The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, October 07, 1991, Image 1

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Violation allegations
won’t delay hearings,
budget official says
By Wendy Navratil
Senior Reporter
Despite claims that the UNL
budget-cutting process has
violated university bylaws and
state law, the chairman of the BRRC
said budget reduction hearings would
proceed as scheduled Tuesday.
“Some people may be in doubt as
to whether we can
proceed,” said
Thomas Zorn,
chairman of the
Budget Reduction
Review Commit
tee. “I believe that
we’re pretty much
on the go for Tuesday.”
Both the national and the Univer
sity of Nebraska-Lincoln chapter of
the American Association of Univer
sity Professors sent letters to adminis
trators last month outlining possible
violations of UNL and NU bylaws as
a result of the budget-cutting process.
The BRRC will receive an official
report from UNL general counsel
Richard Wood this morning indicat
ing whether the alleged violations
had any validity.
Wood could not be reached for
comment Sunday.
“I tried to get some idea of what he
(Wood) had found,” Zorn said. “The
indication I got is that we can pro
Budget reduction proposals were
made in response to a mandate by the
Nebraska Legislature that UNL cut
its budget by 2 percent this year and
by 1 percent next year. Public hear
ings regarding the proposals are sched
uled to begin Tuesday.
Zorn said questions have been raised
about whether the BRRC hearings
are governed by the state open meet
ing law, which requires that the sched
ule for public meetings be published
seven days in advance.
Zorn said that although the hear
ings schedule was not published seven
days in advance, no violation of state
law has occurred.
“We don’t fall under that because
we simply recommend, we don’t make
decisions. I checked that out with the
attorneys,” Zorn said.
Zorn said the BRRC would be
gathering information in the next few
weeks in preparation for making de
liberations in November.
“We’re just beginning the process.
We have not made any determination
of any substance at this point. We
have a long way to go yet.”
Jon s Notes not an aid,
says history professor
By Wendy Mott
Staff Reporter
Jon’s Notes for a 100-level his
tory course were pulled because
they inhibit students’ note-tak
ing abilities, a history professor said.
Amy Burnett, an assistant profes
sor of history at the University of
Nebraska-Lincoln, said she found
sample Jon’s Notes for her History
100 class in her mailbox three weeks
into the semester.
Burnett said she was surprised
because she had not told the inde
pendent professional note-taking serv
ice that they could offer notes for her
course this semester.
Last semester, Burnett allowed a
trial semester for the notes, but she
said she thought students were not
taking notes during lectures because
Jon’s Notes were available.
“The notes were replacing students’
own notes rather than supplementing
them,” Burnett said.
A week after finding the samples
this year, she notified Jon’s Notes
that she did not want them in her
Burnett said she decided not to
allow the notes because students must
learn to take their own notes, and
Jon’s Notes detract from that.
It is more helpful for students to
compare notes among themselves or
study in groups than to buy them from
a note-taking service, she said.
Only one student complained about
the cancellation of the notes, Burnett
said, adding that the student has a
neckbrace and has difficulty taking
notes. She advised him to copy notes
from another student in the class, she
Jon Donlan, owner of Jon’s Notes,
said 20 out of the approximately 135
students in the class had signed up for
notes for the entire semester. An
additional 20 or 30 students had asked
for them before the first exam, he
Those that signed up for notes for
the semester were refunded their
money, Donlan said.
Staci Quigley, a Jon’s Notes office
worker, said Burnett’s students seemed
disappointed that the notes were no
longer offered.
Donlan defended Jon’s Notes,
saying they help students take belter
notes instead of inhibiting the proc
See NOTES on 3
Michelle Paulman/DN
Roger Sutliff, 5610 Bristol Court, removes water and dirt from a hole in front of the South
Stadium office building Sunday.
Flooding interrupts power
Burst water line weakens stadium parking lot
By Tom Kunz
Staff Reporter _
A water line in the South Sta
dium office building burst
Saturday night, undermin
ing the stadium parking lot and
cutting off power to the building.
Power to the South Stadium
office was interrupted about 1 l.p.m.
Soon after, UNL police officer Barb
McGill discovered that a basement
maintenance room had been flooded.
McGill said there was about two
feet of water on the floor.
UNL police Sgt. John Lustrea
said that the burst line, which is
used as a water line for air condi
tioning, caused little damage in the
“The water did not reach a level
where it would do any electric
damage,” Lustrea said.
But, he said, the burst water line
did weaken the ground under a
3,500-pound power transformer
outside the office building, forcing
workers to move the box by crane
onto the sidewalk. The building
probably will lack power for most
of today, he said.
Air conditioning to most of the
buildings on City Campus will be
shut off until the line is repaired,
Lustrea said.
The west half of the parking lot
south of the South Stadium office
building will be closed today for
repairs, he said.
Correction: An article in Friday's Daily Nebraskan In
correctly reported the number of sexually transmitted dis
eases at UNL. Out of 2,260^ests on students who had no
symptoms of chlamydia in 1990, 106 proved to have the
disease. Out of 658 students with symptoms of possible
chlamydia who were tested, 121 were found to have the
In 1990, 316 women out of 2,396 had abnormal pap
smears Without early detection and treatment possible
through pap smears, cervical cancer could develop.
Correction: In an article listing budget cut hearings In
Friday's Daily Nebraskan, the dates of two hearings were
incorrectly listed. Hearings for gerontology and pre-school
assessment will be Oct. 21. *
i 4
Sports 7
Arts & Entertainment 9
Classifieds _12
Beadle center funding approved
By Wendy Mott
■ Staff Reporter - , , . _ *
A University of Nebraska-Lincoln bio
logical research facility cleared another
hurdle on its federal funding track
Thursday, a university official said.
Irv Omtvedt, vice chancellor for the Insti
tute of Agriculture and Natural Resources, said
a Congressional conference committee approved
$4.5 million in federal funds for the develop
ment of the George W. Beadle Center for
Genetics and Biomaterials Research.
The proposed facility would be used for
research and education in biochemistry, bio
technology and chemical engineering.
Omtvedt, the administrative coordinator for
the Beadle project, said this latest approval is
the final funding phase before construction of
the center can begin. -
The project already has $17.95 million in
federal funding, and the final grant, if approved
by Congress and signed by the president, will
bring the total to $22.45 million, Omtvedt said.
Marion O’Leary, director of the UNL Cen
ter for Biological Chemistry, said he expects
Congress to approve the conference commit
tee’s decision.
O’Leary said the conference committee
worked on a compromise of the two divergent
versions approved by Congress. Because both
the Senate and the House have members on the
•ommittec, the decision should pass without
change, he said.
Omtvedt said Congress should act on the
committee’s recommendation this week.
“Until we have the president’s signature, it
isn’ta done deal,” Omtvedt said but added that
he is also confident that the funding will pass.
Nearly $32 million is needed to complete
the project, he said.
The center has received $6.5 million from
the state of Nebraska and $2 million from a
See BEADLE on 6