Band’s bassist having fun, looking for work I n. f DaKab4 DiAft%AV«lAAM _1 T> .1 ^ . . ... UJ I iwwi » ■ Mviiiiiviauu Senior Reporter___ . h ■■ Eddie Cisneros, bassist for the New York-based funk-metal band Heads Up!, has been back on American soil for less than a week, and he has al ready picked up the latest edition of The Village Voice. He’s looking for a part-time job. Just coming off their first Euro pean tour opening for acts like Urban Dance Squad, the young funkers from Heads Up! have some success under their belts but not a lot of money. Cisneros said the band is in a kind of strange predicament. “At this point in our career we don’t make enough money playing music to be self-sufficient,” Cisneros said, “but if we don’t give 100 per cent to the music we won’t go any further.” “It’s a fine line. All of our atten tion has to be focused towards mak ing good music and touring, but at the same time we have to work part-time to try to keep financially solid.” Tbc band’s April release of “Duke” should help. Following up the bands first LP, oyui Diuuier crisis intervention, which received fairly positive reviews, was difficult. Heads Up! had to put together a strong album in a very short amount of time. “When we recorded ‘Duke’ it was a ,rca!|y lough situation,” Cisneros said. “I mean, we wrote the music, arranged, rehearsed and recorded in about the span of a month. It was really, really quick. We didn’t have any material lying around or any thing.” And, according to Cisneros, there is a fairly noticeable advancement from “Soul Brother” to “Duke.” But it is a natural progression, not rushed. “I think that as musicians we owe it to ourselves to express what is ever there at that lime,” Cisneros said. “It’s like a snapshot of where we were. Hopefully our music will keep developing and growing.” He’s not quite sure which direc tion the next album will go, but Cisneros said that some of the music written on the tour sounds “heavier and like it had a bit more buoyancy.” But regardless of the sound of the next album, Cisneros will be happy seeing4.he sights and playing the bass. “We’re more like gypsies that business people,” Cisneros said. “We enjoy traveling and seeing the world and meeting people. When I’m 60, 70, 80 or dying, I may not have a lot of money, but then when I think what I’ve done in my lifetime, I’ll be happy.” ■;-:/:<3r4wSfqgPINDEH; ,t,', \ FOR SALE g Sr 64 Priming A Copying 2 Appliances 72 Rentals 3 Bicycles 74 Social Services f Sf*** 75 Tattooing 5 Clothing 76 Travel 6 Coders BO Typing A Resumes 8 Furniture vriTirrs 9 Garage Sales I>U1 10 Mac. For Sale inn n,H«t 12 Musical Instruments 13 O0«e Furniture \ ]g ^^ements ~— 11 Dpt* iis Mdotinos 15 Photo Equipment Ion Ahairs is sssgsar ^&,aSov#mm8m 9 T cketExchanoe 145 Lost A Found 20 ^ 148 Wanted 149 Fundraising SERVICES "j"6fe 23 Alterations A Sewrina 1 SO Child Care Needed 25 AufoSe 8 160 Help Wanted 27 STstervice 162 Work Study Jobs 29 BrSa 164 Summer Jobe 30 CrtSL 166 internships 33 o^ShSS^ housing ' 34 Computer Serves ■- i i ihi. t ijsi1 = 36 Entertainment 170 Roommates 38 Gift Ideas 173 Housing Wanted 40 Hairstyling 175 Rooms For Rent 42 Health A Fitness 180 Houses For Rant 44 Insurance 185 Duplex Far Rem 46 Instructon/Tutonng 190 Apartments For Rent 48 Job Placement 191 Summer Housing 50 Legal 192 Mobile Homee For Rent 60 Mtsc. Services 194 Homes For Sale 198 Vacation Rentals $3.00 per day for 15 words on individual student and student organization ads. $4.00 per day for 15 words on non-student ads. $ 15 each additional word. $.75 billing charge. Personal ads must be prepaid Found ads may be submitted free of charge. DEADLINE: 2:00 p.m weekday before publica tion.'' *,<< Writing an effective ad Be descriptive. The more Information you pro vide the readers, the better your responses will be. Begin the ad with the item for sale or offered. Include the price of the items for sale. Highlight the ad with larger type, boldface, art or a box. Run the ad for at least two days. Make sure the ad reaches the Monday-Wednesday-Friday stu dents and the Tuesday-Thursday students. 2 Appliances For Sale Smell refrigerator S60-S80. 8x10 Dusty Rose fringed •arpet *40. 10XH lores) green carpet *50. BMX Ske $40. Call 421-7909 3 Bicycles For Sale 1990 Trek 820,22-inch, blue, like new. $350.477-2788. Lincoln Polios Department notice of sale ot unclaimed bicycles and miscellaneous property October 5. 1991, 10:00 a_m. Lincotnland Towing 410 W. P St., n6 checks accepted.- • Univega 12-speed. Great Shape $125 474-4107. 6 Computers For Sale Apple II Plus Two disk drives, no monitor, no capias. $90.00firm. Can Mark at477-0768. leavemessage. _ New Toshiba portlble computer. $760. 438-1011. leave message. Tandy 1000TL, 768KB memory 3 1/2 and 5 1/4 drkree. 1200 baud modem, mouse, joysticks, lots of software. $800.436-9623. 8 Furniture For Sale Are you looking for student furniture for tai? ONE MORE TIME P the placet Open seven days/week. Free parking. 850 R 27th 474-2065 Tin PAR SIDE By GARY LARSON » V r.» Aug. 11,1959: In the heart of the Bolivian Jungle, archaeologiats discover an ancient and heretofore unknown sacrificial altar. Courtesy of Emergo Records The New York-based funk-metal band Heads Up! is back on American soil. * H 10 Misc. For Sale FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IS HIRING. $16,000 $72,000/Yr. 1-805-564-6500 Exl.GB 10384 for Immedi ate response. HOMES FOR SALE BY GOVERNMENT AGENCIES. $1.00 (U-repair) or $1600 (move-in). 1-805-564-6500 Ext.HAl0384 lor immediate response. Free house cal to loving home. Dedawed. litter trained, spayed. 483-6511. leave message. 19 Ticket Exchange .i Wanted: 6 tickets to the NU ve. CU game. Call 436-0382! 20 Vehicles For Sale '89 Ford Mustang. 4 cylinder automatic, very good cone ton. Can be seen at Government Employee's Crec Union. 325 N. 52nd. Monday-Friday, 9-5:30. Make an otter by September 24. '66 Mustang, red with white top. automatic on the flor. 28 engine. Can 477-8130. 22 Adoption Adoption Loving couple wishes to adopt newborn. Will provide warm, caring home with bright tuture. Medicatrtegal ex penses paid Coniidentfal. Call Laurie/Larry, 718-343 >017 anytime. . r _■»-— -f* Happily married, financially secure, couple wishes to adopt second child. Mom home full-time. AH legal/medi cal expenses paid. Strictly legal and confidential. Please call collect Jane or Rich at 1-402-571-6955. Loving couple. Doctor and Teacher, longing to share our love with new-born. We'll give your baby a caring, warn and happy home. Expenses paid. Call Carol ana Frank collect 212 874-3537, Single and Pregnant? You don't have to go it alone—we re here to help. No tees and confidential counseling. Statewide since 1893. Nebraska Children's Home Society 4600 Valley Road, Suite 304.483-787S 42 Health & Fitness nabssBVBss MUSCLE For a real workout get a real personal trainerl Call Body By Design now! 435-0435. leave message. Colvin and HOODGS by Bill Watterson — "* - / | ■ / • • i , : * * 1 : f ' ‘ i f 4 * • ! * -’-’a* / J ’ * i • * .• • - -r*» I --- ---- mcAim wuat NXt k W DO\KG ? n—^ m BIG IMPORTANT SECRET THINGS? GO AflM! GET YOST ' \ I - • ? i| ML WGHT, Wfgf DOING DM4tfcl\CH GREAT THINGS HEM)' WHO HE TIE HAVING CARES WHAT fW! _ VOODO r ANNWA^' I "NOUGHT OH HUSH V4E NE&E YOU DQNT KNOW BORED CUT WMTHING . , OECWBF _SfcUUS ACROSS 1 Shrivel 6 Aunt, in Avila • Content 14 Major City on the Missouri 13 White-tailed eagle 18 “Billy Budd" or “Peter Grimes" 17 Seaport in NE Scotland 19 Absolute .30 Before: Prefix 21 Burro's basket 23 Carmine 24 Canine's cry 28 Kinshasa is its capital 27 Minute particles 28 Actor Vidov 30 Borneo ape, for ! short 32 Drive back 35 Facial opening 38 Turn-new leaf 39 Liquid salute 40 Early 43 Lionel of old films 45 Legislate 48 Immaculate 47 Peril of northern waters 49 Not verbalized 51 Steeplechasers’ mothers 55 Ribbed fabric ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE mirmsiH 1° I u^e |cTrTy^^^ 1 p v |e|rIsip1i 1L1L|E1PJM1IlL|*| 1 lLlElAlpBAlslslErBANT 1 11111111^B1111111'11111WIIMIIIII11 56 A tile game 58 Brace's complement 59 Redolence 61 San —K _ \ Honduran city 63 Fathered 64 Kay's successor 65 Unsuccessful participant 66 Clash 67 Buck's mate 68 Employ muscle power DOWN 1 Narcotic bloomer 2 . honor is -scutcheon": Shak 3 Small carniv orous animal 4 An early supporter of Fidel 8 Part of a lamp 6 Adjective for a high schooler 7 An Azerbaijani • Fireplace equipment • Time period 0 Quick to learn 1 City renamed for Lenin 2 Primp 3 Enclosures • Initiates plebes — — I I ■ I — — _I_ 22 Architect Saarinen 25 Activity of a tea-party hostess 27 Chanted 29 Quito quadruped 31 “-Is Bom , " 1954J*™ 32 Hijack 33 First lady 34 Guernsey capital, with "Saint" 36 Suffix for expert 37 Item given to the P.0. 41 Prefix for derm or plasm 42 Validated 43 Measure of yam 44 Coach 47 Word with knuckles or tacks 48 Weird 80 Heaven, to Juan 82 Vituperate 83 Coe or Ovett 84 Initiate 88 Die 87 Bottom surface , of a golf club 80 Site for "Cav" 68 Red or White oaseoan team