Classified Envelope Older Forms Now you can send all your classified ads right from your dorm or house! Just place your ad text and payment in the new dasssified envelopes and send It through campus mail free! For details call 472*1767 s._J Beta Alpha Psi Professional meeting with Price Waterhouse. Septem ber 19.6:45 p.m. at the E11even Restaurant. Business attire required._ CBA SAB Wednesday 9/18, 5:30 Union. Pam 483-1730/Kelly 436-7890. Farmhouse sister rush informational meeting Wednes day, September 18, 7:30pm. City Union, room to be posted. For more information call Kristy, 466-1467 or Angela, 475-0494. FINANCE CLUB Meeting 6 p.m. today in Nebraska Union. BRING DUESI Our first meeting of the year will be held Thursday, September 19, 4pm in the Union. All members please attend. __ One out of every three women is sexually UNL too. Let's stop the violence. Come to meetings in Room 117 NE Union on Mondays at noon, or contact Lisa at476-1139, or Rachel at 476-2110. __ PRE-DENTAL CLUB Will meet Wednesday. Sept. 18th at the dental college. Anyone interested is welcome. Any questions call-Cory Borer 475-3942. UNL Women's Volleyball Club Informational meeting and Informal practice. Sunday, Sept. 22.3:30-5:30 at Sapp Recreation Facility Gym. Call Leah or linda at 472-3467 tor more information. ^UNPREDICTABLE UPC-KLPAC meeting today and every Wednesday at 4:30 in the City Union. New members welcome - come see what we are up tol 120 Greek Affairs (The Master’s) September 22. 1-5:30pm at Cool Crest Garden golf course, 220 N. 48th St. There win be free pizza, pop and prizes awarded to top individuals and teams. Hosted by Alpha Gamma Sigma and Alpha Chi Omega. Alpha Gamma Rho Little Sister Rush Sept. 18 & 19. If interested please caH Trad at 477-6890 or Lisa at 436 0902. _ _ Congratulations to our super pledge class. You guys are great1 Love, Your XO Sisters P S. Way to be so sneakyl Congratulations to Bart Beattie on your FarmHouse acti vation. The Men of FarmHouse Congratulations Cheese and Haecker on your pinning. Sorry so late. The Men ot Sig Ep Congratulations to the new initiates of Sig Ep: E. W»ey. C. Bilyeu, B. Shearer. S. Kaldahl. R. Zatechka. B. Ben nett. M. Keenan. __ Congratulations to Lance Graves. Ere Fieevig and Brent Erickson (Soma Nus) Kendra Workman, Tina Schoneweis. Hobyn Hermes and Michele Metschke (Tri Delts) for winning the all university mud volleyball tourna ment. From the Men ot Sigma Nu Congratulations to Dave Kudnn for being selected as this week's King Pin Brother of the Week. From the Men of Sigma Nu THE FIRST ORGANIZATIONAL PRATICES FOR THE CLUB WILL BE HELD ON: SUNDAY SEPT. 22 1:00PM-3:00PM FRIDAY SEPT. 27 6:00PM.8:00PM SUNDAY SEPT. 29 l:00PM-3:0dPM ♦All practices will be held at the Sapp Rcc. Center All interested students are encouraged to attend the Sunday Sept. 22nd practice! For more information call: Bret 436-6259 or Jack 435-1691 Congratulations to the new members on their pledgeshlp to A0ha Gamma Sigma. . The Men ol AGS Congratulations to the new initiates of Phi Delta Theta: J. Munoz. B. Perry, J. Graham, E. Eckel, T Ebert, D. Grant. Your Phi Delta Brothers. Wek/lketo thank you for your courtesy last Monday night. You guys are a class actl + The KD pledges Dumb Jim Congratulations on your new co-chair position on S.A.A., break a leg. or both your arms. The men of Sig Ep LAE LITTLE SISTER MEETING Thursday, 19th 7pm. Come one, come alll__ Liz J. and Kelly S. (DGs), Congratulations on your Homecoming candidacy. Good luck to both of you. Love. Delta Gamma Mara Z. (Pi Phi), Congratulations on your acceptance to study in Den maik. We will miss you. Your Pi Phi Sisters Shawn B. (PI Phi). Congratulations on being selected as a Homecoming candidate. Your Pi Phi Sisters Sigma Nu and Tri-Delta Team #3. Congratulations on winning the mud volleyball tour nament. Super job-Brent E., Eric F„ Kendra W., Lance a. Michelle M.. Robyn H„ and Tina S. Way to get down and dirtyl The men of Phi Delta Theta support the reorganization of Theta Xi. _ The men of Lambda Chi Alpha support the reorganization of Theta Xi. Theta Xi. We wish you a bright new futurel The Men of Acacia Theta XL Good luck with your fall rush. Delta Gamma supports you. 130 Student Government UN-L STUDENT GOVERNMENT Wednesday, September 18 6:30 p.m. City Campus Union INFORMATION AND AGENDA AVAILABLE 115 NEBRASKA UNION 140 Personals Shadow. Happy 2nd month I Love you, Beck Divorced male seeks female for relationship—must have $60.00 and valid fishing license. Greg N.(DTD) Coogian, ations on making i into flight school. The One Who Always Knew You Would Sieve M.(FH) » You don't know us. but we know you. Your painting s gone so now you're blue. The t ime'li come to get it back, until then don't worry...'Llttle Mack" is still in tact! Devious Duo 145 Lost & Found " Bracelet found at Memorial Stadium. To claim call 467 4464. 150 Child Care Needed Loving Long Island family seeks mother's helper ASAPI Cal 516-288-2042, leave message. Saturday. September 28th. evening approx. 9:30pm 3am. 1o month old. Nonsmoker required 436-1749, Denise. Want to be entertained? Looking for responsble person for childcare on Monday $ Wednesday evenings. Willing to provide transportation. Cal 489-1446 and Isavs mas sags 160 Help Wanted AG STUDENTS INTERESTED IN UPDATING YOUR EDUCATION?? GIVE STUDENTS A VOICE IN CURfVCULUM REVITALIZATION Apply as a student partner to serve with the Curriculum Revtalzation Task Foroa AM College ot Agriculture Sciences and Natural Resources undergrads are sli ghts. A $200 stpend will be paid to 8-10 students who are tree to meei twice monthly with faculty and external partners to plan the curriculum lor the year 2000. Stu dents who do not hold other College oh ices are encour ages to apply. To apply, call Becky or Teresa at472-2177 or slap by C219 Animal Sciences to pick up an applica tion tor m All applications must be In by Noon Friday, Oct. Assembly workers needed Immediate openings for assembly workers and MIG welders. aM shuts. Long-term assignments available Mu« be 18 or older EOET Apply M MSP Reeouroee, Inc., Suite 436, Or centres Court. 210 Gateway North. Asthmatics Needed to pertidpate in a medical study. Must be 19 to 70 years age. Must be taking daily medical ions including in haled steroids lor asthma. Stpend $450 For mora information caM 559-6868 University of Nebraska Medical Center. Omaha. Attention Students $8.10 to start National corporation has 40 openings. Intern/schoiar shps available. Flexible schedules. 488-8017. Earn from 880-8100 a day. N you are 19 years ol age or older and heathy, can Harris to quality lor study particpa too. 474-0627. j Full-Time Work $312 Per Week ExceMsnt opportunty tor pert-time students, great res ume buldeL tours 1120-10:30 M-F. Gain vaiuabte politi cal end environmental experience. Cal 477-8880 Fund Raiser We're looking tor a top fraternity, sorority or student organization that would Ilka to make $500-81500 tor a ona weak marketing protect right on campus. Must be organized and hard working Cal Amy te 800-592-2121. Hiring musicians to play baaa guitar piano, guitar and drum M Sunday church. Folt. eon rock, and country mix. CaM lor auditions m 435-7264 soon. National Research Corporation Now hiring for our part-time professional interviewing staff. Evenings and weekend hours are available. 15+ hours per week. Absolutely NO SELLING. For more information call 475-4520 Monday-Friday 9am-5pm. Need extra money? International Telcom, Inc. offers flexible schedules, competitive wages, a pleasant work ing environment and an excellent opportunity for ad vancement in the growing field of outbound telemarket ing. Full and part time positions available. Hours avail able Monday-Friday, 9am-9pm, Saturdays 9am-4pm. Set your own hours - Saturdays not mandatory. If interested call 474-1013 or apply in person at Interna tional Telcom, Inc. 3410 O Street._ Part-time production work We have immediate openings lor part-time assembly workers. Four and five hour shifts available. Applicants must be 18 or older. EOE: Apply at MSP Resources, Inc., Suite 436 Greentree Ct., 210 Gateway North. Part-time position available in a swine operation. Flexible hours 794-5070. _ Part-time help needed Monday-Friday. 5:00pm 1000pm. Apply in person at Danter Dental Lab, 125 So 9th St. __ Part-time help needed Monday-Friday 1pm-6pm. Apply in person at Danter Dental Lab, 125 So 9th St. Part-time retail professional pharmacy assistant Tues day/Thursdays from 900-5:30. 16 hours/week. Apply in person, no phone calls. The Pharmacy, 1209 N. Cotner. Part-time help wanted. Waitery and dish crew. Perfect hours for students. Apply at Eastmont Towers 6315, O Street. PHOTO Part-time evenings and some weekends. Photo and retail experience preferred. Photo Quick, East Park Mall, 466-8761.__ Taste of India Now hiring part-time waitery and kitchen staff. Apply in personorcan 475-1642. 1209 Q. St. _ Telephone sales. 20hrs/week. S4.35 minimum-S10.00/ hr. Evenings and Saturday mornings. No experience necessary. Apply at Husker Heating & Cooling. 5711 Russell Drive. 8-5. Monday-Friday. THIS IS NOT TELEMARKETING! If you are articulate, serious-minded and you enjoy talk ing to people, please consider working for HUDSON BAY COMPANY. THIS JOB PAYS BETTER! Guaranteed $6.25 hourly weekdays Guaranteed $7.25 hourly weekends THE WORK IS MEANINGFUL! Be a part of the environmental and consumer rights movements. Talk to members of non-profit organizations about campaigns that will improve their quality of life. THE OFFICE ATMOSPHERE IS CASUAL AND FRIENDLY! Work with a talented, diverse group of people and sup portive management team. Now hiring full or part-time. Great benefit package, com prehensive training provided. For an interview call be tween 11am and 1pm only. M-F. 476-1010. University of Nebraska Foundation Phone-a-thon Division Evening hours available Monday-Thursday Minimum wage with incentive plan Call for an appointment between 6-5.472-2151 Wanted: Spanish. German, ami French teachers for extra-curricular language das see at Calvert Elementary School. Two half hour sessions per week. October-April. Call Beth at 476-5657, 162 Work Study Jobs Interesting work-study jobs available in the USDA/Forest Service Reaeeaich lab (FSL. East Campus). Gain vaki able Mb experience! Biology. Chemwtry, or Natural Sci ence majors preferred S4 25-$6.00mour. 10-15 hours/ week. Cal 437-5178. ask for Carol or Ned. Looking for reeponsbie work study student for office support postions on East Campus. Ten hours/week. $5/ hr.Call Rusty at 472-1822.___ Two work-study positions available. Recaption, filing Some computer knowledge helpful. Contact Ronda or Peggy. International Affairs. 472-3076. 170 Roommates Female needed to share 2 bedroom apartment at 6th and H. Deposit paid. $150Wmonth. Juliann at 475-3102 or 474-277$.__ Male non-smoker. 2 bedroom apartment. $175 +$175 deposit and 1/2 unities, 435-0528 Male: $112 ♦ utilities. Call Tim. 476-0462. Need a Roommate?? The Student information Center keeps a file of interacted students and staff who are looking for a roommate Come in the office and check It out. Room 116 Nebraska Union. Roommate needed for five bedroom house, three bath rooms. off-street parking. Cali 464-2773. leave message. 190 Apartments For Rent *640 S. 20th* Mega-sized on# bedroom with balcony. S319. 2 bad room, new carpet $394.475-7262. 240 S. 26th St. 2 bedroom, newer, buiM-in microwave, balcony, spacious. leave message. 483-2357 Between campusat. lama redacoralad 1 bedroom— shag). Air. lease no pels. $326 plus electricity. 469 CLOSE TO CAMPUS Nice, large one and two bedroom apartments with gas paid. AvaSabia now. L T MANAGEMENT 4664464 4764363 466-7000 East Carpus: 3600 Huntington, brick 4-ptex. 2 bed rooms. c/a. tirapieoe, balcony. appHancaa. parking, laun dry. $400. no pats. 489 9016. For Rant: 2 bedroom and M basement. $385/month - call 476-0469 evenings. Available October 1, Large unfurnished apartment. AC, easy bus sarvce For more Information cal. 476-0266. ___ _ NEAR SOUTH 1627$. 20th $ 1528 8 19th Nice, large one and two bedroom apartments Available now. LT MANAGEMENT — 4004404 4774200 400-1220 NEED PRIVACY? Efficiency/1 bedroom, near Capitol, furnished, clean, quiet, non-smoker, no pats, low utilities, $220 * deposit 4764000. Pine Tree Apts. 231 Adams 3 bedrooms. 2 baths. 8650, security building 4634067 or 403-1130. ! ***THE M'RAGE*** ! • LINCOLN'S #1 PARTY PLACE • A __ __-___ m FRIDAY & SATURDAY • DIRECT FROM THE HOME J OF PRINCE (MINNEAPOLIS), •, DOING HITS BY TINA MARIE, l MADONNA, THE TIME, EN VOGUE. J UPTOM/IM j LIVE "A TRUE HIGH ENERGY DANCE BAND" COME PREPARED TO DANCE, DANCE, DANCE! J IT ALL HAPPENS AT THE ALL NEW J M'RAGE RESTAURANT & LOUNGE 27TH & HOLDREGE 477-9801 l (JUST 8 BLOCKS SOUTH OF CORNHUSKER ON 27TH ST.) • i mniuni x cylhi i —WEDNESDAY*** MEN'S NIGHT OUT FEATURING BARBEQUE, BEER ft BLUES GIANT 52 PITCHERS & THE BEST BLUES LINCOLN HAS TO OFFER TONIGHT THE TABLE ROCKERS NO COVERt CHARGE I BEFORE j