The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current, September 26, 1991, Page 19, Image 19
19 Ticket Exchange —... FOR SALE: 6 NU vs. OSU tickets. Make offer. 1 -800-288 4556, 8-5 p.rn. Need: 3 tickets together for Nov. 16 Iowa St. game. Will pay above cost. Steve-477-8056. 20 Vehicles For Sale ■88 Mazda 323 2-door hatch, 4-speed, air, arrVfm, cleai $3,350, offers. Baer's Automotive Sales, 1647 South 3r Street,477-6442._ 82 Blue VW Vanagon GL. 53,000 miles, $3250-neg< liable, runs good. Call after 4pm, 477-4367. '81 Mazda GLC 2-door hatch, 5-speed, air. sunroof, an fm cassette, 70,000 miles, $1,450, offers. Baer's Autc motive Sales, 1647 South 3rd Street, 477-6442. __ 1979 Mustang Cobra. Black/green. new brakes, fly wheel and starter. $2500 obo. 438 5301, leave message. 22 Adoption Happily married, financially secure, couple wishes to adopt second child. Mom home full-time. Al legal/medi cal expenses paid. Strictly legal and confidential. Please call colect Jane or Rich at 1-402-571-6955. Loving couple. Doctor and Teacher, longing toshare our love with new-born. We ll give your baby a caring, warn and happy home. Expenses paid. Call Carol ana Frank collect 212-874^3537_._ Single and Pregnant? You don't have to go K alone we re here to help. No Iee6 and confidential counseling. Statewide since 1893. Nebreeks Children's 4600 Valley Roa? Suiiir304,483-7879 42 Health & Fitness OUTSTANDING NUTRITIONAL PRODUCTS Lose weight, increase strength, nutritional coffee substi tute and nutrients for brain. Call Craig. 483-7971. 44 Insurance For All Your Insurance Needs. Jim Wallace 474-5077. American Family Insurance. Renters, Auto, Home, Health, and Life. 60 Misc. Services "Helpl Top prices paid for your clean hardback ar paperback books. Sellirw) 100 books a day and we need yours nowl" Call 488-9158 or come to 5824 Locust; Tue Thur. 6-9pm and Sun. 12-6. Barker’s at 1211 “O” Has great women's shoes at great discount prices. Froi now until the end of September, bring in your student 1.0., buy one pair of shoes and get a second pair of equal value or less for 1/2 price. 63 Pregnancy FREE PREGNANCY TESTING Confidential counseling available. Call for an appointment LINCOLN CRISIS PREGNANCY CENTER 941 O Street. Suite B-1 475-2501 PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy lest, please cal us tor appoin tment. 483 2609 75 Tattooing sbbsbsssss:^ Body Electric Tattooe. Sterile conditions, casual atmos phere. Many designs —custom work. By appownment only. 486-3141 80 Typing & Resumes Fast 6 efficient word processing—class papers I otht assignments. Call Mary 40-40ID. Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 10 years experience, proven reeufts. 484-0775. > Professional/ typeset and laser printed. SIS plus tan. 0»ity Ale breafcan.basement of Nebraska Union. Word processing/lasar printer. On oatmus Pick up-deliv ary. S1.2S double spaced page. 487-5737. A KZUM BENEFIT The transcendental sisters of Techno Rave: Sunbar, September 29. 800pm- 100am. Tha Precinct. 226 S. Ninth St 82.00 KZUM members. S3 00 tha root of you Attend Caraar Information Day. Sept amber 26 from 9:30 to 330 in tha Nabraaka Union. Al events are free. For more Intormwion contact Caraar Planning and Place mentat 472-3145._ _ ATTENTION FRATERNITIES. SORORITIES, DORMS ETC. If you saw and liked tha movie -The Commitment* than you'll love THE ROADSIDE ATTRACTION. Lk coin's finest 6-piece Rock ft' Soul band. Available now your I all/win tar parties. Cal 489-5777. leave massage BAHAMAS CRUISE Five days, four nights. Overbought corporate trips avail able to pubic. Limited avail willy. First coma, fkst served. Hotel paid. Tickets good one year. $239/couple 404-924-7689. Operation Rescue Wichita Eye Witness Accounts Coma to tha Union at 2:30pm. Thursday. October 3rd. for an open discussion on tha abortion issue. Coma Hstan and be heard. Sponsored by STUDENTS FOR CHOICE SEE THE WORLD — Join a study lour during semester break. Six tours to mora than 10 clies. offered for credit. Call International Affairs. 472-3264 or stop by 1237 R Street, Room 102._•__ SKYDIVE! Jump out of a perfectly good airplane. Cal Crete Skydiv ing Center, 488-7084. ★ are now av^iuSleInthaCAP200 NE Unton and 7915. Keep an eye on Campus Rec! Basketball Tourn. (Men's, Women Co-Recj-Badrninton Singles (Men's, Women's). En Deadline Oct. 11 Campus Recreation 472-3467. SgssvsuB anassM £?i°jnk L,ui* Dlaz-Perdomo from the Counseling oee D8^ay8J? ?ain esteem. Thursday Septerrfcer 25, 8:00pm. NE Union. Room to be posted. Sponsored by the Gay/Lesbian Student Association. Corncobs Important -if vou are planning to go on migration you TA*TIM «* Greg at 477-21® ASAP. VERY IMPOR DO IT SOBER IX! Coming Soon_ FaH 1®1 FOOD FOR THOUGHT Friday. Sept. 27 East Campus Union 1130 AM Brown Bag Lunch 12 Noon Program "RIGHTS A RESPONSIBILITIES OF FACULTY MEMBERS m THE TEACHM&LEARMNG _ PROCESS: Dr. Robert Sorensen Dept, of Agronomy FACULTY, STAFF A STUDENTS WELCOME a urea' iat UJ's, 10 tang tor $25. 477-0125. GO WHERE IT S HAPPENING! "Europe 19#2” Second semester-12-15 credits -Study, travel, live with Nebraska students in Czechoslovakia and Belgium. For Information: International Affairs, 1237 R. Room 102 472-3264. _Dealine approaching-Call todayl HOMECOMING SAND VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT October 15,16 & 17. Sponsored by SAA 4 UPC Home coming. Applications available at CAP City. Deadline. October 4. LIVE TALK. 1-900-773-3777. ADULTS ONLY. $2.50/ minute, 10 minute minimum. Men’s Tennis Team. Good luck at your opening invitational this weekend in Notre Dame. UNL Yell Squad Need Cash? Buying Levi's, Girbaud, Guess 4 winter clothing. Six Fe< Under (Pickles Plaza). 17th 4 P. 474-2773. Study Abroad Opportunity Applications available for studying abroad at Oxford University England Summer of 1992 Open to any college student. Earn 6 hours of 400 level Economics credit. Approximate cost $3,000. Dr. Martin Holmes from Oxford University win be present ing more information at the following sessions . Wednesday, October 12. 4:l$-5:30pm CBA 106 or 6bO-7bOpm CBA 106 Plan to attend or contact D'Vee Buss CBA 242 or a 472-2310 tor application and additional information. TCAB APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE SEPT. 27 DUE OCT. 8 PICK UP AT STUDENT SERVICE CENTER (HENZLIK) OR AT CITY UNION, OCT. 1 & 2. ALL TC STUDENTS ARE ELIGIBLE!! The Women’s Resource Center (WRC) k now accepting applications from individuals interested in serving on tne WRC collective. The collec tive is the governing and deckion-meking structure within the center. In order to be a collective member you must first become a volunteer and demonstrate respon sibility. Students and community people are encouraged to apply. Applications available in the WRC, Rm 117 City Union Of call 472-2587. Deadline k October 5 UNL Croee Country. Best of luck at your invitational this waakendl UNL YeU Squad. UNPREDICTABLE Carson Theater Ventures Don't miss Santiago Jimenez. Jr.. "Dinner end Kara Finleyll Pick up a brochure. Student tickets are $5 IIS Meetings Beta Alpha Psi Professional meeting with Coopers and Lybrand, 6:45 at FlrsTier. Business attire required _._ GOLDEN KEY MEMBERS Meeting TODAY. 5pm. City Union tor all Golden Kay members Topic to be "Okcrtmlnation In Budget Cuts . plus $40 book scholarship giveaway. ___ HOMECOMING 1991 Meeting TODAY—c#y union. Room TBA. Everybody is wsicomsl _ __ PBL Phi Beta Lambda presents Anatoly Porokhovsky. Soviet economist. Thursday, September 26,6pm, CBA 120. Alt Business majors welcome.__ Pre-Phyeicel Therapy Club Meeting Thursday, Sept. 26 at 6:45 p.m. In the UHC Conference Rooms Speaker: Pat Hageman—UNMC. Dues col kctedat the meeting.__ SAA Meeting TODAY at 5pm in the Wick Alumni Center. Cream pufl party-dress accordingly: Wear namatags or be the brunt of a Personal Reward. P.S. Wear a crazy hat. Miner says so. student Foundation Short meeting Thursday. 600, Union. Room will be Existed ... Wear comfortable shoesll??ll This Includes leniors.__ ___ __ STUDENTS FOR LIFE Meeting TOOAY, 7pm, City Union. Please come » you earn to get involved. UPC VISUAL ARTS Meeting TODAY! 4pm, City Union. CaN CAP Ewt 472 1760 with questions or I unable to attend. TCAB MEETING SEPT. 26TH AT 5:30PM HENZLIK HALL IMPORTANT! 120 Greek Affairs Congratulations Dion Higgons (DU) and Stacie Yost (Gamma Phi) on your pinning. % ; _ Student Foundation.^, Congratulations to Kevin Lilly (Kappa Sig) and Mandy Trimble (A-Phi) on your pinning. We wish you the best. __The men ot Kappa Sigma OM AXQ Saturday Night Live IN Little Sister Pro-Rush Pizza Party Sunday, September 29 8:00PM Be there or be square Ag Men Little Sister Rush October 2nd &3rd. For more information please cal Mike Burr 436-6336. _ ANCHOR SPLASH! AOII STEAKOUT Put on your boots and cowfcoy hats because Steakout is Saturday night. n-. SPECIAL COLLEGE WEEKEND! SWEEP LEFT Thursday, Sept. 26 NO COVER $2.50 Pitchers and Dance to Lincoln's Hottest Dance Band! Klein s IGA has out-of-town newspapers on Sundays \ • NY Times ' • Wall Street Journal • Kansas City Star • Des Moines Register • Denver Post Klein s IGA 815 So. 11th Street ..••J : Street JL * 1 Legal +: l Friday, Sept. 27th J • at j ; Starlite ; • Ballroom • • 9-1 a.m. I • Food Available • • • • Free country Dance Lessons • • Starting October 4th 443-3533 l • • • 3 Vi miles west of Wahoo, NE * •••••••••••••••••a* THI PAR SIM By GARY LARSON I Carl “Javahead” Jones and his chopped espresso maker. Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson TWE ALIENS ACE GAINING ON OUR WE.RO! IN A SURPRISE NOME, SPACEMAN SPIFF SWIFTS INTO REMERSE! TFE ALIENS ROAR AHEAD! SPIFF SWIFTS BACK INTO FORWARD, AND PURSUES _ TWE AL\ENS! _> i ... BUT THE. AUEKS HME TUCKED M*OUHD WD ARLHBEADED STRAVSWT RfcCUfcHERC)' 5P\FT SHAFTS ^KTO CEiEKSE ACROSS 1 Minn, college of choir fame 7 Attention getter 11 Cudgel 14 Duplicating machine 15 Art cult 16 Conceit 17 Citrus fruit 18 Thin piece of wood 16 Golfer's gadget 20 Sound movie 21 Issued 23 Items of value 26 She played Nora Charles 27 Crooner Crosby 30 Rent 31 Use a divining rod 34 Bitter herb 35 Suffix with Siam 36 Spa visitor 37 Guinness or Coward 38 One of filmdom's Taylors 40 Wedding response 41 Shred 44 Formicid 45 Greek letters 46 Hurt, as a tooth 47 Eastern title 48 Part of the handwriting on the wall 49 Sat preceder 50 Twins constellation 53 Finger protector 58 Riffraff 80 Cultivate land 61 Yarn fluff 63 Commence, in law 64 Right-angle structure 65 Ferrara ducal family 66 Intensify 67 Beatty of films 68 Fencer s cry 69 Ancient ascetic • >1 ■ t t — ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE DOWN 1 Ayr native 2 Hartebeest 3 Oct birthstone 4 Connection 5 Sponsorship 6 Exonerates 7 Paid notices 8 Healthiest 9 It's "made” backward 10 “Waltzing Aussie song 11 Golden Girl whose home was 1 Across HUM I Ml |>ll A C R E sl* G R [Hem |e IS IT IE ID I A|C|M|EpicTAtTTs| SAIGA T h|e|w[i1t]c h|o|f[e W DOR L I N EpMvjE L lIBD E S K 12 Askew 13 Driven slantingly 22 Blow one's horn 24 Otherwise 25 Twixt 12 and 20 27 Ace of clubs in omber 28 Kind of artery 2« Town of a Jesse James defeat (locale of 1 Across) 32 Car style 33 Irregular 35 Be human * 36 Wager 39 Hindu land grant 42 Semester 43 Restaurant offerings 45 Political refugees 47 Traveling salesmen — 51 Muslim decree 52 Nostrils 53 Subsequently 54 You may dig this 55 -Kirk. singer-actress 57 Bind 56 TV sitcom 59 Actor-dancer Kelly 96 Hyson, eg