$3.00 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $4 00 per day for 15 words on non-student ads. $ 15 each additional word. $ 75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid. Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m. weekday before publica tion. The Daily Nebraskan will not print any adver tisement which discriminates against any person on the basis of sex, sexual orientation, race, religion, age, disability, marital status or national origin. 3 Bicycles For Sale 89 Centurion Accordo racing/touring bike, 14 speed, 25“ frame. 477-2218. 90 19“ Trek Road Bike. Used 1 month, $300.435-293 Cannondale ST 400 10-speed touring bike, 1986, 21“ frame royal blue, shimano parts, mint condition, $350. Call 483-1013.___ Lincoln Police Department notice of sale of unclaimed bicycles and miscellaneous property October 5, 1991, 10:00 a.m. Lincolnland Towing 410 W. P St., no checks accepted. ___ Univega 12-speed. Great Shape $125. 474-4107. 6 Computers For Sale Brand new 14“ super VGA non-interlaced monitor. VESA standard. 438-3318, leave message or 560-4785 Tandy 1000TL. 768KB memory 3 1/2 and 5 1/4 drives. 1200 baud modem, mouse, joysticks, lots of software. $800 436-9623. 8 Furniture For Sale Are you looking for student furniture for fall? ONE MORE TIME is the place! Open seven days/week. Free parking. 850 N. 27th_ 474-2065 Sofa, good condition, $40. Super single waterbed (heater not included). $50. Call 435-6218 after 6pm. 10 Misc. For Sale 10X11 forest green carpet $50, BMX bike $40. Call 421 7909 FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IS HIRING. $16,000 $72,000/Yr. 1-605-564-6500 Ext.GB10384 for immedi ate response. . _ HOMES FOR SALE BY GOVERNMENT AGENCIES. $1.00 (U-repair) or $1600 (move-in). 1-805-564-6500 Ex1.HA10384 for immediate response. _ Telescope, 6-inch Meade reflector, equatorial mount, setnng circles, slow-molton controls, one 9-millimeter eyepiece. Excellent condition. $325. 466-6696. 18 Stereos/TVs For Sale Polk 5Jr* Speakers $125, Polk 4A Speakers $60, Ken wood Suround Sound Receiver $150, Sony 5 Disc Player $125 489 7678. ___ SEX PoA Audio Rta 11t. 2 yrs. old. walnut finish, new $1.000 asking $495 obo. 475-8039. leave message. 19 Ticket Exchange FOR SALE: 6 NU vs. OSU tickets. Make Oder. 1-800-286 4556,65 p.m. _ _ Need: 3 tickets together for Nov. 16 Iowa St. game. Will pay above cost. Steve-477-8056. Wanted: 6 tickets to the NU vs. CU game. Cal 4360382I '88 Mazda 323 2-door hatch. 4-speed, air. arrvtm. clean. $3,350. Odea. Baer's Automotive Sales. 1647 South 3rd Strset.477-6442. ___ 82 BUS VW Vanagon GL. 53.000 miles. $3250-rtego tiabie, runs good. Call attar 4pm, 477-4367. 82 Ford Escort wagon, new exhaust, runs good. Asking $900^4769646. after 5 p.m.___ 81 Mazda GLC 2-door hatch. 5-speed, air. sunroof, ami fm cassette. 70,000 miles. $1,450. offers. Baer's Auto motive Sales, 1647 South 3rd Street. 477-6442. 66 Mustang, red with white top. automate on the (tor. 289 engine. Cal 477-81X. _ 1979 Mustang Cobra BlacUgreen. new brakes, fly wheel and starter $2500 obo. 438-5301. leave message. I— ' 2?Adoptionai^a^a^^M^^g j Happily married, financially secure, couple wishes fo adopt second child. Mom home full-time. All legai/medi ca expenses paid. Strictly legal and confidential. Please call collect Jane or Rich at 1-402-571-6955. S. Loving couple. Doctor and Teacher, longing to share our love with new-born. We ll give your baby a caring, warn and happy home. Expenses paid. Call Carol ancTFrank collect 212-B74-3537. Single and Pregnant? You don't have to go it alone—we're here to help. No fees and confidential counseling. Statewide since F 1893. a Nebraska Children's s Home Society 4600 Valley Road, Suite 304,483-7879 42 Health & Fitness ! ssassasssssass 1 OUTSTANDING NUTRITIONAL PRODUCTS Lose weight, increase strength, nutritional coffee substi tute and nutrients for brain. Call Craig, 463-7971. ; 44 Insurance For All Your Insurance Needs. Jim Wallace 474-5077. American Family Insurance. Renters. Auto, Home, Health, and Life. 48 Job Placement Experts off Success P.O. Box 2851 Lincoln, NE 68542-2216 College Undergrade; looking for work throughout your college career that will really ouild your resume, let you travel, give you some great experience, build your char acter, and earn about $1500/mo.? Send us your resume and a full one page personal profile. 60 Misc. Services "Helpl Top prices paid for your clean hardback ar i paperback books. Selling 100 books a day and we need i yours nowl" Call 488-91 §8 or come to 5824 Locust; Tue Thur, 6-9pm and Sun. 12-6. S5SEE5E5E555555SS5S3SS5555SSS 63 Pregnancy PREGNANT? BIRTHRIGHT is a confidential helping hand. Free pregnancy test, please can us for appomt ment, 483-2609. 75 Tattooing Body Electric Tattoos. Sterile conditions, casual atmos phere. Many designs —custom work. By appointment only. 486-3141 80 Typing & Resumes Resumes By Ann Quality resumes, professional writers. Over 10 years experience, proven results. 464-077S. Resumes Professionaly typeset and laser printed. 815 plus tax. Daily Nabraakan,basement of Nebraaka Union. Word processing/laser printer. On campus Pick ^deliv ery. SI 25 double spaced page. 467-5737. 110 Announcements Keep an eye on Campus Rec! Innertube Water Basketball Tourn. (Men's, Women's. Co-Rec)—Badminton Smote# (Men's. Women's). Entry Deadline Oct. 11 Campus Recreation 472 3467_ Gel a Greet Ten'al DJ's, 10 tans tor S2S. 477-0125. HOMECOMING SAND VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT October 15.16 A 17. Sponsored by SAA A UPC Home coming Applications available at CAP City. Deadline, October 4.______ Let Us Keep You Warm Sweater Sales sponsored by Phi Beta Chi . September 23-27 . Union 8-4:30 ---1 THK PAR SIM By GARY LARSON i 1 r / m.•’asbsHSBssi**/■•» ••. ^ | Hell’s video store | ASH PAID FOR USED LEVI 501 BUTTONFLY BLUE EANS—UP TO $8.00 EACH PAIR. BONUS $$$ FOR ILD LEVI JACKETS. SEE JERRY AT THE FORT, 56 & IWY 2 THROUGH SUNDAY ONLYl ATTENTION TEACHERS COLLEGE STUDENTS ASUN Senator - Constituent meeting Wednesday - Sept. 25 3:30-4:30pm Henziik Hall Voice your concerns. BAHAMAS CRUISE ive days, four nights. Overbought corporate trips avail ble to public. Limited availability. First come, first srved. Hotel paid. Tickets good one year. Mend Career Information Day, September 26 from 9:30 3 3:30 in the Nebraska Union. AH events are free. For Tore information contact Career Planning and Place rtent at 472-3145. Student Foundation Appiicationa ire now available in the CAP Offices. 200 NE Union and 00 NE East Union. Applications due Friday. September !7 at CAP Offices. If questions, call 436-6307 or 436 ’915. TCAB APPLICATIONS AVAILABLE SEPT. 27 DUE OCT. 8 PICK UP AT STUDENT SERVICE CENTER (HENZLIK) OR AT CITY UNION, OCT. 1 & 2. ALL TC STUDENTS ARE ELIGIBLE!! The Women’s Resource Center WRC) is now accepting applications from individuals nterested in serving on the WRC collective. The collec ive is the governing and decision-making structure within the center. In order to be a collective member you nust first become a volunteer and demonstrate respon sibility. Students and community people are encouraged o apply. Applications available in the WRC. Rm 117 City Jnion or call 472-2597. Deadline is October 5. Vttend Technical Career Day. September 25 from 9:30 to 1:00 in The Nebraska Union. All events arefree. For more nformation contact Career Planning and Placement at 172-3145. Where wilt you be in 1992? Why not London or Paris? loin a study tour during semester break. Call Interna ional Affairs, 472-3264. 1237 R St., Room102. RAISE $500...$ 1 000...$ 1 500 FOOL FUND For your fraternity, sorority, team or other campus organisation. ABSOtumr mo 1 IHVISTMim KiQUItiD! LIVE TALK. 1-900-773-3777. ADULTS ONLY. $2.50/ minute. 10 minute minimum. Need Cash? Buying Levi's. Girbaud, Guess & winter clothing. Six Feet Under (Pickles Plaza). 17th A P.474-2773. ODYSSEY PROGRAM "JOURNEY WITH ANOTHER LEADER" The deadline to sign up as an Odyssey protege is September 25, so it you are interested in developing your leadership skills, contact the CAP Office today at 472-2454, 200 NE Union._ Operation Rescue Witchita Eye Witness Accounts Come to the Union at 2:30pm, Thursday. October 3rd. for an open discussion on the abortion issue. Come listen and be heard. Sponsored by STUDENTS FOR CHOICE SEE THE WORLD — Join a study tour during semester break. Six tours to more than 10 cities, offered for credit. Call International Affairs. 472-3264 or stop by 1237 R Street. Room 102. SKYDIVE! Jump out of a perfectly good airplane. CaN Crete Skydiv ing Center, 488-7054. 115 Meetings Beta Alpha Psi Professional meeting with Coopers and Lybrand, 6:45 at Firs Tier. Business attire required. ENTREPRENEURS! ACE HAS ITS FIRST MEETING TONIGHT AT 6:00 P.M. IN THE UNION ANYONE WELCOME! GOLDEN KEY MEMBERS Meeting Thursday, 5pm, City Union for all Golden Key members. Topic to be "Discrimination in Budget Cuts'. plus $40 book scholarship giveaway. MEXICAN AMERICAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION meets Thursdays at 7:00 p.m. at the Culture Center. Everyone Welcomel PBL Phi Beta Lambda presents Anatoly Porokhovsky, Soviet economist. Thursday. September 26.6pm. CBA 120. All Business majors welcome. Pre-Physical Therapy Club Meeting Thursday. Sept. 26 at 6:45 p.m. in the UHC Conference Rooms. Speaker: Pat Hageman—UNMC. Dues col lected at the meeting. SAA Meeting Thursday. September 28th at 5pm in the Wick Alumni Center. Cream puff party—dress accordingly: Wear name tags or be the brunt of a Personal Reward. Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson SOS\E, HOBBES THOUGHT 1 WAS RUOE, SO VW SORW. AND MOO CAN COME PUtf with os \f you want. __y vr- y TUAMKS,CAim 'mws I OEJOLS MkaCrtSD Ofc, VfcU. P\>N MOOSt NON I\LBtTVtWKsH-RWQH)DB:vjnMt VWE.THE.'nQER.VWfcCANBtW UHEmoO. WDJSUHW6 WOMD. AMO NO) CAN tt: CWB BRKTT( AND BRAMESS KiD tN A DM CAfiE. QENtQi. i 8 ms nag 7 dqkt tw trx nwe IDEA, to TOUR PATVEfc PEA BRAIN THAT WH' ^ 1'HCFTO WALL STR5T DOHTNAiT OP . mean-ay ACROSS 1 Huck Finn's vessel 5 Highlander 9 Hall of —s— 13 Land measures 15 Taj Mahal site 16 Tub plant 17 Eerie tale 19 Cubicle 20 Parts of sonnets 21 Hammed it up 23 Kind of case or well 24 Pat 25 Shade of green 28 Settled in snugly 33 Peak 37 Broadway musical 39 Siberian antelope 40 Soothsayer consulted by Saul 43 Striped 44 Scream 45 Kind of job 46 Hardens 48 Caldwell's "Tobacco;-* 50 Pie-mode 52 Parts of suits ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE I Mbfel ; 56 Lord and Lady 59 Rules 61 Staple in China 62 Specter; phantom 64 Shipment to Pittsburgh 65 Meat course 66 Filthy 67 Hang fire 66 Lake in Ireland 69 Jazzman Fountain DOWN 1 Joshes 2 butters 3 He wrote "North of Boston" 4 Seed cover 5 Roscoes 6 In the past 7 Miscalculated 8 Parishioner, to a pastor • Truth 10 To the sheltered side 11 Bombe holder 12 Stippery one 14 Rathskeller mug 18 Like a martinet 22 Overweight 28 Gossamer 27 The clear sky 29 Hourglass material 30 Neap, e g j, 31 Selves > 32 Like one side of Luna 33 Hun king 34 Do a gym exercise 35 Bill of fare 36 Pitcher 38 Unaccompanied 41 Perfect 42 Taste 47 Divide silk into filaments 49 Beelzebub 51 Old coin Qf_ Turkey 53 Arrangement 54 Twinkling 55 Paddock sound 56 Weary 57 Sacred picture 56 Care for 59 Strong wind 60 Dirk of yore 61 Tear 63 Knock