The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 07, 1991, Page 12, Image 12

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    Classified 472-2588
$3.00 per day for 15 words on individual student
and student organization ads.
$4.00 per day for 15 words on non-student ads.
$.15 each additional word.
$.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid
Found ads may be submitted free of charge
DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m. weekday before publica
The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver
tisement which discriminates against any person
on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race,
religion, age, disability, marital status or national
The Daily Nebraskan reserves the right to edit
or reject any advertisement at any time which
does not comply with the policies and judgments
of the newspaper.
The advertisers agree to assume liability for all
contents of all ads printed, as well as any claim
arising therefrom made against the Daily Nebras
— ■ ■' 7'r-.1"
Writing an effective ad
Be descriptive. The more information you pro
vide the readers, the better your responses will be.
Begin the ad with the item for sale or offered.
Include the price of the items for sale.
Highlight the ad with larger type, boldface, art or
a box.
3 Bicycles For Sale
1989 Trek 1000. Suntour equipped. Matrix rims. Excel
lent condition. $425 OBO. Evenings, 438-1616.
Trek 330, good condition, air pump included, $250,436
6 Computers For Sale
Sharp laptop duel drives modem backlit, $350. Star 24
pin printer, $125. 488-8083.
14 Pets
Sable ferret, $70 o.b.o.. 3 vears old. housebroken. call
- I ■ ' 1
18 Stereos/TVs For Sale
Top ol the line Alpine 7385, fully electronic, pullout.tuner/
cassette deck $400 OBO. 467-2854.
19 Ticket Exchange
Nov. 4-2nd and 3rd ROWS on FLOOR. BEST OFFER
20 Vehicles For Sale
1881 MAZDA RX7, GSL, gold, automatic. A/C, (unroof,
loaded, new tires, great condition. 70.000 miles, must
sell. $3000 OBO. 438-2353 before 9:00pm
Good lookin' blue 87 VW Fox. 4-door. An affordable
luxury at your fingertips. 476-9279.
• ••••••••••••••••a
• 27th At Starr
: ’ r?£Y ONLY
l Welcome Back Students
• Not Good With Any Other Offer
22 Adoption
Loving home with independent, charming two year old
want to adopt second baby. Please answer our prayers
by calling Jane or Rich collect at 1-402-571-6955.
Single and Pregnant?
You don? have to go it alone—weYe here to help.
No fees and confidential counseling. Statewide since
Nebraeka Children's
Home Society
4600 Valley Road, Suite 304. 483-7879 .
44 Insurance
For All Your Insurance Needs. Jim Wallace 474-5077.
American Family Insurance. Renters, Auto, Home.
Health, and Life.
60 Misc. Services
63 Pregnancy
PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping
hand. Free pregnancy test, please call us for appoint
ment. 483-2609.
75 Tattooing
Body Electric Tattoos. Sterile conditions, casual atmos
phere. Many designs —custom work. By appointment
only. 486-3141
80 Typing & Resumes
Fast A efficient word processing—class papers A othe
assignments. Call Mary 483-4010.
Resumes By Ann
Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 10 years
experience, proven results. 464-0775.
Resumes 1
Professionally typeset and laser printed. $15 plus tax.
0a#y Mebraefcan,basement of Nebraska Union.
Speedy A professional word processing. $1/double
spaced page. Resumes $10.12 years experience, can
do anythingl Ask for Jody 475-5100.
Word processing, more than |uet typing. Many features
to help you with an projects — short/long
4230 Progressive Ave.
(Near 48th and Comhusker)
Word processing/laser printer. On carrpus Pick up/deliv
ery. $1.00 double spaced page 467-5737.
110 Announcements
Monday, October 7, 7:00pm. Nebraska Student Union.
Video, Information, Applications 472-3201.
AD Club Meeting
600 Thursday in Avery halT
Pun Pun IE* afterward l
Become an Onentatxxi Leader I
Abend an NSE information session:
Wednesday, 4pm. Culture Center
Thursday. 4pm, East Nebraska Union
1 Millions 8010 \
j Ucal Bind Hiti hi| tlmal - - j
S $100-0ff
© I
The Adcom GCD-575 CD player is on
. sale. Great sound, great specs, and right
now save $100. reg $575 on sale $475.
^_56th & "O" streot _
Congratulations to Delta Sigma Pi's Fall 1991 Pledges:
Angela A.. Jeffrey A., Joel C„ Sheryl G.. Robert M Scott
M.,(Sari M., FrederickO.. DanaO., Matthew P.. MeleaS.,
Shane S., David S- Ryan T„ Christine W.
Last Call...
AH great UNL talent
Talent show applications
available at CAP City or East.
Any ?'s please call 472-1780
Applications due TODAYIII
Lunch hour boring? Come enjoy some music with your
meal in the Crib Tuesday, October 8. 11:45 a.m.-12:45
To an Exciting And
Challenging Career
Let CIGNA Corporation
Show You How
As We Discuss
Actuarial Career Opportunities
To learn about this challenging field, plan to attend a
meeting at which Life Actuaries will discuss career op
portunities at CIGNA.
Members of all classes are welcome - limited Summer
Intern and full-time positions in both Connecticut and
Philadelphia are available.
Pizza & Soft Drinks will be served. Dress is casual.
Date: Octobers, 1991
Time: 6:00-8:00pm
Place: Nebraska Union
Dance Concert- October 11,
9 p.m.
Nebraska Wesleyan University
53rd & Huntington
$5 at all Twisters Locations _
Jump out of a perfectly good airplane. CaH Crete Skydiv
ing Center, 488-7084. _
Want to get Involved with Lincoln's business lead
Join Professional Business Association.
We have the connections.
Tuesday. October 8, 7pm, NE Union. Will discuss up
coming Black and Decker visit. Casual attire. Refresh
ments. new members welcome.
115 Meetings
Collegiate 4-H
Get involved! Join us at our regular business meeting,
Tuesday. Oct. 8 in ECU at 7:30 p.m. New members
invited to attend.
Topic: Classroom Management
Tuesday. October 8, 5:30pm.
Henzlk Hal Auditorium.
Student member section of AHEA is meeting Tuesday.
October 8. at 600pm, HE Room 25.
The many faces of oppression - issues facing lesbians
and gays in America today. Dr. Louis Cromton will dis
cuss this issue and others tonight at BOOpm In the
Nebraska Union. Gay/Lesbian student Association.
Everyone welcome.
The next NU Med« meeting Is Tuesday. October Bat 730
at tha City Union. Ba tharel
— 11 - - ..
120 Greek Affairs
Little Sister Rush
Information meetings October 9 and 10 in Union. 7:00pm.
Delta Alpha Delta. PI Kappa Phi. Neihardt.
One week until homecoming I Get psyched for one to
remember I
The Ladles of Alpha Delta PI
Delta Tau Delta. Pi Kappa Phi. Neihardt.
One week until Homecomingl Get psyched for one to
remember I
The Ladles of Alpha Delta PI
Hashers needed tor the 1991-1992 school year. For more
information cal 436-6209
Kappa Sigma and Triangle.
We had a blast at Anchor Splash I
Apha Delta Pi
Stephanie W (ADII).
Congratulations on becoming a Farmhouse title slsterl
Loyally, Your Sisters
"— ' l aaaaaaa=as
140 Personals
Lon who had a flat tire Tuesday. I would like to see you
again Please reply via personals if interested
_ Eric
To the girl with my T-square—I missed your name and
number the first time—Please callback Justin C hildears.
Guv wearing gray shin and jeans. I was standing In line
at Bursar's office at 3 p.m. but I wasn't the only brunette.
Tell me something you remember about me. If I am the
brunette you're looking for I would be interested in meet
ing you.
Brunette at Bursar's
$50 $50
Have you had mononucleo
sis within the last month? If
so your plasma could make a ,
valuable contribution to re
search and earn you $50 at
the same time.
For additional details call
Lincoln Donor
International Bed.
Happy 21 st Spirit Leader I See you at the Hole at 8:30l be
prepared to crawl I
SL Tracy
To Blondie (Mustang),
I simply want you to know how wonderful things have
been since I met you, how very special it is to spend time
with you, and how much better(er) life seems with you in
my world.
All my desiring Love,
Red (Duster)
145 Lost & Found
Lost: Black and gold watch outside Duffy's or near, last
Thursday night around 1:00. 438-2510. _
Lost: Seven hearts silver bracelet lost Oct. 3rd on cam
pus. It has sentimental value. Award offered. Please call
Sam, 421-2153._
Reward (or saphire ring lost on campus. Marquise with
diamonds. Please call 421-2204 or 472-2014.
130 Student Government
Daily Nebraskan Advisory board to the Board of Re
gents - hire the editor, business manager, and adviser.
Pub. Bd. acts as a publisher for the Board of Regents and
serves as a liaison between the paper and its university
constituencies, paying particular attention to complaints
against the paper.
Central Planning Committee advises the Chancellor In
all matters pertaining to space utilization of UNL facili
ties. long range planning, capital construction projects
and requirements for new or remodeled facilities or for
changed use of physical facilities.
Applications available at 115 Nebr. Union Deadline
4:00pm, October 8.
150 Child Care Needed
Loving mother providing child care. Full time, 20th and
Highway 2 area. 423-4634,_
Mother's helper part time for two-year-old girl, live-in or
out. Need car. 421-2348.
160 Help Wanted
‘Hiring Now $6.50/hr*
Neodata, ranked In the ‘Top 10* by the telemarketing
industry's trade magazine for the past 8 years. Is now
hiring. 56.50/hour guaranteed. Realistic earning poten
tial to 510/hour. Flexble scheduling to fit your lifestyle!
Part-time and fuH-time hours available. Paid, profes
sional training. Convenient location 2 blocks from cam
pus. Contests, prizes, fun. friendly faces. Cal today for a
personal Interview: 476-8316. ask for Dianne Irwin.
(EOE) _
Ag Sales
Part-time sales positions open with agricultural supply
oompany. Agricultural background required. Excellent
commission. We train. Send resume to: Sales Manager.
PO Box 6664. Lincoln, NE 68506. _
Assembly workers needed
Immediate openings for assembly workers and MIG
welders, al shifts. Long-term assignments available.
Must be 18 or older. EOEc Apply at MSP Resources. Inc..
Suite 436. Greentree Court. 210 Gateway North.
Centennial Mall Child Care is lookindlor an AM teacher's
aide for infant room. Must be Able to work Monday
Friday. 7-0am. Apply 100 Centennial Mai North, room
140. 476-7644.
—Do you want a job to earn extra money on a year-round
basis, but don't want to work Monday through Friday
every week?
—Do you Ike the idefc of working a maximum of three
days per week, but not every week?
Mstromal has unique on-call positions avalabie that
offer you the options lated above; however, you must be
available to work on short notice, when you are caled to
sank It wll be for a minimum of four hours and on some
days as many as eight hours, 1st shift (Monday-Fnday
7:45am4:30pm); 3rd shift (Monday-Thursday 9 OCpm
The *On Cair positions involve performing job duties in a
dean, light industrial work environment, especially de
sionad to assemble (compile) loose leaf pages of book
lots printed in our printing department Specfic duties are
assisting in the maintenance of a ‘library*, which con
tains an inventory of printed inserts; stacking gathered
collated pages for tnmming. bending plates, stapling,
binding, or Inserting loose leaf pages. Inserting com
pleted primed materials for shipment and operating mail
ing equipment.
QuaMisd applicants must have basic physical dexterity,
base numerical understanding and retention skills, and
the ability to lift material not exceeding 40 pounds, in
addition, the positions require intermittent lifting of mate
rials and standing for long periods of time.
To apply for these unique positions cal 473-0707 to
schedule an Interview.
Human Resour ~ t.
901 West Bond
Lincoln, NE 68521
Equal Opportunity Employer
Delivery driver (Del. Concert tickets). Must know city
well. Great pay. Evening & weekend hours available.
Cash paid weekly. 474-1023 or 474-1019.
Earn $2,500 & free trips selling spring break packages to
Bahamas, Mexico, Jamaica. Florida'Best trips & pricesl
Spring Break Travel. 1-800-638-6786.
Expansion creates several openings for inbound and
outbound telemarketing operators. Flexble hours, apply
in person, CEGA Services, Northwestern Metal Bldg..
3900 Industrial Ave.
Experienced aerobic Instructor for prominent Lincoln
health club. Duties include teaching 3 levels of aerobic
classes 3times per week. Outgoing, motivatedpersonal
ity. Send resume to 1025 N 63 St. Lincoln, NE 68505.
Experienced part-time weight room instructor tor promi
nent Lincoln health club. Duties Include teaching weight
classes, giving fitness evaluations, pricing and ordering
new equipment, organizing events, signing new mem
bers. Send resumelo 1025 N 63 St, Lincoln. NE 68505.
to students or student organizations promoting our
Spring Break Packages. Good pay & fun. Call CM I. 1
Fund Raiser
We're looking for a top fraternity, sorority or student
organization that would like to make $500-$1500 for a
one-week marketing project right on campus. Must be
organized and hard-working. Call Amy at 800-592-2121.
Flashers needed for the 1991 -1992 school year. For more
Information cat 436-6209.
Now hiring delivery drivers for Godfather's Pizza at N. 48
t Vine. 466-8264.
Part-time help needed Monday-Friday. 5:00pm
1000pm. Apply In person at Danter Dental Lab, 125 So
9th St.
Part-time cashier Monday-Friday. 1030am-2:30pm.
Apply in person Ming Palace 1309 L Street.
Phone rep. Set concert tickets tor major event in Decem
ber. (Beatle Mania Rumbles) Non-experienced $5/hr.
Experienced $7-10/hour to start. Flexble evening hours.
474-1023 or 474-1019._ _
Eligibility listing for December 91 ft June 92 Academy
Minimum Requirements:
‘Fligh School graduate or equivalent
‘At least 21 years of age (on or before June 1.1992)
‘No felony convictions
‘Valid driver's license
All applicants who apply by application deadline will be
Ct a STUDY GUIDE to assist in test preparation.
icants who successfully meet minimum require
ments listed above are scheduled for a 75-minule Read
ing Comprehensive and Writing Skills examination and a
one-hour Police Altitudinal Fador test. Consequently, be
prepared to be at test site at least 2-1/2 hours.
Must complete a Supplemental Questionnaire and an
application. Closing Date: October 25.1991. Apply at:
City Co. Employment Office
555 S 10 St. RmB113
Lincoln. NE 68508
Receptionst: National Research Corporation Is seeking
a professional, experienced candidate for their recep
tionist position, 1:30pm-730pm, Monday-Friday. Appii
cants must be reliable and people-oriented to fulfill this
permanent position. Apply at Gold's Galleria, 4th Floor,
1033 "O" St. between the hours of 8:30am and 6:00pm.
170 Roommates
3601 BALDWIN - female, prefer graduate student. Large/
dean 2-bedroom apartment, 4-pfax, November 1. Lois,
483-4600. _
Female roommate needed: Non-smoker. $182.50 plus
utilities. 6 blocks from campus. 2 bedroom apartment, w/
d: no coins. Need ASAP. 435-6040, leave message.
Non-smoking male: $112+1/4 utilities. Call Tim. 476
Non-smoking female roommate to share 3 bedroom
houeewtth 1 or 2 young women. 3623 S.17th. 420-1503.
190 Apartments For Rent
2301 A Street, one bedroom with balcony, 5289 475
640 S. 20th, one bedroom studio. $265; super-sized one
bedroom. 5319:two bedroom, balcony. $394.475-7262.
Between campuses, large redecorated 1 bedroom
sharp. Air. lease, no pee. $325 plus electricity. 489
Clean, one BR. close to campus, 541 N. 28th, S225 ♦
deposit, no pets. 488-0567.
Fall Special
877 N 26 St. One bedroom. Laundry. Parking. Heat paid.
3 month lease. $199.
Century Management Company. 4762500.
Furnahed one bedroom apartment, dose to Capitol,
downtown, University. $295 per month ♦ utilities 435
Efficiency/1 bedroom, near Capitol, furnished, clean,
quiet, non-smoker, no pets, low utilities, (220 ♦ deposit.
Two bedroom
821 A. balcony. (400.
515 W. Saunders, security building. (365
Both have microwave, ceiling fan, no pets. 463-6057 or
With color techniques from Matrix!
With Matrix hair color, you'll
experience rich, radiant color and
healthy, silky, and shiny hair.
Call our salon today for a free
SAVE $9 Command^ kjmaMv
Regularly $28; Performance iflliaiilA
210 Gateway North, Suite 106, 467-3625