The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 30, 1991, Page 12, Image 11
Classified 472-2588 OH Theta Xi Fraternity Is Back Final Rush Party of Fall Thia Thuraday, Halloween Night Call: 438-5391 tor more information. TODAY IS THE DAY! Applications are due TODAY for University Ambassa dors. Applications are available in City and East CAP offices. UNL Health Aides. You're doing a "bootifur jobl. It’s frightfully delightful working for you. Keep up the good worn. Community Health Center UPC American Films Presents: MISERY 2 shows Oct. 31, 7:00 4 9:00 pm in the City Union. $1 students, $2-non-students —Cheap I_ ' ~L_I- IS UPC Presents the addition of the International Committee The University Program Council needs a chair person to fill this position All interested students can pick up an application at CAP City, 200 NE Union, or CAP East, 300 East Union. Applica tions are due by 4 p.m., Friday. November 1. Questions? Call 472-8149 and leave a mes sage. VEE VANT YOUR BLOOD ON HALLOWEEN Acacia and The Lincoln Community Blood Bank present Dracu Blood Fall Blood Drive, Thursday. Oct. 31. City Union Ballroom. GIVE TILL IT HURTS 115 Meetings Pi Lambda Theta meeting Nov. 3rd, 7:00pm, Nebraska Union. Stanley Vasa speaking on Special Education. Rodeo Club Meeting October 30th at 7:30pm (East Union). Bring your ad sales. UNL Biology Club Meeting today, 7:00pm. 116 Manter. All those interested in Biology are welcome. 120 Greek Affairs OA0 ATA “Returmof the Living Delts” A Phi's We had a blast at the hayrack ride... We must do it again sometime. -FH pledges Congratulations to Joe P. (Phi-Delt) and Amy F. (TrFDelt) on your pinning. The men ol Phi Delta Theta Julie W: (AXiD) and Chris C.(ATO): Congratulations on your pinning. It was worth the wait. We love you I _ AXiD Kim A. and Jeni R. (ADPi): Congratulations on making the traveling team tor the UNL Women's Volleyball Cluol Love, Your sisters Michele M.. Sharon M., A Sara P. (ADPi): Congratulations on making Sigma Nu Little Sisterl Loyally, Your sisters Pi Phi Pumkin Bags Send a friend/sweetheart this baa of Halloween treats tor only $1. On sale in Union from 9-4 Monday, October 28 through Wednesday. October 30. 130 Student Government Div. of General Studies Senate position open to represent the Division of General Studies Deadline Friday. November 1,1991 at 4:00 p.m. Applications available at ASUN office. 115 Nebr. Union. ---1 . ... ■ ; -—J Alligator Recording Artists SAFFIRE The Uppity Blues Women "Saucy, bawdy, roadhouse- style, takc-no-guff blues with plenty of brass." -People Magazine FriM Nov. 1,9-1:00, $6 & the door The ZOO BAR, 136 No.l4th Night 75G DRAWS EVERY 4 WELLS WEDNESDAY 95C CALLS Dance to your favorite 70 s Hits 13th & Q Lower Level 475-8007 Be the Star You Are! KARAOKE WED thru SAT BIG RED POOL ROOM 18 pool tables VIDEO GAMES & MORE STUDENT GOVERNMENT Representation needed on the following: Commencement Comm. Grading Comm. - Graduate rep. International Students Subcommittee Sexual Orientation Subcommittee Pub. Board SENATE POSITIONS OPEN FOR Division of Continuing Studies Division of General Studies Graduate Nursing Deadline for all positlons-Nov. 1,1991 UN-L STUDENT GOVERNMENT 8:00 p.m. Tonight EAST CAMPUS UNION ROOM TO BE POSTED INFORMATION AND AGENDA AVAILABLE 115 NEBRASKA UNION 140 Personals BWB. Beer may be fattening, but it's cheap! We'd love to try your T'nTsI We'll try any drink oncel RVP. SFB's P.S. We'd also like to see your pressed boxers with buttons. Do you hang them on hangers, too? Jenn & Jen Isn't new carpet just the BEST? You guys are the greatest roommates ever. Love, Hode THE LETTER OF THE DAY IS D If your last name begins with the letter D you win a FREE DN Personal Adi Come down to the DN TODAY (34 NE Union) with your student ID. before the 2:00pm deadline, and place a FREE Personal in our personal ad section (15 word maximum). Send birthday greetings to a friend, contact that person you've been dying to meet, or what ever message you would Ike to send to someone. This special applies only to students paying student fees. G. Curious sexy, gorgeous woman. Are you a romantic? RVP. _ „ Blue Eyes oooer ana sincere Have we got an otter you can't refute! Attractive, fun. and sober I HVP __, _J and S Dave from McCool Junction (alias Drew), If I wanted help finding dates I could have gone to LOVE CONNECTION. Bonfire Babe Chippendales. Straight forward aren't you? Tell us where you'd like to meet us and when. ^ SFB^s SFB's, Too much, imports, more than you can imagine. _ D*c SFB' If you want to know details, you have to make your move. Pugilists Dan K; Here is some advice: Don't be Ike the dumb Lambda Chi's, donl believe one word the says; and trust her friends. Dump her hard! The respect she has wouldn't generate a flashlight. You're smart, listen to us. More to come! Courntey Slam Club PJS: I'm someone you already know pretty well, but prob ably haven't thought of in this light. Soon, all will be revealed. S.A. Heidi G. Would you consider an exciting and terrbly dangerous relationship'’ RVP Bridge Over Troubled Water SM 22. Physical, tan. fantasy loving. Looking for two attractive women for short, intimate relationship. 406 2956 _ _ TRICK OR TREAT Come down to the Daily Nebraskan (basement of the NE Union) on Halloween Day and receive a Free treat when you place a Personal ad in the paper Rob Lowe. Want to know you better. I'm interested. Call me. (Bad Directions) Michelle Sober and Sincere: I'm creative, adventurous, and unconventional, and I ALWAYS have fun (Soberl) DOLPHIN Herm, You may be math god. but I love to solve your problems. You are wonderful! Je te veux pour toujours Love. Blond Girt 145 Lost & Found Found: gray and white male cat near Devaney 10/22 No collar. 476-7149. _ FOUND: Prescription Wayfarer glasses found near Avery Hall. Come to Daily Nebraskan office to identity FOUND: Set of keys at Love Lbrary auditorium at noon, Thursday. October 24. To claim, call 472-6755. Umbrella found at Bancroft Hall first floor 10/24. Identify at the DN. Room 34, Union. I 148 Wanted __ Wanted: Rappers, Rap lyricists, Singers. Call 488-3675 After 7pm. No Gangsters 149 Fundraising Fool-Proof Fundraising For your fraternity, sorority, team, or other carrpus orga nization. Absolutely no investment required. ACT now for chance to win Caribbean Cruise. Call 1-800-950-8472 ext. 50. 150 Child Care Needed Loving Long Island family needs a female Itve-in nanny starting January. Call 516-288-2042 ASAPI__ Part-time sitter needed, older children, nice situation. Call 421-3472, Wk 423-2830. (Patty). 160 Help Wanted Assembly workers needed Immediate openings for assembly workers and MIG welders, all shifts. Long-term assignments available. Must be 18 or older. EOE Apply at MSP Resources. Inc., Suite 436. Greentree Court. 210 Gateway North. Audio Visual North, 2301 N. 33rd St. i6 seeking respon sible, motivated individual for part-time help. Holidays, nights and weekends. Apply 10-6 only, Monday- Friday. Automotive department needs part-time morning tire in stallers. Apply Sears Personnel. Gateway. EOE Earn from (60-1100 a day. If you are 19 years of age or older and heathy, call Harris to qualify for study participa tion. 474-0627. EXPERIENCED BASKETBALL OFFICIALS earn $30 $40 per night officiating City Recreation Basketball, and may call 471-7892 _ Immediate opening, commercial cleaning, 6- 12am, flex ble, 421-2672. _ Nebraska Book Co. Inc. 4700 So. 19th St. (Note New Address) We have several openings. Pan-time day hours, will schedule around your classes. Monday through Friday. Miscellaneous duties: stocking, packing, CRT data entry. 85.00/hour. Temporary full time work available also. An Equal Opportunity Employer Nebraska Book Co. Inc. 4700 So. 19th St. (Note new address) Need extra money? International Telcom. Inc. offers flexible schedules, competitive wages, a pleasant work ing environment and an excellent opportunity for ad vancement in the growing field of outbound telemarketing. Full and part time positions available. Hours available Monday-Friday. 9am-9pm, Saturdays 9am-4pm. Set your own hours - Saturdays not manda tory. If interested call 474-1013 or apply in person at International Telcom. Inc. 3410 0 Street. Phone rep. SeX concert tickets for major event in Decem ber. (Beatle Mania Rumbles) Non-experienced Experienced $7-t0/hour to start. Flexble evening hours. 474-1023 or 474-1019. RUNZA RESTAURANT 13TH AND E ST. We have fuN time, part-time, day and evening positions available. You can receive: —A competitive salary —Opportunities for advancement —50% meal discounts —Flexible schedules —A positive working environment. Stop by and apply today. Telemarketers Harris Laboratories has opportunities tor telemarketers Part-time morning and afternoon shifts. $5.70 per hour. Responsible for screening individuals to match require ments for participation in ou r pharmaceutical studies. Will enter data into computer database and make outbound calls. Please apply at 624 Peach Street. A/VEOE THIS IS NOT TELEMARKETING! If you are articulate, serious-minded and you enjoy taking to people, please oonsider working for HUDSON BAY company: THIS JOB PAYS BETTER! Now hiring for part-time evenings. $6.25 hourly guaran teed and/or weekend shifts, $7.25 hourly guaranteed THE WORK IS MEANINGFUL! Be a part of (he environmental and consumer rights movements. Talk to members of nonprofit organisations about campaigns that will improve their quality of life. THE OFFICE ATMOSPHERE IS CASUAL AND FRIENDLY! Work with a talented, diverse group of people and sup portive management team. Great benefit package, comprehensive training provided. For an interview call between 1 lam and 1pm only, M-F, 476-1010. ‘Hiring Now $6.5Q/hr* Neodata, ranked in the *Top 10* by the telemarketing industry's trade magazine for the past 8 years, is now hiring. $6.50/hour guaranteed. Realistic earning potential to $9/hour. Flexible scheduling to fit your lifestylel Part time and full-time hours available. Paid, professional training. Convenient location 2 blocks from campus. Contests, prizes, fun, friendly faces. Call today for a personal interview: 476-8315, ask for Dianne Irwin. (EOE) A & S STUDENT ADVISERS Applications are available for Arts and Sciences Student Adviser positions in 12230ldfather. Deadline is Novem ber 8,1991. Advertising Sales Commissioned sales for Lincoln market. Great opportu nity for sharp marketing student. Contact Merchant Coop Mailer, 4115 South 133rd St., Omaha, NE 68137, or call 402-697-1222. Twisters Music now accepting applications. Full and part time positions. Apply in person, all locations, Wanted: Basketball officials for Saturday morning com petition for seventh and eighth grade games. Experience preferred but not required. Contact Karen Hand 436-1811. Wanted: Persons for snow removal. Snow blower work and hand shoveling. Must be dependable. 423-5534. Warehouse and delivery help. Flexible schedule, prefer morning hours. Apply Lincoln Lumber Company, 932 N. 23rd. _ WATS Marketing is currently seeking enthusiastic and sales-oriented individuals to perform telephone sales. Qualified candidates should possess excellent commu nication skills. Part-time evening and weekend hours available. Mon day-Friday, 5:00pm-10:00pm. Saturday 900am-5:00pm. Apply at our Employment Office 8:30am-6:00pm Monday-Frioay WATS Marketing, 6100 O St (S.W. corner of Gateway Shopping Center), EOE M/F/V/H__ Work in beautiful Colorado mountains this summer at Cheley Colorado Camps summer program. R.N.s, driv ers. office, wranglers, nanny, kitchen, song leaders, riding, hiking, backpacking, sports, crafts counselors Campers age 9-17. Room and board, cash salary, travel allowance. Our 72nd summerl Must be at least 19 to apply. Applicants will be notified of campus Interview date. Apply to Cheley Colorado Camps. Box 6525, Den ver, Colorado 80206, 303-377-3616. 170 Roommates 3601 BALDWIN - prefer graduate student. Large/clean 2 bedroom apartment, 4-plex, economical. Pawing, laun dry, 483-4600. M/F roommate needed Immediately. Nice three bedroom house. $133.33/month. C/A, dishwasher, microwave, washer/dryer. Call today, 475-6002. Non-smoker to share 2-bed room, 2-baih apartment. Near I 27 8 Hwy 2. $150 deposit plus $225/month and utilities, fl 421-9316.___ 1 Responsible, non-smoking roommate. Heat and A/C m paid, dean, furnished 2-BR at 13th a F, $162.50*. Eve * nmgs, 435-8437 Roommate(s) wanted tor bottom half of spacious houseJHl High ceilings and many windows. Call 438-5518. * Roommate, male, non-smoker. $112/month ♦ 1/4 utili-* ties. 476-0462. I 180 Houses For Rent I 1201 Charleston, six bedroom, three bath, air. appli- I ances, garage. $650, no pets. 488-6738. I 190 Apartments For Rent I 1020 C St One bedroom. $230. Call 437-0010. 2301 A Street, one bedroom with balcony, $260. 475 7262_ 640 S. 20th. super-sized one bedroom. $310; two bed room^ balcony, $304. 475-7262._ Apartment Information. One and two bedrooms and town homes. 5 complexes to choose from.FMA Realty. 467 6006 Cozy Up to a nice warm life at Willow haven Apartments. Energy efficient two bedroom apartments now available Fire place or wood stove, dishwasher, professionally man aged. $370 to $360 a month. Call 476-6200 now. NEED PRIVACY? Effoency/1 bedroom, near Capitol, furnished, clean. 3uiet. non-smoker, no pets, low utilities. $220 ♦ deposit. 75-4808; Pine Tree Apartments First and Adame Two bedroom, security building, balcony, microwave, oeiling fan, no pets $440. 483-6057. 483-1130 Why pay more! One bedroom, campus close, heat paid, only $220 Call Phoenix Properties Management Inc. 474-5327 194 Homes For Sale Two BR. C/A. large living space, nice fenced lot with trees, garden. 2-sheds. $7.000.435-3031. -f I I I II I I I I I I I I I I I _ J il