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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 26, 1991)
tint’s Journal by Jim - — • ■ —1 r—■ « r-— -—---- — I fl+yea foal uii*tk Toivf tolay WbCMtvcr ht vjooU mciVe * l*«*d $cx>f, VAIrtyht* TK*t \na$ Sow*e+ku^ Ti*"V tef fro* wk«w k«'J Min S«*eMil skats i K * ro<M, ht'J '^eer, ^kaiVs wrow} wuitk !*.♦? Tk;s is rilUvU^sr* while we uaetVfct*? oOt °f tk€ fool h*U. k€ sni*, vfroi *•» the coolest *port/ ;svC+ if?" “hr -iF^k ' -*7. J*ii 1 "tfcoujKt I lit w*> [« ■Jim’s Journal by Jim Today X. bougkt Hr *tKe m\c**w**« fw«d rvns «* t>%1ter;«l A^* , C .s*» X k«*tt<J uf som« kt«*S **1«.l*d tkcm iurn slowly on 'fK€ v©+nt**} tk'in^* A** rtarted •few *ecoaJ$. AM' I +urwt4 off, X l*pt mja+cWi*) ■Hit* *r«o*A -for * WaV\J l* • I I Jim’s Journal by Jim To r v*ev\t 1 *i*Vki*3 *rdvm* A** *Mf < ..* * Vuf vm« vwiltttj tkroujU « VACAVX-V |#t KM +* >em« tr^ vs +r«scV-<* S+tvt was tkr«wi*3| *t©| Wit va?;#uS 1V»*\}*. f 'People jkooU +k*a*» rocVj around more of4«H/' l*e s+\l. ^X+'S * kt of fun* A*' «*• c • JIM WHO? . ^ 4„. ' . . **y t I Jim’s Journal by Jim I ----------. ------ f—------ r T OVK>f C*W\« I tai*'/ -to p'*Y bo* Ke S^ii. vAk IV Si«> «f foal '* | «*4ed ^nttVr Vie^S on TV. I ^ ~>y Tovt'f p#iK»€« l**A •'Jk++W'* KV«*,f yr>r I Jim’s Journal fry Jim I X MftH* X * 'J****r* of * Ill I / Tk«Y k%d p^Hktf ot *r*%* **4 I H^4 tms i** ) ctiwtK’t +r*+ kM ** •***" , , x s** tkt*e ft 4 *k;tt 4*4 •*4*1*4 | fttfl* «rtk x»i+t 4*4 k4r4 fKtes *4\fc briskly 14 4*4 ^ y**v Orchesis Continued from Page 12 practices. The group meets and practices every Thursday from 8:30-10 p.m. Currently, members bring in short pieces that they have choreographed and share them with other mem bers. In November, Orchesis will begin putting together this spring’s per formance. No theme has yet been chosen, but Rupert said the show would represent many styles of dance, including ballet, tap, jazz and modern. “I’d like to see a little of every thing this year, whatever ideas people can work out,” said Rupert. “Musical accompaniment is also I 1 - welcome if someone has an idea they would like to develop.” After last year’s success, Rupert said Orchesis will present its show for three nights this spring. Admis sion will be $2 for the general public or $ 1 for UNL students with I.D. Although Orchesis members cho reograph all their own pieces, most of the group’s members are not dance majors, according to Rupert. Rupert’s only experience before joining Orchesis was a semester of ballet and a jazz class in high school, but she has been able to expand through her involvement with Orchesis. “All are welcome to join Orch esis,” Rupert said. “It is open to all, whether you have much or little experience. ” r...—1 SPECIAL GUESTS: THE SMASHING PUMPKINS SUNDAY, OCTOBER 20 • 7:00 P.M. i PEONY PARK BALLROOM • OMAHA ADVANCE TICKETS $16.50 DAY OF SHOW $19.00 BRIAN PRODUCTIONS Available at: Peony Park Box Office, Ranch Bowl, Homers Records, Pickles, Younkers and * The Civic Auditorium. Charge by Phone: 402/422-1212