The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 08, 1991, Page 12, Image 12

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    Classified 472-2588
Important Planning Moating
(nawty forming group-everyone welcome)
TOfiGHT-OCT. 8TH, 7:30-8:30pm
, Culture Center (14th A R)
Between Wendy's and Lambda Chi Alpha
QUESTIONS (CALL Karen Freimund 438-5147)
Phi Chi Theta
Meeting tonight 5:30pm (pledges). 6:00pm (actives). If
you canl attend call Beth 488-2940 or Laura 436-6211.
Bring your resumesi
Dance Concert- October 11,
9 p.m.
Nebraska Wesleyan University
53rd A Huntington
$5 at all Twisters Locations
Jump out of a perfectly good airplane. Call Crete Skydiv
ing Center, 488-7084. _
Went to get involved with Lincoln's business feed
Join Professional Business Association.
We have the connections.
Tuesday. October 8. 7pm, NE Union. Will discuss up
coming Black and Decker visit. Casual attire. Refresh
ments, new members welcome.
115 Meetings
Meeting- TODAY at 8:00 p.m. City Union (room will be
posted). _
ATTN: Phi-U Members, Meeting Oct. 9th, officers 500,
members 5:30, room 104 Home Ec Bldg_
Collegiate 4-H
Get invotvedl Join us at our regular business meeting,
Tuesday. Oct. 8 in ECU at 7:30 p.m. New members
invited to attend.
Meeting 430 today in the Union. Please attendl
That's right, that's what you get when you come to
A1ESEC meetings. Don't miss today's at 4.DOI
Topic: Classroom Management
Tuesday, October 8. 5:30pm.
Henzlk Hall Auditorium.
The next NU Meds meeting is Tuesday. October 8 at 730
at the City Union. Be therel
120 Greek Affairs
Woodchoppers Ball ‘91
• 27th & Starr*
. (?{2.Y ONLY l
: :
l Welcome Back Students J
| FREE ;
: DRYING!!! i
• •
• Not Good With Any Other Offer •
Little Sister Rush
Information meetings October 9 and 10 in Union. 7:00pm.
Afcha Chi Omega,
The pizza was great, and so was your company. Let's
have another study break soon I
The Men of Sigma Nu
Bruckner, Bracken, and Marsh,
You guys are the best I My b-day ruled.
M Thanks. Mom.
Congratulations to Paul Marchio for being this week's
King Pin. You can really do the
Trie Men of Sigma Nu
Pi Beta Phi,
We had a great time Saturday night. Let s do it again
The Men of Sigma Nu
130 Student Government
, Daily Nebraskan Advisory board lo the Board of Re
‘ gents - hire the editor, business manager, and adviser.
Pub. Bd. ads as a publisher for the Board of Regents and
serves as a liaison between the paper and its university
constituencies, paying particular attention to complaints
against the paper.
Centra) Planning Committee advises the Chancellor in
all matters pertaining to space utilization of UNL facili
ties. long range planning, capital construction projects
and requirements for new or remodeled facilities or for
changed use of physical faculties.
Applications available at 115 Nebr. Union Deadline
4:00pm, October 8.
Commencement Committee
Committee for Feee Allocation - Residence Hall
Grading Committee - Graduate
International Students Sub Committee
Racial Affairs Sub Committee
3anata: Graduate
Division of Continuing Studies
8exual Orientation Sub Committee
' Information and Applications arm available at 118 Ne
braska Union. DeaoRne October 25th. 4 0Qpm
A/5, SPECIAL! -yi
Cheeseburger & Fries
with drink purchase
1235 Q1 St. /
_fiynm i Ammna 13th A JLjU_
" 'I
140 Personals
Dan V.,
I heard it was your Birthday and I just wanted to send
you my best.
^_ -7_ Woodrow T. Fiala
"It's mean Jeanne's 19th birthday. Remember: fountain
walks, the houses, yikes, want some get some, beer
flies, Ming's and Spur'sl"
You so fine, I could d tub of your bath water.
_Love, J.W. (FH)
Tory G.
I've been admiring you from afar with your beautiful
blue eyes. Your beauty Is one of a kind. I wish you weren't
interested in Gaven. I'll be watching.
Have a great 21st Birthdayl From your *1 brother.
To my OTHER flag-chick friend:
When you called, you spoke to my roommate, not me.
So, if you are still interested, my previous offer still
stands. Reply via personals or call me at 436-9738.
I hope you have a wonderful 23rd Birthday and many
happy returns. I love you.
Ahways, F-Snot
If you know who you are then you must know who I am.
Here's a clue - pick up the phone. S.
The card is late as usual. Hal Hope you have a terrific
birthday. We re thinking of yal
Texas Twosome
145 Lost & Found
Need more information about person who found sap
phirerdiamond ring. Please help find claimant. 421-2204
cr 472-2014.
148 Wanted
Guitarist A Drummer seek Bassist to form Rock/Blues
trio. Must be responsible A talented. A have evenings
open. 488-6049 (leave message).
160 Help Wanted
—Do you want a job to earn extra money on a year-round
basis, but don't want to work Monday through Friday
every week?
—Do you fte the idea ot working a maximum at three
days per week, but not every week?
Metromel has unique on-call positions available that
otter you the options listed above: however, you must be
available to work bn short notice. When you are caked to
work it wil be for a minimum of four hours and on soma
days as many as eight hours, 1st shift (Menday-Friday
7:4Sam-430pm); 3rd shift (Monday-Thursday 930pm
The 'On Cair positions involve performing job duties in a
dean, kghi industrial work environment, especially de
signed to assemble (compile) loose leaf pages of book
lets printed in our printing department. Speckle duties are
assisting in tha maintenance of a 'library, which con
tains an inventory of printed inserts; stacking gathered
collated pages for tnmming, bending ptatea. stapling,
binding, or inserting loose leal pages, inserting com
pleted printed materials for shipment and operating mail
ing equipment.
QuaMied applicants must have basic physical dexterity,
basic numerical understanding and retention skills, and
the ability to lift material not exceeding 40 pounds, in
addition, the positions require intermittent lifting ot mate
rials and standing lor long periods ot time.
To apply for these unique positions call 473-0707 to
schedule an interview.
Human Resource Dept.
901 West Bond
Lincoln, NE 68521
Equal Opportunity Employer
Bus person. Wednesday. Friday. Saturday. 530
1130pm, neat, clean, willing to work. Tam'O'Shanter
105 S. 25th, no phone calls
‘Hiring Now $6.50/111*
Neodata, ranked in the 'Top 10' by the telemarketing
industry's trad# magazine lor the past 8 years, is now
hiring S6.50/hour guaranteed. Realistic earning poten
tial to SlO/hour. Ftexbie scheduling to tit your TStestyiel
Part-time and full-time hours available Paid, proret
sionai training. Convenient location 2 blocks from cam
pus. Contests, prizes, fun. friendly faces Call today for a
personal interview: 478-8315, ask for Dianne Irwin.
(EOT) _ _
Assembly workers needed
Immediate openings tor assembly workers and MIG
welders, al shifts. Long-term assignments available.
Must be 18 or okJer. EOE Apply at MSP Resources .Inc.,
Suite 436. Greentree Court. 210 Gateway North.
Counter help. Full/part-time. No evenings, no weekends.
Apply In person. Serving Spoon, Gold's Galleria, 1033 u
Dance contest every Tuesday. $80 first prize 11 Sign up by
9:00pm. Foxy Lady 1823 0 St. _
Delivery driver (Del. Concert tickets). Must know dty
well. Great pay. Evening 4 weekend hours available.
Cash paid weekly. 474-1023 or 474-1019._
Experienced aerobic instructor tor prominent Lincoln
health club. Duties include teaching 3 levels of aerobic
classes 3times per week. Outgoing, motivated personal
ity. Send resume to 1025 N 63 St. Lincoln. NE 68505.
Experienced part-time weight room instructor for prornl
nent Lincoln health club. Duties include teaching weight
classes, giving fitness evaluations, pricing and ordering
new equipment, organizing events, signing new mem
bers. Send resume to 1025 N 63 St. Lincoln, NE 68505.
Female dancers 18 and older. $9/hour + excellent tips.
Apply after 600pm, Foxy Lady 1823 O St.
Female spokesperson/model wanted to represent
Spring Break travel company. Great incentives. Call
Craig at 423-3784._
Tree spring break trips
to students or student organizations promoting our
Spring Break Packages. Good pay 4 fun. Call CMI. 1
Now hiring delivery drivers for Godfather's Pizza at N. 48
4 Vine. 4668264, __
Part-time help needed Monday-Frlday. 5:00pm
1000pm. Apply in person at Danter Dental Lab. 125 So
9th St.
Phone rep. Sell concert tickets for major event in Decem
ber. (Beatle Mania Rumbles) Non-experienced $5/hr.
Experienced $7-10/hour to start. Flexbie evening hours.
474-1023 or 474-1019. _
Service station help needed. Experience preferred. Tow
truck driver, mechanics, attendants, cashier (Sat 4 Sun
11pm-7am), 489-7979._
The YMCA needs volunteer youth volleyball
coaches. Contact the YMCA Youth Sports
Department, 475-9622.
WATS Marketing is currently seeking enthusiastic and
sales-oriented individuals to perform telephone sales.
Qualified candidates should possess excellent commu
nication skills.
Part-time evening and weekend hours available. Mon
day-Frlday, 5:00pm-10:00pm. Saturday 9:00am
Appty at (Mir Employment Office
WATS Marketing. 6100 0 St (S.W. comer of Gateway
Shopping Centen.
■ :
170 Roommates
Female non-smoker to share my home, large bedroom,
own living area, use of laundry, $225 utilities included. '
Female roommate needed: Non-smoker, $182 50 plus
utilities. 6 blocks from campus. 2 bedroom apartment, w/
d: no coins. Need ASAP. 435-6040, leave message.
Male non-smoker, 2 bedroom apartment. $175 +$175
deposit and 1/2 utilities. 435-0528.
Non-smoking male: $112+1/4 utilities. Call Tim, 476
0462. __
Non-smoking female roommate to share 3 bedroom
house with 1 or 2 young women. 3623 S. 17th, 420-1503.
180 Houses For Rent
1201 Charleston, six bedroom, three bath, air, appli
ances, garage. $795, no pets, 488-6738.
190 Apartments For Rent
2301 A Street, one bedroom with balcony, $289. 475
7262. _ __
640 S. 20th, super-sized one bedroom, $319; two bed
room, balcony, $394. 475-7262.
Between campuses, large redecorated 1 bedroom
sharp. Air, lease, no pets. $325 plus electricity. 489
Furnished one bedroom apartment, dose to Capitol,
downtown, University. $295 per month + utilities. 435
6666 _ _
Efficiency/1 bedroom, near Capitol, furnished, clean,
quiet, non-smoker, no pets, low utilities, $220 + deposit.
Superior Place Apartments
1501 Superior
Huge one and two bedroom apartments available
22 Adoption
tt you ceil cal Morn, cal! the Od 9m & 8m.
499-0877. ovemngs or niMttg*.
27 Bicycle Service
34 ( omputer Service
Misc. Services ^
fTliK, 483-?609
75 Tattooing