE 68505 <* (402)464-3138 )> LA. GEAR • RYKA • NIKE AIR • Work one weekend a month and earn $18,000 for college. If you have the mind for college, but not the money, the Nebraska Army National Guard has a golden opportunity for you. Lend us your brainpower one weekend a month and two weeks a year, and we’ll give you $18,000 or more for college. Under the New GI Bill, you’ll qualify for up to $5,000 for tuition and books. Then you’ll get another $11,000 - or more - in monthly Army Guard paychecks. Plus, a cash bonus of up to $2,000 as soon as you finish Advanced Individual Training, And if you have college loans, the Guard will help you pay those off, too, with up to $1,500 extra per year. No other service offers you so many educational benefits, and asks so little of your time. So, if you can spare one weekend a month for your country, call your local recruiter. And help yourself to a higher education. SSG P. FISHER 473-2J62 or 1-800-334-5082 Americans at Equal Opportunity Employer their best.