The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 08, 1991, Page 6, Image 6

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students focus
of UNL network
By Taryn Glister
Staff Reporter_
The UNL Adult Student Network,
a non-traditional student organiza
tion, hopes to work .with both non
traditional and traditional students,
the network’s student adviser said.
Judith Kriss said the network pro
vides an avenue for meeting other
non-traditional students and learning
about UNL student services and aca
demic programs.
But non-traditional students have
started programs on campus that could
link them with traditional students,
she said.
Members of the organization want
to be “a special part of the university,
not just extra baggage,” she said.
Pam Chambers, a senior psychol
ogy major and treasurer of the organi
zation, said a book exchange and a
mentor program are in the planning
The book exchange would provide
a resource for any student on campus,
Chambers said. A student with a book
for sale would place a card in a file
system located in the network’s of
fice in the Nebraska Union, she said,
and another student in need of a text
book would search through the card
catalog for the book and call the owner
to negotiate a price.
“Such a system could encourage
student awareness at UNL,” Cham
bers said. “By working together, stu
dents may grow closer together.”
The proposed mentoring program
would serve as an informal link be
tween traditional and non-traditional
students, she said. Students could help
with adjustment to campus life and
with homework.
But primarily, she said, the pro
gram’s value would rest in its social
“It’s a support group telling stu
I dents, ‘Hey, there’s someone here
that cares about you,”’ she said.
william Lauer/DN
Study buddies
Under the auspices of “Sandy,” Ackland Jones, a
senior art major, sketches the landscape just west of
Sheldon Memorial Art Gallery on Monday afternoon.
Continued from Page 1
AAUP guidelines. AAUP guidelines
are the only ones with which the budget
cutting process may not be in agree
ment, the letter said.
He stated in the letter that UNL
has not adopted AAUP regulations,
which say that a decision to discon
tinue a program or a department “will
be based essentially upon educational
considerations, as determined primar
ily by the faculty as a whole or an
appropriate committee thereof.”
However, Wood said that even
though UNL is not bound by AAUP
guidelines, the Academic Planning
Committee fits the AAUP descrip
tion of an appropriate committee “to
represent the faculty in addressing
matters relating to proposed discon
tinuance of academic programs or
Petr said he had not read the letter
in sufficient detail to make any con
clusions regarding Wood’s interpre
tations of bylaws.
“I need to read it and talk about it
with the AAUP executive committee.
It's a 10-page deal, very complex,
and I’m not ready to comment on it
yet,” Petr said.
Wood also stated in the letter that
the guidelines set forth by the Ad Hoc
Committee on Reallocation in 1973
for budget reduction processes have
no bearing on the current process.
The guidelines, referred to in cur
rent UNL bylaws, say that “faculty
participation in decision-making is
essential at every level” during a
reallocation process. But Wood said
records show those guidelines were
never adopted as general institutional
He added that the guidelines are
referred to in a section of the UNL
bylaws relating specifically to finan
cial exigency or emergency.
Wood also pointed out that the
guidelines conflict with regents by
laws that dictate procedures during
times of financial exigency.
In termsof making decisions about
program elimination and faculty re
location, Wood said the Board of
Regents has “sole authority,” citing
both the regents by laws and state law.
“There is no slate law or institu
tional policy or regulation which
mandates that a decision to eliminate
an academic program must first be
approved by the faculty,” Wood said
in the letter.
To avoid potential violations of
UNL bylaws, though, Wood said that
another hearing should be held if the
APC makes a preliminary determina
tion to discontinue a program or de
partment after the BRRC makes its
initial recommendations.
According to the bylaws, the APC
must follow procedures “guarantee
ing that before a change or elimina
tion of a program is recommended,
all persons connected to, or affected
by, the program shall have access to
all relevant information (including
detailed budget data) and shall have
an opportunity and reasonable time to
present data and opinions for the
committee to consider.”
Continued from Page 1
does nothing by the Academic Sen
ate’s January deadline, the senate
would be forced to take further meas
ures. ROTC courses would be made
non-credit extracurricular activities
and, consequently, faculty instruc
tors would be removed from faculty
status, he said.
“To remove them would be in
essence a demotion,” he said.
Tuck said the decision ultimately
lies with the military, not the Aca
demic Senate.
“We’ve made up our mind,” he
said. “It’s the military’s ball in their
The Defense Department bans
homosexuals from becoming com
missioned officers, and Army regula
tions state that all students taking the
ROTC leadership course must meet
the criteria of a commissioned offi
Universities in New York and
Tampa, Fla., already have taken
publicized steps to change the mili
tary’s policy. The State University of
New York in Buffalo, N.Y., has been
ordered by a state civil-rights agency
to bar military recruiters from its
In Florida, the University of Tampa
is offering a separate section of a
ROTC leadership course that will be
taught by a university faculty mem
ber instead of ROTC instructors. In
this course, students won’t be required
to meet the military’s criteria.