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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1991)
FOR SAI.F. £ SSBFe— ■' „ 1 1. 68 Recycling 2 Appliances 72 Rentals 3 Bicycles 74 Tanning 4 Books 75 Tattooing 5 Clothing 76 Travel 7 Jewelry 80 Typing A Resumes 6 Computers -___ 8 Furniture NOTICFS 9 Garage Sales WIK I^ 10 Misc. For Sale 100 12 Musical Instruments Jr): J'0”® ,3 Office Furniture Photo EauiDment ^20 Gr©0k Affairs 11 sWgSST Student Government 18 Stereos/TVs 146 A Fnunrl 19 Ticket Exchange 48 W^nttd 2° V°hicl°* 149 Fundraising SERVICES JOBS = 23 Alterations A Sewing Helo 25 Automotive *° . 27 Bicycle Service “ Summer Johi^ 29 Bridal If; fi^^?rlircob8 30 Caterina 66 n e nships 32 Cleaning/Laundry un, SIV!„ 33 Cleaning/Households HOUSING 34 Computer Service - 36 Entertainment 170 Roommates 38 Gift Ideas 173 Housing Wanted 40 Hairstyling 175 Rooms For Rent 42 Health A Fitness 180 Houses For Rent 44 Insurance 185 Duplex For Rent 46 Instruction/Tutoring 190 Apartments For Rent 48 Job Placement 191 Summer Housing 50 Legal 192 Mobile Homes For Rent 60 Misc. Services 194 Homes For Sale 62 Photography 198 Vacation Rentals $3 00 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads $4 00 per day for 15 words on non-student ads $.15 each additional word $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m. weekday before publica tion. The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age. disability, marital status or national ongin. The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit or reject any advertisement at any time which does not comply with the policies and judgments of the newspaper The advertisers agree to assume liability for all contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebras kan. 1 " 1 1 Writing an effective ad Be descriptive. The more information you pro vide the readers, the better your responses will be Begin the ad with the Item for sale or offered, include the price of the items for sale. 8 Furniture For Sale King size waterbed: 6 drawers, bookcase, heater, pad Must see. $125 obo Call Mke 466-7599. 10 Misc. For Sale Excellent condition. Ultima drafting board 3' x 4'. 48' Maytine straight edga. 466-4009. FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IS HIRING. S16.000 $72.000iYr. 1-805-564 6500Ext.GBl0384 for immediate response. ——————— 19 Ticket Exchange 1 CU ticket tor sale. Call Mary at 436 7027 Need 1 ticket for NU vs Colorado game 474-0498. leave message. WERE FIGHTING FOR VOURLIFE American Heart Association Nebraska Affiliate 110 Announcements 5SSBB& i a^aaaeaaaa HALLOWEEN TREATS Come and purchase that special someone a jack-o lantem or mug lilted with candy. Prices range from $1.00 to $2.50. Tuesday. October 29, Wednesday, October 30 and Thursday, October 31 from 9-4 in the NE Union. UNL Health Aides. — You’re doing a "bootifut" jobl. It's frightfully delightful working for you. Keep up the good worn. Community Health Center ©H Theta Xi Fraternity Is Back Final Rush Party of Fall This Thursday, Halloween Night Call: 438-5391 for more information. Come and help plan the Philanthropy of the Year! Residence Liaison Committee Wednesday-300 115 Nebr. union Coming to the Pla-Mor Ballroom: Fashionable Madmen. Thursday, October 31. 8:30-12:30. Doors open at 8:00. 6600 W "O" St. Hey You (NL) Remember that great idea about campus IHe ft tun activities? That was really cooil Come tell us more tonight at 8:30pm in the city union. Voices-University Programs Council. INTRAMURAL BASKETBALL The entry deadline for men's and women's basketball is Tuesday 1029. $40 ($25 entry /award fee ♦ $15 refund able forfeit lee) is required of each team. Entries are accepted at either Campus Recreation Off ice M-F, 55 Rec or 32 ECAB. Inquiries: 472-3467, Kenda. Linda. Bryan or Mark. It’s Almost Too Late! To join University Ambassadorsl Applications are due tomorrow, the 30th. They are available in City and East CAP offices. Lesbian Discussion Group meets every Wednesday at 7:30 in the Women's Resource Center. Room 117, NE Union. See you therel ODYSSEY Odyssey mentors and proteges: Please remember Tues day, October 29 is our first program. It is from 6 00-7:30pm at the Culture Center basement Please call 472-2454 or 472-8138 only if you cannot attend. See you an therel Racquetball Club Club meeting October 31, 5:30-630 at Union. Previous dub members and anyone interested welcome. Under new leadership. SKYDIVE! Jump out of a perfedly good airplane CaN Crete Skydiv ing Center, 488-7064. SPRING BREAK, ONLY $20 Reserves your tripl Early booking savings from $40-$ 100, deadline Nov. 15th. Call Craig at 4233784. Spring Break in Cancunl Representatives wanted. Cot legeT ours, the nation's largest and most successful Spring Break tour operator needs enthusiastic campus representatives. Earn free trips and cash I We provide everything you need. Call E ric a 1-800-395-4866 tor more information_ UPC Presents the addition of the International Committee The University Program Council needs a chair i person tofill this posit ion. All interested students ! can pick up an application at CAP City, 200 NE Union, or CAP East, 300 East Union. Applica tions are due by 4 p.m, Friday, November 1. Questions'’ Call 472-8149 and leave a mes sage Get your boots! Free country swing lessons Wednesday, October 30th, Great Plains Room (East Union), 8-10pm. Halloween Party Tuesday, October 29, at the Underground (134 Q, lower level). Drink specials, hors' d'oeuvres. and music. Prizes will be awarded lor best costumes. Starts at 9:30, come in costume. Sponsored by Club Utopia. HAY! HAY! HAY! SAA Hayrack ride tonight. Meet at the Wick Center at 600pm for rides. Come play in the hay I Health Aides You’re doing a "bootilul" jobl It's Irightfully delightful working with you. Keep up the good work. Community Health Stall HELP PLAN A COUNTRY SWING FOR PARTY IN THE PLAINS UPC Union Festivals meeting. Tonight at 8:15pm. Culture Center (14th and R) Questions? Call Karen Freimund 438-5147. VEE VANT YOUR BLOOD ON HALLOWEEN Acacia and The Lincoln Community Blood Bank present Dracu Blood Fall Blood Drive. Thursday. Oct. 31. City Union Ballroom. GIVE TILL IT HURTS A WANT TO BE A LEADER? The Emerging Leader Program is looking for 1st year students who want to explore their leadership potential. Apply at CAP City and CAP East. UNION BOOTH TODAY 115 Meetings —.. . —= AIESEC Last meeting before the Regionals is TOO AY at 4pm m the Union. Holiday Special Fullset $2500 (Reg. 4000) Fills $1500 (Reg. 20no) Go 4 weeks between Fills 620 N. 48th Suite 211 By Appl. Only 466-9055_Renee CORNCOBS Meeting today at 4:30 in Union. MANDATORY for migra tion-goersl Shirt money due. Rodeo Club Meeting October 30th at 7:30pm (East Union). Bring your ad sales. UNION BOARD MEETING TODAY 5PM CITY UNION 120 Greek Affairs SAM Bounce for Beats was a hopping good time! Thanks! You guys are great! ■The women of Kappa Delta To the Ladies of Alphs Phi, Had a great time at road clean. Thank you for your participation, looking forward to working with you next semester. Men of Lambda Chi Alpha IN Li'l Sisters, 7:00 haunted house. Pumpkin carving after ward. Meet at Sigma Nu house tonight. ATO Congrats on winning Kappa Kick-off I You guys are great! We couldn’t have coached abetter teamll We had ablast. Thanks' Kappa love, Kim & Jennifer Candy Carey (Phi Mu), Congratulations on your DISNEY Internship! We ll miss you next semester Love, Your Sisters Congrats to our new 1991 KD Pledge Class Council and Officers! Pres: Cami W; V.P.: Barb V.; Sec.:Terri G; Treas.: Jane S.; Panhellenic: Lisa K.; Philanthropy: Jami B.; Social: Marne K.; P.R.: Jennifer S.; Activities: Susie S.; Chaplain: Amy B.. Scholarship: Carrie W; Magazines: Teri D.; Intramurals: Sara W.; Parliamentarian: Jodi 1.. Songleader: Tina C. You guys are greatl Love, Kappa Delta Congratulations to Rusty Mehreris on being selected the National Guards fifth army division solider of the year The men of Sigma Nu Congratulations to the top 3 finishers at the Kappa Kick Off. #1 ATO 92 ACACIA #3 FARMHOUSE and Thank you tor your participation: Delts, DG, Phi Psi. SAE. Sigma Nu, Theta Chi, and Triangle KKG KKG, Thank you for your attendance at the Kappa Kick-off and for supporting my committee and I. Jill L. Pi Phi Pumkin Bags Send a friend/sweetheart this bag of Halloween treats for only SI. On sale in Union from 9-4 Monday. October 28 through Wednesday, October 30. Tom (DTD). Had a blast sledding down the staircase. Too bad It ended in tragedy. I'm so embarrassedl A thousand pardons. Please forgive me. Angie (AXiD) P.S.-I don't think crutches are a sign of weakness. 130 Student Government Div. of General Studies Senate position open to represent the Division of General Studies. Deadline Friday, November 1, 4:00 p.m. Applications available at ASUN office. 115 Nebr. Union. (SOUTH t STREET LAUNDROMAT 38th & South Street 750 Wash 250 Dry OPEN EVERY DAY S 7 AM to 11 PM / •••••••••••••••a* • w' , 27th & Starr* : ^ only : • \ } • ! Welcome Back Students! : FREE • i DRYING! 11 i • • • Not Good With Any Other Offer » ••••••••••••••••••• THK FAR SIM By GARY LARSON 1 1 i I o M I Stumpy didn’t know how he got In this situation, but with the whole town watching, he knew he’d have to play it out. i Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson CALVIN AND VttS TRUSTS NAVIGATOR HOBBES ROAR do»nn the residential ROAD AT 90 MPU ! ^A If FASTER AND FASTEST*#60'. A BUSLDAP OF SCHOOLCHILDREN DIVES FWTVfc SIDEWALK.' THE POLICE ACE AFTER 7HEV1! CALM IN CRAWLS DOWN TO j PUT IN THE CLUTCH AND SWIFT' Mi Right; i*m back already? CAN T I EVEN RUN AN ERRAND NimOJT VOO BLOWING TNE NORN ACROSS TNE PARKING ICT* ACROSS 1 Notable periods 5 Shouts for Detroit Lions 10 Youngman or Berle, eg 13 Armored vehicle 14 Finery 15 Green gem 15 Consequences 18 Sweetsop 19 Ship attendant 20 Most vapid 22 Ike s command 23 Bradley or Khayyam 24 Gazed 27 Mule 30 Converts skin to leather 31 Ot the eye 33 Caddoan Indian 34 High in pitch 35 Greed 37 Metallic rock 38 Low digit 39 He makes good scents 40 Drudgery 41 Ultimate goals 43 Rubs the wrong way 45 Sheltered at sea 48 "Oysters season" 47 Some workers at clinics ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 50 Craved 54 Hideaway 55 Tightwad 57 The scourge of serge 58 It's found in certain quarters 59 Have pressing problems 60 Actress Tama 61 Sabots or oxfords 62 Fabray and Walker, to friends DOWN 1 An anagram for sate 2 Actor who missed the boat9 3 Kitty's contributor 4 Shish-kebab * servers 5 Strict disciplinarian 6 Mouthward 7 Buchwald or Carney 8 Cheers 8 Of rhythmic heart contractions 10 impervious to H?0 11 March 15. e g 12 Trial 15 A morning glory 17 Estimate 21 Priest s vestment 24 Assert 25 Kite's claw 25 Preceding in time— _—— 27 Budge 28 Uncanny 29 Staggers 31 Sturdy trees 32 Before: Prefix 35 More competent 36 Degrees of elements’ combining power 40 Dwarf 42 Vigilant 43 Thin pancakes 44 Sound of disapproval 47 "Winnie Pu"' 48 It's often hit on the head 48 Persian potentate, once 50 Valley 51 -avis 52 Collar or school 53 Cozy rooms 56 Self