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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1991)
TV TWlPaily 1 \ o Vs jssiisxs^s. ^^kfl ■ W ■ ■ ■ mostly sunny and warmer, JL ^B^ B^B B^^k I B the low to Mike Veak, the Voice of the Cornhusker Marching Band, announces during halftime of the Nebraska-Colorado State gamejSaturday. Veak has announced for the band for 20 years. ‘Now is the time .. 7 Voice of the band blends with harmonious sounds By Taryn Gilster Staff Reporter £ t’s showtime! And the NU drum I line takes the field to begin another pregame spectacular by the Com husker Marching Band.” This familiar refrain booms throughout Memorial Stadium at every Nebraska football game in which the band performs. The owner of that stirring voice, Mike Vcak, has become synonymous with the Comhusker Marching Band. > After 20 years of announcing at football games, Veak is still in step with the Univer sity of Nebraska-Lincoln and blends vo cally with the harmonious sounds of the Marching Red. Veak, a music teacher in the Lincoln Public Schools, played baritone in the Com husker Band from 1961 to 1965 while at tending UNL. In the early 1970s, Veak was asked by the music director, Jack Snicdcr, to be the “voice” of the Comhusker Marching Band. Veak said the man who was the voice before him improvised too much during the performances, confusing the drum majors. “I was surprised when I was first asked to fill this position,” Veak said. “I’m glad that I accepted, though. “Now I’m glad that I can serve the band in another way.” Veak holds both a bachelor’s and mas ter’s degree in music and said his knowl edge of music helps him with his position. “There arc certain counts that I must make during percussion interludes and dur ing the pregame performance,” Veak said. “I think it would be hard for someone who didn’t know how to count or to tell when musical phrases ended.” Because of his position, Veak said, people refer to him in an unusual way. “If anybody introduces me to somebody else, they don’t say that I’m a teacher in the Lincoln Public Schools or I’m the organist at St. Matthew’s church. Instead they say, ‘He’s the Voice of the Comhusker March See VEAK on 3 Campus scams Students unwary victims of financial aid schemes promising scholarships By Wendy Navratil Senior Reporter Financial aid scams are sweeping college campuses across the nation, and some fear students in Nebraska may be the next victims. The scams vary in structure, but they all are designed to do the same thing: rip off students. Monica Krupski, a corporate communica tions specialist at the lending institution NSLP Nebhelp of Lincoln, said she has been warned about one group that calls itself College U.S.A. The group reportedly originated in Texas and has moved through other states, including Okla homa and Arkansas. “If it’s in Arkansas and Oklahoma, it’s get ting up here,” Krupski said. “We want people to know about it.” She said the group allegedly calls students or advertises in the student newspaper that it has access to “hundreds of thousands of un claimed scholarship dollars.” Representatives, of the group, which may consiCof only a few people, tell students that if th<fy apply, they will be guaranteed some kind of loan or scholarship. The representatives eventually ask students for their checking account numbers, perhaps claiming the numbers are for reference or iden tification purposes. Students unwarily give their account num bers to the representatives, who then withdraw unauthorized sums from the students’ accounts. The group disappears before cither the students or their financial institution realizes what has happened. An assistant vice president in the checking department of a financial institution in Win field, Kan., said she has been warned of stu dents being defrauded in this manner. “A fellow financial institution that we are networked with in Fort Smith, Ark., had this problem with five customers,” she said. She did not want herself or her financial institution to be named. The official said the schemers create a fraudu lent draft, usually made out for an amount between $80 and SI00. “All they have to do is go out and buy a copy machine, at Scars or anywhere. It (the fraudu lent draft) looks very real until you really look at it,” she said. The student rarely notices the discrepancy in his or her account balance information in time to cancel the transaction. While the financial institution usually takes the loss, students suffer because the checks they have written may bounce after the See SCAM on 3 Sports Center roof repair hurt by budget cuts By Wendy Navratil Senior Reporter Tight budgetary times have strained efforts to fix the dete riorating roof of the Bob Devaney Sports Center. The UNL budget-cutting process has had a bearing on finding money to replace the roof, said Richard McDer mott, UNL director of facilities man agement. “But there are certain maintenance items that can’t be deferred,’’ he said. Problems with leaking and dete rioration were first noticed about two years ago after a harsh winter, said Gerald Lott, the sports center super intendent. Since then, a contracting company See ROOF on 3 Bush declares he will send war planes to Iraq. Page 2. Proposed ergonomics cen ter at UNL could reduce on-the job accidents. Page 3. It’s off to work we go. Page 5. NU split end ready toplay for mer home-state team. Page 13. Wire INDEX 2 Opinion 4 Diversions 5 Sports 13 Classifieds 14 Official: Cuts process needs time By Adeana Leftin Senior Reporter A process to evaluate budget cuts just needs time to work, UNL’s interim chancellor said Wednesday. Proposed cuts, BUDGET made last week to the Budget Reduc tion Review Com mittee, have re ceived hostile re actions from some faculty who say that they weren’t consulted about recommendations. But Jack Goebel said the time for that input is now. The open meetings scheduled to begin in October will “provide an excellent forum for that (input),” Goebel said. Goebel defended the development of the budget-cutting process, saying it was a joint effort between the administration and the Academic Senate. Both organizations, as well as the Academic FYograms Council and the Association of Students of the University of Nebraska, had to ap prove the structure of the BRRC. The BRRC was formed in response to last spring’s Nebraska Legislature mandate that the University of Ne braska-Lincoln cut its budget 2 per cent this year and 1 percent next year. The committee was designed to study cuts recommended by vice chancellors and to hear public testi mony in support or disagreement of the proposals. The BRRC will then make recommendations to the chan cellor. Because structuring the commit tee was a cooperative effort, Goebel said it was important that the process be followed. “Those who worked hard to estab lish the process are anxious to see the process used,” he said. After hearing public responses, the BRRC will decide which of the pro posals, if any, it wishes to forward to the chancellor. “I’m in the role of interim chancel lor,” Goebel said. “I have to behave consistent with the process.” . The process says the chancellor does not get involved until the BRRC . forwards its recommendations to him, he said. However, it will be UNL’s new chancellor, Graham Spanier, not Goebel, who will review the commit tee’s recommendations. Despite some public outrage, Goebel said he thought the BRRC was working well. “We have a process in place that was agreed to by the parties ... and it’s working just as we anticipated,” he said. That process has only begun, Goebel said.