The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 09, 1991, Image 1

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Objections aired at budget hearings
Officials fight for coaching endorsement
By Jeremy Fitzpatrick
Semor Reporter~
Officials representing UNL’s coaching
endorsement program and the proposed
College of Fine and Performing Arts
testified on behalf of their programs in hearings
before the BRRC Tuesday.
The hearings are part of the University of
Nebraska-Lincoln ’ s ongo
ing budget reduction proc
ess, which was initiated last
spring when the Legisla
ture ordered cuts in UNL’s
budget of 2 percent this
year and 1. percent next
Proposals submitted by the chancellor’s office
to the Budget Reduction Review Committee to
meet the cuts included the elimination of the
Teachers College’s coaching endorsement
program and the temporary elimination of
funding for the proposed College of Fine and
Performing Arts.
Charles Ansorge, chairman of the school of
health, physical education and recreation, ar
gued that savings from cutting the coaching
endorsement program would be less than the
$15,400 outlined in the chancellor’s proposals.
“If we take into consideration the loss of
tuition from other courses which arc required
for the 150-175 students in the endorsement,
there is going to be a loss of about $40,000 in
tuition, he said.
Larry Lusk, associate dean of the College of
Arts and Sciences, presented a proposal to the
BRRC regarding the proposed College of Fine
and Performing Arts.
The chancellor’s budget-cutting proposals
recommended eliminating $150,000 in fund
ing for the college until it is approved by the
new Nebraska Coordinating Commission on
Post-Secondary Education.
Lusk said the proposal had led some to the
incorrect conclusion that the college had been
slated for permanent culling.
He requested lhal the chancellor immedi
ately communicate to the coordinating com
mission that the temporary removal of funding
was not intended to undermine the college.
Faculty challenges
procedures used
to determine cuts
By Wendy Navratil
Senior Reporter
From deep concern to outright objection,
faculty representatives Tuesday ex
pressed dissatisfaction with the budget
cutting process underway at UNL.
The first round of the Budget Reduction
Review Committee hearings initiated the next
Ql inPCT phase in the University of
DUUUu I Ncbraska-Lincoln budget
reduction process. The
process began last spring
when the Nebraska Legis
lature mandated a 2 per
cent cut in this year’s UNL
budget and a 1 percent cut for next year.
In the coming weeks, the BRRC will con
sider faculty and student input regarding the
proposed budget cuts and the procedures guid
ing the budget-cutting process.
Representatives of the College of Arts and
Sciences executive committee were the first to
present their doubts regarding the fitness of the
budget proposals to the BRRC.
Esther Cope, a member of the arts and
sciences executive committee, said the com
mittee had “fundamental objections both to the
procedures that have been used and to the cuts
that have been proposed” in the arts and sci
ences college. The cuts would include the
elimination of the speech communication and
■the classics departments.
Cope said that the college was forced lo
recommendation* (or cuts wuhm
the College of Arts and Sciences during the
summer. Only 21 of the college’s 424 faculty
members have 12-month, as opposed to 9
month, contracts.
“Finding us in the summer is itself a daunt
ing task; getting us together to participate in
decisions about the future of our college would
be virtually impossible."
The cuts that the college recommended both
complied with the set guidelines and protected
the interests of the college, she said. But they
were not adopted in the budget-cutting propos
The explanations she has heard for the cuts
that were proposed, she added, appear to “defy
“I know I am not alone in having had my
confidence in this university shaken,” she said.
Ellen Baird, co-chairwoman of the Faculty
Women’s Caucus, pointed out inconsistencies
between the proposed cuts and the goals of
— See BUDGET on 6
Funding for Beadle Center approved by House
By Kara Morrison
Staff Reporter
Approval by the U.S. House of
Representatives has brought a
University of Nebraska-Lin
coin biological research facility a step
closer to completion.
The House approved the Agricul
ture Appropriations Conference Re
port, which includes $4.5 million of
funding necessary to begin construc
tion on UNL’s proposed Georg6 W.
Beadle Center for Genetics and Bio
materials Research.
Rep. Doug Bereuter, R-Neb., urged
the House to approve the report in a
statement Tuesday.
About $17.9 million in federal funds
had been appropriated for the facility,
Bereuter said. The approval of $4.5
million more in federal funding,
combined with state and matching
funds, brings the total project funding
to $30.9 million, he said.
The $4.5 million in funding will
enable the university to provide for
each of the three units — biotechnol
ogy, biochemistry and chemical en
gincering — that give the project its
uniqueness and effectiveness, Bercu
tcr said.
Marion O’Leary, director of the
UNL Center for Biological Chemis
try, said he is “delighted” about the
progress in funding for a project that
will benefit the university and the
state of Nebraska.
The project, which has been in the
planning stages for three years, is
unique in the United Slates because
three groups of scientists will be
working together, O’Leary said.
Together, chemical engineers will
be able to make the discoveries of
biochemists and biotcchnologisls
practical, he said.
The Beadle center, which will house
labs “among the finest anywhere,” is
also expected to spark interest in
undergraduate and graduate programs
at UNL, O’Leary said.
Before construction on the center
begins, President Bush must sign the
bill to finali/.c funding, but O’Leary
is optimistic.
Negotiations will then take place
with the Department of Agriculture, a
step thatO’Leary said he is expecting '
to be “casual.”
Roor plans for the Beadle center
arc proceeding to detailed stages and
will be ready for presentation to the
NU Board of Regents in December,
O’Leary said.
If everything goes on schedule, he
said, ground will be broken for the
center next summer.
O’Leary contributes much of the
See BEADLE on 2
AS UN president opposes budget bill
Senate to study action
on ROTC legislation
By Adeana Leftln
Senior Reporter
Horizontal budget cuts would do more
damage to the university than the cur
rently proposed vertical cuts, the ASUN
president said Tuesday.
Andy Massey, president of the Association
of Students of the University of Nebraska, said
he opposed legislation
proposed by some ASUN
senators calling for hori
zontal cuts instead of
vertical cuts.
■ The cuts are a result
of a Nebraska Legisla
ture mandate last spring
that the University of
Nebraska-Lincoln must cut 2 percent from its
budget this year and 1 percent from next year 's
, budget.
’ In September, vice chancellors recommended
vertical cuts in their departments to the Budget
Reduction Review Committee. The committee
began to hear responses to the cuts from af
fected departments Tuesday.
In November, the BRRC will forward budget
cutting recommendations to the Academic
Planning Committee, an advisory committee
See ASUN on 6
Academic Senate urges faculty input
in budget cuts. Page 2
A former quarterback becomes a
coach. Page 7
Opinion 4
Sports 7
A&E 9
Classifieds 10