The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 09, 1991, Image 2
T* NU 1 DIRECTIONS UPC HOMECOMING EVENTS October 14—19,1991 Monday October 14th Kickoff: Band, food , and fun. Broyhill Fountain, 3:30-5:30 p.m. Do it Sober! at the Broyhill Fountain, 8:00 p.m. October 15 th Talent Show: NE East Union-Great Plains Room. Admission $2.00 for UNL students w/I.D. and $3.00 for non-students, 7:00-10:30 p.m. SAA Volleyball Tournament Wednesday October 16th Royalty Voting: NE City and East Unions, and Campus Rec. 8:00 a.m.-4:00p.m. Spaghetti Feed: NE Union-Centennial Room, 5:00-7:00 p.m.,$3.50 SAA Volleyball Tournament Win, Lose or Draw, Union Main Lounge, 7:30 p.m. Sponsored by Union Board. ■ Thursday October 17 th Exclusive Preview of "House Party 2" Showings at Lincoln Theatre (1145 'P' Street)--5,7,&9 p.m. Friday October 18th Live Performances by Kid 'N Play and Yo! MTV Raps hosts Doctor Dre' and Ed Lover at the Devaney Track. Carnival activities begin at 7:00 p.m.-midnight, including comedian, hypnotist, band and live performances by Kid ’N Ptay and Yo! MTV Raps hosts Doctor Dre’ and Ed Lover. MTV will videotape segments to be aired on October 25th for the MTV Street Party, $5.00 for UNL students with I.D. in pajama attire (see flyers for pajama requirements.) No alcohol, cameras, videos or recording devices will be allowed. Non-UNL students in pajama attire $10.00, $15.00 for UNL students in street clothes, and a $25.00 for non-UNL students in street clothes. Jammie Parade begins at Broyhill Fountain at 6:00 p.m. Jammie Jam Party: 7:30 p.m. at the Culture Center Up Close and Personal with Ed Lover hosting the MTV Street Party Jammie Jam with special guests Kid 'N Play. UNL Students ONLY in pajamas. NO alcohol, cameras, videos, or recording devices will be allowed. MTV will videotape segments to be aired on October 25, for the MTV Street Party. Tickets will be pre-sold on Saturday, October 12, in the NE Union. You must have a UNL Student I.D., $12.00 in cash and agree to wear your pajamas at the event. Price includes Live Performances by Kid 'N Play and Yo! MTV Raps hosts Doctor Dre' and Ed Lover and carnival activities at Devaney. Rocky Horror Picture Show: On the East side of the Nebraska Union, 12:00 midnight. Presented by UPC American Films. Saturday October 19th Chancellor's Brunch: for Homecoming Royalty Candidates and parents, 9:30 a.m. at the Wick Alumni Center. Tailgate Party: 11:00 a.m. at the Broyhill Fountain. Sponsored by ASUN. Homecoming Game: 1:00 p.m., NEBRASKA vs. KANSAS STATE Half-time crowning of the King and Queen. RECyCLE EOR THE FUTURE! Academic Senate presses for faculty input into cuts By Tom Kunz • Staff Reporter_ Anger. . That is the message the Academic Senate hoDes to send to the University of Nebraska I Lincoln administration about its proposed budget cuts. The senate passed a reso lution Tuesday urging the |y Budget Reduction Review Qrai ATP Committee and Academic I Um planning Committee to as sure proper faculty input in the budget-reduc tion process. The process is in response to a Nebraska Legislature mandate last spring that required UNL to cut 2 percent of its budget this year and 1 percent next year. George Tuck, president of the Academic Senate, said he hopes the administration gets the message. “I would hope that the adm inistration would read into the amount of anger in this resolu tion,” he said. Tuck said the resolution was not as extreme as it could have been. “If the faculty had followed their emotions instead of their intellect, they would have charged up the steps to the administration building and laid siege to the slate,” he said. Peter Bleed, professor of anthropology, said Beadle Continued from Page 1 success of the project to Congressional sup port. “Support has been outstanding throughout this project (Sen. Robert) Kerrey was a great help and one of the head workers with Con gress,” he said. “And Virginia Smith was a strong advocate of the project and Bereuter and others have all been strongly supportive.” House approval of the Agriculture Appro priations Conference Report also including funding plans for three other UNL programs: AG*SAT, rural development programs included in the USDA Extension Service and Nebraska I special research grants. he wanted the senate to take a tougher stand Bleed called former resolutions “potentially cagey, subtle and terribly nice.” “They looked as though they ’ ve been edited by Ward Cleaver,” Bleed said. Tuck said that he understands the anger of the senate members but that more can be ac complished with “a cooperative kind of atti tude.” Tuck said that he’s never seen the Academic Senate as frustrated as they arc now. “There v\erc a few cannons that were primed,” Tuck said. “The administration barely averted lighting the fuses.” If the administration does react unfavorably to the resolution, the Academic Senate will hold an emergency meeting Oct. 22. Options available to the senate would be limited, Tuck said. The most extreme would be a vole of no confidence in the administration, he said. “I can’t remember an administration being censured,” said Tuck, who has taught at UNL for 21 years. This censure would make the future careers of current administrators gloomy, he said. “If they are censured, it’s almost like the kiss of death,” Tuck said. “Would you want to hire someone who had been censured by the faculty?” Nebraskan Editor Jana Pedersen, 472-1766 Managing Editor Diane Brayton Publications Board Bill Vobejda, 476-2855 Chairman Professional Adviser Don Walton, 473-7301 FAX NUMBER 472-1761 The Daily Nebraskan(USPS 144-080) is published by the UNL Publications Board. Nebraska Union 34,1400 R St., Lincoln, NE, Monday through Friday during the aca demic year; weekly during summer sessions. Readers are encouraged to submit story ideas and comments to the Daily Nebraskan by phoning 472-1763 between 9a.m. and 5p.m. Monday through Friday The public also has access to the Publications Board For information, contact Bill Vobejda. 436-9993. Subscription price is $50 for one year. Postmaster; Send address changes to the Daily Ne braskan. Nebraska Union 34, 1400 R St..Lincoln NE i 68588-0448. Second-class postage paid at Lincoln. NE. J ALL MATERIAL COPYRIGHT « I 1991 DAILY NEBRASKAN 1 ^ Vail Ski Liquidators 25-70% OFF When: Thursday 8-8 and Friday 8-2:30 Where: Nebraska Union Room 221 Complete Ski ~7 From L Packages $149.°° I (xkix, boots, bindings ttr poles) Sponsored By: ACE :..v —Jpb*TBm __ _Look For The Pink Bus