The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 30, 1991, Page 3, Image 3
ASUN to consider ROTC policy tonight By Adeana Leftin Senior Reporter A meeting of AS UN has been postponed to 8 p.m. tonight to allow a representative from the ROTC de partment to answer questions about legislation that may be considered. Army Lt. Col. Stephen Goodrich M Oil |U will address ques y |\| Uons raised in con nection with an ASUN bill rc Qucsl>ngtheUNL Academic Senate j| fil •• to remove part of a resolution it passed last spring. The Academic Senate resolution urges the chancel lor to renegotiate ROTC contracts if the department does not remove its policy of discrimination based on sexual orientation. As the Department of Defense policy stands, gays, lesbians and bi sexuals cannot become commissioned officers. Steve Thomlison, Association of Students of the University of Nebraska speaker of the senate, said Goodrich would be answering strictly informa tional questions. “He i^ neutral, to simply provide factual information,” he said. However, Goodrich’s services may not be needed unless a majority of the senators agree to move the bill from the table. Last week, senators moved to table the bill to gather more information about the issue before voting. In other business, senators will receive their assignments for their required attendance at one recognized student organization function a month. Thomlison, who chose the groups that the senators would attend, said he tried to select groups with large stu dent involvement, “issue” organiza tions and groups he thought were “staples of campus involvement.” Tonight’s ASUN meeting will be at the East Union. Singleton Continued from Page 1 way to escape that lifestyle, Singleton said. Most people today get their information from visual sources, he said. “If all you see is bullshit, all you’re going to get is bullshit,” he said. Singleton encouraged students at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln to pursue their hopes of careers ip the film industry. He also admitted ambitions of his own, saying that his next film, “Poetic Justice,” will start production next spring. — 44 If I don’t have hopes, dreams and aspira tions, I’m a very dan gerous person. Singleton director, ‘Boyz N The Hood' -ft - “If I don’t have hopes, dreams and aspirations,” he said, “I’m a very dangerous person.” Selective Service Registration. It's Quick. It's Easy. Ana It's The Law. i , Student art to hang in union next month By Wendy Mott Staff Reporter Progress is finally being made on Union Board’s plans to hang student art on the Gallery wall in the main lounge of the Nebraska Union. The board decided at its meet ing Tuesday to have student art displays hanging by Thanksgiving. Board members have been work ing on the project since the begin ning of the semester. Security for the displays will be provided by the board, but the day to-day business will be handled by University Programs Council Vis ual Arts committee. Kristine Mueller, head of UPC Visual Arts, will work with the student artists to arrange the de tails of the displays. In other business, Chad Hart nett, a senior accounting major and Union Board president, expressed concern about the lack of board participation in the selection proc ess of members. Members agreed that input in the selection process would help. Daryl Swanson, director of Nebraska Unions, said he was sat isfied with the results of the current selection system, although he added that the board lacked cultural di versity. Swanson also^said a self-per petuating board is subject to much community criticism. “There is already substantial community perception that Union Board is the union director’s rub ber stamp,” Swanson said, adding that complaints of board “inbreed ing” could increase that perception if the board were to chose its own members. Swanson said the “best of both worlds” would be if ASUN would incorporate Union Board input into its interview and selection proc esses. The board’s next meeting is scheduled for Nov. 12 on East Campus. All Union Board meet ings are open to the public. Fine Arts Continued from Page 1 the completion of the search for a director of music. Equipment priorities agreed upon in an arts and sciences five-year plan included building a ceramics pavil ion, finding space other than Mabel Lee Hall for dance and completing an experimental theater in the Temple building. Along those lines, Peters said his top capital construction priority is the renovation of Richards Hall. “Thai siluaiion must be dealt with in the near term because of the condi tion of that grand historic building,” Peters said. “The renovation of Richards is going to be difficult.... Everything is difficult. We’re a very lean university.” But all of those projects are achiev- J able, Peters said, even without the I establishment of the College of Fine | Arts. “Regardless of structure, there arc priorities for the arts that arc univcr-l sally accepted, and we’re going tol achieve them — with hard work and I support from the Legislature.” WE'RE FIGHTING FOR YOUR LIFE l American Heart Association | Marines I TbeFem. Tbe Promt The Marine* FOR OFFICER OPPORTUNITIES CALL 1st lt. Dasilva (402) 221-3400 f jl JiwdAtAL! I ‘ J cdbaSA! would like to invite you | and your friends to stop in to "trick" us J into "treating" you | to a freshly brewed I cup of [then treat yourself...J *take our beans home| JHMllMilMMIIMMi I LAST CALL FOR PREP! Get 9 weeks of the most effective LSAT preparation in just 2-4 weeks! Time is growing short, but you can still take advantage of Kaplan’s special Compact LSAT Prep Course for the December 7th exam. It’s not a cut version. It’s the same number of hours of live instruction — same number of classes — we’re simply offering them in the few remaining weeks before the test. So you have one last chance to prepare with the #1 in test prep and attain your highest possible score on the December LSAT. If you want to score your highest, don’t let this opportunity pass you by. And if you feel you need more time, check your local Kaplan Center’s free repeat policy. To enroll, just visit your nearest Stanley H. Kaplan Center, or enroll by phone: 1-800-KAP-TEST _ —————————— i Our First LSAT Compact Prep Course begins: November 2,1991 Check you local Kaplan Center for additional dates. 216 N. 11th St., Suite 102 Lincoln, Ne. 475-7010 2 STANLEY H. KAPLAN tfc EDUCATIONAL CENTER LTD. © 1991 Stanley H Kaplan Educational Center Ltd.