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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1991)
Classified 472-2588 Congratulations to Kelly Ridgway. This week's Sigma N King Pin of the Week. Your hard work and efforts are already bringing financial success. Thanks I The Brothers of Sigma Nu Congratulations to "Yostie" (Gamma Phi) on your pinning to "Neon Dion" (Delta Upsilon). Did you expect this when you went away to camp?l Love. The women of Gamma Phi Beta Congratulations to Beta Sigma Psi Lit' Sister Pledge Stacey B., Chandra B., Tina L.. Tammi R„ Nikki D„ Auora S., Jennifer S.. Julie G., Andrea V., Keri H„ Kathleen H.. Heather Y„ Stacy E., Kristi K., Kay K.. Audrea W., Denise V., Lisa S., Tammy M.. Angela J., Susie J.. Heather F., Melissa B . Angie D., Julie E.. Suzy S.. Sarah H„ Becky G., HaHey V., Carmen V., Patty H. Love, the Little Sisters and the Men of Beta Sigma Psi Congratulations to Dan Niebaum on winning the Erck Award as #1 Beta Sigma Psi in the Nation. Student Foundation I,-II. . ... ' ■ ' AOII STEAKOUT 91 Congrats!!! Adena Leftln for being selected to write the cover story for National Campus Magazine ■YOU" Congratulations Joy Billups on your National Science Scholarship. Way to gol And Patti Hillrichs on becoming a Beta Sig Little Sister. Love. Your Gamma Phi Sisters Congratulations to D. Gale on your selection as a Home coming candidate. The Men of Sig Ep I : I Neodata, a leader in the telemarketing l industry, is now hiring for the fall! • Part-time evening positions available S6.50/hr GUARANTEED!! Flexible scheduling, 15-40 hours per week • Full-time positions available GUARANTEED $6.50/hr Benefits for full-time employees Work 5 days a week Mon-Sat. You choose which days! • Paid, professional training • Call established customers of respected national companies only • Close to campus-walk to work! For more information or to schedule an interview, call: 476-8315 Ask for Daniel Nance l _ NECDAIA „ | u7 EVERYDAY UQUOR PRICES . I If Z 2 Fn Q m Gi ^3 O ° m oo g JS J ^ Lincoln's Lowest ->. ^ z yWine Cooler Prices!!y g 0 Super Special Thi* Week: pv Seagram's Wine Coolers $ ^88 ^ S 4 pk, warm. +* s 5 LU -*-CO KEYSTONE LIGHT 16 oz. $099 S > warm case 16 oz. cans......CP ^ 1 OLD STYLE $iC99 P 3 Reg., Light, Dry, warm case.CP jS 2 BUDWEISER A69 S Reg., Light, Dry, warm case.A CP O I LL O 3 COORS LIGHT $1 A»9 * ^ Reg., Light, X Gold, warm case.JL vr ^ 5 FROM KEGS TO ALL YOCJR | 6 PARTY NEEDS. WE'LL SAVE " 3 _YOU MONEY! p? g Beringer White Zinfandel... % Zonin Asti Spumante...750 ml...:.5^ a £ Amarito Amaretto...750 ml.£ 0 ...and much more through 10/2/91 o £ -PLEASE DRINK OUR PRODUCTS IN MODERATION- § & -NEVER DRINK & DRIVE! ___ lbrof27th & VINE 477.751611 1 ' KEGS-COLDEST BEER AROUND-LOW EVERYDAY LIQUOR PRICES ml Gamma Phi Beta Pledges Good luck in ATO Softball I Canl wait to cheer you 01 You guys are the bestl Love. The Actives Hashers needed for the 1991-92 school year. For more information call 436-6209. Haundo (AGS), Your love is my life. I live my life for your love. Happy 2 years 111 Love, Your Delta Delta Delta pledge Sam M. (Phi Mu) Good luck in the rodeo this weekendl Yee hal Love your sisters Sig Ep’s, Thanks for the pre-game activities on Saturdayl We had a great time. AOII The Men of Triangle wish Theta Xi the best of luck for their reorganization. We support all of your effortsl The Men of Triangle. Highway dean up on Sunday was great thanks to youl Thanks for the heb and the picnic. AOII The men of T St. would like to thank: Nicole, Stacy, Kelsey. Andrea, and Kelly lor a fun evening at Chi-O Sifver. _ The Men of Sigma Chi wish Theta Xi the best of luck on their reorganization. 130 Student Government Government Liasion Commit tee Chair Applications APPLY! Room 115 Nebr. Union Deadline 4:OOpm-October 4 PUBLICATIONS BOARD Daily Nebraskan Advisory board to the Board of Re gents - hire the editor, business manager, and adviser Pub. Bd. ads as a publisher for the Board of Regents and serves as a liaison between the paper and its university constituencies, paying particular attention to complaints against the paper. CENTRAL PLANNING Central Planning Committee advisee the Chancellor in ail matters pertaining to space utilization of UNL facili ties. long range planning, capital construction projects and requirements for new or remodeled facilities or for changed use of physical facilities. Applications available at 115 Nebr. Union Deadline 4:00pm. October 8. 140 Personals — Jamelle. You are truly beautifull Love. Alan M. Donaldson (ATO). (From the night of September 20th) I'm STILL watching over you. _ Flowered Overalls TomO. How about dinner at my place? (I'l cook). Merry 145 Lost & Found sss=s=s:sss Bracelet found at Memonal Stadium. To claim call 467 4464. Found: Jewelry at Westbrook Music Building Sept. 10 in first floor hallway. Call 472-2503 to identify. Lost: 8 month old Female German Shephard/Rottweiler puppy. If found Please Call 483-5428. 150 Child Care Needed Nannies Earn good money. Vts* Interesting places. Can Temple ton Nanny Agency. 402-477-8987 160 Help Wanted , Aerobic instructor needed. 1-2 days/week Must have CPR certification. Call 423-3755. leave message. Aerobics instructors needed to teach at corporate fitness center. Call 476-6600. Ag Sales Part-time sales positions open with agricultural supply company. Agricultural background required Excellent commission. We train. Send resume to: Sales Manager PO Box 6664, Lincoln. NE 68506 Assembly workers needed Immediate openings tor assembly workers and MIG wetders, all shifts. Long-term assignments available. Must be 18 or older. EOE Apply at MSP Resouroes, Inc.. Suite 436, Greentree Court. 210 Gateway North. Attention Students $8.10 to start National corporation has 40 openings. Intern/scholar ships available. Flexible schedules. 488-6017. _ Custodial helper. 20 hours per week. $4.50/hour. 474 5334, call Harold. EOE Day & Eve. Phone Work So easy you won’t even know you're working. No expe rience necessary. Start today and make S5.25/hour. ‘Good working conditions ‘Paid weekly ‘Advancement opportunity Call 467-2816 EVE PHONE REP $5.00/hr to start, average S6-8/hr. Concert tickets. Best prize and bonus program aroundl Hours: 5-9 p.m Monday-Friday, 9-1 p.m. Sat. Start tonight and get paid this Friday. 474-1023 or 474-1019. Expansion creates several openings for inbound and outbound telemarketing operators. Rexble hours, apply In person. CEGA Services. Northwestern Metal Bldg . 3900 Industrial Ave. Fitness Instructor needed for older adult aerobic class. Experience preferred. Call Lifetime Health 471-7575. FREE PRIVATE ROOM/BOARD/USE OF CAR and POCKET MONEY in exchange for before and after school child care for 8 year old boy, Excellent opportunity for mature, responsble student interested in attending college part-time, and living in NYC suburb. Non-smoker, outdoor type person, sports (soccer, baseball, swim ming) a plus. Call (914)528-4348 after 6p.m. FREE TRAVEL, CASH, AND EXCELLENT BUSINESS EXPERIENCE If Openings available for individuals or student organizations to promote the country’s most successful SPRING BREAK tours. Call Inter-Campus programs 1-800-327-6013._ Full and part-time positions open for persons interested In underground construction/restoration work. Must be dependable. Majorins Enterprises, 477-1553 Full-Time Work (312 Per Week Excellent opportunity for part-time students, great res ume builder. Hours 1:30-10:30 M-F. Gain valuable politi cal and environmental experience. Call 477-8689. Growing business cleaning beautiful Lincoln homes needs part-time help. Excellent potential and wages. 483-4335.___ __• HARDEES Is now seeking energenic and friendly people for all postions in day parts . Competitive pay based on experi ence. Apply today at 25th & O Street or 29th A Corn husker Hwy. _ Hashers needed for the 1991-92 school year. For more information call 436-6209. Line server/cashier needed in a factory cafeteria. 10 blocks south of UNL. 6-7 hours/day. 2-3 days/week Some alternating weekends possble. Flexible position; coordinates well with school hours. Call 1 800-658-4343 during normal business hours. Ask for Rod. Marketing Trainee National company seeks a candidate with a marketing, communication or sales emphasis to fill an immediate opening. Send resumes by October 5 to WanderGuard. 941 O St. Suite 205, Lincoln. NE 68510. No phone calls Need extra money? Internal ional Telcom. Inc. offers flexible schedules, competitive wages, a pleasant work ing environment and an excellent opportunity for ad vancement in the growing field of outbound telemarket mg. Full and part time positions available. Hours avail able Monday F riday. 9am-9pm, Saturdays 9am-4pm Set your own hours - Saturdays not mandatory. If interested call 474-1013 or apply in person at Interna tional Telcom. Inc. 3410 0 Street. Needed part-time help 25 hours/week. Experience in food service helpful. Apply at Ak Baba Gyros. 14th A 0. No Way! I can have a pb in food service that doesn't involve fried food and late night hours7 I can have hal priced meals anytime, free uniforms (wear ieans every Frday)? I can have a flexble schedule ana smell fresh baked bread everyday? II get competitive pay and frequent per fomance reviews? The answer is yes only at Schtotzsky's. Apply in person 2pm-5pm weekdays at 54th A 0. Daytime hours only I Part-time production work We have immediate openings for part-time assembly workers. Four and five hour shifts available Applicants must be 18 or older. EOE. Apply at MSP Resources, Inc., Suite 436 Greentree Ct.. 210 Gateway North. Part-time help needed Monday-Friday. 500pm 1000pm. Apply in person at Danter Dental Lab. 125 So 9th St. _ _ _ Part-time retail professional pharmacy assistant Tues day/Thursdays from 900-5:30. 16 hours/week Apply in person, no pnone calls. The Pharmacy. 1209 N. Coiner Part-time hep wanted. Waitery and dish crew. Perfect hours tor students. Apply at Eastmont Towers 6315. O Street. Part-time Teller We are looking for an individual who is conscientious, accurate and consistent. Comfortable work environment. Through training. Good wages. MTTRF. 330-630 p.m., and every Saturday 8 a.m. to 1230 p.m. Job a year round, not seasonal. Apply with Human Resources, 70th and O. Vistar Bank An Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer Persons needed to sort mail Monday-Friday, 330-630, apply in person at Miller Mailing, 56o9 S. 49th. Process and delivery person needed for professional firm on Mondays and Wednesdays. Must have neat appearance and reliable car. Some rifting required. Apply atDana F. Cole 6 Co. 200 NBC Center. Running short of money? Do you want to eat? Good food at the Alpha Xi Delta house in exchance work in the kitchen ♦ cash. Call 436-6098. The YMCA needs volunteer youth volleyball coaches. Contact the YMCA Youth Sports Department, 475-9622. WATS Marketing is currently seeking enthusiastic and sales-oriented individuals to perform telephone sales. Qualified candidates should possess excellent commu nication skills. Part-time evening and weekend hours available. Mon day-Friday, 5:00pm-10 30pm. Saturday 9:00am 530pm. Apply at our Employment Office 830am-630pm Monday-Friday WATS Marketing. 6100 O St (S.W. corner of Gateway Shopping Center), _ EOE M/F/V/H_ YMCA is hiring youth volleyball officials. Con tact the YMCA Youth Sports Department. 475 9622. 162 Work Study Jobs Enjoy variety of projects and working with the public’ Excellent opportunity for responsible student to assist with innovative conferences. Computer experience pre ferred. keyboarding essential. Minimum 10 hrs./week. $5.00/hr Call Cheryl, 472-2844. 170 Roommates =s^sss=s Male non-smoker. 2 bedroom apartment. $175 +$175 deposit and 1/2 utilities, 435-0528. Mature, non-smoking female to share large, newer 2 bedroom apartment near East Campus November 1. $190. Quiet area, all conveniences . VERY NICEI Call 435-5050. _ __ Nonsmoking, responsible, clean roommate. 5162.50+, furnished, heat and a/c paid. Open October 7. grad student preferred. Evenings. Mike, 435-8437. Wanted: Easy-going female non-smoker to move into a spacious 4 bedroom apartment on Oct. 1. Only 5100/ month plus utilities. Has washer/dryer (no coins), central air. dose to East Campus and bus route. Call 466-0710 leave message. Wanted: Male non-smoker for extra nice and spacious two-bedroom apartment. Only $140. Call 476-0318. leave message. 175 Rooms For Rent Roommate needed. Large room in a nice three bedroom trailer. Own bath. Call for details. 477-8095. evenings. 190 Apartments For Rent *640 S. 20th* Mega-sized one bedroom with balcony. $319. 2 bed room, new carpet $394. 475-7262. 1 BR. 1027 S. 26th. $260/mo.*gas 6 elec., tree laundry, off-street parking. 10 min. to campus. $200 deposit. 438 3677._ Between campuses, large redecorated 1 bedroom sharp. Air, lease, no pets. $325 plus electricity. 489 B66& - CLOSE TO CAMPUS Nice, large one and two bedroom apartments with gas paid. Available now. L T MANAGEMENT 4H44I4 476-9363 499-7000 East Campus: 3600 Huntington, brick 4-ptex. 2 bed rooms. c/a, fireplace, balcony, appliances, parking, laun dry. $400. no pets. 489-9916^ ___ NEED PRIVACY? Efficiency/! bedroom, near Capitol, furnished, dean, quiet, non-smoker, no pet*, low utilities. $220 * deposit 4754908. Superior Pla^Apartments 1501 Superior Huge one and two bedroom apartments available __ 476-3287 _ Two bedroom 821 A. balcony. $400. 515 W. Saunoers. security building. $385. Both have microwave, ceiling fan, no pets 483-6057 or 483-1130. STEAM B__ , JANUARY 2-14 • 5, • OR 7 MONTS BRECKENRtp — JANUARY 24' S, I OR 7 NMHTS . >« VAIL/BEAVER < JANUARY J-12 • S OR 7 NMHTS 10th ANNUAL > COLLSOIATE W1NTIR SKI BRCAKS TOLL run INFORMATKNII RKIRWTIONS 1-800-321-59111